174 research outputs found

    A role of OCRL in clathrin-coated pit dynamics and uncoating revealed by studies of Lowe syndrome cells

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    Mutations in the inositol 5-phosphatase OCRL cause Lowe syndrome and Dent's disease. Although OCRL, a direct clathrin interactor, is recruited to late-stage clathrin-coated pits, clinical manifestations have been primarily attributed to intracellular sorting defects. Here we show that OCRL loss in Lowe syndrome patient fibroblasts impacts clathrin-mediated endocytosis and results in an endocytic defect. These cells exhibit an accumulation of clathrin-coated vesicles and an increase in U-shaped clathrin-coated pits, which may result from sequestration of coat components on uncoated vesicles. Endocytic vesicles that fail to lose their coat nucleate the majority of the numerous actin comets present in patient cells. SNX9, an adaptor that couples late-stage endocytic coated pits to actin polymerization and which we found to bind OCRL directly, remains associated with such vesicles. These results indicate that OCRL acts as an uncoating factor and that defects in clathrin-mediated endocytosis likely contribute to pathology in patients with OCRL mutations

    Enzymatic Activities of Isolated Cytochrome bc1-like Complexes Containing Fused Cytochrome b Subunits with Asymmetrically Inactivated Segments of Electron Transfer Chains

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    Homodimeric structure of cytochrome bc_1, a common component of biological energy conversion systems, builds in four catalytic quinone oxidation/reduction sites and four chains of cofactors (branches) that, connected by a centrally located bridge, form a symmetric H-shaped electron transfer system. The mechanism of operation of this complex system is under constant debate. Here, we report on isolation and enzymatic examination of cytochrome bc1-like complexes containing fused cytochrome b subunits in which asymmetrically introduced mutations inactivated individual branches in various combinations. The structural asymmetry of those forms was confirmed spectroscopically. All the asymmetric forms corresponding to cytochrome bc_1 with partial or full inactivation of one monomer retain high enzymatic activity but at the same time show a decrease in the maximum turnover rate by a factor close to 2. This strongly supports the model assuming independent operation of monomers. The cross-inactivated form corresponding to cytochrome bc_1 with disabled complementary parts of each monomer retains the enzymatic activity at the level that, for the first time on isolated from membranes and purified to homogeneity preparations, demonstrates that intermonomer electron transfer through the bridge effectively sustains the enzymatic turnover. The results fully support the concept that electrons freely distribute between the four catalytic sites of a dimer and that any path connecting the catalytic sites on the opposite sides of the membrane is enzymatically competent. The possibility to examine enzymatic properties of isolated forms of asymmetric complexes constructed using the cytochrome b fusion system extends the array of tools available for investigating the engineering of dimeric cytochrome bc1 from the mechanistic and physiological perspectives

    Intercomparison of Field Methods for Acquiring Ground Reflectance at Railroad Valley Playa for Spectral Calibration of Satellite Data

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    Ground reflectance was acquired at the Railroad Valley Playa calibration site in Nevada USA using different methods of collection. The data was collected near the time and date of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2 satellite overpasses so an inter-comparison could be made with the reflectance products to determine which method was more suitable for vicarious calibration. The field spectrometers and reference panels were characterized before the field campaign. A continuous acquisition method was compared to stop and measure collections. Both acquisition methods were collected along an 80 m east-west transect as well as for a series of north-south transects over an 80 x 320 m area, with the stop and measure method being performed at random sampling locations. The measurements were performed using two field spectrometers by three teams of two people to compare the repeatability. The aim of the field campaign was to determine the variability due to the operator and the method of collection

    Decreased plasma nociceptin/orphanin FQ levels after acute coronary syndromes

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    Foregoing researches made on the N/OFQ system brought up a possible role for this system in cardiovascular regulation. In this study we examined how N/OFQ levels of the blood plasma changed in acute cardiovascular diseases. Three cardiac patient groups were created: enzyme positive acute coronary syndrome (EPACS, n = 10), enzyme negative ACS (ENACS, n = 7) and ischemic heart disease (IHD, n = 11). We compared the patients to healthy control subjects (n = 31). We found significantly lower N/OFQ levels in the EPACS [6.86 (6.21–7.38) pg/ml], ENACS [6.97 (6.87–7.01) pg/ml and IHD groups [7.58 (7.23–8.20) pg/ml] compared to the control group [8.86 (7.27–9.83) pg/ml]. A significant correlation was detected between N/OFQ and white blood cell count (WBC), platelet count (PLT), creatine kinase (CK), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) and cholesterol levels in the EPACS group.Decreased plasma N/OFQ is closely associated with the presence of acute cardiovascular disease, and the severity of symptoms has a significant negative correlation with the N/OFQ levels. We believe that the rate of N/OFQ depression is in association with the level of ischemic stress and the following inflammatory response. Further investigations are needed to clarify the relevance and elucidate the exact effects of the ischemic stress on the N/OFQ system

    Interplay of Protein and DNA Structure Revealed in Simulations of the lac Operon

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    The E. coli Lac repressor is the classic textbook example of a protein that attaches to widely spaced sites along a genome and forces the intervening DNA into a loop. The short loops implicated in the regulation of the lac operon suggest the involvement of factors other than DNA and repressor in gene control. The molecular simulations presented here examine two likely structural contributions to the in-vivo looping of bacterial DNA: the distortions of the double helix introduced upon association of the highly abundant, nonspecific nucleoid protein HU and the large-scale deformations of the repressor detected in low-resolution experiments. The computations take account of the three-dimensional arrangements of nucleotides and amino acids found in crystal structures of DNA with the two proteins, the natural rest state and deformational properties of protein-free DNA, and the constraints on looping imposed by the conformation of the repressor and the orientation of bound DNA. The predicted looping propensities capture the complex, chain-length-dependent variation in repression efficacy extracted from gene expression studies and in vitro experiments and reveal unexpected chain-length-dependent variations in the uptake of HU, the deformation of repressor, and the folding of DNA. Both the opening of repressor and the presence of HU, at levels approximating those found in vivo, enhance the probability of loop formation. HU affects the global organization of the repressor and the opening of repressor influences the levels of HU binding to DNA. The length of the loop determines whether the DNA adopts antiparallel or parallel orientations on the repressor, whether the repressor is opened or closed, and how many HU molecules bind to the loop. The collective behavior of proteins and DNA is greater than the sum of the parts and hints of ways in which multiple proteins may coordinate the packaging and processing of genetic information. © 2013 Czapla et al

    Calibration of Tethered Particle Motion Experiments

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    The Tethered Particle Motion (TPM) method has been used to observe and characterize a variety of protein-DNA interactions including DNA loping and transcription. TPM experiments exploit the Brownian motion of a DNA-tethered bead to probe biologically relevant conformational changes of the tether. In these experiments, a change in the extent of the bead’s random motion is used as a reporter of the underlying macromolecular dynamics and is often deemed sufficient for TPM analysis. However, a complete understanding of how the motion depends on the physical properties of the tethered particle complex would permit more quantitative and accurate evaluation of TPM data. For instance, such understanding can help extract details about a looped complex geometry (or multiple coexisting geometries) from TPM data. To better characterize the measurement capabilities of TPM experiments involving DNA tethers, we have carried out a detailed calibration of TPM magnitude as a function of DNA length and particle size. We also explore how experimental parameters such as acquisition time and exposure time affect the apparent motion of the tethered particle. We vary the DNA length from 200 bp to 2.6 kbp and consider particle diameters of 200, 490 and 970 nm. We also present a systematic comparison between measured particle excursions and theoretical expectations, which helps clarify both the experiments and models of DNA conformation

    Landsat-7 ETM+: 12 years On-Orbit Reflective-Band Radiometric Performance

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    The Landsat-7 ETM+ sensor has been operating on orbit for more than 12 years and characterizations of its performance have been ongoing over this period. In general, the radiometric performance of the instrument has been remarkably stable: (1) Noise performance has degraded by 2% or less overall, with a few detectors displaying step changes in noise of 2% or less, (2) Coherent noise frequencies and magnitudes have generally been stable, though the within-scan amplitude variation of the 20kHz noise in bands 1 and 8 disappeared with the failure of the scan line corrector and a new similar frequency noise (now about 18kHz) has appeared in two detectors in band 5 and increased in magnitude with time, (3) Bias stability has been better than 0.25 DN out of a normal value of 15 DN in high gain, (4) Relative gains, the differences in response between the detectors in the band, have generally changed by 0.1% or less over the mission, with the exception of a few detectors with a step response change of 1% or less and (5) Gain stability averaged across all detectors in a band, which is related to the stability of the absolute calibration, has been more stable than the techniques used to measure it. Due to the inability to confirm changes in the gain (beyond a few detectors that have been corrected back to the band average), ETM+ reflective band data continues to be calibrated with the pre-launch measured gains. In the worst case some bands may have changed as much as 2% in uncompensated absolute calibration over the 12 years

    Bending modes of DNA directly addressed by cryo-electron microscopy of DNA minicircles

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    We use cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to study the 3D shapes of 94-bp-long DNA minicircles and address the question of whether cyclization of such short DNA molecules necessitates the formation of sharp, localized kinks in DNA or whether the necessary bending can be redistributed and accomplished within the limits of the elastic, standard model of DNA flexibility. By comparing the shapes of covalently closed, nicked and gapped DNA minicircles, we conclude that 94-bp-long covalently closed and nicked DNA minicircles do not show sharp kinks while gapped DNA molecules, containing very flexible single-stranded regions, do show sharp kinks. We corroborate the results of cryo-EM studies by using Bal31 nuclease to probe for the existence of kinks in 94-bp-long minicircles