1,917 research outputs found

    Valores sociales en los spots publicitarios de bebidas emitidos en España en el 2006

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo es señalar los valores sociales presentes en los spots de bebidas emitidos por televisión, en España, durante el año 2006. Se estudian los valores sociales que transmiten los anuncios al margen de su función comercial. En total, se han analizado 191 spots; para los que se detallan los valores atribuidos al producto y al consumidor. La salud, la juventud, la importancia de las relaciones sociales o de construirse una personalidad genuina son algunos de los principales valores e ideales transmitidos a través de los spots sometidos a estudio

    Achieving competence-based curriculum in Engineering Education in Spain

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    5 tables, 5 figures, 10 pagesThe fact of placing competences and outcomes learning at the heart of the academic activity means overhauling the curricular architecture of higher education in Europe. Some universities have undergone important transformations moving toward a competence-based learning environment, while others maintain traditional curriculum packaged formats. In the realm of the European Higher Education Area, this paper examines the use of competence-based initiatives in curricular development for engineering degrees with special focus to the Spanish case. Although the concept of competence and competence-based learning has a long history in education and training research, these terms are still very diffuse and demand a clear conceptualization. In the first part of this paper, we provide a conceptual overview and a critical reflection of competences as implemented in a wide range of settings, including its origins, key concepts, and definitions. Next, we discuss the purposes, principles, pitfalls, and processes that enable defining a map of competences within engineering education. Lastly, we present a pilot project involving curriculum development and faculty enhancement within a competence-based learning initiative in Electronic Engineering.This work was supported in part by the Program of European Convergence (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) and developed within the Project of Adaptation to the European Higher Education in the School of Design Engineering.Peer reviewe

    Tendencias en dos poblaciones de cánidos silvestres tras 14 años de seguimiento en un área protegida recientemente ampliada en la Patagonia Austral Argentina

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    El seguimiento de las poblaciones de fauna silvestre es clave para conservar la biodiversidad, así como para comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. Permite tomar decisiones de gestión adecuadas a las tendencias detectadas, siendo fundamental para comprender los procesos ecológicos que las explican. Presentamos los resultados del seguimiento realizado durante 14 años para dos cánidos patagónicos en simpatría, el zorro colorado (Pseudalopex culpaeus) y el zorro gris (Pseudalopex griseus), en el Parque Nacional Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo (Patagonia Austral Argentina). El seguimiento se basó en estaciones de cebado para registrar huellas. Se instalaron 16 líneas cada año (6 estaciones/línea), en otoño y primavera, permaneciendo activas durante tres días consecutivos. Para el análisis de tendencias poblacionales se utilizaron regresiones de Poisson (Rtrim, software R) de forma general y a nivel de estación. La población de zorro colorado mostró una fuerte disminución general, con una tasa de descenso anual del 17%, que varió estacionalmente, siendo máxima en otoño (23%) y moderada en primavera (10%). Por el contrario, la población de zorro gris se incrementó significativamente de forma moderada, con valores similares a nivel general y estacional (~7%). Estos resultados concuerdan con la hipótesis de la “liberación” de mesodepredadores, por la que ante una disminución de competidores dominantes, como el zorro colorado, subordinados como el zorro gris, incrementan su abundancia. Igualmente, la reciente incorporación al parque de dos establecimientos ganaderos donde cesó la persecución del puma Puma concolor, que pudo recuperarse y paulatinamente excluir al zorro colorado, desencadenando lo observado para los zorros.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Early Risk Factors for Obesity in the First 1000 Days-Relationship with Body Fat and BMI at 2 Years

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    Background: Obesity is defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat. Several early developmental factors have been identified which are associated with an increased risk of childhood obesity and increased adiposity in childhood. The primary objective of the present study is to analyse the effect of various early risk factors on Body Mass Index (BMI) and body fat percentage at 2 years of age. (2) Methods: A prospective cohort study design was used, with the sample consisting of 109 mother-child pairs from whom data were collected between early pregnancy and 2 years old. Adiposity was determined based on skinfold measurements using the Brooks and Siri formulae. Mean comparison tests (Student's t-test and ANOVAs) and multiple linear regression models were used to analyse the relationship between early programming factors and dependent variables. (3) Results: Maternal excess weight during early pregnancy (beta = 0.203, p = 0.026), gestational smoking (beta = 0.192, p = 0.036), and accelerated weight gain in the first 2 years (beta = - 0.269, p = 0.004) were significantly associated with high body fat percentage. Pre-pregnancy BMI and accelerated weight gain in the first 2 years were associated with high BMI z-score (beta = 0.174, p = 0.047 and beta = 0.417, p = 0.000 respectively). The cumulative effect of these variables resulted in high values compared to the baseline zero-factor group, with significant differences in BMI z-score (F = 8.640, p = 0.000) and body fat percentage (F = 5.402, p = 0.002) when three factors were present. (4) Conclusions: The presence of several early risk factors related to obesity in infancy was significantly associated with higher BMI z-score and body fat percentage at 2 years of age. The presence of more than one of these variables was also associated with higher adiposity at 2 years of age. Early prevention strategies should address as many of these factors as possible.This study was supported by public funds, the ITI call (integrated territorial investment), developed by the Health Department of the Andalusian Government. The project has been 80% co-financed by funds from the FEDER operational program of Andalusia 2014-2020. Documen

    Seismotectonic characterization of the Becerreá area (NW Spain)

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    The NW sector of the Iberian Peninsula has been classically considered as a seismically stable area, with only dispersed and low-magnitude activity. Around the village of Becerreá (Lugo) a significant concentration of earthquakes is observed. Since the beginning of instrumental record in 1979, seven seismic crisis have been reported in that zone, including 14 events of magnitude >4 and a larger event of magnitude 5.1mbLg (VII EMS) in 1997. Even if this seismicity is to be related to the general compressive regime between Africa and Eurasia, the seismotectonic characterization of the area is still controversial, as the different hypotheses considered are based on insufficiently accurate data. New insights to the problem are discussed here, coming from the deployment of a seismic portable network between 1999 and 2002, which has provided new accurate seismic data. The corresponding events are distributed around a subvertical axis, reaching a depth of 12km, and epicentres tend to concentrate beneath the intersection of the main Becerreá fault and secondary, ENE/WSW oriented faults. This intersection structure is thus interpreted as being responsible for the relatively high level of seismic activity over the area

    Measuring farmers' attitude towards breeding tools: the Livestock Breeding Attitude Scale

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    Under-use of genetic improvement tools and low participation in breeding programmes are key drivers of breeding programmes under-performance. Both aspects are heavily influenced by farmers attitudes which, to date, have not been analysed in an objective and systematic manner. A key factor constraining the implementation of attitudinal studies towards livestock breeding tools is the lack of a reference scale for measuring attitudes. In this research, we provide the livestock breeding sector with such a reference measure. We developed the scale following the standardized psychometric methodologies and statistical tools. Then, as a case study, we used the scale to explore the attitudes of beef and dairy sheep farmers in Australia, New Zealand and Spain and analysed farmer and farming system factors related to those attitudes. Fourteen sheep and beef breed associations facilitated the implementation of a survey of 547 farmers, generating data that was used for the scale evaluation. The relationship between attitudinal factors and farmer and farming system factors was analysed using generalized linear models across and within breeds. The results suggest that the 8-item definitive scale we have developed is appropriate to measure farmer attitudes. We found that attitudes towards genetic improvement tools have two components; i) traditional selection and ii) genetic and genomic selection combined. This means that positive attitudes towards traditional phenotypic selection do not necessarily imply a negative attitude towards genetic and genomic selection tools. Farmer attitudes varied greatly not only across the studied breeds, species and countries, but also within them. High-educated farmers of business-oriented farms tend to have the most negative attitude towards traditional selection. However, attitudes towards genetic and genomic selection tools could not be linked to these factors. Finally, we found that the breed raised had a large effect on farmer attitude. These findings may help in the evolution of breeding programmes by identifying both the farmers most inclined to uptake breeding innovations in the early stages of its establishment and the farmers who would be more reluctant to participate in such programmes, thus informing where to focus extension efforts

    Las características del desayuno en alumnos de educación obligatoria

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    The aim of this study was to determine the breakfast of compulsory education students (time, type of food, company). The sample consisted of 345 subjects, 223 students of third cycle primary and 122 students of second cycle of ESO. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire on the characteristics breakfast. The results show that children / as primary graduate breakfast better than children / as second cycle of ESO. Following this line of breakfast children better than girls at the stage of compulsory education. The average time for breakfast is 9 minutes and 31 seconds to make it a favorite place is in the kitchen accompanied by parents and siblings.El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer las características del desayuno de los alumnos de educación obligatoria (tiempo, tipo de alimentos, compañía). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 345 sujetos, 223 alumnos de tercer ciclo de primaria y 122 alumnos de segundo ciclo de la E.S.O. El instrumento utilizado para la recogida de datos fue un cuestionario sobre las características del desayuno. Los resultados muestran que los niños/as de tercer ciclo de primaria desayunan mejor que los niños/as de segundo ciclo de la E.S.O. Siguiendo esta línea los niños desayunan mejor que las niñas en la etapa de educación obligatoria. El tiempo medio dedicado al desayuno es de 9 minutos y 31 segundos. El sitio preferido para hacerlo es en la cocinaacompañados por los padres y hermanos

    Effect of Aspirin on Cell Growth of Human MG-63 Osteosarcoma Line

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used in bone tissue repair treatment for their pharmacological action. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of aspirin, on osteoblast growth, using MG63 cell line as osteoblast model. MTT spectrophotometry results showed that 20, 100, and 1000 μM aspirin doses have an inhibitory effect on growth. Cell cycle analysis revealed that aspirin doses of 100 and 1000 μM arrest the cell cycle in phase GO/G1. Parallel apoptosis/necrosis studies showed no changes in comparison to control cells after treatment with 1 or 10 μM aspirin but a significantly increased percentage of cells in apoptosis at doses of 20, 100, and 1000 μM. We highlight that treatment of osteoblast-like cells with 1000 μM aspirin increased not only the percentage of cells in apoptosis but also the percentage of necrotic cells, which was not observed in aspirin treatments at lower doses

    Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane induced by rotavirus infection in cultured cells is inhibited by tunicamycin and brefeldin A

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    AbstractRotavirus infection of cultured cells induces a progressive increase in plasma membrane permeability to Ca2+. The viral product responsible for this effect is not known. We have used tunicamycin and brefeldin A to prevent glycosylation and membrane traffic and study the involvement of viral glycoproteins, NSP4 and/or VP7, in rotavirus-infected HT29 and MA104 cells. In infected cells, we observed an increase of plasma membrane Ca2+ permeability and a progressive depletion of agonist-releasable ER pools measured with fura 2 and an enhancement of total Ca2+ content measured as 45Ca2+ uptake. Tunicamycin inhibited the increase in membrane Ca2+ permeability, induced a depletion of agonist-releasable and 45Ca2+-sequestered pools. Brefeldin A inhibited the increase of Ca2+ permeability and the increase in 45Ca2+ uptake induced by infection. We propose that the glycosylated viral product NSP4 (and/or VP7) travels to the plasma membrane to form a Ca2+ channel and hence elevate Ca2+ permeability

    Dysfunction of Inflammatory Pathways and Their Relationship With Psychological Factors in Adult Female Patients With Eating Disorders.

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    The attempts to clarify the origin of eating disorders (ED) have not been completely successful and their etiopathogenesis remains unknown. Current research shows an activation of the immune response in neuropsychiatric diseases, including ED. We aimed to investigate immune response parameters in patients with ED and to identify psychological factors influencing the inflammatory response. The relationship between inflammation markers and impulsivity and affective symptomatology was explored as well. Thirty-four adult female patients with current diagnosis of ED, none of them under psychopharmacological treatment (excluding benzodiazepines), were included in this study. Patients were compared with a healthy control group of fifteen adult females. The levels of inflammatory markers and indicators of oxidative/nitrosative stress were evaluated in plasma and/or in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Subjects were assessed by means of different ED evaluation tools. Additionally, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale were also employed. Patients with ED shown increased plasma levels of the pro-inflammatory nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) and the cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), among other factors and an increment in the oxidative/nitrosative stress as well as increased glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression levels in their PBMCs. Moreover, the inflammatory prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) correlated with impulsiveness and the anti-inflammatory prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) correlated with depressive symptomatology. Our results point towards a relationship between the immune response and impulsiveness and between the immune response and depressive symptomatology in female adult patients with ED.post-print1075 K