698 research outputs found

    The Feelings of Nursing Students during the COVID-19 Confinement: Narrative-Based Nursing and Poetry-of-Care Perspectives

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    [EN] Background: Experiences involve feelings, which, in turn, produce meaning that can become a subjectively lived experience. Therefore, the study of experiences and feelings is essential. Introduction: We examined the role of narrative-based nursing (NBN) and the poetry of care (PC). Objective: To reflect upon the emotions and feelings experienced by nursing students during confinement induced by COVID-19. (2) Methods: This is a qualitative study with a focus on reflexive anthropology, NBN, and PC. Setting and participants: The non-probabilistic sample of incidental, casual, or accessibility type. It consists of 198 students completing their first degree in nursing (the academic year of 2019-2020) of the University of Alicante. (3) Results: Three main categories were considered in the research: For the ‘first day’, 21 subcategories were identified, and uncertainty was the most frequently noted feeling. For the ‘most significant day’, 22 subcategories were found, with the explosion of feelings being the most frequent. For the ‘last day’, 15 subcategories were recorded, with the feeling of relief being the most common. Conclusions: The NBN and PC are relevant therapeutic tools that facilitate reflection and promote awareness of feelings.S

    Accesibilidad web. La nueva era de las WCAG 2.1, la transición de las futuras WCAG 3.0.

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    Durante las últimas décadas se han realizado esfuerzos por parte de los diferentes sectores de la sociedad para eliminar las barreras tanto físicas como tecnológicas para que todos los ciudadanos se pudieran desenvolver en cualquier medio sin ningún tipo de restricción, independientemente de su discapacidad. La accesibilidad Web cobra especial importancia en este ámbito, ya que aporta soluciones para que cualquier usuario pueda acceder al contenido Web, cuando existe una limitación física o tecnológica. Ahora nos encontramos ante un momento de transición, donde las Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) cobran especial relevancia para adaptarse a las actuales necesidades tecnológicas como una nueva versión recomendada de accesibilidad Web. Este estudio aporta una propuesta de mejora en el método de análisis de accesibilidad Web basado en herramientas de evaluación automáticas que complementan la revisión manual del experto, facilitando la valoración de los resultados obtenidos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exploring WHO communication during the COVID 19 pandemic through the WHO website based on W3C guidelines: accessible for all?

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    Health crisis situations generate greater attention and dependence on reliable and truthful information from citizens, especially from those organisations that represent authority on the subject, such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In times of global pandemics such as COVID-19, the WHO message “health for all” takes on great communicative importance, especially from the point of view of the prevention of the disease and recommendations for action. Therefore, any communication must be understandable and accessible by all types of people, regardless of their technology, language, culture or disability (physical or mental), according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), taking on special relevance for public health content. This study analysed whether the WHO is accessible in its digital version for all groups of citizens according to the widely accepted standards in the field of the Internet. The conclusion reached was that not all the information is accessible in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, which implies that there are groups that are, to some extent, left out, especially affecting the elderly. This study can contribute to the development of proposals and suggest ways in which to improve the accessibility of health content to groups especially vulnerable in this pandemic.This research has received funds from a Plan Propio of University of Malaga and UMA18-FEDERJA-148

    La utilización de técnicas narrativas: el storytelling como proceso reflexivo para la humanización de los cuidados

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    Recoge los contenidos presentados a: International Congress: Education and Knowledge (ICON-edu 2022) (1. 2022)[ES] El desarrollo de las disciplinas en el ámbito de la salud viene avalado por la práctica basada en la evidencia. En la actualidad, podemos hablar de Práctica Basada en la Evidencia de forma genérica para todas las disciplinas relacionadas con la salud que han adaptado su práctica profesional a los conocimientos generados por la investigación científica de calidad, incorporando la experiencia profesional, las demandas y valores de los pacientes/usuarios y los recursos existentes. Como consecuencia de ello, las decisiones que deben tomar los profesionales para elegir el mejor cuidado para su paciente concreto, al verse apoyadas en estos elementos, conducen a una menor variabilidad en la práctica clínica y trabajar con práctica basada en la evidencia va formando parte de la cultura de calidad de la atención sanitaria que prestamos a nuestros paciente

    Inflammatory bowel disease: patients’ and professionals’ perceptions of shared decision-making

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    [PT] Objetivo: Descrever as percepções de implementação da lei 41/2002 sobre a autonomia do paciente com doença inflamatória intestinal e profissionais em relação à tomada de decisão compartilhada. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo e descritivo, utilizando abordagem fenomenológica. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas em dez pacientes pertencentes à Associação de Pacientes com Doença de Crohn e Colite Ulcerativa de Zamora (Espanha), e grupo focal com sete gastroenterologistas e enfermeiros da clínica de ostomia e unidade de gastroenterologia hospitalar do Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora. Foi realizada análise do conteúdo temático dos dados. Resultados: Surgiram duas categorias principais e sete subcategorias: Informação (com conhecimento dos profissionais e dos pacientes, confiança no profissional, tempo e atitude em relação à informação) e Tomada de decisão compartilhada (com atitude em relação à informação, enfrentamento/resignação e apoio às decisões). A tomada de decisão compartilhada é um processo complexo, onde não somente a informação é o principal benefício para os pacientes, mas outras questões como apoio, tempo de doença ou emergência são importantes para a decisão do paciente. Conclusão: Descrever as percepções dos pacientes e dos profissionais sobre a tomada de decisões compartilhadas, que as viam como um processo complexo. Melhorar as informações fornecidas aos pacientes sobre sua doença e seus direitos pode influenciar a participação na tomada de decisão compartilhada e modificar atitudes. Os pacientes não adotaram permanentemente um papel ativo ou passivo em relação à tomada de decisão compartilhada, mas, por múltiplos fatores, oscilaram entre os papéis. Consequentemente, é importante que os profissionais de saúde se envolvam no processo de compreensão dos pacientes e de suas necessidades para facilitar a tomada de decisão compartilhada. Além disso, é necessário maior investimento por parte das autoridades para garantir continuidade dos cuidados e desenvolver unidades multidisciplinares para doenças inflamatórias intestinais como forma de melhorar a tomada de decisão compartilhada[EN] Objective: To describe perceptions of implementing law 41/2002 on patient autonomy in inflammatory bowel disease patients and professionals in relation to shared decision-making. Methods: Qualitative descriptive study using a phenomenological approach. We conduced semi-structured interviews to 10 patients belonging to the Association of Patients with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis in Zamora (Spain) as well as focus group to 7 gastroenterologists and nurses from the ostomy clinic and inpatient gastroenterology unit at the Virgen de la Concha Hospital in Zamora. Data thematic content analysis was performed. Results: Two main categories and seven sub-categories emerged: Information (with professionals’ and patients’ knowledge, trust in the professional, time and attitude to information) and Shared decision-making (with attitude to information, coping-resignation and support for decisions). Shared decision-making is a complex process where not only the information is the main value for the patients, but other issues like support, time of illness or emergency are important for patient decision. Conclusion: To describe patients’ and professionals’ perceptions of shared decision-making, who saw it as a complex process. To improve the information provided to patients about their illness and their rights can influence participation in shared decision-making and change attitudes. Patients did not permanently adopt an active or passive role in relation to shared decision-making, but instead oscillated between roles depending on multiple factors. Consequently, it is important for health professionals to engage in the process of understanding patients and their needs to facilitate shared decision-making. In addition, greater investment by the authorities is needed to ensure continuity of care and create multidisciplinary inflammatory bowel disease units as measures to improve shared decision-making.[ES] Objetivo: Describir las percepciones de la implementación de la ley 41/2002 sobre la autonomía del paciente con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal y profesionales con relación a la toma de decisiones compartida. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo y descriptivo, que utiliza el enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a diez pacientes pertenecientes a la Asociación de Pacientes con Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa de Zamora (España); y un grupo focal de siete gastroenterólogos y enfermeros de la clínica de ostomía y de la unidad de gastroenterología hospitalaria del Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora. Se realizó un análisis del contenido temático de los datos. Resultados: Surgieron dos categorías principales y siete subcategorías: Información (con conocimiento de los profesionales y de los pacientes, confianza en el profesional, tiempo y actitud con relación a la información) y Toma de decisiones compartida (con actitud respecto a la información, enfrentamiento/ resignación y apoyo a las decisiones). La toma de decisiones compartida es un proceso complejo en el que no solamente la información es el principal beneficio para los pacientes, sino que también hay otras cuestiones importantes para la decisión del paciente, como el apoyo, el tiempo de enfermedad o la emergencia. Conclusión: Describir las percepciones de los pacientes y de los profesionales sobre la toma de decisiones compartida, que era vista como un proceso complejo. Mejorar la información ofrecida a los pacientes sobre su enfermedad y sus derechos puede influir en la participación de la toma de decisiones compartida y modificar actitudes. Los pacientes no adoptaron un papel permanentemente activo o pasivo respecto a la toma de decisiones compartida, sino que oscilaban entre los dos papeles debido a múltiples factores. Por lo tanto, es importante que los profesionales de la salud se involucren en el proceso de comprensión de los pacientes y de sus necesidades para facilitar la toma de decisiones compartida. Además, son necesarias mayores inversiones por parte de las autoridades para garantizar una continuidad de los cuidados y desarrollar unidades multidisciplinarias para enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales como forma de mejorar la toma de decisiones compartida.S

    "Commentary of painting and ancient painters" by Felipe de Guevara. A study for dating the manuscript

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    Cuando en 2006 el Museo del Prado adquirió buena parte del fondo de la biblioteca Daza-Madrazo se descubrió un manuscrito del que hasta entonces no se tenía noticia: el Comentario de la pintura y pintores antiguos de Felipe Guevara (c.1500-1563). Se trata del ejemplar que en 1787 enviara el Deán de Plasencia, José Alfonso de Roa, a Antonio Ponz para su correspondiente publicación (1788). En el presente artículo se analiza el manuscrito con el fin de determinar si estamos ante el original que escribiera Guevara hacia 1560 o, si por el contrario, se trata de una copia posterior.When in 2006 Prado’s Museum acquired part of the splendid library coming from Daza-Madrazo’s Collection, a manuscript, unknown until now, appeared among the books under the title: Comentario de la pintura y pintores antiguos by Felipe de Guevara (c.1500-1563). It was the manuscript send in 1787 by the Dean of Plasencia’s Cathedral, José Alfonso de Roa, to Antonio Ponz for its publication (1788). In the present article this manuscript is analysed in order to establish if it is the original one written by Guevara around 1560 or, by contrast, it is a posterior copy

    ¿Influye en la felicidad la relación entre alumnos de NEE y de aula ordinaria?

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    The attention to the diversity is a topic that constitutes a challenge for the teachers of any educational stage for the expectations and doubts that the reality with this student generates. About these concerns, this research project focuses on knowing if implementing a sensitization program towards people with functional limitations upon the same range collective, improves their subjective assessment of wellness as individuals when such program is applied to them, also if the people with functional limitations who take part in the program benefits from it. The intervention is performed in a High School with students in exceptional schooling modality (enclave) and students of 3rd of ESO and 1st of PMAR (Program for the improvement of learning and performance), using as instruments the BIS-HERNÁN questionnaire (Hernández, P. 1996 and 2000) that measures the Individual Subjective Well-being of people, the register of behaviors of enclave classroom’s students, interviews to different representatives of the educational community and the participants of the intervention program “Do We Know Each Other?”. The results support the initial hypothesis that the program improves the subjective individual wellness but only for the female participants, resulting in a non-significant difference. It finds significant differences in the general level of happiness between males and females, discovering that males are happier than females. It also concludes that the program has benefited some of the students of the aula enclave, improving their behavior during class and break time.La atención a la diversidad es un tema que constituye un desafío para los docentes de cualquier etapa educativa por las expectativas y dudas que la realidad con este alumnado genera. Fruto de esa inquietud, este trabajo se centra en conocer si al implementar un programa de sensibilización hacia la limitación funcional de los iguales mejora la valoración del bienestar subjetivo individual de aquellos participantes y si el alumnado con limitación funcional también presenta beneficios al respecto. La intervención se realiza en un Instituto de Educación Secundaria con alumnado en modalidad de escolarización excepcional (aula enclave) y alumnado de 3ºESO y 1ºPMAR (Programa de Mejora del Aprendizaje y del Rendimiento), utilizando como instrumentos el cuestionario BIS-HERNÁN (Hernández, P. 1996 y 2000) que mide el Bienestar Subjetivo Individual de las personas, el registro de conductas del alumnado del aula enclave, entrevistas a distintos representantes de la comunidad educativa y participantes del programa de intervención “¿Nos Conocemos?”. Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis inicial de que tras el programa de intervención mejora el bienestar subjetivo individual pero únicamente en el grupo de mujeres, resultando la diferencia no significativa. Se encuentra diferencias significativas en el grado de felicidad general entre hombres y mujeres, siendo el colectivo masculino más feliz que el femenino. También se concluye, que el programa ha mejorado el comportamiento en las aulas y el recreo en algunos alumnos del aula enclave

    Cuestionario SCOFF para tamizaje de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: consistencia interna en estudiantes de un colegio de Cartagena, Colombia

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    Background: The SCOFF questionnaire for screening eating disorders is criterion validated among female adolescent students from Bucaramanga, Colombia. However, the psychometric properties of a scale vary according to the population, and internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire is not known in Colombian Caribbean students. Objective: To know the internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire for gender among school attending adolescents of a school settled in low-income area at the city of Cartagena, Colombia. Method: A total of 416 students aged 13-17 years old filled-out the SCOFF questionnaire in the classroom, mean age 14.6 years for girls and 14.8 years, for boys. The SCOFF questionnaire is a five-item scale that inquires about make yourself sick, lost control, lost more than one stone in three months, believe yourself fat, food dominates the life. Kuder-Richardson’s formula 20 was computed to know the internal consistency. Results: For girls, the internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire was 0.343, and for boys, 0.209. Girls pointed higher than boys in make yourself sick, lost control and believe yourself fat; and boys higher than girls in food dominates the life (p<0.05). Conclusions: The internal consistency of the SCOFF questionnaire is poor among adolescent students dwelling in a lowincome area of this city. It is necessary to rely on a tool with better psychometric properties for this population.Antecedentes: El cuestionario SCOFF para tamizaje de trastornos de conducta alimentaria cuenta con una validación criterio en mujeres adolescentes de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Sin embargo, las propiedades psicométricas cambian de acuerdo con la población y no se conoce la consistencia interna del cuestionario en estudiantes de la Costa Atlántica colombiana. Objetivo: Conocer la consistencia interna del cuestionario SCOFF en adolescentes estudiantes, discriminada por género, de un colegio ubicado en un sector de estrato bajo de Cartagena, Colombia. Método: Un total de 416 adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años, 208 estudiantes mujeres (edad promedio 14.6 años) y 208 varones (edad promedio 14.8 años), completaron el cuestionario SCOFF. Esta escala consta de cinco ítemes que abordan inducción de vómito, pérdida de control, pérdida de peso, sentirse gorda/gordo y si la comida domina la vida. Se determinó la consistencia interna mediante la fórmula 20 de Kuder-Richardson. Resultados: La consistencia interna del cuestionario fue 0.343 (Kuder-Richardson) entre las mujeres y 0.209 en varones. Las mujeres puntuaron más alto que los varones en inducción de vómito, pérdida de control y sentirse gorda/gordo y los varones más alto que las mujeres en la comida domina la vida (p<0.05). Conclusiones: La consistencia interna del SCOFF es baja en adolescentes, mujeres y varones, de estrato bajo de esta ciudad. Es necesario contar con un instrumento de mejores propiedades psicométricas en esta población. (Duazary 2007; 1: 14 - 18

    Closer to or further from the new normal? business approach through social media analysis

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 has led to radical change in all social and economic spheres and, even today, the scope of the pandemic cannot be detailed. This unprecedent situation is challenging the global world but particularly for business. The packages of measures internationally imposed as restrictions on commercial activity, isolation and social distancing mean that business should face a transformation in order to survive in each stage of the crisis. For this purpose, a content analysis with an initial dataset with 2,610 tweets of the most representative Spanish entrepreneurial organizations was carried out in key periods of the pandemic. The findings highlight that there are collective concerns with emotional burden in the business sector that encourage action despite confusion and uncertainty. Generalized distrust of policies led business organizations to insist on innovation and adaptation as the best tools to overcome the economic effect of the crisis.This work was supported by the Operative Programme FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 under grant number UMA18-FEDERJA-148 (Junta de Andalucía/Universidad de Málaga) and Funding for Open Access Charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    Using photovoice to explore the impact on a student community after including cross-sectional content on environmental sustainability in a university subject: a case study

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    [Abstract] Purpose. Higher education institutions have a significant impact in preparing future generations for the creation of a sustainable society. By formulating appropriate curricula, the university can shape student personality with sustainability concerns. This study aims to present the results of a teaching approach on environmental sustainability using the photovoice methodology. A guided visit to the sewage treatment plant of A Coruña was included as a teaching activity in the “Microbiology and Parasitology” classes of the podiatry degree at University of A Coruña. The teaching objectives were to reinforce contents through observation and to introduce citizen awareness on sustainability and responsible water use in a cross-sectional manner. Design/methodology/approach. In this case study, different steps of photovoice as a qualitative participatory action methodology were developed. A total of 43 university students willingly participated with their photographs. Qualitative data were collected from the students’ photovoice visit reports and a subsequent discussion group. Thematic content analysis was performed manually. Findings. This study explored the impact of an environmental sustainability teaching activity on the university student community. Six main categories emerged from the qualitative analysis: savings/waste of water, misuse of the water closet, disposing of used oil, solid waste/trash, reuse of clean water and reuse/reduction of the use of plastics. The cross-sectional findings on the needs of education and awareness of sustainability in the community and companies are presented. Originality/value. The findings provide evidence of the ability of photovoice method as a pedagogical tool to promote reflection and change in the university community and to introduce sustainability cross-sectional content in green campus curricula. This photovoice experiment is simple and feasible to implement and has a very low economic cost, as long as there are qualified educators