2,513 research outputs found

    Factors Contributing to Successful Employment Outcomes for Individuals Who Are Hard-of-Hearing

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    This study examined the relationship between demographic variables (gender, race and ethnicity, age, level of education, and secondary disability), state-federal vocational rehabilitation (VR) services, and VR employment outcomes among individuals who are hard-of-hearing. This study also explored what VR services contribute to employment outcomes for individuals who are hard-of-hearing. Data from The U.S. Department of Education Rehabilitation Service Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911) FY 2014 was used to focus on individuals who are hard-of-hearing. Logistic regression, Chi-square, and Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) analyses were used to analyze the RSA-911 dataset

    Ground observations of mineral dust

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    Comunicación presentada en: 4th Training Course on WMO SDS-WAS Products (satellite and ground observation and modelling of atmospheric dust) celebrado del 17 al 20 de noviembre de 2014 en Casablanca, Marruecos

    Biological aspects of Acacia longifolia, an exotic species potentially invasive in sandy dunes vegetation

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    Las dunas costeras de la Pampa Austral constituyen un ambiente importante por mantener valiosas funciones ecosistémicas y conservar una alta biodiversidad. Acacia longifolia (aromo) es un árbol exótico establecido-invasor en regiones costeras de nuestro país. Este trabajo describe un núcleo poblacional de la especie que crece sobre dunas litorales de Monte Hermoso (Buenos Aires) y evalúa aspectos de la biología de sus semillas, incluyendo su peso y tamaño, tasa de germinación e intensidad de remoción por predadores. El núcleo exhibe una densidad media de 510 (ES=192,8) individuos/ha, una cobertura del dosel promedio de 42,85 % (ES=6,2) y una variación de 6,4-14,8 cm en el diámetro de sus troncos. Las semillas promedian 3,8±0,07 mm de largo y 2,4±0,04 mm de ancho, con un peso de 16,08±0,4 mg. El porcentaje de germinación resulta máximo previa escarificación química o física de las semillas (90±2,98 % y 84±5,62 %, respectivamente). La tasa de remoción de las semillas resulta del 27 % (ES=8,3). Los resultados obtenidos aportan información sobre la ecología de esta leñosa exótica presente en pastizales pampeanos. Sus antecedentes invasores en otros ambientes similares postulan a la especie como riesgosa, resultando prioritario monitorear su estado y evitar que traspase la barrera de dispersión.Fil: Lecanda, Julieta. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biologia, Bioquimica y Farmacia. Grupo de Estudios En Conservacion y Manejo; ArgentinaFil: Cuevas, Yannina Andrea. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biologia, Bioquimica y Farmacia. Grupo de Estudios En Conservacion y Manejo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Zalba, Sergio Martin. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biologia, Bioquimica y Farmacia. Grupo de Estudios En Conservacion y Manejo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Producción de manzana (Malus domestica Borkh) para mesa en el oriente de Puebla, México

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    La manzana se ha cultivado en el estado de Puebla, México, desde la época virreinal, aunque el sistema de producción no se ha modernizado y la rentabilidad es muy baj


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    Este trabajo final de grado es un estudio teórico y práctico sobre las fallas, en concreto las infantiles. Las fallas se han ido adaptando a los nuevos tiempos en cuanto a temáticas, estética y materiales, sin embargo, en este documento nos enfocamos en analizar la madera como material principal en la construcción de las fallas infantiles. Las fallas de pequeño formato están desarrollando un cambio estético y conceptual, así mismo, podemos encontrar en los últimos años un auge de artistas que debutan en esta disciplina, con una formación artística que les precede y que están revolucionando el mercado de las fallas infantiles en todos los ámbitos. Todo el apartado teórico-histórico será complementado con la construcción del monumento adulto e infantil de la falla Avingunda Tarongers- Universitat Politècnica de València 2019, donde la madera en ambos monumentos, grande e infantil, tiene un papel clave.This final project involves theoretical and practical study of children¿s fallas. Fallas have been gradually developing questions about topics, estetics or materials. But in this poject, we focus on analysing children¿s fallas which are built with wood. Children¿s fallas are envolving thanks to artist who studied Fine Arts. For this reason, they are revolutionising the realm of fallas. The section teorical- historical is supplemented with the creation of fallas Avinguda Tarongers- Universitat Politècnica de València, where wood has of great importance in fallero monuments.Cuevas Saez, S. (2019). CONSTRUYENDO EL FUEGO. FALLAS INFANTILES DE MADERA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12549

    Invasion of Pinus halepensis Mill. following a wildfire in an Argentine grassland nature reserve

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    The Ernesto Tornquist nature reserve is a relict of native Pampas vegetation in Argentina. Alien trees were introduced to the reserve in the 1950s, mainly to “improve” the natural landscape, resulting in the arrival of a totally new life form. In 1987, a fire affected an area planted with Pinus halepensis resulting in its massive expansion. In 1999, we removed trees from 17 circular plots of 10 m diameter placed systematically within the area that was colonized after the fire. Trunks were cut 20 cm from the ground and growth rings were counted. We studied the age structure of the population in order to reconstruct the colonizing events after the fire. We found that recruitment occurred throughout this period, except in the three years after the disturbance. We suggest that this delay in recruitment might be caused by low seedling survival under water stress conditions due to low rainfall, combined with scarce vegetation cover after fire. This could have been associated with an initial reduction in propagule pressure due to the scarcity of surviving trees in the vicinity and with the fact that fire occurred after the peak of seed release, during an extremely dry summer, probably killing a great number of seeds that were already in the soil. In the following years, recruitment was probably aided by pioneer trees and later by seeds shed from established pines. Alien trees had been allowed to reach maturity due to wildfire prevention and control in the years preceding the fire and the accumulated dry matter resulted in increased fire intensity that reduced the ability of grasses to re-sprout. As a consequence, the invasion window that allowed the expansion of pines remained open for at least 12 years.Fil: Zalba, Sergio Martín. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Cuevas, Yannina Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Boo, Roberto Miguel. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentin

    Functional Testing of Feature Model Analysis Tools. A First Step

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    The automated analysis of Feature Models (FMs) focuses on the usage of different logic paradigms and solvers to implement a number of analysis operations on FMs. The implementation of these operations using a specific solver is an error-prone and time-consuming task. To improve this situation, we propose to design a generic set of test cases to verify the functionality and correctness of the tools for the automated analysis of FMs. These test cases would help to improve the reliability of the existing tools while reducing the time needed to develop new ones. As a starting point, in this position paper we overview some of the classifications of software testing methods reported in the literature and study the adequacy of each approach to the context of our proposal.CICYT TIN2006-00472Junta de Andalucía TIC-253

    Automated analysis of feature models 20 years later: a literature review

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    Software product line engineering is about producing a set of related products that share more commonalities than variabilities. Feature models are widely used for variability and commonality management in software product lines. Feature models are information models where a set of products are represented as a set of features in a single model. The automated analysis of feature models deals with the computer–aided extraction of information from feature models. The literature on this topic has contributed with a set of operations, techniques, tools and empirical results which have not been surveyed until now. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review on the automated analysis of feature models 20 years after of their invention. This paper contributes by bringing together previously-disparate streams of work to help shed light on this thriving area. We also present a conceptual framework to understand the different proposals as well as categorise future contributions. We finally discuss the different studies and propose some challenges to be faced in the future.CICYT TIN2009-07366CICYT TIN2006-00472Junta de Andalucía TIC-253

    Chaotic advection at large Péclet number: Electromagnetically driven experiments, numerical simulations, and theoretical predictions

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    International audienceWe present a combination of experiment, theory, and modelling on laminar mixing at large Péclet number. The flow is produced by oscillating electromagnetic forces in a thin electrolytic fluid layer, leading to oscillating dipoles, quadrupoles, octopoles, and disordered flows. The numerical simulations are based on the Diffusive Strip Method (DSM) which was recently introduced (P. Meunier and E. Villermaux, " The diffusive strip method for scalar mixing in two-dimensions, " J. Fluid Mech. 662, 134–172 (2010)) to solve the advection-diffusion problem by combining Lagrangian techniques and theoretical modelling of the diffusion. Numerical simulations obtained with the DSM are in reasonable agreement with quantitative dye visualization experiments of the scalar fields. A theoretical model based on log-normal Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of stretching factors, characteristic of homogeneous turbulence in the Batchelor regime, allows to predict the PDFs of scalar in agreement with numerical and experimental results. This model also indicates that the PDFs of scalar are asymptotically close to log-normal at late stages, except for the large concentration levels which correspond to low stretching factors