467 research outputs found

    BEAGLE-AGN I: Simultaneous constraints on the properties of gas in star-forming and AGN narrow-line regions in galaxies

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    We present the addition of nebular emission from the narrow-line regions (NLR) surrounding active galactic nuclei (AGN) to BEAGLE (BayEsian Analysis of GaLaxy sEds). Using a set of idealised spectra, we fit to a set of observables (emission-line ratios and fluxes) and test the retrieval of different physical parameters. We find that fitting to standard diagnostic-line ratios from Baldwin et al. (1981) plus [O II]3726,3729/[O III]5007, Hbeta/ Halpha, [O I]6300/[O II]3726,3729 and Halpha flux, degeneracies remain between dust-to-metal mass ratio and ionisation parameter in the NLR gas, and between slope of the ionizing radiation (characterising the emission from the accretion disc around the central black hole) and total accretion-disc luminosity. Since these degeneracies bias the retrieval of other parameters even at maximal signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), without additional observables, we suggest fixing the slope of the ionizing radiation and dust-to-metal mass ratios in both NLR and HII regions. We explore the S/N in Hbeta required for un-biased estimates of physical parameters, finding that S/N(Hbeta)~10 is sufficient to identify a NLR contribution, but that higher S/N is required for un-biased parameter retrieval (~20 for NLR-dominated systems, ~sim30 for objects with approximately-equal Hbeta contributions from NLR and HII regions). We also compare the predictions of our models for different line ratios to previously-published models and data. By adding [He II]4686-line measurements to a set of published line fluxes for a sample of 463 AGN NLR, we show that our models with 4<-4<ionisation parameter in the NLR gas<1.5<-1.5 can account for the full range of observed AGN properties in the local Universe.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Power, Validity, Bias and Robustness of Family-based Association Analysis Methods in the Presence of Linkage for Late Onset Diseases

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    This simulation-based report compares the performance of five methods of association analysis in the presence of linkage using extended sibships: the Family-Based Association Test (FBAT), Empirical Variance FBAT (EV-FBAT), Conditional Logistic Regression (CLR), Robust CLR (R-CLR) and Sibship Disequilibrium Test (SDT). The two tests accounting for residual familial correlation (EV-FBAT and R-CLR) and the model-free SDT showed correct test size in all simulated designs, while FBAT and CLR were only valid for small effect sizes. SDT had the lowest power, while CLR had the highest power, generally similar to FBAT and the robust variance analogues. The power of all model-dependent tests dropped when the model was misspecified, although often not substantially. Estimates of genetic effect with CLR and R-CLR were unbiased when the disease locus was analysed but biased when a nearby marker was analysed. This study demonstrates that the genetic effect does not need to be extreme to invalidate tests that ignore familial correlation and confirms that analogous methods using robust variance estimation provide a valid alternative at little cost to power. Overall R-CLR is the best-performing method among these alternatives for the analysis of extended sibship data

    NIR Spectroscopy of Star-Forming Galaxies at z~1.4 with Subaru/FMOS: The Mass-Metallicity Relation

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopic observations of star-forming galaxies at z~1.4 with FMOS on the Subaru Telescope. We observed K-band selected galaxies in the SXDS/UDS fields with K10^{9.5} Msun, and expected F(Halpha)>10^{-16} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}. 71 objects in the sample have significant detections of Halpha. For these objects, excluding possible AGNs identified from the BPT diagram, gas-phase metallicities are obtained from [NII]/Halpha line ratio. The sample is split into three stellar mass bins, and the spectra are stacked in each stellar mass bin. The mass-metallicity relation obtained at z~1.4 is located between those at z~0.8 and z~2.2. We constrain an intrinsic scatter to be ~0.1 dex or larger in the mass-metallicity relation at z~1.4; the scatter may be larger at higher redshifts. We found trends that the deviation from the mass-metallicity relation depends on the SFR and the half light radius: Galaxies with higher SFR and larger half light radii show lower metallicities at a given stellar mass. One possible scenario for the trends is the infall of pristine gas accreted from IGM or through merger events. Our data points show larger scatter than the fundamental metallicity relation (FMR) at z~0.1 and the average metallicities slightly deviate from the FMR. The compilation of the mass-metallicity relations at z~3 to z~0.1 shows that they evolve smoothly from z~3 to z~0 without changing the shape so much except for the massive part at z~0.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Non-parametric analysis of the rest-frame UV sizes and morphological disturbance amongst L* galaxies at 4<z<8

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    We present the results of a study investigating the sizes and morphologies of redshift 4 < z < 8 galaxies in the CANDELS GOODS-S, HUDF and HUDF parallel fields. Based on non-parametric measurements and incorporating a careful treatment of measurement biases, we quantify the typical size of galaxies at each redshift as the peak of the log-normal size distribution, rather than the arithmetic mean size. Parameterizing the evolution of galaxy half-light radius as r50(1+z)nr_{50} \propto (1+z)^n, we find n=0.20±0.26n = -0.20 \pm 0.26 at bright UV-luminosities (0.3L(z=3)<L<L0.3L_{*(z=3)} < L < L_*) and n=0.47±0.62n = -0.47 \pm 0.62 at faint luminosities (0.12L<L<0.3L0.12L_* < L < 0.3L_*). Furthermore, simulations based on artificially redshifting our z~4 galaxy sample show that we cannot reject the null hypothesis of no size evolution. We show that this result is caused by a combination of the size-dependent completeness of high-redshift galaxy samples and the underestimation of the sizes of the largest galaxies at a given epoch. To explore the evolution of galaxy morphology we first compare asymmetry measurements to those from a large sample of simulated single S\'ersic profiles, in order to robustly categorise galaxies as either `smooth' or `disturbed'. Comparing the disturbed fraction amongst bright (MUV20M_{UV} \leq -20) galaxies at each redshift to that obtained by artificially redshifting our z~4 galaxy sample, while carefully matching the size and UV-luminosity distributions, we find no clear evidence for evolution in galaxy morphology over the redshift interval 4 < z < 8. Therefore, based on our results, a bright (MUV20M_{UV} \leq -20) galaxy at z~6 is no more likely to be measured as `disturbed' than a comparable galaxy at z~4, given the current observational constraints.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figures, 4 tables, published in MNRA

    New Constraints on Cosmic Reionization from the 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field Campaign

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    Understanding cosmic reionization requires the identification and characterization of early sources of hydrogen-ionizing photons. The 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF12) campaign has acquired the deepest infrared images with the Wide Field Camera 3 aboard Hubble Space Telescope and, for the first time, systematically explored the galaxy population deep into the era when cosmic microwave background (CMB) data indicates reionization was underway. The UDF12 campaign thus provides the best constraints to date on the abundance, luminosity distribution, and spectral properties of early star-forming galaxies. We synthesize the new UDF12 results with the most recent constraints from CMB observations to infer redshift-dependent ultraviolet (UV) luminosity densities, reionization histories, and electron scattering optical depth evolution consistent with the available data. Under reasonable assumptions about the escape fraction of hydrogen ionizing photons and the intergalactic medium clumping factor, we find that to fully reionize the universe by redshift z~6 the population of star-forming galaxies at redshifts z~7-9 likely must extend in luminosity below the UDF12 limits to absolute UV magnitudes of M_UV\sim -13 or fainter. Moreover, low levels of star formation extending to redshifts z~15-25, as suggested by the normal UV colors of z\simeq7-8 galaxies and the smooth decline in abundance with redshift observed by UDF12 to z\simeq10, are additionally likely required to reproduce the optical depth to electron scattering inferred from CMB observations.Comment: Version accepted by ApJ (originally submitted Jan 5, 2013). The UDF12 website can be found at http://udf12.arizona.ed

    The cosmic assembly of stellar haloes in massive Early-Type Galaxies

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    Using the exquisite depth of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF12 programme) data set, we explore the ongoing assembly of the outermost regions of the most massive galaxies (Mstellar ≥ 5× 1010 M⊙) at z ≤ 1. The outskirts of massive objects, particularly early-type Galaxies (ETGs), are expected to suffer a dramatic transformation across cosmic time due to continuous accretion of small galaxies. HUDF imaging allows us to study this process at intermediate redshifts in six massive galaxies, exploring the individual surface brightness profiles out to ∼25 effective radii. We find that 5–20 per cent of the total stellar mass for the galaxies in our sample is contained within 10 1–2 per cent, very similar to predictions based on observed close pair counts. Therefore, the results for our small albeit meaningful sample suggest that the size and mass growth of the most massive galaxies have been solely driven by minor and major merging from z = 1 to today

    A peculiar galaxy appears at redshift 11: properties of a moderate redshift interloper

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    Laporte et al. (2011) reported a very high redshift galaxy candidate: a lensed J-band dropout (A2667-J1). J1 has a photometric redshift of z=9.6-12, the probability density function for which permits no low or intermediate z solution. We here report new spectroscopic observations of this galaxy with VLT/XShooter, which show clear [OIII]5007AA, Ly-alpha, H-alpha, and H-beta emission and place the galaxy firmly at z=2.082. The oxygen lines contribute only ~25% to the H-band flux, and do not significantly affect the dropout selection of J1. After correcting the broadband fluxes for line emission, we identify two roughly equally plausible natures for A2667-J1: either it is young heavily reddened starburst, or a maximally old system with a very pronounced 4000AA break, upon which a minor secondary burst of star formation is superimposed. Fits show that to make a 3 sigma detection of this object in the B-band (V-band), imaging of depth AB=30.2 (29.5) would be required - despite the relatively bright NIR magnitude, we would need optical data of equivalent depth to the Hubble Ultra Deep Field to rule out the mid-z solution on purely photometric grounds. Assuming that this stellar population can be scaled to the NIR magnitudes of recent HST/WFC3 IR-selected galaxies, we conclude that infeasibly deep optical data AB~32 would be required for the same level of security. There is a population of galaxies at z~2 with continuum colours alone that mimic those of our z=7-12 candidates.Comment: Accepted by Monthly Notices. 5 pages, 2 figure