353 research outputs found

    Um estudo sobre isometrias numa turma de 6.⁰ ano de escolaridade

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    Relatório Final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico apresentado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO presente relatório surge no contexto curricular do 2.º ano do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º CEB e 2.º CEB de Matemática e Ciências Naturais, da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, mais concretamente, no decorrer da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada. Durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada foi-nos dada a oportunidade de experienciar dois contextos diferentes, sendo um deles direcionado para uma turma de 3.º ano do 1.º CEB, e o outro para uma turma do 6.º ano do 2.º CEB. A investigação que deu origem ao presente relatório decorreu numa turma de 6.º ano, constituída por 22 alunos, na área disciplinar de Matemática. Esta teve como objetivos compreender o desempenho dos alunos na resolução de tarefas com isometrias, identificando os principais conhecimentos e dificuldades na aquisição dos conceitos relacionados com a temática, assim como, caraterizar a relação dos alunos com os diferentes materiais utilizados durante a resolução dessas tarefas. Para a concretização deste estudo, optou-se por uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa. A recolha de dados recaiu principalmente sobre as observações, questionários e produções escritas dos alunos. Os resultados permitem concluir que o desempenho dos alunos ao longo das tarefas foi satisfatório, o que permitiu constatar que houve aquisição dos conhecimentos básicos sobre as isometrias trabalhadas. Nas questões que envolviam descrição ou quantificação, muitos dos alunos manifestaram algumas dificuldades. Por outro lado alguns alunos manifestaram falta de atenção e iniciativa para resolver as tarefas. Em relação aos materiais podemos afirmar que estes ajudaram na compreensão e na resolução das tarefas, sobretudo o papel quadriculado, o papel vegetal e as dobragens. No entanto, manifestaram inicialmente, dificuldades na manipulação dos materiais de desenho em particular, o compasso e o transferidor Em relação aos materiais manipuláveis podemos afirmar que estes ajudaram os alunos na compreensão e na resolução das tarefas, sobretudo o papel vegetal, o papel quadriculado e as dobragens. No entanto manifestaram inicialmente, dificuldades na manipulação do material de desenho em particular o compasso e transferidor.This report appears in the curricular context of the year of the Master's Degree in Teaching of the CEB and CEB of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, from the Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, more specifically, during the Supervised Teaching Practice. During the Supervised Teaching Practice, the opportunity was given to experience two different contexts, one of which was directed to a grade class from the CEB, and the other to a grade class from the CEB. The study described in this report, which took place in a class from grade, was carried out with 22 students, in the subject area of Mathematics. It aimed to understand the performance of students in solving tasks with isometries, to identify the knowledge and difficulties in using the concepts related to the theme, and also, to characterize the use of different materials when solving them. To prepare this study we opted for a qualitative methodology. Data was mainly collected through information about questionnaires, observation and written productions students. After the data collection and its analysis concluded, if the students' performance in most tasks was satisfactory, with the exception of development issues, since, if it was found that the students did not show commitment, when the questions were more related to writing. The students showed some enthusiasm, not the majority of children who had the initiative to start solving tasks, thus, they had the option of selecting a contextualized first phase of the students of the subject and exhibited various materials that were used in the analysis of these tasks. The results allow us to conclude that the students` performance during the tasks was satisfactory, which allowed us to state that there was an acquisition of the basic concepts about the worked isometries. The tasks that involved a description or justification, many students expressed some difficulties in starting the task. Regarding the manipulative materials, we can say that they helped students in the understanding of the concepts as well in tasks solutions, in particular, tracing paper, grid paper and paper folding. However, they initially manifested difficulties in handling the drawing material - compass and protractor

    Teatro com marionetas: um jogo liminar de possibilidades

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    O presente relatório tem como objeto de reflexão o processo criativo de um espetáculo de teatro com marionetas, multidisciplinar que teve por mote as palavras: Teatro Vida Distorção. Transitando entre o tradicional e o contemporâneo, num jogo liminar de possibilidades, opera no cruzamento de linguagens. Reflete sobre um processo criativo que tem por base a partilha, nas seguintes áreas: trabalho de atriz, marionetista, texto, música, imagem, movimento, vídeo e a relação de proximidade com o público. As opções tomadas e horizontes abrangidos são analisados e considerados, tendo em conta o processo a partir de um ponto “zero”, em que o texto e as demais áreas emergiram da escuta e da interação circular dos elementos O primeiro capítulo contextualiza em específico e relaciona os pontos de partida para o projeto, enquanto que o segundo relata e reflete sobre os mesmos; Theatre with puppets: A liminal game of possibilities Abstract: The purpose of this report is to reflect on the creative process of a theater show with puppets, a multidisciplinary one whose motto was: theater Life Distortion. Transiting between the traditional and the contemporary, in a preliminary game of possibilities, it operates at the crossing of languages. It reflects on a creative process that is based on sharing, in the following areas: work of actress, puppeteer, text, music, image, movement, video and the close relationship with the public. The options taken and the horizons covered are analyzed and considered, taking into account the process from a “zero” point, in which the text and the other areas emerged from the listening and circular interaction of the elements. The first chapter contextualizes and specifically relates the starting points for the project, while the second reports and reflects on them

    Intervenciones de enfermería en la persona en cuidados paliativos con fatiga: Revisión del alcance

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    Introdução: A fadiga é um dos sintomas mais comuns na pessoa em situação paliativa que afeta a sua qualidade de vida e, cuja gestão permanece um desafio. Objetivo: Mapear as intervenções de enfermagem utilizadas no controlo da fadiga na pessoa em situação paliativa. Métodos: Scoping Review de acordo com a metodologia do Joanna Briggs Institute. Dois investigadores independentes realizaram a análise, extração e síntese dos resultados. Resultados: Intervenções de enfermagem como Intervenção Psicossocial, Massagem Aromática, Cuidados paliativos standard, Intervenção colaborativa Online, Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental, Exercício físico e acupuntura foram identificadas. Conclusão: Os estudos apontam para intervenções multidisciplinares multimodais, onde o enfermeiro tem um papel primordial. No entanto, não há estudos em pessoas numa fase terminal da sua doença, ou seja, nos últimos meses ou dias de vida, pelo que se sugerem novas investigações sobre a eficácia das intervenções no controlo da fadiga da pessoa em cuidados paliativos e a adoção de estratégias que permitam melhorar o conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre o impacto da fadiga.Introduction: Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms in patients in palliative care that affects their quality of life and whose management remains a challenge. Objective: To map the nursing interventions used to control fatigue in people in palliative situations. Methods: Scoping Review according to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology. Two independent researchers performed the analysis, extraction and synthesis of the results. Results: Nursing interventions such as Psychosocial Intervention, Aromatic Massage, Standard Palliative Care, Online Collaborative Intervention, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Physical Exercise and acupuncture were identified. Conclusion: The studies point to multidisciplinary multimodal interventions, where the nurse has a primary role. However, there are no studies in patients in a terminal phase of their disease, that is, in the last months or days of life, so further research is suggested on the effectiveness of interventions to control patient fatigue in palliative care and the adoption of strategies that improve the knowledge of health professionals about the impact of fatigue.Introducción: La fatiga es uno de los síntomas más comunes en pacientes en cuidados paliativos que afecta su calidad de vida y cuyo manejo permanece un desafío. Objetivo: Mapear las intervenciones de enfermería utilizadas para el control de la fatiga en personas en situaciones paliativas. Métodos: Scoping Review según la metodología del Joanna Briggs Institute. Dos investigadores independientes realizaron el análisis, extracción y síntesis de los resultados. Resultados: Se identificaron intervenciones de enfermería como Intervención Psicosocial, Masaje Aromático, Cuidados Paliativos Estándar, Intervención Colaborativa Online, Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual, Ejercicio Físico y Acupuntura. Conclusión: Los estudios apuntan a intervenciones multidisciplinares multimodales, donde el enfermero tiene un papel primordial. Sin embargo, no existen estudios en pacientes en fase terminal de su enfermedad, es decir, en los últimos meses o días de vida, por lo que se sugiere profundizar en la investigación sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones para el control de la fatiga del paciente en cuidados paliativos y la adopción de estrategias que mejoran el conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud sobre el impacto de la fatiga.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anaerobic Digestion Sludge Composting - Assessment of the Star-up process

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    The aim of this work was to follow the start-up of the composting process of sludge from the anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste and to assess the quality of the final product. The temperature profile and dry matter content was registered over 10 weeks. The composting process was monitored by standard physical and chemical parameters and the quality of the final compost was assessed by phytotoxicity and stability assays. The low average temperature values registered during composting suggest over aeration. In addition, all the standard physical and chemical parameters analysed showed slight variations over composting, suggesting that the anaerobic digestion sludge was already a stable raw material. The final compost was not phytotoxic and was stable, but contained some inert materials. Overall, the final compost had quality compatible to be used as soil amendment. Nevertheless, the operational conditions optimization should be carried out to improve its qualityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Medical rescuers’ occupational health during COVID-19 : contribution of coping and emotion regulation on burnout, trauma and post-traumatic growth

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    The COVID-19 pandemic places unique challenges to medical rescuers’ occupational health. Thus, it is crucial to assess its direct and indirect impacts on key psychological outcomes and adaptation strategies. This study aims to analyse the impact of this pandemic on medical rescuers’ coping and emotion regulation strategies, and their levels of work-related psychological outcomes, such as burnout, trauma and post-traumatic growth. Additionally, it aims to analyse the contribution of coping and emotion regulation strategies, employed to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, on burnout, trauma and post-traumatic growth. A sample of 111 medical rescuers answered the Brief Cope, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, Impact of Event Scale-Revised and Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory. Medical rescuers resorted moderately to coping and emotion regulation strategies, since the beginning of COVID-19. They presented moderate burnout and post-traumatic growth and low trauma. Coping presented a higher weight on burnout, trauma and post-traumatic growth, than emotion regulation. Expressive suppression and dysfunctional coping predicted burnout and trauma, and problem and emotion-focused coping predicted post-traumatic growth. Dysfunctional coping mediated and, thus, exacerbated the effect of expressive suppression on burnout and on trauma. Practitioners should pay closer attention to professionals with higher burnout and trauma. Occupational practices should focus on reducing dysfunctional coping and expressive suppression and promoting problem-focused coping.Resumo: A pandemia COVID-19 coloca desafios únicos à saúde ocupacional dos profissionais do pré-hospitalar. Assim, é fundamental avaliar o seu impacto psicológico, para sintomatologia direta ou indiretamente relacionada com a COVID-19. Pretende-se analisar o impacto desta pandemia nos outcomes psicológicos laborais, como burnout, trauma e crescimento pós-traumático, e nas estratégias de coping e regulação emocional. Pretende-se também analisar o contributo do coping e regulação emocional para estes outcomes. Uma amostra de 111 profissionais de emergência médica pré-hospitalar responderam ao Brief Cope, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, Impact of Event Scale-Revised e Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory. Os profissionais recorreram moderadamente a estratégias de coping e regulação emocional, desde o início da pandemia. Reportaram moderado burnout e crescimento pós-traumático e baixo trauma. O coping apresentou maior peso para os outcomes. A supressão emocional e o coping disfuncional contribuíram para o burnout e trauma, e coping problema e emoção contribuíram para o crescimento pós-traumático. O coping disfuncional mediou e exarcebou o efeito da supressão emocional no burnout e trauma. Assim, poderá ser dada especial atenção a profissionais com elevado burnout e trauma e as práticas poderão ser focadas na redução do coping disfuncional e supressão emocional, bem como na promoção do coping problema.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enzymatic approach for the extraction of bioactive fractions from red, green and brown seaweeds

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    Although several enzymatic approaches have been applied with this intent, the sequential use of enzymes covering both cellulolytic and proteolytic activity has never been performed in seaweeds. Sequential use of these enzymes improved the overall extraction yield by up to 160%, 30% and 80% in the different seaweeds when compared to the control condition (water extraction), use of a carbohydrases’ cocktail alone and use of proteases alone, respectively. Regarding the proximate composition of extracts, it proved to be an efficient approach for the solubilization of carbohydrates (up to 28% in G. vermiculophylla, 66% in P. dioica, 77% in U. rigida and 35% in F. vesiculosus) and protein (up to 55% in G. vermiculophylla, 47% in P. dioica, 52% in U. rigida and 42% in F. vesiculosus). For all biomasses, the combination of enzymes induced a significant increase in antioxidant activity, not only by the increase of phenolic compounds but also by the hydrolysis of protein to peptides. Moreover, extracts from red seaweeds displayed prebiotic activity which can be ascribed to their increased content in oligosaccharides and protein/peptides. Overall, the sequential use of enzymes with different activities demonstrated to be an efficient approach for extracting functional fractions to be used as functional ingredients to improve the nutritional value (e.g. in proteins) and/or to include antioxidant and prebiotic features in the food product.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio