123 research outputs found

    Mid-term impact estimation on evaluations of rural development programs

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    Mid-term evaluations are carried out during the implementation of the program and shall indicate whether it is necessary to redirect and make corrections before the ex-post evaluation, or for the next programming period. One of the core elements within these evaluations is the estimation of programs expected impacts. This is especially important for the Commission in order to support sound decision making, but also a very challenging task, as many evaluators have pointed out, mainly due to the lack of available data at the time the study had to be carried out. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze how impact estimation has been done in all European Union regions, as well as the problems encountered by evaluators

    De Plantis Legionensibus. Nota III

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    Como continuación de las anteriores notas florísticas, se complementa el catálogo provincial con una docena de táxones, resultado de diversas recolecciones botánicas efectuadas por distintas zonas del territorio leonés. As following the former check list notes on Ledn area, twelve taxa are recorded by the firs time for this area

    El sistema eléctrico español y la aportación de las cooperativas eléctricas

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    Este trabajo pretende explicar la evolución del sistema eléctrico español mostrando sus fortalezas y debilidades, ofreciendo una alternativa que contribuye a su transparencia y a la participación de los consumidores en su gestión: las cooperativas eléctricas

    ¿Por qué se decide no emigrar? Un estudio de partida para el diseño de programas de desarrollo rural en la provincia de Cuenca

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    Uno de los objetivos de las estrategias de desarrollo rural es frenar el proceso de despoblamiento ya que la baja densidad de población va unida a un descenso en la cantidad y calidad de los servicios sociales. Por ello, son muchos los estudios que intentan identificar las causas de las migraciones en una u otra dirección, pero no existen estudios que se hayan preocupado por identificar las razones por las que determinadas personas actúan ?contracorriente? y deciden permanecer en el medio rural. Con esta perspectiva, se ha realizado un estudio en la provincia de Cuenca en el que se analizan casos individuales de personas menores de cuarenta años que han elegido el medio rural como marco de vida. El ?apego al pueblo? se revela como el principal factor determinante para que un joven decida quedarse a vivir en su pueblo

    Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs

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    This paper focuses on the influence of the step drill bit geometry on the damage induced during drilling Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer materials (CFRPs). Step geometry designed with the aim of avoiding composite damage in CFRPs drilling, is compared to conventional twist configuration. Despite the reduction of thrust force and torque observed when using the step drill, the delamination was only reduced at low feed rates. A numerical model developed for the step geometry was validated with experimental data demonstrating its ability to predict thrust force and delamination for different values of feed rate and cutting speed. Numerical model allowed the development of a parametrical study. Finally, using a response surface methodology a mechanistic model and surface diagrams have been presented in order to help in the selection of optimum variables minimizing drilling induced damage.The authors acknowledge the financial support for this work from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under the project DPI2011-25999, FEDER program, and the FPI subprogram associated to the project previously mentioned with the reference BES-2012-055162

    Numerical analysis of the influence of tool wear and special cutting geometry when drilling woven CFRPs

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    CFRPs drilling is a common process in the aerospace industry carried out prior to components assembly. Machining induced damage leads to significant percentage of component rejection. Damage extension strongly depends on drilling geometry and cutting parameters. Fresh drill geometry changes with cutting time due to the wear progression and the risk for hole quality is enhanced as cutting progresses. The influence of wear on hole quality has been analyzed in the literature using mainly an experimental approach. Simulation of drilling process is an effective method that can be used to optimize drill geometry and process parameters in order to control hole quality and analyze the drill wear evolution. In this paper a finite element model for drilling woven CFRPs, reproducing both fresh and worn tools, is presented. Two different point angles considering fresh and honned edge were modeled. A progressive intra-laminar failure model based on the Chang and Chang model is considered. Cohesive elements allowed the analysis of inter-laminar damage (delamination). The model demonstrated its ability to predict thrust force and delamination for different values of feed rate and cutting speed. Model predictions show the influence of tool geometry (including variations induced due to wear) on delamination.This study has been developed under the financial support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under the projects DPI2011-25999 and DPI2013-41094-R, and the FPI subprogram associated to the project DPI2011-25999 with the reference BES-2012-055162

    Instrumentos financieros de la política de desarrollo regional en México

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    México presents regional disparities in social and economicaspects. For that reason, the Mexican government generateddiverse financial instruments to provide greater physicaland institutional infrastructure, and to develop a productiveenvironment in the regions. With these initiatives, positiveimpacts could be expected in levels of income and access toeducational, health and housing services, as well as a greaterparticipation of the population in the political and social life ofthese regions. Even when these efforts are being carried out, weobserve a sector of the population with social gaps and High andVery High levels of marginalization. In this study, we analyze:1) the planning model on which regional Mexican policies arebased; 2) the financial instruments generated in the context ofthis model and, 3) their impacts in different areas related toregional convergence. Results indicate that the planning modelas policy analysis, from which regional policy and financialinstruments are generated, make up the factors that reveal thepermanence of territorial imbalances in México.México presenta disparidades regionales en los aspectos socialesy económicos. Por ello el gobierno mexicano generó diversosinstrumentos financieros para dotar de mayor infraestructurafísica, institucional y para desarrollar el entorno productivo delas regiones. Con estas iniciativas se esperarían impactos positivosen los niveles de ingreso, acceso a los servicios educativos,de salud y vivienda, así como una mayor participación de la poblaciónen la vida política y social de estas regiones. Aún cuandose realizan estos esfuerzos, se observa la presencia de un sectorde la población con rezago social y grados de marginación Altoy Muy Alto. En este estudio se analiza: 1) el modelo de planificaciónen el que se fundamenta la política regional mexicana;2) los instrumentos financieros generados en el contexto de estemodelo y, 3) sus impactos en diferentes rubros relacionados conla convergencia regional. Los resultados indican que el modelode planificación como análisis de políticas, en el que se generala política regional y los instrumentos financieros, constituyenlos factores que revelan la permanencia de los desequilibriosterritoriales en México

    Syngas obtained by microwave pyrolysis of household wastes as feedstock for polyhydroxyalkanoate production in Rhodospirillum rubrum

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    The massive production of urban and agricultural wastes has promoted a clear need for alternative processes of disposal and waste management. The potential use of municipal solid wastes (MSW) as feedstock for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) by a process known as syngas fermentation is considered herein as an attractive bio-economic strategy to reduce these wastes. In this work, we have evaluated the potential of Rhodospirillum rubrum as microbial cell factory for the synthesis of PHA from syngas produced by microwave pyrolysis of the MSW organic fraction from a European city (Seville). Growth rate, uptake rate, biomass yield and PHA production from syngas in R. rubrum have been analysed. The results revealed the strong robustness of this syngas fermentation where the purity of the syngas is not a critical constraint for PHA production. Microwave-induced pyrolysis is a tangible alternative to standard pyrolysis, because it can reduce cost in terms of energy and time as well as increase syngas production, providing a satisfactory PHA yield.Research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under grant agreement no. 311815 (SYNPOL), and from the Comunidad de Madrid (P2013/MIT2807). D. B. also acknowledges the financial support received from PCTI and FICYT of the Government of the Principado de Asturias.Peer reviewe

    Morpho-physiological plant quality when biochar and vermicompost are used as growing media replacement in urban horticulture

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    Peat moss is the most used soilless substrate in the production of container plants in floriculture. Nevertheless, the drainage of peat bogs due to the peat extraction has increased the necessity of seeking products that could replace the peat that is used in plant production. Therefore, a comparative study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a biochar (B) - vermicompost (V) mixture, as a partial substitute for peat-based substrates, on the morpho-physiological characteristics of ornamental plants. Different blends containing B and V were compared to a baseline peat-based substrate (S) as control in the cultivation of two ornamental bedding plant species that are widely used in urban areas: geranium (Pelargonium peltatum) and petunia (Petunia hybrida). Plant growth and physiological parameters were assessed. Results showed that it is possible to grow container plants of these two species with commercial quality, using a peat-based substrate mixed with biochar and/or vermicompost (up to 30% V and 12% B). Plants in these substrates showed a similar or enhanced physiological response to those grown in the control using commercial peat-based substrate.This work was partially supported by the projects CTQ2013-46804-C2-1-R and CGL2016-76498-R of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF). The authors wish to thank the Horticultural Department and Carbon Sequestration and Management Center of Ohio State University for providing materials and facilities for this investigation. Similarly, the authors are deeply grateful to the following people: Mrs. Loewe and Dr. J. Altland from Application Technology Research Unit at Wooster OSU campus for their laboratory assistance in determining the physical properties substrate mixtures. Miss S. Stieve and Dr P. Jourdan from the Ornamental Germoplam Center at Columbus OSU campus are also thanked for their laboratory assistance in the accurate and precise weighing of leaves