606 research outputs found

    Physical education, pedagogical practice and non-directivity: the production of a court periphery

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    In Physical Education classes is common that some students don't engage in body practices. Thus we have students at the margins of classes - at the court's periphery. Considering that isn't something natural, but it produced by school context, the objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between teaching practice in Physical Education and the production of the court's periphery (students at the margins of Physical Education classes). This is an ethnography survey conducted with a group of 7th grade students at a public school, with semi-structured interviews and observation as instruments to collect data. We conclude that the Physical Education teacher's pedagogical practice, predominantly non-directive, had a close relationship with the production of a court periphery. Thus, the physical education classes, configured as a time and space of more freedom to students, ended up restricted to conformity.Em aulas de Educação Física na escola é comum a não participação de alguns alunos nas atividades corporais, o que faz com que estes alunos fiquem à margem da aula, o que estamos chamando de periferia da quadra. Considerando que este não é algo dado ou natural, mas produzido pelo contexto escolar, o objetivo desse estudo é analisar a relação entre a prática pedagógica em Educação Física e a produção da periferia da quadra. Trata-se de uma etnografia desenvolvida com uma turma de 7º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública, tendo como instrumentos de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada e a observação. Concluímos que a prática pedagógica do professor de Educação Física, predominantemente não-diretiva, teve íntima relação com a produção de uma periferia da quadra. Assim, as aulas de Educação Física, configuradas como tempo e espaço de maior liberdade aos alunos, acabaram restritas ao conformismo.Universidade Estadual de Campinas Faculdade de Educação FísicaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Canopy density on the vine variety Alfrocheiro (Vitis vinifera) 1. Effects on canopy structure, microclimate, vigour and vegetative growth

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    The evaluation of shoot density and basal leaf removal effects on canopy structure, canopy microclimate and on vigour and vegetative growth was carried out during 3 years (2004 to 2006) on ‘Alfrocheiro’ vine variety, at Dão Delimited Region, Center-North of Portugal. Three different shoot densities were assayed (at G stage of Baggiolini scale): control (D1), 18 shoots.m-1 row (D2) and 12 shoots.m-1 row (D3). At veraison, leaf removal was introduced at fruit zone – F1 (no leaf removal - F0). In any of the years were found signifi cant differences between the different treatments, in terms of ecophysiological behaviour, however, between the three years signifi cant differences in the seasonal evolution of predawn leaf water potential were observed, mostly explained by meteorological conditions, mainly the amount and distribution of rainfall during the growing season. The vegetative growth was largely marked by year, especially by rainfall. In 2005, the growth of lateral shoots, due to the strong water stress observed, was reduced and, as a consequence, the total leaf area per plant was lower than in 2004 and 2006. In any year, the differences in total leaf area per plant were due to the number of shoots, since the leaf area per shoot was equal. The shoot weight was increased proportionally to the reduction of its number, while no signifi cant differences in pruning weight per vine were found. Shoot thinning resulted in a reduction of the canopy density at cluster zone, fewer leaf layer number and increased light interception. Similar but more pronounced effects were obtained by leaf removal. At the upper part of canopy, although minor variations were observed between different shoot densities, in none of them were observed shade conditions which have led to situations of leaf senescence by lack of sunlight

    Educação física e saúde: a compreensão de professores e gestores escolares

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    The aim was to analyze the understanding of health and its relation with physical education from the perspective of teachers and managers of a public school of the state of São Paulo. It is a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. Eleven teachers two coordinators were volunteers. Data were produced using semi-structured interviews and data analysis by non-aprioristic categories. Health was understood, mainly, based on the perspective of well-being, as well as the realization of body practices as a link between physical education and health in the school context. Thus, physical education has a promising path to meet the critical pedagogies regarding the approach to health, especially in the confrontation with the active lifestyle.El objetivo es analizar la comprensión de la salud y su relación con la educación física desde la perspectiva de los docentes y directivos de una escuela pública del Estado de São Paulo. Para ello se entrevistó a 11 docentes y dos directivos, y se analizó el contenido por categorías no apriorísticas. Como resultado, la salud se entendió principalmente desde la perspectiva del bienestar, así como la realización de prácticas corporales como vínculo entre la educación física y la salud en el contexto escolar. Se concluye que la educación tiene un camino prometedor a seguir en la dirección de las pedagogías críticas en el abordaje de la salud, especialmente en el enfrentamiento al estilo de vida activo.O objetivo do estudo consistiu em analisar a compreensão de saúde e sua relação com a educação física na ótica de professores e gestores de uma escola da rede pública do estado de São Paulo. É uma pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa, que contou com a participação de 11 professores e duas coordenadoras. A produção dos dados se deu por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e análise de dados por categorias não apriorísticas. A saúde foi compreendida, majoritariamente, na perspectiva do bem-estar, bem como a realização de práticas corporais se traduziu como elo entre a educação física e saúde na escola. Conclui-se que a educação física possui promissor caminho a trilhar ao encontro das pedagogias críticas quanto à abordagem da saúde, principalmente no confronto ao estilo de vida ativo

    At the court's periphery: physical education, culture and sociability in school

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the participation and appropriation of the physical education class for students who are in its margins, at the periphery of the sports' court. The study was carried out in a public school as an ethnography, relying on observations and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that participation and appropriation of the physical education class fell into three categories: (not) practicing, active and floating. The analysis of each category has contributed to elucidate the existence of different stereotypes, prejudice and thus inequality of opportunities in the physical education class. Nevertheless, although there was, on the part of the students, limited acquisition of knowledge on Physical Education, they could develop experiences of sociability with each other free from the formal constraints usually found in classrooms.O objetivo do estudo é analisar a participação e a apropriação da aula de Educação Física pelos alunos que ali se encontram à margem, na periferia da quadra. O estudo, desenvolvido numa escola pública, deu-se a partir do método etnográfico, tendo como instrumento de coleta de dados a observação e a entrevista semiestruturada. A partir dessa imersão, compreendeu-se a participação e a apropriação da aula de Educação Física pelos alunos em três categorias: pedacinho (im)praticante, pedacinho ativo e pedacinho flutuante. Embora diferentes, os três pedacinhos elucidaram a existência de estereótipos, preconceitos e desigualdades de oportunidades. Dessa forma, houve, por parte dos alunos, uma apropriação limitada dos conhecimentos da Educação Física. Entretanto, mesmo inseridos num horizonte limitador de ensino-aprendizagem da Educação Física, os alunos vivenciaram sua sociabilidade na perspectiva de um tempo e um espaço de livre convivência com o outro.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Estadual de CampinasUNIFESPSciEL

    Convertible subspaces that arise from different numberings of the vertices of a graph

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    In this paper, we describe subspaces of generalized Hessenberg matrices where the determinant is convertible into the permanent by affixing ± signs. These subspaces can arise from different numberings of the vertices of a graph. With this numbering process, we obtain some well-known sequences of integers. For instance, in the case of a path of length n, we prove that the number of these subspaces is the (n + 1)th Fibonacci number.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Manutenção do solo: introdução de mobilização do solo numa vinha com enrelvamento natural de longa duração

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    A study was carried out during two years (2004 and 2005) at Bairrada Delimited Region (littoral/centre of Portugal) with the white cultivar “Fernão Pires” for the evaluation of the effects of tillage application in a non-irrigated commercial vineyard with a long term natural cover crop. In the two years of the experiment, during the growing season the climate was dry, especially in 2005. Consequently, a moderate to severe water stress was observed during ripening,, although little differences between natural grass covered and tilled treatments were found, according to predawn leaf water potential evolution. Vine nutritional status was also improved by tillage and, therefore, higher net photosynthetic rates were verifi ed. Tillage induced higher vegetative growth, particularly on lateral shoots that led to a denser and more shaded canopy. Hence bunch rot (Botrytis cinerea Pers.) intensity was signifi cantly higher in the tilled treatment in 2004 due to important rainfall events in summer. However, in hot and dry summers, as in 2005, higher vigour induced by tillage was crucial to reduce bunch sunburn injuries. The yield was signifi cantly increased in 2005 in tilled treatment (around 100%) because of higher fertility index, which result from the better nutritional status and vigour of previous year, bunch and berry weight, and also from the decrease of sunburn injuries. Lower effects of treatments were observed in the must composition. In 2005, even with a strong yield increase caused by tillage, the soil management techniques did not infl uenced the nutritional must composition

    Soil management and basal leaf removal effects on microclimate, yield, fruit composition on the portuguese vine variety Fernão Pires in Bairrada region

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    The study, throughout two years (2004 and 2005), of different systems of soil management, as well as different basal leaf removal modalities, effects on the white variety ‘Fernão Pires’, took place in a vineyard pertaining to Sogrape Vinhos, SA, located in the Bairrada Demarcated Region (littoral/centre of Portugal). Two techniques of soil management between rows were applied: the permanent natural grass cover and tillage, both with application of herbicide on the row. In 2004, basal leaf removal was carried through at veraison on the two sides of canopy or only on the East side. In 2005, other basal leaf removal modalities were introduced, at pea size or at veraison, applied only on one or two faces of canopy. In the two years of the experiment, the climate during the vegetative cycle was dry, especially in 2005. In consequence the predawn leaf water potential reached very low values along ripening and differences between grass covered and tilled treatments have not been registered. Higher net photosynthetic rates were obtained in tilled treatment, probably due to greater magnesium content in the leaves. Grass cover conduced to a less dense canopy, especially in 2005, by a reduction of the leaf layer number (LLN), higher penetration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at cluster zone and in 2005, provoked a drastic increase on the proportion of sunburned leaves and scalded clusters. On the other hand, basal leaf removal also modified the canopy structure, reducing its density, particularly in 2004. In this year, high bunch rot (Botrytis cinerea L.) incidence occurred and the reduction of canopy density had an important role on it’s the decrease. In 2004, yield components hadn’t been significantly affected by any of the factors in study. However in 2005, although basal leaf removal haven’t influenced yield, grass cover strongly reduced it (about 50%). Vigour reduction was verified in both years only by grass cover. Small differences between treatments were found in what concerns to must composition. At harvest in 2005, soil management techniques didn’t influenced nutritional cluster compositio

    "A maior zoeira" na escola: experiências juvenis na periferia de São Paulo

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    Resenha do livro "A maior zoeira na escola: experiências juvenis na periferia de Sçao Paulo", de Alexandre Barbosa Pereira