23 research outputs found

    Genetical and physiological variability of Norway Spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in progeny tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Smrča predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih vrsta četinara u Bosni i Hercegovini. U posljednjih par decenija, uloženi su značajni napori na unapređenju proizvodnje šumskog reproduktivnog materijala ove vrste. Izdvojen je veći broj sjemenskih sastojina i intenzivirana je proizvodnja sjemena i sadnog materijala koji se distribuira na različite lokalitete. Reakcija potomstva na staništa na koja se unosi nije poznata, te je transfer rizičan. U cilju ispitivanja reakcije potomstva, osnovani su testovi na otvorenom. U dva testa potomstva smrče, osnovana 2009. godine sadnicama tipa 2+1n u Driniću (zapadni dio BiH) i Srebrenici (istočni dio BiH), testira se potomstvo vrste u različitim bioekološkim uslovima. Testovi se sastoje od 6 populacija: Han Pijesak 1, Han Pijesak 2, Foča, Potoci, Olovo i Kneževo. Istražena je varijabilnost populacija i linija polusrodnika u oba testa potomstva u pogledu: morfometrijskih, fizioloških i genetičkih parametara. Istraživanja su sprovedena u periodu 2013-2016. god. Istraživanje morfometrijskih parametara obuhvatilo je mjerenje: visina, prečnika korijenovog vrata i broja grana u pršljenu. Proučavanje fizioloških parametara obuhvatilo je praćenje otvaranja pupoljaka, istraživanje sadržaja fotosintetičkih pigmenata i mjerenje fotosinteze, stomatalne provodljivosti i transpiracije na terenu. Varijabilnosti molekularnim markerima utvrđena je primjenom nSSR markera. Rezultati ukazuju postojanje značajne varijabilnosti u pogledu preživljavanja, rasta i prirasta sadnica na nivou testova potomstva, populacija i linija polusrodnika. Preživljavanje sadnica u prvim godinama nakon osnivanja testova bilo je veće u Driniću nego u Srebrenici. Tokom godina, stopa preživljavanja se izjednačila u oba testa potomstva. Populacija Kneževo ima najmanji procenat opstalih sadnica u testu potomstva u Driniću, dok je u testu potomstva u Srebrenici situacija obrnuta – populacije Kneževo i Foča se odlikuju najvećim preživljavanjem. Populacija Olovo postiže skromne rezultate u oba testa potomstva. Izdvajaju se linije polusrodnika HP2/8 i HP2/10 sa najvećim procentom preživjelih sadnica. Populacije Potoci i Olovo postižu najveće visine u testu potomstva u Driniću, dok se populacija Kneževo odlikuje najmanjim visinama. Najveći prečnik korijenovog vrata postigla je populacija Foča. Posmatrano po linijama polusrodnika, linija polusrodnika O9 je postizala najveće visine u skoro svim godinama, dok je najmanje visine dostizalo više različitih linija polusrodnika iz više populacija. U testu potomstva u Srebrenici najveće visine postizale su sadnica iz populacije Potoci i Kneževo, a najmanje populacija Foča i Han Pijesak 1...During the last few decades, significant efforts have been made to improve the production of the forest reproductive material of this species. A large number of seed stands have been delineated, the production of seed and seedlings has been intensified and the seedlings have been distributed to different sites. The reaction of the progeny to the habitats to which it is transplanted is not familiar so the transfer is risky. In order to examine the progeny reactions, open field progeny tests have been established. In the two progeny tests established in 2009 with stock type 2 + 1n in Drinić (the western part of B&H) and Srebrenica (the eastern part of B&H), the progeny of the species is tested in different bioecological conditions. The tests consist of 6 populations: Han Pijesak 1, Han Pijesak 2, Foča, Potoci, Olovo and Kneževo. The variability of the populations and half-sib lines in both progeny tests was investigated in terms of: morphometric, physiological and genetic parameters. The research was conducted in the period 2013-2016. The study of morphometric parameters included the measurements of height, root collar diameter and the number of whorls. The study of physiological parameters included: bud burst monitoring, the content of photosynthetic pigments investigation and the measurement of photosynthesis, stomatal conduction and transpiration in the field. The variability of molecular markers was determined by using nSSR markers. The results indicated the existence of significant variability in the survival, growth and seedlings increment at the level of progeny tests, populations and half-sib lines. Seedlings survival in the first years after the progeny tests had been established was higher in Drinić than in Srebrenica. Over the years, the survival rate was equalized for both progeny tests. Population Kneževo had the smallest percentage of seedlings which survived in the progeny test Drinić, while in the progeny test Srebrenica the situation is reversed - the Kneževo and Foča populations were characterized by the greatest survival. The population of Olovo achieved modest results in both progeny tests. The HP2/8 and HP2/10 half- sib lines with the highest percentage of live seedlings have been distinguished. The population Potoci and Olovo achieved the highest values of height in the progeny test Drinić, while Kneževo population was characterized by the lowest heights. The largest diameter of the root collar was recorded for Foča population. When observed on the half–sib lines level, O9 has reached the highest values of height in almost all years, while several different lines of half-sib lines from populations attained the smallest heights..

    Functional Traits of Boreal Species and Adaptation to Local Conditions

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    Species continuity under the harsh climatic conditions of the boreal forest requires trees to ensure the functioning of two main life processes, namely growth and reproduction. However, species survival becomes a challenge when environmental conditions become unstable and reach the taxa’s ecological tolerance limit. Survival in an unstable environment is possible through the concurring processes of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation; each process has its advantages and shortcomings. Local adaptation allows attaining the best possible fitness under conditions of limited gene flow and strong directional selection, leading to specific adaptations to the local environment; however, there is a risk of maladaptation when conditions suddenly change. In turn, phenotypic plasticity provides trees an advantage when weather events change rapidly and enables a response expressed by the production of different phenotypes by the same genotype. However, this process is expensive in terms of costs in maintenance and causes developmental instability within the individual. Boreal trees utilize both processes as reflected in variations in their functional traits within the same species. In this chapter, we address the main life processes, presenting the variability of functional traits of flowering and seed production, xylem conductivity, bud and cambium phenology, as well as transpiration and photosynthesis, as a consequence of the interaction of genotype and environment. We describe the practical consequences of a variation in functional traits, as expressed in chemical and mechanical wood properties. Finally, we outline applications and perspectives for managing boreal forests in a context of heterogeneous and changing environmental conditions.Peer reviewe

    Towards the dynamic conservation of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika) western populations

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    Key message High levels of genetic diversity, pronounced genetic structure and limitations to gene flow in Serbian spruce, a rare and endangered tree species from the refugial Balkan region, point towards a "one population-one unit" strategy for assembling a network of Genetic Conservation Units (GCUs) for its dynamic conservation. On the other hand, genetic information also permits to prioritize populations for conservation based on their contribution to genetic diversity and differentiation. Context Serbian spruce, Picea omorika (Panc.) Purk., is a rare, IUCN red-listed European conifer endemic to the Balkan region. Its current rigid conservation (without any intervention allowed in similar to 30 remnant populations) and the extant network of Genetic Conservation Units (four natural populations and three planted stands from the western part of the species range, in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, RS-BH) might be ineffective in preserving the species' genetic diversity. Aims To facilitate implementation of dynamic conservation of Serbian spruce by re-assessing the number and size of remnant populations in RS-BH and updating genetic knowledge on these understudied western Serbian spruce populations. Methods Comprehensive field survey in RS-BH, genotyping 689 individuals from 14 western populations with ten highly informative nuclear EST-SSRs and analytical methods for prioritizing populations for conservation based on their contribution to the geographical structuring of genetic diversity. Results The genetic diversity of western Serbian spruce populations (Ae = 2.524, H-E = 0.451) is comparable with what was found for eastern ones; they are highly genetically differentiated (Hedrick's G'(ST) = 0.186; Jost's D = 0.097) and comprise ten distinct gene pools. Effective population size is often gt = 15. As much as 14% of alleles is not preserved in the extant GCUs established in natural populations. Eight populations positively contribute to within-population genetic diversity, four to genetic differentiation, and two are globally important in terms of diversity and differentiation. Although wildfires may contribute to admixture of different gene pools, re-establishment from seeds from extirpated populations has likely prevailed in studied populations. Conclusions A larger network of GCUs is required for the dynamic conservation of western Serbian spruce populations. A "one population-one unit" strategy, with 14 GCUs, would represent the safest approach to conserve species extant genetic variation in this part of the species range. Nonetheless, a strategy to prioritize populations for conservation based on their contribution to allelic diversity has been put forward. Given the rapid global warming and peculiarities of Serbian spruce distribution, habitat and life history traits, conservation measures based on a rigorously designed GCU network are urgent for its rescue and survival

    Assessment of genetic diversity of silver fir (Abies alba mill.) In Serbia using SSR markers

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    The paper presents the results of the analysis of genetic variability of eight populations of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Serbia obtained using SSR markers. The genomic DNA was isolated from tissue of needles of all eight populations. Due to the costly and lengthy process a small number of the SSR markers for Abies alba have been developed, so in this study were used the microsatellite markers of related species. The obtained results indicate a low level of the genetic variability between natural populations of silver fir. The total number of alleles detected with nine SSR markers in eight studied populations of silver fir is 28. The range of alleles varies from two for NFF15 to six for SF78 with an average of 3.1 alleles per locus. The mean value of genetic similarity between populations is 0.92. The smallest genetic similarity between pairs of populations is 0.82 (Dubocica Bare and Stara Planina; Dubocica Bare and Tara) and the greatest genetic similarity is 1 (Zlatar and Stara Planina, Zlatar and Tara, Stara Planina and Tara). A basic insight into the level of genetic diversity of natural populations of silver fir in Serbia, which are located in a relatively small area, has been given using a set of SSR markers. The obtained results can be used in the future strategy for the management and regeneration of silver fir forests


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    The paper presents the results of investigation of variability of net photosynthesis (A), transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and water use efficiency (WUE) in one year old seedlings of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.), assessed in a nursery trial. Study involved 5 families of half-sib progenies which originate from the Northern part of Serbia (Vojvodina Province). The results showed significant differences among families in regards of stomatal conductance (0.163–0.256 mol m–2 s–1), transpiration (3.27–5.28 mmol m–2 s–1) and water use efficiency (1.98–3.80 μmol mmol−1) (p≤0.001), while differences regarding net photosynthesis (10.49–12.44 μmol m–2 s–1) were not statistically significant (p≤0.124). Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) was performed in order to estimate multivariate relations among analyzed leaf photosyntetical traits. Families were separated by the first canonical axis (CD1), which described 82% of variability. Presence of differences in regards of E, gs and WUE indicate the possibility of choosing the best families for a breeding program.Divlja trešnja je brzorastuća vrsta drveća, koja se u prirodi javlja uglavnom stablimično u obliku pojedinačnih stabala ili grupa stabala, rijetko formirajući prirodne populacije. S obzirom na ekonomsko i ekološko značenje koji divlja trešnja ima za šumarstvo, programi oplemenjivanja ove vrste imaju dugu tradiciju u Europi. Oplemenjivanje divlje trešnje u Srbiji započelo je 2005. godine kada je izvršena prva inventarizacija plus stabala na teritoriju čitave države. Tijekom 2011. godine izvršena je dodatna inventarizacija plus stabala divlje trešnje, kada je prikupljeno i sjeme od kojega je osnovan rani test potomstva.Fiziološki parametri danas su često korišteni u oplemenjivanju glede činjenice da su istraživanja brojnih autora pokazala da oni mogu pružiti korisne informacije o potencijalu rasta i produktivnosti ispitivanih biljaka. Pokus obuhvaćen ovom studijom osnovan je na pokusnom dobru Instituta za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu "Kaćka šuma", u mjestu Kać, nedaleko Novog Sada. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo pet familija divlje trešnje, porijeklom iz sjevernog dijela Republike Srbije (AP Vojvodina) (Slika 1; Tablica 1). Mjerenja su provedena na jednogodišnjim sadnicama tijekom kolovoza 2012. godine i obavljena pomoću prijenosnog uređaja ADC Bioscientific Ltd. LCPro+. Statistička obrada podataka izvršena je u programskom paketu Statistica 10.Rezultati su pokazali postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između familija u pogledu transpiracije (p≤0.001), stomatalne provodljivosti (p≤0.001) i učinkovitosti korištenja vode (p≤0.001), dok razlike u pogledu neto fotosinteze nisu bile statistički značajne (p≤0.124) (Tablica 2). Familija 11, s lokaliteta Jamena, okarakterizirala se najvećim vrijednostima neto fotosinteze, stomatalne provodljivosti, učinkovitosti korištenja vode, kao i najmanjom vrijednošću transpiracije. Generalno promatrano, porodice iz ravničarskog dijela (1, 2, 11 i 13) pokazale su bolju adaptiranost na klimatske uvjete u rasadniku, u usporedbi s porodicom 7, koja potječe s veće nadmorske visine. Ovo je posebno vidljivo kroz više vrijednosti neto fotosinteze i učinkovitosti korištenja vode, kao i niže vrijednosti transpiracije. Definiranje razlika između analiziranih provenijencija, kao i procjena doprinosa pojedinačnih karakteristika dobivena je iz rezultata primijenjene kanoničke diskriminantne analize (CDA). Chi-Square testom je utvrđeno statistički značajno odvajanje familija po tri kanoničke diskriminantne osi (Tablica 3). Prva kanonijska os (CD1) opisivala je 82 % svih razlika između analiziranih familija, dok su druga (CD2) i treća os (CD3) opisivale 14 %, odnosno 4 % razlika (Tablica 4). Razdvajanje familija 11 i 13 od ostalih familija, po prvoj kanonijskoj osi, u najvećoj mjeri je rezultat razlika u pogledu učinkovitosti korištenja vode (Tablica 4; Slika 2). Kako su ekološki uvjeti u rasadnicima ujednačeni, utvrđene razlike između familija su vjerojatno posljedica njihove genetičke konstitucije. Postojanje spomenutih razlika upućuje na mogućnost izbora najboljih familija za programe oplemenjivanja u klimatskim uvjetima koji vladaju u Vojvodini. U daljnjem radu, posebnu pozornost trebalo bi obratiti na porodice 11 i 13, s obzirom da su one posjedovale najveće vrijednosti neto fotosinteze i učinkovitosti korištenja vode koje se smatraju adaptivnim svojstvima i pokazateljima tolerancije biljaka na stres od suše. Također, kako bi se dobili precizniji podaci vezano za potencijal različitih familija divlje trešnje u Srbiji, neophodna su višegodišnja istraživanja u koja bi, osim fizioloških, bili uključeni i parametri koji upućuju na oksidativni stres, odnosno morfološku i anatomsku građu biljaka

    Analysis of inter-line variability of bald cypress (Taxodium distichum l. Rich.) Juvenile seedlings using morphometric markers

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    In this paper are presented results of the analysis of inter-line variability of morphometric characters of Bald cypress juvenile seedlings at the level of 20 half-sib lines. Obtained results contribute to better understanding of relationship of analyzed characters, as well as the influence of analyzed characters to the differentiation of half-sib lines. Based on these results, differences were observed in the values of the analyzed characters for each half-sib line individually. The determined values of seedlings' size indicate good genetic and adaptive potential of this species, which can be considered as a starting point for the mass production of quality planting material and its use in Serbia

    Non-Native Forest Tree Species in Europe: The Question of Seed Origin in Afforestation

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    Non-native forest tree species have been introduced in Europe since the 16th century, but only in the second half of the 20th century the significance of the seed source origin for their economic use was recognized, resulting in the establishment of numerous provenance trials at a national, regional, European and International level, as those led by IUFRO. Breeding programs have also been launched in the continent for the most economically important species. Aim of this work is the formulation of provenance recommendations for planting of five non-native tree species in Europe (Douglas fir, grand fir, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and black locust), based on the information obtained from twenty countries, in the frame of the EU FP-1403 NNEXT Cost Action. The survey revealed that official and non-official national recommendations, based on provenance research results, have been elaborated and followed at a different level and extend for the above five species, but only for Douglas fir recommendations exist in almost all the participating to the survey countries. The compilation of provenance recommendations across Europe for each species is presented in the current work. Besides the recommended introduced seed sources, European seed sources are also preferred for planting, due to ease of access and high availability of forest reproductive material. European breeding programs yielding genetic material of high productivity and quality constitute currently the seed source of choice for several species and countries. Consolidation of trial data obtained across countries will allow the joint analysis that is urgently needed to draw solid conclusions, and will facilitate the development of ‘Universal-Response-Functions’ for the species of interest, rendering possible the identification of the genetic material suitable for global change. New provenance trial series that will test seed sources from the entire climatic range of the species, established in sites falling within and outside the environmental envelopes of their natural ranges, are urgently needed to pinpoint and understand the species-specific climate constraints, as well as to correlate functional traits to the seed origin and the environmental conditions of the test sites, so that the selection of suitable forest reproductive material of non-native tree species in the face of climate change can be feasible.publishedVersio

    Budburst dynamics of Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies Karst.) – selection for late spring frosts resistence

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    Norway spruce is one of the most commonly used species for new forest planting in Europe. It is planted in a large number of habitats, often without following the previous results in the success of afforestation. In order to improve Norway spruce afforestation, open field tests were established in which developmental phenophases are monitored. The use of planting material of different provenances, which had not previously been tested for habitat conditions, was often the cause of the decline of newly planted forests. Early budburst of Norway spruce causes losses due to the freezing of terminal buds. Norway spruce testing for different habitat conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was conducted at two ecologically different localities: Srebrenica (eastern part of B&H) and Drinić (western part of B&H). During 3 years, the budburst on the seedlings originating from 6 populations (Han Pijesak 1, Han Pijesak 2, Foča, Olovo, Kneževo and Potoci) was monitored. The budburst dynamics was monitored in 2013, 2015 and 2016 and it was recorded for each seedling in two progeny tests. Seedlings from the Kneževo population budbursted the earliest. The seedlings would start budburst on different days of the year, depending partly on the temperature sums and their origin. The earliest budburst was recorded in 2013 (119th day of the year in Srebrenica and 121st day of the year in Drinić). During 2015 and 2016, the budburst started later (125th day in Srebrenica and 129th day in Drinić). Temperature cumulants indicate that a smaller sum of temperatures was required for the buburst in the Srebrenica test than in the Drinić test. However, the temperature sums did not clearly indicate the budburst pattern because they were different for each observed year, but the populations ranking was almost the same. This indicates the influence of some other variables on the budburst. The knowing of the data on the budburst dynamics are a prerequisite for a successful selection of starting populations from which planting material is produced and new forests are later planted. Population Kneževo had the earliest budburst but population Han Pijesak 2 had the latest budburst


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    Cilj rada je analiza perioda cvjetanja vrsta roda lipa (Tilia sp.)u toku jedne vegetacione sezone, na području grada Banja Luke. Vrsteobuhvaćene ovim istraživanjem su: krupnolisna, sitnolisna i srebrnolisnalipa. Terensko istraživanje je sprovedeno na tri lokaliteta: u parku MladenStojanović, Univerzitetskom gradu i na Starčevici. Utvrđene su klimatske,edafske i orografske karakteristike objekta istraživanja. Navedenilokaliteti, iako se nalaze relativno blizu u istom klimatskom području,pružaju različite ekološke uslove za razvoj i fenologiju istraživanih vrsta.Praćeno je pet faza cvjetanja, s ciljem da se utvrdi uticaj stanišnih uslovana fenofazu cvjetanja, te utvrde genetičke različitosti analiziranih stabala.Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da početak i trajanje pojedinih fazacvjetanja istraživanih vrsta, u najvećoj mjeri zavise od vrste i stanišnihuslova. Na osnovu izvršenih fenoloških osmatranja konstatovane surazlike u trajanju perioda cvjetanja kod analiziranih stabala unutar istoglokaliteta. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti od koristi kod procjene kvalitetasjemena i definisanja vremena i načina njegovog sakupljanja

    Variability of Norway spruce morphometric characteristics in progeny tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The paper presents the results of an analysis of morphometric characteristics of Norway spruce seedlings in the progeny tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina, localities: Drinić and Srebrenica. Progeny tests were established by using seedlings originating from six natural populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Seedling height, root collar and whorl distance from the ground, which represents seedling heights in 2011, 2012 and 2013 were measured. The results indicate statistically significant differences between the analyzed characteristics of the observed population. Especially interesting are the populations Potoci and Olovo, which showed the highest growth during the observed period in both progeny tests. The impact of the drought in 2013 can be seen in the progeny test in Srebrenica where height growth in 2013 was lower by more than 50% in comparison to 2012. The impact of drought in the progeny test in Drinić was not observed. The research provides the baseline when selecting the starting population, where the rapid growth of seedlings is set as the main goal