40 research outputs found

    Ciber-Activismo y elecciones presidenciales en Perú

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    Cyber-activism had influence in strengthening or support of different political movements and influenced direcfly on the results of the peruvian presidentialelection in 2016. ln this study we are taken as reference 37 existing movements in social networking systems leaded by Peruvian citizens. These movements were trend in public opinion' so also, they were conceptualÉeá ana they described the fundamental characteristics of this kind of cyber-activism, trans-media discourse and communication ecosystem

    Cyber-Gezi: How the 2013 Taksim Gezi Park protests in Istanbul subverted historical neoliberal domination, violence, and revealed President Reccep Tayyip Erdoğan’s repressive cyber-authoritarian goals

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    My project is organized around the 2013 Gezi Park protests, and the political, cybernetic, and cyberspatial developments that followed them. My argument is that through cybernetic, political, and legal means, President Erdogan of Turkey has failed to present alternatives to the Turkish people which would positively answer their expressed desires for change. My research method is one of comparison and analysis, as well as referring to virtual images by which I hope to provide a visual representation of models used to explain cybernetic expressions of power organization, communication, and expression. My project will hope to explain how internet users in Turkey found themselves in their position, use political and cybernetic means to analyze that position and the subsequent development of Turkish internet legislation, which I will demonstrate serves only to repress digital protest from then on

    Urgensi Implementasi Prinsip Good Corporate Governance Kaitannya Terhadap Perlindungan Hukum Pemegang Saham Minoritas

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    This writing describes and examines the problems about urgency of implementing the principles of good corporate governance (GCG) related to the legal protection of shareholders. This writing is a normative legal research which is prescriptive with statute approach and case approach. Legal materials obtained from the primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The collection technique used is the study of literature and cyber media. Furthermore, technical analysis is a deductive method. The results showed that the urgency of the implementing the principles of good corporate governance is very important for a company to have many benefits because that is beneficial to internal and external parties of the company. From the overall of implementation/ application of the principle of GCG for a company will be impact on enhancing the value of the company for shareholders, as well as the fulfillment of interest for stakeholders company both stakeholders and shareholders. Moreover, be related to the legal protection of shareholders, the existence of the principle of GCG give legal protection for shareholders in particular minority shareholders because it contains a form of protection of the rights and interests of minority shareholders

    Cloud-based control of industrial cyber-physical systems

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    This paper presents an implementation of a control algorithm to a cloud system. The motivation is that cloud implementations of low-level systems in the production industry are gradually becoming more common. Microsoft Azure platform is utilized for the cloud-based control and the case is tested using a customized laboratory model, which can be presented as an agent in a typical production system. The model offers the regulation of a ball on an inclined surface and uses two asynchronous motors connected to frequency converters to control the position of the ball. These frequency converters are controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services and Azure IoT Hub were selected to be used with the cloud-based control system. Experimental results have shown our solution can control the system with sampling period equal or higher than 100ms. The latency of WCF service is at around 100ms and latency of Azure IoT Hub is at around 1000ms, so the prediction algorithms could be implemented in the cloud for the latter. This research also shows the feasibility of migrating machine learning algorithms that demand high computing power to the cloud to reduce the computing burden on the local control units

    Cloud-based control of industrial cyber-physical systems

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    This paper presents an implementation of a control algorithm to a cloud system. The motivation is that cloud implementations of low-level systems in the production industry are gradually becoming more common. Microsoft Azure platform is utilized for the cloud-based control and the case is tested using a customized laboratory model, which can be presented as an agent in a typical production system. The model offers the regulation of a ball on an inclined surface and uses two asynchronous motors connected to frequency converters to control the position of the ball. These frequency converters are controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services and Azure IoT Hub were selected to be used with the cloud-based control system. Experimental results have shown our solution can control the system with sampling period equal or higher than 100ms. The latency of WCF service is at around 100ms and latency of Azure IoT Hub is at around 1000ms, so the prediction algorithms could be implemented in the cloud for the latter. This research also shows the feasibility of migrating machine learning algorithms that demand high computing power to the cloud to reduce the computing burden on the local control units

    El ciberactivismo como hegemonía del poder y construcción de la democracia en Latinoamérica

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    Las escuelas de comunicación en América Latina han enseñado teorías de la comunicación, sus efectos y dependencias; empero, la realidad en la actualidad ha cambiado. La aldea global se ha desarrollado en un contexto en el que los medios de comunicación han tenido que evolucionar. Así mismo, los medios de comunicación han tenido siempre la misión de dominar masas y de inyectar como “aguja hipodérmica” la información. Los estudiantes y los graduados, perciben sobre la verdadera realidad de algunos medios, con respecto a la democracia y la hegemonía del poder, de facultades de poder que les permiten a los propietarios de los medios, abalanzarse al lado de los poderosos para lograr sus objetivos. En la actualidad ese paradigma se rompió, ahora la Internet y en especial las redes sociales, cambiaron los esquemas; ahora son manejados por personas pensantes quienes están dominando la esfera de las comunicaciones. Los casos emblemáticos en Latinoamérica han sido discutidos en Bolivia, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay y Ecuador. Quizá, en otros países, actualmente tiene menos fuerza la hegemonía del poder, la utilización de los medios de comunicación como arma prioritaria para llegar al poder, de cambiar la Constitución y luego difundir con medios de comunicación propios. Una diferente “democracia”. Si no fuese por el ciberactivismo, estos países estuvieran en condiciones diferentes, o sea, con sendas dictaduras como en Venezuela. Las personas ayudan a través del activismo a regular la democracia.Communication schools in Latin America have taught communication theories, their effects and dependencies, but reality has changed today. The global village has developed in a context in which the media have had to evolve. Likewise, the media have always had the mission to dominate masses and to inject like information "hypodermic needle". Students and graduates perceive the true reality of some media with respect to democracy and the hegemony of power, power faculties that allow media owners to pounce on the side of the powerful to achieve their goals. At the moment this paradigm was broken, now the Internet and in particular the social networks, changed the schemes; Are now managed by thinking people, who are dominating the sphere of communications. The emblematic cases in Latin America have been discussed in Bolivia, Venezuela and Uruguay, Paraguay and Ecuador. Perhaps, in other countries, the hegemony of power, the use of the media as a priority weapon to reach power, to change the Constitution and then to diffuse with its own means of communication is less strong. A different "democracy". If it were not for cyber-activism, these countries would be in different conditions, that is, with any dictatorships like Venezuela. People help through activism to regulate democracy

    Publicidad y Branded Entertainment: interactividad y otros códigos de entretenimiento

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    En esta segunda década del siglo XXI, las nuevas tecnologías y los nuevos medios de comunicación han formado parte de la vida común. Encontramos un individuo siempre en línea, lo cual supone también un nuevo consumidor, que participa, produce contenido y requiere algo a cambio de su atención. En este escenario, destacamos el formato Branded Entertainment, con el cual muchas marcas han ofrecido al público experiencias entretenidas, con carácter de narrativa y de juego. En la búsqueda de la estructura de esas experiencias, observamos en este trabajo cómo se comporta uno de sus elementos esenciales, la interactividad, identificando sus tipos, el papel que el consumidor asume y los niveles interactivos alcanzados. Además, consideramos como variables los códigos textuales, verbales y visuales de las piezas, esclareciendo como la elección de ciertos elementos y la ausencia de otros influye en la construcción de un mensaje entretenido. Fueron seleccionadas dos campañas: la inglesa «Dip Desperado», de Doritos, y la brasileña «Red Bull Street Art View», de Red Bull. El resultado de este estudio inicial se ajusta a nuestra hipótesis: el enfoque del mensaje en campañas entretenidas no está en el objeto a ser vendido. Elementos tradicionales son sustituidos por una orientación hacia el consumidor y, de esa manera, el público es llevado a concluir algo por sí mismo sobre aquella marca o producto. Y si tal conclusión es positiva, entonces, deberíamos considerar un nuevo tipo de persuasión: la persuasión entretenida.As we progress in the second decade of the 21st century, new technologies and new media have become a part of everyday life. This has created a new breed of consumer: an individual who is «always connected», participates, produces content and requires something in return for his attention. In this context, we highlight the Branded Entertainment format, through which so many brands have offered entertainment experiences, which feature a narrative and gameplay character to their targets. In this study, with the objective of identifying the composition of these experiences, we focused on the behavior of one of the key elements: the interactivity. We have identified various types of interactivity as well as the role assumed by the consumer and the interactive levels achieved. In addition, we consider the textual, verbal and visual elements of the pieces, clarifying how the election of certain elements and the absence of others influences the construction of an entertainment message. We selected to study two campaigns: the English «Dip Desperado», by Doritos, and the Brazilian «Red Bull Street Art View», by Red Bull. The results of our initial study confirm our hypothesis: that the focus of the message in entertainment campaigns is not on the object to be sold. Traditional elements are replaced by a consumer orientation and, thus, the target is led to an independent conclusion about the brand or product in question. If the outcome of this conclusion is positive, then we consider this a new type of persuasion: the entertainment persuasion

    Arte, Feminismo y Tecnología. Reflexiones sobre formas creativas y formas de domesticación

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    In this article about art, technology and feminism, I assert the role of writings and modes of doing in relation to discourses, as well as the coherence of that position in every femi-nist critical practice against logocentrism. The text, based on a revision and modification of part of the chapter «Teclear» of my essay (h)adas. Mujeres que crean, programan, prosumen, teclean (2013), is based on a critical and proposing analysis of some of the most usual feminist modes of doing of feminist art practice, and argues the interest of that cre-ative practice in technology and networks, emphasising the power of the choices not only of media, but of the creative forms against implicit tendencies -although almost always in-visible- toward domestication; the power of the resistance exercises, infiltration, subver-sion and critical appropriation against the repetion of worlds.En este artículo sobre arte, tecnología y feminismo reivindico el papel de las escrituras y formas de hacer en relación a los discursos, así como la coherencia de dicho posicionamien-to en todo ejercicio crítico del feminismo frente al logocentrismo. El texto apoyado en la revisión y modificación de parte del capítulo «Teclear» de mi ensayo (h)adas. Mujeres que crean, programan, prosumen, teclean (2013), se apoya en el análisis crítico y propositivo de algunos de los más habituales «modos de hacer» de la práctica artística feminista y argu-menta el interés de dicha práctica creativa por la tecnología y las redes, enfatizando el po-der de las elecciones no ya de los medios, sino de las formas creativas frente a las tenden-cias implícitas, y casi siempre invisibles, a la domesticación; el poder de los ejercicios de resistencia, infiltración, subversión y apropiación crítica frente a la repetición de mundos