24 research outputs found

    First -decay spectroscopy of and new -decay branches of

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    19 pags., 14 figs., 3 tabs.The  decay of the neutron-rich and was investigated experimentally in order to provide new insights into the nuclear structure of the tin isotopes with magic proton number above the shell. The -delayed -ray spectroscopy measurement was performed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, where indium isotopes were selectively laser-ionized and on-line mass separated. Three -decay branches of were established, two of which were observed for the first time. Population of neutron-unbound states decaying via rays was identified in the two daughter nuclei of and , at excitation energies exceeding the neutron separation energy by 1 MeV. The -delayed one- and two-neutron emission branching ratios of were determined and compared with theoretical calculations. The -delayed one-neutron decay was observed to be dominant -decay branch of even though the Gamow-Teller resonance is located substantially above the two-neutron separation energy of . Transitions following the  decay of are reported for the first time, including rays tentatively attributed to . In total, six new levels were identified in on the basis of the coincidences observed in the and decays. A transition that might be a candidate for deexciting the missing neutron single-particle state in was observed in both  decays and its assignment is discussed. Experimental level schemes of and are compared with shell-model predictions. Using the fast timing technique, half-lives of the , and levels in were determined. From the lifetime of the state measured for the first time, an unexpectedly large transition strength was deduced, which is not reproduced by the shell-model calculations.M.P.-S. acknowledges the funding support from the Polish National Science Center under Grants No. 2019/33/N/ST2/03023 and No. 2020/36/T/ST2/00547 (Doctoral scholarship ETIUDA). J.B. acknowledges support from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid under the Predoctoral Grant No. CT27/16- CT28/16. This work was partially funded by the Polish National Science Center under Grants No. 2020/39/B/ST2/02346, No. 2015/18/E/ST2/00217, and No. 2015/18/M/ST2/00523, by the Spanish government via Projects No. FPA2017-87568-P, No. RTI2018-098868-B-I00, No. PID2019-104390GB-I00, and No. PID2019-104714GB-C21, by the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the German BMBF under Contract No. 05P18PKCIA, by the Portuguese FCT under the Projects No. CERN/FIS-PAR/0005/2017, and No. CERN/FIS-TEC/0003/2019, and by the Romanian IFA Grant CERN/ISOLDE. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 654002. M.Str. acknowledges the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 771036 (ERC CoG MAIDEN). J.P. acknowledges support from the Academy of Finland (Finland) with Grant No. 307685. Work at the University of York was supported under STFC Grants No. ST/L005727/1 and No. ST/P003885/1

    Solving the Puzzles of the Decay of the Heaviest Known Proton-Emitting Nucleus Bi 185

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    Two long-standing puzzles in the decay of Bi185, the heaviest known proton-emitting nucleus are revisited. These are the nonobservation of the 9/2- state, which is the ground state of all heavier odd-A Bi isotopes, and the hindered nature of proton and α decays of its presumed 60-ÎŒs 1/2+ ground state. The Bi185 nucleus has now been studied with the Mo95(Nb93,3n) reaction in complementary experiments using the Fragment Mass Analyzer and Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer at Argonne National Laboratory's ATLAS facility. The experiments have established the existence of two states in Bi185; the short-lived T1/2=2.8-1.0+2.3 ÎŒs, proton- and α-decaying ground state, and a 58(2)-ÎŒs Îł-decaying isomer, the half-life of which was previously attributed to the ground state. The reassignment of the ground-state lifetime results in a proton-decay spectroscopic factor close to unity and represents the only known example of a ground-state proton decay to a daughter nucleus (Pb184) with a major shell closure. The data also demonstrate that the ordering of low- and high-spin states in Bi185 is reversed relative to the heavier odd-A Bi isotopes, with the intruder-based 1/2+ configuration becoming the ground, similar to the lightest At nuclides

    Decay studies of the long-lived states in Tl-186

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    Decay spectroscopy of the long-lived states in Tl-186 has been performed at the ISOLDE Decay Station at ISOLDE, CERN. The a decay from the low-spin (2(-)) state in Tl-186 was observed for the first time and a half-life of 3.4(-0.)(4)(+0.5) s was determined. Based on the alpha-decay energy, the relative positions of the long-lived states were fixed, with the (2(-)) state as the ground state, the 7((+)) state at 77(56) keV, and the 10((-)) state at 451(56) keV. The level scheme of the internal decay of the Tl-186(10((-))) state [T-1/2 = 3.40(9) s], which was known to decay solely through emission of 374-keV gamma-ray transition, was extended and a lower limit for the beta-decay branching b(beta) > 5.9(3)% was determined. The extracted retardation factors for the gamma decay of the 10((-) )state were compared to the available data in neighboring odd-odd thallium isotopes indicating the importance of the pi d(3/2) shell in the isomeric decay and significant structure differences between Tl-184 and Tl-186.Peer reviewe

    First observation of a shape isomer and a low-lying strongly-coupled prolate band in neutron-deficient semi-magic 187Pb

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    Prompt and delayed Îł-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient, semi-magic isotope 187Pb has been performed using the recoil-decay and isomer-decay tagging techniques at the Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer. A new 5.15(15)-ÎŒs isomeric state at only 308 keV above the spherical 3/2− ground state is identified and classified as a shape isomer. A strongly-coupled band is observed on top of the isomer, which is nearly identical to the one built on the prolate 7/2−[514] Nilsson state in the isotone 185Hg. Based on this similarity and on the result of the potential-energy surface calculations, the new isomer in 187Pb is proposed to originate from the same configuration. The retarded character of the 308-keV (7/2−)→3/2gs− transition with a deduced B(E2)=5.6(2)×10−4 W.u. can be well explained by the significant difference between the prolate parent and spherical daughter configurations, leading to the shape isomerism. The excitation energy of the isomer is surprisingly low, being roughly half of the excitation energies of the known 0+ intruder bandheads in the neighboring 186,188Pb isotopes. The combined results of the present work and the previous α-decay and laser spectroscopy studies present evidence for triple shape coexistence at low energy in the negative-parity configurations of 187Pb, which is well reproduced by the potential-energy surface calculations

    Quadrupole and octupole collectivity in the semi-magic nucleus 80206Hg126

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    The first low-energy Coulomb-excitation measurement of the radioactive, semi-magic, two proton-hole nucleus 206Hg, was performed at CERN's recently-commissioned HIE-ISOLDE facility. Two γ rays depopulating low-lying states in 206Hg were observed. From the data, a reduced transition strength B(E2;21+→01+)=4.4(6) W.u. was determined, the first such value for an N=126 nucleus south of 208Pb, which is found to be slightly lower than that predicted by shell-model calculations. In addition, a collective octupole state was identified at an excitation energy of 2705 keV, for which a reduced B(E3) transition probability of 30−13+10 W.u. was extracted. These results are crucial for understanding both quadrupole and octupole collectivity in the vicinity of the heaviest doubly-magic nucleus 208Pb, and for benchmarking a number of theoretical approaches in this key region. This is of particular importance given the paucity of data on transition strengths in this region, which could be used, in principle, to test calculations relevant to the astrophysical r-process

    Competition between allowed and first-forbidden ÎČ decays of at 208 and expansion of the Po 208 level scheme

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    The structure of Po208 populated through the EC/ÎČ+ decay of At208 is investigated using Îł-ray spectroscopy at the ISOLDE Decay Station. The presented level scheme contains 27 new excited states and 43 new transitions, as well as a further 50 previously observed Îł rays which have been (re)assigned a position. The level scheme is compared to shell model calculations. Through this analysis approximately half of the ÎČ-decay strength of At208 is found to proceed via allowed decay and half via first-forbidden decay. The first-forbidden transitions predominantly populate core excited states at high excitation energies, which is qualitatively understood using shell model considerations. This mass region provides an excellent testing ground for the competition between allowed and first-forbidden ÎČ-decay calculations, important for the detailed understanding of the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements

    Decay spectroscopy at the two-proton drip line: radioactivity of the new nuclides 160Os and 156W

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    The radioactivity of 76160Os84 and 74156W82 that lie at the two-proton drip line have been measured in an experiment performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of JyvĂ€skylĂ€. The 160Os nuclei were produced using fusion-evaporation reactions induced by a beam of 310 MeV 58Ni ions bombarding a 106Cd target. The 160Os ions were separated in flight using the recoil separator MARA and implanted into a double-sided silicon strip detector, which was used to measure their decays. The α decays of the ground state of 160Os (Eα = 7092(15) keV, t1/2 = 97−32+97 ÎŒs) and its isomeric state (Eα = 8890(10) keV, t1/2 = 41−9+15 ÎŒs) were measured, allowing the excitation energy of the isomer to be determined as 1844(18) keV. These α-decay properties and the excitation energy of the isomer are compared with systematics. The α decays were correlated with subsequent decays to investigate the ÎČ decays of the ground state of 156W, revealing that unlike its isotones, both low-lying isomers were populated in its daughter nuclide, 156Ta. An improved value for the half-life of the proton-decaying high-spin isomeric state in 73156Ta83 of 333−22+25 ms was obtained in a separate experiment using the same experimental systems with a 102Pd target. This result was employed to improve the precision of the half-life determined for 156W, which was measured as 157−34+57 ms

    First observation of the decay of the 13/2+ isomer in 183Hg and B(M2) systematics of neutron transitions across the nuclear chart

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    The decay of the 13/2+ isomeric state in 183Hg was observed for the first time following the α decay of the 13/2+ isomer in 187Pb produced in the 142Nd(50Cr, 2p3n) reaction. Using Î±âˆ’Îł delayed coincidence measurements, the half-life of this isomer was measured to be 290(30) ÎŒs. This isomer is proposed to deexcite by an unobserved low-energy M2 transition to the known 9/2− member of a strongly prolate-deformed 7/2−[514] band, followed by a 105-keV M1 transition to the bandhead. A lower limit of B(M2) ≄ 0.018 W.u. was deduced for the unobserved transition. The presumed retardation is proposed to be due to the notable shape change between the initial, nearly spherical, and the final, strongly deformed, states. A similar scenario is also considered for the 13/2+ isomer in 181Hg, suggesting both are cases of shape isomers. The B(M2) systematics of neutron transitions across the nuclear chart is discussed

    <math><mi>α</mi></math> decay of the neutron-deficient isotope <math><mmultiscripts><mi>At</mi><mprescripts/><none/><mn>190</mn></mmultiscripts></math>

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    International audienceThe α decay of the neutron-deficient At190 isotope was observed following the Rh103(Zr90,3n)At190 reaction at Argonne National Laboratory. The reaction products were separated from the beam using the Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer and implanted into a double-sided Si strip detector. The spatial and temporal correlations between implanted nuclei and subsequent α decays towards the known daughter isotope Bi186 were used to identify and characterize At190 nuclei. Two possible decay scenarios are proposed for the At190→Bi186 decay