2,745 research outputs found

    Tratamiento psicológico del trastorno esquizotípico de la personalidad: Un estudio de caso

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    En el presente estudio se expone un procedimiento de intervención en un caso diagnosticado de Trastorno Esquizotípico de la Personalidad. Se ha centrado el tratamiento en aquellos aspectos personales con mayor repercusión social o importancia de cara a otras conductas problema. En la intervención se han utilizado componentes y principios recogidos en la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso y la Psicoterapia Analítico Funcional. Los resultados señalan la utilidad de estas estrategias en el trastorno esquizotípico de la personalidad

    Estudio de la influencia de la calidad del agua de riego sobre las propiedades bioquímicas del suelo

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    Trabajo presentado en el VII Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Restauración de Suelos, celebrado en Bilbao, España, del 23 al 26 de junio de 2015Este estudio analiza la influencia de la calidad del agua de riego sobre los parámetros bioquímicos de los Fluvisoles calcáricos representativos en dos zonas del sur de Alicante. Mediante un análisis de componentes principales (ACP) se obtuvo el PC1 (40% variabilidad), referente a la salinidad, siendo útil para diferenciar ambas zonas de estudio, y el PC2 (31%), englobando los parámetros bioquímicos, que distingue las muestras en función de la profundidad. Sin embargo, no se ha observado un efecto negativo sobre las principales actividades enzimáticas en el área más afectada por la salinización.Peer Reviewe

    Alteraciones de la personalidad asociadas a las conductas adictivas

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    La presente investigación indaga los aspectos clínicos y de la personalidad relacionados con la drogadicción. Para ello se aplicó el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millon (MCMI-II) y se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados obtenidos señalan la presencia de diferentes alteraciones de personalidad relacionadas con un mayor o menor abuso de drogas. Así, los sujetos con una puntuación menor en esta escala, no manifestarían características reseñables, a excepción de componentes antisociales de la personalidad. Sin embargo, los sujetos con una abuso de drogas pronunciado mostrarían una constelación amplia de distintas alteraciones. Se analiza la importancia de estos resultados de cara a la intervención.This study analyzes clinical and personality aspects related to drug addiction. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II (MCMI-II) and a modified Graña (1994) semi-structured interview were employed. The results obtained indicate the presence of several different personality disorders related to different degrees of drug abuse. Subjects with lower scores on this scale did not show noticeable characteristics. except for antisocial elements of the personality. However, the subjects with a greater level of drug abuse did show a wide range of disorders. The importancc of these results for intervention is analyzed

    Unpacking the Drivers of LGBT+ Legislation

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    This paper stems from the hypothesis that there are various key factors rooted in economic, political, and social grounds which actively influence and determine the adoption and evolution of LGBT+ rights in the legal framework of any country. The goal of this research is to analyze these factors and understand how they channel the LGBT+ legislation in our present world. Assuming there is an asymmetry in this application and by extension in LGBT+ individuals' human rights, which are often ignored if not deprived in many parts of the world, this study seeks to understand the reasons behind that asymmetry. Based on a sample of 127 countries, a correlation analysis and a Panel data model were developed to analyze the real impact of these factors

    Determinantes del precio de la vivienda nueva No VIS en Medellín: un modelo estructural

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    Esta investigación a diferencia de otras realizadas en el sector busca a través de la utilización de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, en el cual se utilizan variables observables y no observables, identificar los determinantes del precio de la vivienda nueva No VIS en Medellín, entre 2009-2014, con el fin de explicar la formación de precios desde la organización industrial del sector. Los resultados indican que el empleo, el crecimiento económico y las políticas públicas (subsidios) influyen directamente –la inflación tiene injerencia negativa– sobre las condiciones del mercado de vivienda (CMV); simultáneamente, las CMV afectan la oferta y la demanda, fuerzas que, a su vez, inciden en la formación de los precios de mercado. Los principales hallazgos de la investigación se centran en la consolidación de un esquema que permite integrar la interdependencia entre variables para la explicación de la formación de precios y la identificación de la incidencia de las políticas públicas en el aumento de los precios.We employ a multi-equation structural model of the housing market to analyze the determinants of the price of new housing in Medellin during 2009-2014. The model includes observed variables and unobserved variables, such as costs that are not included in the housing cost index but that still affect prices. In the analysis we employ an industrial organization framework to examine the interaction between microeconomic and macroeconomic variables. The results indicate that employment, economic growth, and public policies (subsidies) affect real housing prices positively, while inflation affects real prices negatively. In addition to the variables typically included in the analysis in prior research, we include several determinants of housing supply, including construction costs, and two market interest rates

    Radiative forcing under mixed aerosol conditions

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    The mixture of mineral dust with biomass burning or urban-industrial aerosols presents significant differences in optical properties when compared to those of the individual constituents, leading to different impacts on solar radiation levels. This effect is assessed by estimating the direct radiative forcing (ΔF) of these aerosols from solar flux models using the radiative parameters derived from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). These data reveal that, in oceanic and vegetative covers (surface albedo (SA) 0.30 are not present in East Asia region. At the bottom of atmosphere (BOA) the maximum ΔF values are associated with the highest AOD levels obtained for the mixture of mineral dust and biomass burning aerosols (−130 ± 44 Wm−2 with AOD = 0.8 ± 0.4 for SA < 0.30).Support for this study was given by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, projects CGL2005‐03428‐C04‐02, CGL2007‐66477‐C02‐02/CLI, PI042005/033, and CGL2008‐04740/CLI

    Hypothesis testing with active information

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    We develop hypothesis testing for active information -the averaged quantity in the Kullback-Liebler divergence. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to derive exact probabilities of type-I errors for hypothesis testing in the area.Comment: Typo changed in one of the names in the Metadata, and a reference to an equation from the paper in the Supplemen

    An Efficient Multilayer Approach to Model DNA-Based Nanobiosensors

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    In this work, we present a full computational protocol to successfully obtain the one-electron reduction potential of nanobiosensors based on a self-assembled monolayer of DNA nucleobases linked to a gold substrate. The model is able to account for conformational sampling and environmental effects at a quantum mechanical (QM) level efficiently, by combining molecular mechanics (MM) molecular dynamics and multilayer QM/MM/continuum calculations within the framework of Marcus theory. The theoretical model shows that a guanine-based biosensor is more prone to be oxidized than the isolated nucleobase in water due to the electrostatic interactions between the assembled guanine molecules. In addition, the redox properties of the biosensor can be tuned by modifying the nature of the linker that anchor the nucleobases to the metal supportThis work was partially supported by the MICINN − Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation − Project Nos. PID2019-110091GB-I00 and PID2020-117806GA-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033, and the “María de Maeztu” (No. CEX2018- 000805-M) Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D. J.J.N. acknowledge the Comunidad de Madrid for funding through the Attraction of Talent Program (Grant Ref. No. 2018-T1/ BMD-10261). J.L.T. acknowledges the FPU-2019 grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universit

    Intramolecular and intermolecular hole delocalization rules the reducer character of isolated nucleobases and homogeneous single-stranded DNA

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    The use of DNA strands as nanowires or electrochemical biosensors requires a deep understanding of charge transfer processes along the strand, as well as of the redox properties. These properties are computationally assessed in detail throughout this study. By applying molecular dynamics and hybrid QM/continuum and QM/QM/continuum schemes, the vertical ionization energies, adiabatic ionization energies, vertical attachment energies, one-electron oxidation potentials, and delocalization of the hole generated upon oxidation have been determined for nucleobases in their free form and as part of a pure single-stranded DNA. We show that the reducer ability of the isolated nucleobases is explained by the intramolecular delocalization of the positively charged hole, while the enhancement of the reducer character when going from aqueous solution to the strand correlates very well with the intermolecular hole delocalization. Our simulations suggest that the redox properties of DNA strands can be tuned by playing with the balance between intramolecular and intermolecular charge delocalizationThis work was partially supported by the MICINN – Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation – Projects PID2019-110091GB-I00 and PID2020-117806GA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and the ‘María de Maeztu’ (CEX2018-000805-M) Program for Centers of Excellence in R & D. J. J. N. acknowledge the Comunidad de Madrid for funding through the Attraction of Talent Program (Grant ref.2018-T1/BMD-10261). J. L. T. acknowledges the FPU19/02292 grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universit