
K-7 science teaching: an introduction


PDF document, 5 pages. Work document proyect "Scientific literacy at the school: improving strategies and building new practices of science teaching in early years education" financied by Erasmus Plus Program. European Union.[EN] The overall objective of these pages is to think over the evolution of the concepts of scientific literacy of the society since the mid-twentieth century to the present day. In this period, the meaning of the expression has undergone certain changes, that can be divided into three periods: a first stage characterized by the elaboration of benchmarks, a second period centered in the Nature of the Scientific Research (NSR) and, finally, a third stage devoted to the so-called vision of the nature of science (VNOS). On the same footing as the science learning and according to the guidelines of the European H2020, we should also consider the removal of existing barriers that generate discrimination against women in scientific careers.N

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