19 research outputs found

    Repensar a Universidade na Europa : o contributo das comunidades de conhecimento e inovação : um estudo de caso

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    Mestrado em Economia e Gestão de Ciência, Tecnologia e InovaçãoNo contexto das políticas de investigação e inovação da UE, a dissertação analisa as principais questões colocadas pela agenda de modernização das universidades europeias, para responder aos mais recentes desafios da inovação, competitividade e sustentabilidade das economias a nível global. A investigação realizada pretende analisar a importância do EIT como referência nesse processo de modernização, através de um estudo de caso sobre um dos elementos da sua estrutura: a KIC InnoEnergy. O contributo das Comunidades de Conhecimento e Inovação (KIC) para esse processo depende do seu grau de sucesso na concretização dos objectivos traçados, a médio e longo prazo. Não obstante, o modelo das KIC oferece vias eficazes para a inovação e promoção do empreendedorismo, recorrendo a abordagens holísticas e pluridisciplinares, a novos modelos de gestão e de financiamento, que podem servir de referência no processo de modernização das universidades europeias.In the context of the EU policies for research and innovation, the dissertation examines the main issues raised by the modernization agenda for European universities to meet the modern challenges of innovation, competitiveness and sustainability of economies globally. The research aims to analyze the importance of the EIT as a reference in this modernization process, through a case study on one of the elements of its structure: KIC InnoEnergy. The contribution of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) for this process relies on its success in achieving the objectives outlined in the medium and long term. Nevertheless, the model of KICs offers effective ways for innovation and entrepreneurship promotion, via holistic and multidisciplinary approaches, new models of governance and funding, which may function as a reference in the modernization process of European universities

    Terapia interdisciplinar de mudança do estilo de vida melhora sintomas de compulsão alimentar e insatisfação com a imagem corporal em adultos obesos brasileiros

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    INTRODUCTION: Obesity is related to numerous negative consequences for physical and mental health. It is often associated with the presence of binge eating disorder, body image dissatisfaction, and general psychopathology. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of an interdisciplinary lifestyle therapy on binge eating symptoms, depression, anxiety, body dissatisfaction, and quality of life in obese adults. METHODS: A total of 49 obese adults (body mass index = 37.35±5.82 kg/m²; age = 44.14±10.00 years) participated in a weight-loss program for 6 months. Symptoms suggestive of binge eating, body dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, and quality of life were measured using self-reported questionnaires. Food intake was assessed using a 3-day dietary record. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). RESULTS: ANOVA results showed a reduction in binge eating symptoms and in body dissatisfaction results. Depression and anxiety symptoms also decreased, and an increase was observed in quality of life scores. After therapy, a significant improvement was observed in dietary patterns, as well as significant weight loss. A positive correlation was found between variation of anxiety symptoms and lipid intake. Binge eating symptoms were associated with anxiety symptoms and body image dissatisfaction, and body image dissatisfaction correlated positively with anxiety symptoms in males only. In females, a positive correlation was observed between depression and binge eating symptoms. CONCLUSION: The interdisciplinary therapy was effective in promoting positive physical and psychological changes and in improving the quality of life of obese adults.INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade se relaciona com inúmeras consequências negativas para a saúde física e mental. Está frequentemente associada com transtorno da compulsão alimentar periódica, insatisfação com a imagem corporal e psicopatologia geral. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de uma terapia interdisciplinar de mudança do estilo de vida sobre sintomas de compulsão alimentar, depressão, ansiedade, insatisfação com a imagem corporal e qualidade de vida em adultos obesos. MÉTODOS: Um total de 49 adultos obesos (índice de massa corporal = 37.35±5.82 kg/m²; idade = 44.14±10.00 anos) participaram de um programa de redução de peso por 6 meses. Sintomas de compulsão alimentar, insatisfação com a imagem corporal, depressão, ansiedade e qualidade de vida foram avaliados por meio de questionários autoaplicáveis. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado utilizando-se um registro alimentar de 3 dias. Os dados foram analisados utilizando análise de variância (ANOVA). RESULTADOS: Os resultados da ANOVA mostraram uma redução nos sintomas de compulsão alimentar e na insatisfação com a imagem corporal. Os sintomas de depressão e ansiedade também diminuíram, e foi observado um aumento nos escores de qualidade de vida. Após a terapia, foi verificada melhora significativa no perfil nutricional, assim como significativa redução de peso. Foi observada uma correlação positiva entre a variação dos sintomas de ansiedade e o consumo de lipídios. Sintomas de compulsão alimentar apresentaram associação com sintomas de ansiedade e insatisfação com a imagem corporal, e a insatisfação com a imagem corporal se correlacionou positivamente com os sintomas de ansiedade nos homens. Nas mulheres, foi observada uma correlação positiva entre sintomas de depressão e de compulsão alimentar. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia interdisciplinar foi eficaz na promoção de mudanças físicas e psicológicas e proporcionou uma melhor qualidade de vida em adultos obesos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Obesity Study GroupUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Health, Education, and Society Obesity Study GroupUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Biosciences Obesity Study GroupUNIFESP, Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Obesity Study GroupUNIFESP, Department of Health, Education, and Society Obesity Study GroupUNIFESP, Department of Biosciences Obesity Study GroupSciEL

    O investimento em capital de risco e as cláusulas de drag along

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    O fenómeno de corporate governance, resultante do velho dilema circundante entre os conceitos de propriedade e controlo, procurou, durante muito tempo, dar resposta aos desafios relacionais emergentes em contexto de sociedades comerciais cuja administração fosse entregue a uma entidade exterior. No entanto, encontrando-se alguns destes mecanismos ultrapassados, novas tendências surgiram para colmatar estas falhas e para maximizar a performance societária, nomeadamente ao nível dos investidores institucionais. Para além disso, a inevitabilidade de recurso, em algum momento da vida societária, a meios financeiros externos para garantir a sua continuidade sustentável conferiu grande visibilidade ao investimento em capital de risco, opção de financiamento apelativa no âmbito de pequenas e médias empresas por se dedicar ao desenvolvimento e valorização do negócio, salvaguardando-se, ainda assim, o controlo do mesmo. Apesar da repercussão académica deste tema nos últimos anos, a verdade é que se vislumbra ainda um relativo vazio no âmbito jurídico. Por esta razão, decidimos debruçarnos sobre o regime do investimento em capital de risco e consequentes efeitos do vínculo entre as duas partes, conferindo especial atenção ao momento do desinvestimento e às cláusulas de drag along enquanto estipulação contratual típica para alinhamento – ou desalinhamento – de interesses.The corporate governance phenomenon, outcome from the old dilemma surrounding the concepts of ownership and control, sought, for a long time, to respond to the relational challenges emerging in the context of commercial companies whose management has been handed to an outside entity. However, with some of these mechanisms being outdated, new tendencies have emerged to fill these gaps and to maximize corporate performance, particularly among institutional investors. Furthermore, the inevitability to resort, at some point in the corporate life, to external financial means to ensure its sustainable continuity, achieved high visibility to venture capital investments, an attractive financing option in the context of small and medium sized companies due to its focus in the development and valorisation of the business, safeguarding, nevertheless, its control. Despite the academic repercussion of this theme in the more recent years, the truth is that there is still a relative void among the legal scope. For this reason, we decided to discuss the regime of venture capital investment and the consequent effects of the bond created between the two parties, providing special attention to the moment of divestment and to the drag along clauses as a typical contractual stipulation for alignment – or misalignment – of interests

    Insights for an ecological assessment of spiny and slipper lobsters in the Azores

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Ispa – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Biologia Marinha e Conservação.A pesca comercial do Cavaco (Scyllarides latus) e da Lagosta (Palinurus elephas) tem vindo sempre a crescer devido ao seu alto valor comercial, no entanto, não há muito conhecimento sobre o estado destas duas espécies. Conhecer o estado das diferentes espécies através de estudos de avaliação dos “stocks” pesqueiros é essencial para a implementação de medidas de proteção mais eficazes, de forma a garantir uma exploração sustentável. Desde 1985 que se sabe que a maioria das capturas destas espécies são vendidas clandestinamente. O Cavaco está atualmente classificado como “Data Deficient” na Lista Vermelha da IUCN, comprovando que os estudos sobre esta espécie são escassos, e a Lagosta está classificada como “Vulnerável”. A determinação de um tamanho mínimo legal de captura para estas espécies provou não ser efetiva em 1998, contudo, nada foi alterado em termos de regulamentação desde essa data. Os últimos estudos realizados nos Açores para S. latus foram há quase 40 anos, e já passou uma década desde o último estudo sobre P. elephas. Com este estudo pretende-se contribuir com nova informação para esclarecer o estado das populações de S. latus e P. elephas nos Açores, comparando-o com os dados históricos. Para tanto, foram analisados: os padrões de migração vertical para S. latus; os tamanhos dos espécimes comparando profundidades e sexos; e os tamanhos médios das populações ao longo dos anos, comprovando que o tamanho médio de P. elephas diminuiu quase 1cm em 20 anos. Este conhecimento é essencial para alertar a população e o governo para criar melhores medidas de regulação, a fim de cessar a depleção destas espécies.ABSTRACT: The commercial fishing of the Slipper lobster (Scyllarides latus) and the Spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) has always been increasing, due to these species’ high commercial value, however, there is not much knowledge about their status. Getting to know the status of different species through studies on the assessment of fish stocks is essential for the implementation of better protection measures, to ensure a sustainable exploitation. Since 1985 that it is known that most catches of these species are sold clandestinely. The S. latus is currently classified as “Data deficient” on the IUCN Red List, proving that the studies on this species are scarce, and the P. elephas is classified as “Vulnereble”. The determination of a minimum legal capture size for these species has proven not to be effective in 1998, however, nothing has been changed in terms of regulations since then. The last studies conducted in the Azores for S. latus were almost 40 years ago, and a decade has passed since the last study on P. elephas. This study pretends to contribute with new information to enlighten the recent S. latus and P. elephas populations’ status in the Azores, comparing them to the historical data. For that, it was analyzed: the vertical migration patterns for S. latus; the specimens sizes comparing depths and sexes; and that the populations’ mean sizes through the years, proving that the P. elephas mean size has almost decreased 1cm in 20 years. This knowledge is essential to alert the population and the government to create better regulation measures, in order to cease these species depletion

    Transdisciplinary development of a bovine surgery simulator

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    The global increase of veterinary students, the growing demands for high standards in educational quality, and the biosecurity and physical risks have led many veterinary education establishments to use models to simulate clinical procedures. Traditionally, teaching clinical areas of medicine starts with the explanation of fundamental theoretical concepts, followed by application in a real clinical context using live animals. Large numbers of students may interfere with animal welfare, decrease the opportunity for direct animal contact and diminish educational quality. Model simulation allows "learning by doing" and the development of practical skills in scenarios that resemble reality, without the need for live animals, and therefore brings safety and practical training regardless of the number of students. To date, there is no bovine abdominal surgery simulator commercially available. This work aims to develop a bovine abdominal surgery model simulator that supports practical training and to evaluate how this model can positively impact the learning process of veterinary students. The project is a ULHT transdisciplinary work of professors, technicians, and students from Veterinary Medicine, Computer Science, and Imaging. We will generate all the digital data needed for 3D printing of the model components, and the simulator will have materials of variable flexibility. In 2023/24, the model will be used in PCC II and CEP I classes. A questionnaire will assess teachers and students’ perception of the pedagogical experience using the model simulator, and practical tests will determine the level of clinical knowledge and skills acquisition.   Keywords: Veterinary, Teaching, Simulator, Bovine, Surgery.   Projeto submetido a Bolsa de Projeto Estratégico FMV-ULHT 2022

    Waist circumference as a marker for screening nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in obese adolescents

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    Abstract Objective: To assess the relationship between the degree of waist circumference (WC) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in obese adolescents of both genders, analyzed according to quartiles of WC. Methods: Cross-sectional study that involved 247 obese adolescents aged 12–19 years. Mean values of the nutritional parameters and serum analyses were compared with the groups using the independent t-test. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship of the parameters studied. Chi-square test for trend was used to determine the relationship between the prevalence of the NAFLD and WC quartile by gender. Results: NAFLD were presented in 60% of the study participants. Obese adolescents in the 3rd and 4th quartiles of WC presented higher prevalence of NAFLD when compared with that in the 1st quartile in both genders. The NAFLD patients had significantly higher values for body weight, BMI (body mass index), BAZ-score (BMI-for-age z-scores), total fat (% and kg), WC, visceral fat, insulin, insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, when compared with non-NAFLD obese adolescents. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results presented here suggest that an increase in WC can reliably predict the risk of NAFLD in obese adolescents. This is a low cost and easy-to-use tool that can help in screening in adolescents

    Relationship between adiponectin and leptin on osteocalcin in obese adolescents during weight loss therapy

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Obesity is a multifactorial disease characterized by the presence of the pro-inflammatory state associated with the development of many comorbidities, including bone turnover marker alterations. This study aimed to investigate the role of the inflammatory state on bone turnover markers in obese adolescents undergoing interdisciplinary weight loss treatment for one year. Subjects and methods: Thirty four post-pubescent obese adolescents with primary obesity, a body mass index (BMI) greater than > 95th percentile of the CDC reference growth charts, participated in the present investigation. Measurements of body composition, bone turnover markers, inflammatory biomarkers and visceral and subcutaneous fat were taken. Adolescents were submitted to one year of interdisciplinary treatment (clinical approach, physical exercise, physiotherapy intervention, nutritional and psychological counseling). Results: Reduction in body mass, body fat mass, visceral and subcutaneous fat, as well as, an increase in the body lean mass and bone mineral content was observed. An improvement in inflammatory markers was seen with an increase in adiponectin, adiponectin/leptin ratio and inteleukin-15. Moreover, a positive correlation between the adiponectin/leptin ratio and osteocalcin was demonstrated. Further, both lean and body fat mass were predictors of osteocalcin. Negative associations between leptin with osteocalcin, adiponectin with Beta CTX-collagen, and visceral fat with adiponectin were observed. Conclusions: It is possible to conclude that the inflammatory state can negatively influence the bone turnover markers in obese adolescents. In addition, the interdisciplinary weight loss treatment improved the inflammatory state and body composition in obese adolescents. Therefore, the present findings should be considered in clinical practice