178 research outputs found

    Prospective Determination of Noninvasive Clinical Correlates of Dehydration in Hospitalized Elderly.

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    The symptoms of dehydration are identified in an elderly population. Trained research nurse clinicians examined twenty subjects aged sixty-five and older in emergency room settings. The pilot project initiated an expanded study to develop a noninvasive clinical scale for assessing dehydration in the elderly.All-University Council on Aging Faculty Research Reports, Report No. 1

    Interobserver Agreement in the Diagnosis of Stroke Type

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    Interobserver Agreement is Essential to the Reliability of Clinical Data from Cooperative Studies and Provides the Foundation for Applying Research Results to Clinical Practice. in the Stroke Data Bank, a Large Cooperative Study of Stroke, We Sought to Establish the Reliability of a Key Aspect of Stroke Diagnosis: The Mechanism of Stroke. Seventeen Patients Were Evaluated by Six Neurologists. Interobserver Agreement Was Measured When Diagnosis Was based on Patient History and Neurologic Examination Only, as Well as When It Was based on Results of a Completed Workup, Including a Computed Tomographic Scan. Initial Clinical Impressions, based Solely on History and One Neurologic Examination, Were Fairly Reliable in Establishing the Mechanism of Stroke (Ie, Distinguishing among Infarcts, Subarachnoid Hemorrhages, and Parenchymatous Hemorrhages). Classification into One of Nine Stroke Subtypes Was Substantially Reliable When Diagnoses Were based on a Completed Workup. Compared with Previous Findings for the Same Physicians and Patients, the Diagnosis of Stroke Type Was Generally More Reliable Than Individual Signs and Symptoms. These Results Suggest that Multicentered Studies Can Rely on the Independent Diagnostic Choices of Several Physicians When Common Definitions Are Employed and Data from a Completed Workup Are Available. Furthermore, Reliability May Be Less for Individual Measurements Such as Signs or Symptoms Than for More-Complex Judgments Such as Diagnoses. © 1986, American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved

    Interobserver Reliability in the Interpretation of Computed Tomographic Scans of Stroke Patients

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    Interobserver Reliability in Interpretation of Computed Tomographic Images Was Studied by Six Senior Neurologists Who Independently Evaluated on a Standardized Stroke Data Bank Form the Brain Lesions of 17 Patients. the Results Analyzed with K Statistics Yielded Moderate to Substantial Agreement on Most Items of Interest Including the Stroke Pathology and Anatomy. in General, the Levels of Agreement Were as High as Previously Reported for the Diagnosis of the Mechanism of the Stroke, and Much Higher Than on Many Stroke History Items and Items of Neurologic Examination. Excellent Agreement Was Obtained for the Detection of Infarcts and Intracerebral Hemorrhage, and Substantial Agreement Was Obtained on Whether the Computed Tomographic Images Were Normal or Indicative of Small Deep Infarcts, Superficial and Deep Infarcts, and Aneurysms. the Level of Agreement on Anatomy of the Lesions Was Best for the Frontal, Parietal, and Temporal Lobes, Putamen, Cerebellum, and Subarachnoid Space. Implications for Clinical Research and Diagnosis Are Discussed. © 1987 American Medical Association All Rights Reserved

    Interobserver Variability in the Assessment of Neurologic History and Examination in the Stroke Data Bank

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    Interobserver Reliability in Obtaining Neurologic Histories and Examinations Was Investigated among Neurologists Collaborating in the Stroke Data Bank (SDB). Seventeen In-Hospital Stroke Patients Were Examined by Six Neurologists Experienced in Stroke over the Course of Three Days. Patients Were Examined Twice a Day for Two Successive Days, with Each Patient Seen by Four Different Neurologists. Data Were Recorded on SDB Forms, According to Definitions and Procedures Established for the SDB. Percent Agreement and Κ Coefficients Were Calculated to Assess the Levels of Agreement for Each Item. Important Differences in Levels of Agreement Were Found among Items on Both Neurologic History and Examination. Agreement among Neurologists Was Higher for Neurologic Examination Than for History. Patterns of Agreement for Items with Low Prevalence or with Numerous Unknown Ratings Are Discussed. Improvement in Interobserver Agreement Due to Data Editing for Intra-Observer Consistency Was Shown. © 1985, American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved

    Association between HIV replication and serum leptin levels: an observational study of a cohort of HIV-1-infected South African women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advanced HIV infection can result in lipoatrophy and wasting, even in the absence of ongoing opportunistic infections, suggesting that HIV may directly affect adipose tissue amount and distribution.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We assessed the relationship of fat (measured using anthropometry, DEXA, MRI scans) or markers related to glucose and lipid metabolism with viral load in a cross-sectional sample of 83 antiretroviral-naĂŻve HIV-1-infected South African women. A multivariable linear model was fitted to log<sub>10</sub>VL to assess the combined effect of these variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In addition to higher T cell activation, women with viral load greater than the population median had lower waist circumference, body mass index and subcutaneous abdominal fat, as well as lower serum leptin. We demonstrate that leptin serum levels are inversely associated with viral replication, independent of the amount of adipose tissue. This association is maintained after adjusting for multiple variables associated with disease progression (i.e., cellular activation and innate immunity effector levels).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that serum leptin levels are inversely associated with viral replication, independent of disease progression: we postulate that leptin may affect viral replication.</p

    Multimorbidity prevalence and patterns across socioeconomic determinants: a cross-sectional survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies on the prevalence of multimorbidity, defined as having two or more chronic conditions, have predominantly focused on the elderly. We estimated the prevalence and specific patterns of multimorbidity across different adult age groups. Furthermore, we examined the associations of multimorbidity with socio-demographic factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using data from the Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) 2010 Patient Experience Survey, the prevalence of self reported multimorbidity was assessed by telephone interview among a sample of 5010 adults (18 years and over) from the general population. Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the association between a range of socio-demographic factors and multimorbidity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall age- and sex-standardized prevalence of multimorbidity was 19.0% in the surveyed general population. Of those with multimorbidity, 70.2% were aged less than 65 years. The most common pairing of chronic conditions was chronic pain and arthritis. Age, sex, income and family structure were independently associated with multimorbidity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Multimorbidity is a common occurrence in the general adult population, and is not limited to the elderly. Future prevention programs and practice guidelines should take into account the common patterns of multimorbidity.</p

    Automatic Detection of Cyberbullying in Social Media Text

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    While social media offer great communication opportunities, they also increase the vulnerability of young people to threatening situations online. Recent studies report that cyberbullying constitutes a growing problem among youngsters. Successful prevention depends on the adequate detection of potentially harmful messages and the information overload on the Web requires intelligent systems to identify potential risks automatically. The focus of this paper is on automatic cyberbullying detection in social media text by modelling posts written by bullies, victims, and bystanders of online bullying. We describe the collection and fine-grained annotation of a training corpus for English and Dutch and perform a series of binary classification experiments to determine the feasibility of automatic cyberbullying detection. We make use of linear support vector machines exploiting a rich feature set and investigate which information sources contribute the most for this particular task. Experiments on a holdout test set reveal promising results for the detection of cyberbullying-related posts. After optimisation of the hyperparameters, the classifier yields an F1-score of 64% and 61% for English and Dutch respectively, and considerably outperforms baseline systems based on keywords and word unigrams.Comment: 21 pages, 9 tables, under revie

    Study design and participant characteristics of a randomized controlled trial of directly administered antiretroviral therapy in opioid treatment programs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIV-infected drug users are at higher risk of non-adherence and poor treatment outcomes than HIV-infected non-drug users. Prior work from our group and others suggests that directly administered antiretroviral therapy (DAART) delivered in opioid treatment programs (OTPs) may increase rates of viral suppression.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We are conducting a randomized trial comparing DAART to self-administered therapy (SAT) in 5 OTPs in Baltimore, Maryland. Participants and investigators are aware of treatment assignments. The DAART intervention is 12 months. The primary outcome is HIV RNA < 50 copies/mL at 3, 6, and 12 months. To assess persistence of any study arm differences that emerge during the active intervention, we are conducting an 18-month visit (6 months after the intervention concludes). We are collecting electronic adherence data for 2 months in both study arms. Of 457 individuals screened, a total of 107 participants were enrolled, with 56 and 51 randomly assigned to DAART and SAT, respectively. Participants were predominantly African American, approximately half were women, and the median age was 47 years. Active use of cocaine and other drugs was common at baseline. HIV disease stage was advanced in most participants. The median CD4 count at enrollment was 207 cells/mm<sup>3</sup>, 66 (62%) had a history of an AIDS-defining opportunistic condition, and 21 (20%) were antiretroviral naĂŻve.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This paper describes the rationale, methods, and baseline characteristics of subjects enrolled in a randomized clinical trial comparing DAART to SAT in opioid treatment programs.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00279110">NCT00279110</a></p
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