1,132 research outputs found

    Effects of dietary beef tallow on performance, rumen fermentation, carcass traits and meat quality of growing lambs

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    Growing lambs were evaluated for the effect of increasing dietary levels of beef tallow (BT) on performance, rumen fermentation, and carcass and meat characteristics. Twenty-one 5-month-old male Rambouillet lambs were assigned randomly to one of three diets with 0, 20, and 40 g BT/kg dry matter (DM) and similar energy and protein contents. Lambs were adapted to the diets for 15 days, followed by a 45-day evaluation trial. Data were analysed using a mixed model. Growth, feed intake and ruminal fermentation were not affected by the dietary level of BT. Daily metabolizable energy intake (MEI), carcass yield and degree of fatness, increased linearly as the BT level increased. Carcass classification and muscle conformation were not affected by BT. Most meat characteristics (texture, pH, myoglobin, protein content, colour, cathepsins, and chemical composition) five and eight days post-mortem were not affected, except for fat content in meat, which increased linearly as diet BT level increased. Fatty acid (FA) profiles of the meat from lambs fed the three diets were similar. In conclusion, addition of BT at 20 and 40 g/kg DM to diets for growing lambs allowed reduced grain usage and increased forage levels (from 0 to 270 g/kg DM), increasing energy intake, carcass yield and fatness, and intramuscular fat without causing harmful effects on growth, feed intake or ruminal fermentation characteristics. Keywords: dietary fat, fatty acids, meat colour, shee

    La persona como sujeto abierto al mundo

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    El motivo de este trabajo surge de la inquietud nacida de la lectura de la corriente idealista iniciada por Descartes y de la filosofía crítica de Kant. En ambas posturas filosóficas, la unión del mundo de lo físico con el mundo de la mente parece romperse. Para Descartes lo único de lo que tenemos propiamente certeza es del ‘yo’ que se sabe pensante dejando todo lo demás en completa penumbra. Siendo la conciencia lo único con valor constitutivo del ser humano. Por otro lado, según Kant es imposible distinguir entre apariencias y realidad. Ante esta visión de lo que es la persona y de lo que representa para ella el mundo, con este trabajo lo que pretendo es buscar una vía por la que se pueda volver a unificar el mundo de la subjetividad con el mundo de lo transubjetivo. Me gustaría demostrar que el ser de la persona no es sólo su conciencia, sino que también tiene un papel fundamental en su constitución y naturaleza su dimensión corporal. Además, también demostraré que la realidad del mundo va más allá del estar siendo objetivada por algún sujeto cognoscente (es transobjetual), y que la forma que adquirimos por el acto de intelección se corresponde verdaderamente con la realidad y no es una pura representación. Y así, encontraré un punto firme sobre el que apoyar la verdadera realidad del mundo y de la persona. Para alcanzar este objetivo he elegido apoyarme en el profesor Antonio Millán-Puelles, por ser un filósofo enmarcado dentro de la corriente realista, lejana a las ensoñaciones del idealismo. Es en ella donde creo que se puede encontrar una respuesta más acertada. En el pensamiento de Millán-Puelles tiene particular relevancia la noción de intencionalidad y pienso que esta es clave para responder al propósito de este trabajo. En su pensamiento se puede encontrar esa vinculación que otorgue al conocimiento una entidad más allá de la pura apariencia y devuelva a la persona su dimensión corporal

    Genetic Dissection of Complex Fruit Quantitative Traits in Peach Progen

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    Major research efforts in peach are dedicated to the discovery of genomic variants causing phenotypic effects in complex fruit traits such as: maturity date (MD), fruit size (FW), sugar (SSC) and acid content (TA), flesh texture (slow softening, SSf) and resistance to brown rot by Monilinia spp. (BRr). Five segregating progenies showing phenotypic variation for at least one of these traits are available in our experimental fields. For SSC and TA, an already validated approach based on Near-InfraRed spectroscopy (NIR), is being applied to phenotype some segregating progenies. For SSf and BRr instead, trait characterization has been performed, resulting in the identification of co-factor traits and definition of standardized phenotyping tools, which are currently applied in the characterization of segregating material (in the context of FruitBreedomics EU project). High-density linkage maps have been constructed with genotypic data obtained from IPSC Illumina 9K SNP chip (Italian Drupomics and FruitBreedomics frameworks) and Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS). Additionally, parents of these progenies have been re-sequenced (30-40x) and genetic variants present along their genomes have been identified. Multiple-QTL models (MQM) coupled with the use of co-factor traits is leading to the discovery of significant QTLs. Genomic variants are explored within QTL intervals on the genomes of progeny parents, in order to identify possible mutations causing phenotypic differences, and develop markers for marker-assisted selection approaches

    Striped antiferromagnetic order and electronic properties of stoichiometric LiFeAs from first-principles calculations

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    We investigate the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of stoichiometric LiFeAs by using state-of-the-arts first-principles method. We find the magnetic ground-state by comparing the total energies among all the possible magnetic orders. Our calculated internal positions of Li and As are in good agreement with experiment. Our results show that stoichiometric LiFeAs has almost the same striped antiferromagnetic spin order as other FeAs-based parent compounds and tetragonal FeSe do, and the experimental fact that no magnetic phase transition has been observed at finite temperature is attributed to the tiny inter-layer spin coupling

    Elemental Chemometrics as Tools to Depict Stalked Barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) Harvest Locations and Food Safety

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    The stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes is an abundant species on the very exposed rocky shore habitats of the Spanish and Portuguese coasts, constituting also an important economical resource, as a seafood item with high commercial value. Twenty-four elements were measured by untargeted total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (TXRF) in the edible peduncle of stalked barnacles sampled in six sites along the Portuguese western coast, comprising a total of 90 individuals. The elemental profile of 90 individuals originated from several geographical sites (N = 15 per site), were analysed using several chemometric multivariate approaches (variable in importance partial least square discriminant analysis (VIP-PLS-DA), stepwise linear discriminant analysis (S-LDA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), random forests (RF) and canonical analysis of principal components (CAP)), to evaluate the ability of each approach to trace the geographical origin of the animals collected. As a suspension feeder, this species introduces a high degree of background noise, leading to a comparatively lower classification of the chemometric approaches based on the complete elemental profile of the peduncle (canonical analysis of principal components and linear discriminant analysis). The application of variable selection approaches such as the VIP-PLS-DA and S-LDA significantly increased the classification accuracy (77.8% and 84.4%, respectively) of the samples according to their harvesting area, while reducing the number of elements needed for this classification, and thus the background noise. Moreover, the selected elements are similar to those selected by other random and non-random approaches, reinforcing the reliability of this selection. This untargeted analytical procedure also allowed to depict the degree of risk, in terms of human consumption of these animals, highlighting the geographical areas where these delicacies presented lower values for critical elements compared to the standard thresholds for human consumption

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: VII. exigências nutricionais das variedades IAC-25 e IAC-47

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    Rice plants, varieties IAC 25 and IAC 47, were grown in nutrient solution till the end of the life cycle when they were analysed both for macro and micronutrients. Main conclusions were the following: IAC 47, higher yielding, showed larger requirements than IAC 25; for production (total) and export (grain), the demand for nutrients was the same in both varieties.As exigências nutricionais das variedades de arroz IAC 25 e IAC 47 foram determinadas analisando-se os diferentes órgãos de plantas cultivadas em solução nutritiva até o fim do ciclo. Verificou-se serem distintas as exigências, maior na IAC 47 (mais tardia) que deu também maior produção de grãos com casca

    Studies on the mineral nutrition of the rice plant: IX. time course on the uptake of macronutrients by the variety IAC-47

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    Rice plants, variety IAC-47, were grown in the nº 2 nutrient solution of HOAGLAND & ARNON (1950) until the end of the life cycle. Plants were sampled at well defined physiological periods for analyses. It was verified that trends for levvelling off occurred in the case of accumulation of N, K and Ca. Translocation from leaves to grain was observed with respect to N, P and K. Maximum rates of uptake of all elements took place from 50 to 100 days after germination.Foram estudadas, em condições controladas, a acumulação de matéria seca e a de macronutrientes na variedade de arroz IAC-47. Ambos os processos em geral são descritos por sigmóides típicas; picos para os valores totais de produção de matéria seca e de acumulação de elementos entre: 100 e 140 dias depois da germinação

    Strength of correlations in pnictides and its assessment by theoretical calculations and spectroscopy experiments

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    LDA+DMFT (Local Density Approximation combined with Dynamical Mean-Field Theory) computation scheme has been used to calculate spectral properties of LaFeAsO -- the parent compound of the new high-T_c iron oxypnictides. The average Coulomb repulsion U=3-4 eV and Hund's exchange J=0.8 eV parameters for iron 3d electrons were calculated using the first principles constrained density functional theory scheme in the Wannier functions formalism. DMFT calculations using these parameters result in moderately correlated electronic structure with effective electron mass enhancement m^*~2 that is in agreement with the experimental X-ray and photoemission spectra. Conclusion of moderate correlations strength is confirmed by the observation that pnictides experimental spectra agree well with corresponding spectra for metallic iron while being very different with Mott insulator FeO spectra

    Double-exchange model study of multiferroic RRMnO3_3 perovskites

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    In this proceeding, recent theoretical investigations by the authors on the multiferroic RRMnO3_3 perovskites are briefly reviewed at first. Using the double-exchange model, the realistic spiral spin order in undoped manganites such as TbMnO3_3 and DyMnO3_3 is well reproduced by incorporating a weak next-nearest neighbor superexchange (∼10\sim10% of nearest neighbor superexchange) and moderate Jahn-Teller distortion. The phase transitions from the A-type antiferromagnet (as in LaMnO3_3), to the spiral phase (as in TbMnO3_3), and finally to the E-type antiferromagnet (as in HoMnO3_3), with decreasing size of the RR ions, were also explained. Moreover, new results of phase diagram of the three-dimensional lattice are also included. The ferromagnetic tendency recently discovered in the LaMnO3_3 and TbMnO3_3 thin films is explained by considering the substrate stress. Finally, the relationship between our double-exchange model and a previously used J1J_1-J2J_2-J3J_3 model is further discussed from the perspective of spin wave excitations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; Proceeding of the Workshop on Magnetoelectric Interaction Phenomena in Crystals (MEIPIC-6); To be appeared in European Physical Journal
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