1,781 research outputs found

    Precise Distributed Satellite Navigation: Differential GPS with Sensor-Coupling for Integer Ambiguity Resolution

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    Precise relative navigation is a critical enabler for distributed satellites to achieve new mission objectives impossible for a monolithic spacecraft. Carrier phase differential GPS (CDGPS) with integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) is a promising means of achieving cm-level accuracy for high-precision Rendezvous, Proximity-Operations and Docking (RPOD), In-Space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) as well as satellite formation flying and swarming. However, IAR is sensitive to received GPS signal noise, especially under severe multi-path or high thermal noise. This paper proposes a sensor-fusion approach to achieve IAR under such conditions in two coupling stages. A loose coupling stage fuses through an Extended Kalman Filter the CDGPS measurements with on-board sensor measurements such as range from cross-links, and vision-based bearing angles. A second tight-coupling stage augments the cost function of the integer weighted least-squares minimization with a soft constraint function using noise-weighted observed-minus-computed residuals from these external sensor measurements. Integer acceptance tests are empirically modified to reflect added constraints. Partial IAR is applied to graduate integer fixing. These proposed techniques are packaged into flight-capable software, with ground truths simulated by the Stanford Space Rendezvous Laboratory's S3 library using state-of-the-art force modelling with relevant sources of errors, and validated in two scenarios: (1) a high multi-path scenario involving rendezvous and docking in low Earth orbit, and (2) a high thermal noise scenario relying only on GPS side-lobe signals during proximity operations in geostationary orbit. This study demonstrates successful IAR in both cases, using the proposed sensor-fusion approach, thus demonstrating potential for high-precision state estimation under adverse signal-to-noise conditions.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, IEEE AERO 2024 (pre-print

    Entanglement distribution for a practical quantum-dot-based quantum processor architecture

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    We propose a quantum dot (QD) architecture for enabling universal quantum information processing. Quantum registers, consisting of arrays of vertically stacked self-assembled semiconductor QDs, are connected by chains of in-plane self-assembled dots. We propose an entanglement distributor, a device for producing and distributing maximally entangled qubits on demand, communicated through in-plane dot chains. This enables the transmission of entanglement to spatially separated register stacks, providing a resource for the realization of a sizeable quantum processor built from coupled register stacks of practical size. Our entanglement distributor could be integrated into many of the present proposals for self-assembled QD-based quantum computation (QC). Our device exploits the properties of simple, relatively short, spin-chains and does not require microcavities. Utilizing the properties of self-assembled QDs, after distribution the entanglement can be mapped into relatively long-lived spin qubits and purified, providing a flexible, distributed, off-line resource. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

    First In-Orbit Experience of TerraSAR-X Flight Dynamics Operations

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    TerraSAR-X is an advanced synthetic aperture radar satellite system for scientific and commercial applications that is realized in a public-private partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Astrium GmbH. TerraSAR-X was launched at June 15, 2007 on top of a Russian DNEPR-1 rocket into a 514 km sun-synchronous dusk-dawn orbit with an 11-day repeat cycle and will be operated for a period of at least 5 years during which it will provide high resolution SAR-data in the X-band. Due to the objectives of the interferometric campaigns the satellite has to comply to tight orbit control requirements, which are formulated in the form of a 250 m toroidal tube around a pre-flight determined reference trajectory (see [1] for details). The acquisition of the reference orbit was one of the main and key activities during the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) and had to compensate for both injection errors and spacecraft safe mode attitude control thruster activities. The paper summarizes the activities of GSOC flight dynamics team during both LEOP and early Commissioning Phase, where the main tasks have been 1) the first-acquisition support via angle-tracking and GPS-based orbit determination, 2) maneuver planning for target orbit acquisition and maintenance, and 3) precise orbit and attitude determination for SAR processing support. Furthermore, a presentation on the achieved results and encountered problems will be addressed

    Bounce and cyclic cosmology in extended nonlinear massive gravity

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    We investigate non-singular bounce and cyclic cosmological evolutions in a universe governed by the extended nonlinear massive gravity, in which the graviton mass is promoted to a scalar-field potential. The extra freedom of the theory can lead to certain energy conditions violations and drive cyclicity with two different mechanisms: either with a suitably chosen scalar-field potential under a given Stuckelberg-scalar function, or with a suitably chosen Stuckelberg-scalar function under a given scalar-field potential. Our analysis shows that extended nonlinear massive gravity can alter significantly the evolution of the universe at both early and late times.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, version published at JCA

    Observation of spin Coulomb drag in a two-dimensional electron gas

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    An electron propagating through a solid carries spin angular momentum in addition to its mass and charge. Of late there has been considerable interest in developing electronic devices based on the transport of spin, which offer potential advantages in dissipation, size, and speed over charge-based devices. However, these advantages bring with them additional complexity. Because each electron carries a single, fixed value (-e) of charge, the electrical current carried by a gas of electrons is simply proportional to its total momentum. A fundamental consequence is that the charge current is not affected by interactions that conserve total momentum, notably collisions among the electrons themselves. In contrast, the electron's spin along a given spatial direction can take on two values, "up" and "down", so that the spin current and momentum need not be proportional. Although the transport of spin polarization is not protected by momentum conservation, it has been widely assumed that, like the charge current, spin current is unaffected by electron-electron (e-e) interactions. Here we demonstrate experimentally not only that this assumption is invalid, but that over a broad range of temperature and electron density, the flow of spin polarization in a two-dimensional gas of electrons is controlled by the rate of e-e collisions

    Correction: Zinc is required to ensure the expression of flagella and the ability to form biofilms in Salmonella enterica sv Typhimurium

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    : Correction for 'Zinc is required to ensure the expression of flagella and the ability to form biofilms in Salmonella enterica sv Typhimurium' by Serena Ammendola et al., Metallomics, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/c6mt00108d

    Constraints on massive gravity theory from big bang nucleosynthesis

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    The massive gravity cosmology is studied in the scenario of big bang nucleosynthesis. By making use of current bounds on the deviation from the fractional mass, we derive the constraints on the free parameters of the theory. The cosmological consequences of the model are also discussed in the framework of the PAMELA experiment.Comment: 5 page

    Coulomb Drag in Coherent Mesoscopic Systems

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    We present a theory for Coulomb drag between two mesoscopic systems. Our formalism expresses the drag in terms of scattering matrices and wave functions, and its range of validity covers both ballistic and disordered systems. The consequences can be worked out either by analytic means, such as the random matrix theory, or by numerical simulations. We show that Coulomb drag is sensitive to localized states, which usual transport measurements do not probe. For chaotic 2D-systems we find a vanishing average drag, with a nonzero variance. Disordered 1D-wires show a finite drag, with a large variance, giving rise to a possible sign change of the induced current.Comment: 4 pages including 2 figures. Minor changes. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Performance limits on ranging with cognitive radio

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    Cognitive radio is a promising paradigm for efficient utilization of the radio spectrum due to its capability to sense environmental conditions and adapt its communication and localization features. In this paper, the theoretical limits on time-of-arrival estimation for cognitive radio localization systems are derived in the presence of interference. In addition, an optimal spectrum allocation strategy which provides the best ranging accuracy limits is proposed. The strategy accounts for the constraints from the sensed interference level as well as from the regulatory emission mask. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the improvements that can be achieved by the proposed approach. © 2009 IEEE