1,346 research outputs found

    La enseñanza de la ciencia en Infantil y Primaria: una introducción

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    PDF en castellano, 5 páginas con imágenes.Documento de trabajo para el inicio del proyecto titulado "Scientific literacy at the school: improving strategies and building new practices of science teaching in early years education" cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus Plus de la Unión Europea.El objetivo general de estas páginas es reflexionar sobre la nueva concepción de alfabetización científica de la sociedad desde mediados del siglo XX hasta nuestros días, periodo en que han aparecido tres conceptos fundamentales: la etapa de los benchmarks, el periodo de la naturaleza de la investigación (NIC) y, por último, la visión de la naturaleza de la ciencia (VNOS), así como los objetivos de igualdad de género contemplados en el Proyecto Europeo H2020.N

    K-7 science teaching: an introduction

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    PDF document, 5 pages. Work document proyect "Scientific literacy at the school: improving strategies and building new practices of science teaching in early years education" financied by Erasmus Plus Program. European Union.[EN] The overall objective of these pages is to think over the evolution of the concepts of scientific literacy of the society since the mid-twentieth century to the present day. In this period, the meaning of the expression has undergone certain changes, that can be divided into three periods: a first stage characterized by the elaboration of benchmarks, a second period centered in the Nature of the Scientific Research (NSR) and, finally, a third stage devoted to the so-called vision of the nature of science (VNOS). On the same footing as the science learning and according to the guidelines of the European H2020, we should also consider the removal of existing barriers that generate discrimination against women in scientific careers.N

    Cuidados de enfermería en las emesis en pacientes oncohematológicos

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    Emesis not only the onset of vomiting associated with chemotherapy treatment but the arches and nausea, which is the feeling of desire vomiting, digestive distress and inability to retain vomiting, even When this does not occur.The main problem is that it deteriorates the quality of life of patients and even, in some cases, endangers his life. Hence the importance of its perception and treatment, although the best measure is prevention.It is one of the best known toxic effects by patients before starting treatment and one of the most feared. Therefore, this study seeks to analyze the response to antiemetic prophylaxis in the acute phase (AF) and delayed (FR) in haematological patients with chemotherapy.It includes patients treated with intravenous cytostatic between January and October 2008. 14 patients were treated, with the following diagnoses: Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 84 Surveys are delivered (66 processed). Among the conclusions to be drawn is that we see a good response to chemotherapy in both FA and FR. Haematology is reviewed along with the protocol of antiemetic regimen for highly emetogenic chemotherapy in FMD, where there was 21% non-response.La emesis no es solo la aparición de vómitos relacionados con el tratamiento de la quimioterapia sino también las arcadas y las náuseas, que son la sensación del deseo de vomitar, de malestar digestivo y de incapacidad para retener el vomito; aunque este no se produzca.Su principal problema radica en que deteriora la calidad de vida del paciente e incluso, en determinados casos, compromete su vida. De ahí la importancia de percibirla y tratarla, aunque la mejor medida es la prevención.Es uno de los efectos tóxicos más conocidos por los pacientes antes de empezar el tratamiento y uno de los más temidos. Por ello, en este estudio se trata de analizar la respuesta a la profilaxis antiemética en fase aguda (FA) y retardada (FR) en pacientes hematológicos con quimioterapia.Se incluyen los pacientes tratados con citostáticos intravenosos entre Enero/Octubre 2008. Se tratan 14 pacientes con los siguientes diagnósticos: linfoma de Hodgkin, mieloma múltiple, linfoma no Hodgkin y leucemia linfoide crónica. Se entregan 84 encuestas (procesadas 66).Entre las conclusiones que se obtiene es que se aprecia una buena respuesta de los pacientes a la quimioterapia tanto en FA como FR. Se revisa junto con Hematología el protocolo de pauta antiemética para quimioterapia altamente emetógena en FA en la que se ha observado un 21% de no respuesta

    New abundance measurements in UKS 1927-177, a very metal-poor galaxy in the Local Group

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    We present new results from optical spectroscopy of the brightest Hii region in the dwarf irregular galaxy UKS 1927-177 in Sagittarius (SagDIG). From high signal-to-noise spectra, reddening-corrected line flux ratios have been measured with typical uncertainties of a few percent, from which the oxygen abundance is rediscussed, and new abundance estimates are derived for N and Ne. The O abundance in SagDIG, estimated with the empirical abundance indicator R23 and other methods, is in the range 12+log(O/H)=7.26 to 7.50. The fact that SagDIG is ~10 times closer than IZw18 makes it an ideal target to test the hypothesis of the existence of young galaxies in the present-day universe. Indeed, stellar photometry suggests that this galaxy may harbor a stellar population older than a few Gyr, and possibly an old stellar component as well. The case of SagDIG therefore supports the view that very low chemical abundances can be maintained throughout the life of a dwarf stellar system, even in the presence of multiple star formation episodes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, main journa

    Complex Polysaccharide-Based Nanocomposites for Oral Insulin Delivery

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    Polyelectrolyte nanocomposites rarely reach a stable state and aggregation often occurs. Here, we report the synthesis of nanocomposites for the oral delivery of insulin composed of alginate, dextran sulfate, poly-(ethylene glycol) 4000, poloxamer 188, chitosan, and bovine serum albumin. The nanocomposites were obtained by Ca2+-induced gelation of alginate followed by an electrostatic-interaction process among the polyelectrolytes. Chitosan seemed to be essential for the final size of the nanocomposites and there was an optimal content that led to the synthesis of nanocomposites of 400–600 nm hydrodynamic size. The enhanced stability of the synthesized nanocomposites was assessed with LUMiSizer after synthesis. Nanocomposite stability over time and under variations of ionic strength and pH were assessed with dynamic light scattering. The rounded shapes of nanocomposites were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. After loading with insulin, analysis by HPLC revealed complete drug release under physiologically simulated conditions

    Effect of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) on maternal, perinatal and neonatal outcome: systematic review.

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    Objective To evaluate the effect of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on maternal, perinatal and neonatal outcome by performing a systematic review of available published literature on pregnancies affected by COVID-19. Methods We performed a systematic review to evaluate the effect of COVID-19 on pregnancy, perinatal and neonatal outcome. We conducted a comprehensive literature search using PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database and Wan Fang Data up to and including 20 April 2020 (studies were identified through PubMed alert after that date). For the search strategy, combinations of the following keywords and medical subject heading (MeSH) terms were used: ‘SARS-CoV-2’, ‘COVID-19’, ‘coronavirus disease 2019’, ‘pregnancy’, ‘gestation’, ‘maternal’, ‘mother’, ‘vertical transmission’, ‘maternal–fetal transmission’, ‘intrauterine transmission’, ‘neonate’, ‘infant’ and ‘delivery’. Eligibility criteria included laboratory-confirmed and/or clinically diagnosed COVID-19, patient being pregnant on admission and availability of clinical characteristics, including at least one maternal, perinatal or neonatal outcome. Exclusion criteria were non-peer-reviewed or unpublished reports, unspecified date and location of the study, suspicion of duplicate reporting and unreported maternal or perinatal outcomes. No language restrictions were applied. Results We identified a high number of relevant case reports and case series, but only 24 studies, including a total of 324 pregnant women with COVID-19, met the eligibility criteria and were included in the systematic review. These comprised nine case series (eight consecutive) and 15 case reports. A total of 20 pregnant patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 were included in the case reports. In the combined data from the eight consecutive case series, including 211 (71.5%) cases of laboratory-confirmed and 84 (28.5%) of clinically diagnosed COVID-19, the maternal age ranged from 20 to 44 years and the gestational age on admission ranged from 5 to 41weeks. The most common symptoms at presentation were fever, cough, dyspnea/shortness of breath, fatigue and myalgia. The rate of severe pneumonia reported amongst the case series ranged from 0% to 14%, with the majority of the cases requiring admission to the intensive care unit. Almost all cases from the case series had positive computed tomography chest findings. All six and 22 cases that had nucleic-acid testing in vaginal mucus and breast milk samples, respectively, were negative for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Only four cases of spontaneous miscarriage or termination were reported. In the consecutive case series, 219/295 women had delivered at the time of reporting and 78% of them had Cesarean section. The gestational age at delivery ranged from 28 to 41 weeks. Apgar scores at both 1 and 5 min ranged from 7 to 10. Only eight neonates had birth weight <2500 g and nearly one-third of neonates were transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit. There was one case of neonatal asphyxia and death. In 155 neonates that had nucleic-acid testing in throat swab, all, except three cases, were negative for SARS-CoV-2. There were no cases of maternal death in the eight consecutive case series. Seven maternal deaths, four intrauterine fetal deaths (one with twin pregnancy) and two neonatal deaths (twin pregnancy) were reported in a non-consecutive case series of nine cases with severe COVID-19. In the case reports, two maternal deaths, one neonatal death and two cases of neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection were reported. Conclusions Despite the increasing number of published studies on COVID-19 in pregnancy, there are insufficient good-quality data to draw unbiased conclusions with regard to the severity of the disease or specific complications of COVID-19 in pregnant women, as well as vertical transmission, perinatal and neonatal complications. In order to answer specific questions in relation to the impact of COVID-19 on pregnant women and their fetuses, through meaningful good-quality research, we urge researchers and investigators to present complete outcome data and reference previously published cases in their publications, and to record such reporting when the data of a case are entered into one or several registries.post-print1026 K

    From mediterranean city to costal metropolis: The case of the great La Serena

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    La Serena tuvo desde su origen una relación conflictiva con la costa próxima. Una planicie costera pantanosa, ataques de corsarios y maremotos hicieron que la ciudad mantuviera un carácter de ciudad interior hasta mediados del siglo XX. El “Plan Serena” (1948-1952) inició un proceso de transformación, propiciando la conurbación con el puerto de Coquimbo. En la década de 1980 la ciudad alcanza el borde costero con la apertura de la Avenida del Mar. Esto fomentó el desarrollo turístico e inmobiliario que ha consolidado el proceso de conurbación en torno a la bahía. En la investigación se exploran los modos de urbanización del borde, evaluando su incidencia en el desarrollo urbano y la construcción de ciudad. Se estudian lugares representativos de la costanera con un análisis morfológico y espacial comparado, situándolos en el contexto político, económico y normativo en el que fueron producidos. Las conclusiones apuntan a la importancia de la relación dialéctica de los agentes productores de ciudad en la calidad de la forma producida, observándose una progresiva privatización y excesiva densificación del espacio costero de la bahía a medida que avanza el proceso de metropolización, generando conflictos con formas mejor adaptadas y arraigadas, que, sin embargo, son más vulnerables ante amenazas naturales y de gentrificación. Since its beginnings, La Serena, Chile has had a troubled relationship with the nearby coast. A swampy coastal plain, pirate attacks and tsunamis caused it to retain an inland city character until the mid-twentieth century. “Plan Serena” (1948-1952) began a process of transformation by promoting conurbation with the port of Coquimbo. In the 1980s, the city reached the coastline with the opening of Avenida del Mar (Sea Avenue). This boosted tourism and real-estate development that have consolidated the process of conurbation around the bay. This research explores the different means of coastal urbanization in La Serena and evaluates their impact on urban development and city building. Representative places on the coast are studied using a comparative morphological and spatial analysis, thereby situating them in the political, economic and regulatory context in which they were produced. The findings point to the importance of the dialectical relationship between urban producer agents in relation to the quality of the resulting city that is produced. They show the progressive privatization and excessive densification of the coastal area of the bay as the metropolization process advances. Thus conflicts are created with better adapted and rooted forms, which, however, are more vulnerable to natural hazards and gentrification.

    Solar Radiation Maps

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    [EN]Solar maps are very interesting tools to describe the characteristics of a region from the solar radiation point of view, and can be applied in atmospheric sciences and for energy engineering. To make them possible, a solar radiation numerical model is proposed. This one allows us to estimate radiation values on any point on earth. The model takes into account the terrain surface conditions and the cast shadows. The procedure uses 2-D adaptive triangles meshes built refining according to surface and albedo characteristics. Solar irradiance values are obtained for clear sky conditions. Using clear sky index as a conversion factor, real sky values are computed in terms of irradiance or irradiation with a desired time step. Finally, the solar radiation maps are obtained for all the domain

    Maintaining ecosystem resilience: functional responses of tree cavity nesters to logging in temperate forests of the Americas

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    Logging often reduces taxonomic diversity in forest communities, but little is known about how this biodiversity loss affects the resilience of ecosystem functions. We examined how partial logging and clearcutting of temperate forests influenced functional diversity of birds that nest in tree cavities. We used point-counts in a before-after-control-impact design to examine the effects of logging on the value, range, and density of functional traits in bird communities in Canada (21 species) and Chile (16 species). Clearcutting, but not partial logging, reduced diversity in both systems. The effect was much more pronounced in Chile, where logging operations removed critical nesting resources (large decaying trees), than in Canada, where decaying aspen Populus tremuloides were retained on site. In Chile, logging was accompanied by declines in species richness, functional richness (amount of functional niche occupied by species), community-weighted body mass (average mass, weighted by species densities), and functional divergence (degree of maximization of divergence in occupied functional niche). In Canada, clearcutting did not affect species richness but nevertheless reduced functional richness and community-weighted body mass. Although some cavity-nesting birds can persist under intensive logging operations, their ecosystem functions may be severely compromised unless future nest trees can be retained on logged sites.Fil: Ibarra, José Tomás. University of British Columbia; Canadá. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Martin, Michaela. University of British Columbia; CanadáFil: Cockle, Kristina Louise. University of British Columbia; Canadá. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Martin, Kathy. University of British Columbia; Canad

    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of adjuvant oral capecitabine vs intravenous 5-FU/LV in Dukes' C colon cancer: the X-ACT trial

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    Oral capecitabine (Xeloda&lt;sup&gt;&#174;&lt;/sup&gt;) is an effective drug with favourable safety in adjuvant and metastatic colorectal cancer. Oxaliplatin-based therapy is becoming standard for Dukes' C colon cancer in patients suitable for combination therapy, but is not yet approved by the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the adjuvant setting. Adjuvant capecitabine is at least as effective as 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin (5-FU/LV), with significant superiority in relapse-free survival and a trend towards improved disease-free and overall survival. We assessed the cost-effectiveness of adjuvant capecitabine from payer (UK National Health Service (NHS)) and societal perspectives. We used clinical trial data and published sources to estimate incremental direct and societal costs and gains in quality-adjusted life months (QALMs). Acquisition costs were higher for capecitabine than 5-FU/LV, but higher 5-FU/LV administration costs resulted in 57% lower chemotherapy costs for capecitabine. Capecitabine vs 5-FU/LV-associated adverse events required fewer medications and hospitalisations (cost savings £3653). Societal costs, including patient travel/time costs, were reduced by &gt;75% with capecitabine vs 5-FU/LV (cost savings £1318), with lifetime gain in QALMs of 9 months. Medical resource utilisation is significantly decreased with capecitabine vs 5-FU/LV, with cost savings to the NHS and society. Capecitabine is also projected to increase life expectancy vs 5-FU/LV. Cost savings and better outcomes make capecitabine a preferred adjuvant therapy for Dukes' C colon cancer. This pharmacoeconomic analysis strongly supports replacing 5-FU/LV with capecitabine in the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer in the UK