256 research outputs found

    A Pulsating Gaussian Wave Packet

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    A pulsating Gaussian wave packet for the harmonic oscillator is explicitly constructed. The mechanism for that behaviour is pointed out. © 1999 IOP Publishing Ltd.201L19L20Tsuru, H., (1992) J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 61, p. 2595Goldman, I.I., Krivchenkov, V.D., Kogan, Galitskii, (1960) Selected Problems in Quantum Mechanics, , transl D ter Haar (London: Infosearch)Feynman, R.P., Hibbs, A.R., (1965) Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, , New York: McGraw-Hil

    Surface Modification of Natural Rubber by Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) Plasma Treatment: A New Approach to Improve Mechanical and Hydrophobic Properties

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    Plasma treatments have faced growing interest as important strategy to modify the hydrophobic/hydrophilic characteristics of materials. However, challenges related to the plasma modification of polymers are the improvement of the chemical resistance without decreasing the mechanical resistance. In this letter, we present for the first time a plasma treatment, using Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), analogous to vulcanization process, of natural rubber surface, which resulted in a chemical and tension resistance improvements. The natural rubber membranes were coated with glow discharge plasmas generated in sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) atmospheres at a total pressure of 160 mTorr and applying 70 W of radiofrequency. Plasma treatment increases the contact angles from 64° to 125° i.e. leading to a hydrophobic surface. The tension at rupture increased from 3.7 to 6.1 MPa compared to natural rubber without plasma treatment demonstrated by stress-strain investigation. These results provide a fast alternative approach to improve mechanical and chemical properties of rubber-based products

    Procesadores de bajo coste y su aplicación en la docencia de Ingeniería de Computadores

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    La Informática evoluciona a gran velocidad y es necesario actualizar con frecuencia los recursos de aprendizaje para mantener el interés de los estudiantes. En la actualidad, hay una gran diversidad de plataformas de cómputo de bajo coste que son utilizadas como recursos en los estudios de Informática. Raspberry Pi y algunos modelos de Arduino (como Arduino Due), ambas basadas en procesadores ARM, son ejemplos representativos de este tipo de plataformas. Las arquitecturas ARM son ejemplos de procesadores RISC que actualmente gozan de gran popularidad por su buena relación entre potencia computacional, consumo y coste. De hecho, constituyen el núcleo de muchos de los teléfonos móviles y sistemas empotrados actuales. Al estar tan cerca de los estudiantes, el uso de este tipo de recursos en el aula representa una oportunidad para: (1) motivar a los alumnos de Bachillerato y Educación Secundaria para estudiar el Grado de Informática y (2) potenciar el interés de los alumnos de Grado de Informática por la Ingeniería de Computadores. Existe una serie de eventos consolidados que tienen una gran difusión social. En ellos, se muestran vistosos ejemplos de aplicación y funcionamiento de este tipo de plataformas. En este trabajo se describen el conjunto de sistemas interactivos y basados en plataformas computacionales de bajo coste que se han desarrollado para ser utilizadas en este tipo de eventos. De acuerdo con nuestra experiencia de participación, creemos que están sirviendo para despertar el interés del alumno de secundaria por la Informática en general, y más específicamente por la Ingeniería de Computadores. Por otra parte, un porcentaje de los alumnos que cursan el Grado de Ingeniería Informática no está interesado en el análisis de los componentes hardware y de su organización para construir un computador moderno. Piensan que la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores del Grado en Ingeniería Informática está lejos de su futura actividad profesional. En este contexto, nos planteamos seleccionar ARM como arquitectura de referencia para desarrollar los contenidos de la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores. Creemos que esta decisión mejora el interés del alumno por dos motivos: (1) el objeto de estudio se usa en multitud de plataformas muy cotidianas para el alumno y (2) es posible diseñar las actividades prácticas de las asignaturas basadas en elementos reales y no únicamente virtuales. Este trabajo muestra las distintas actividades tanto a nivel teórico como práctico que se plantean al alumno en el marco de la asignatura Arquitectura de Computadores.Computer Science is advancing rapidly and it is necessary to keep the educational resources up to date in order to keep the interest of students. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of low-cost computing platforms that are used as educational resources in the Computer Science degree. Raspberry Pi and some models of Arduino (such as Arduino Due), which are both based on ARM processors, are representative examples of this kind of platforms. ARM architectures are instances of RISC processors which nowadays have reached an important popularity due to their good relation between performance, consumption and cost. In fact, they constitute the core of numerous current mobile phones and embedded systems. Considering their proximity to the students, the use of this kind of resources in the classroom is an opportunity to: (1) encourage the high schools pupils to study the Computer Science degree and (2) to increase the interest of the students for the Computer Engineering. There are several consolidated informational events of great social outreach in which different examples of application of this kind of platforms are shown. In this work, the set of interactive systems designed to be used in this kind of events is described. According to our experience, we think that they arouse the interest of high schools pupils for the Computer Science in general, and, more specifically, for the Computer Engineering. Furthermore, a percentage of the students of the Computer Science degree is not interested in the analysis of hardware components and the architecture of modern computers. They think that the subject of Computer Architecture of the Computer Science Degree is far from his/her future career. In this context, we will select ARM as a reference architecture where the contents of the subject Computer Architecture will be developed on. We think this might improve the motivation of the students mainly for two reasons: (1) the object of study is being used in a lot of modern platforms; and (2) it is possible to design the practical activities of the subjects using real platforms and not only virtual ones. This work shows the activities proposed to the students in the context of the subject Computer Architecture, considering both practical and theoretical approaches

    A parallel genetic algorithm for continuous and pattern-free heliostat field optimization

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    The heliostat field of a solar power tower system, considering both its deployment cost and potential energy loss at operation, must be carefully designed. This procedure implies facing a complex continuous, constrained and large-scale optimization problem. Hence, its resolution is generally wrapped by extra distribution patterns or layouts with a reduced set of parameters. Griding the available surface is also an useful strategy. However, those approaches limit the degrees of freedom at optimization. In this context, the authors of this work are working on a new meta-heuristic for heliostat field opti- mization by directly addressing the underlying problem. Attention is also given to the benefits of modern High-Performance Computing (HPC) to allow a wider exploration of the search-space. Thus, a parallel genetic optimizer has been designed for direct heliostat field optimization. It relies on elitism, uniform crossover, static penalization of infeasible solutions and tournament selection

    Hector, a new methodology for continuous and pattern-free heliostat field optimization

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    In the framework of central receiver solar plants, the heliostat field can take up to 50% of the initial investment and cause up to 40% of energy loss. The most popular design strategies are based on: (i) forcing heliostats to follow known distribution patterns and (ii) iterative selection of positions. However, these methods might produce suboptimal solutions. The evolution of computational platforms allows the development of more flexible approaches. In this work, Hector, a new meta-heuristic aimed at facilitating coordinate-based optimization, is presented. First, since East-West symmetry is imposed, one of those regions is ignored and the number of heliostats to be placed is halved. Second, the selected region is split into separate circular sectors around the receiver. Next, at every iteration, a new heliostat is added to the most promising sector. Then, it is optimized by a user-selected algorithm, as an independent problem, in a continuous search-space. This procedure is repeated until all the required heliostats have been deployed. The computed half is finally cloned into the other one. Two versions of this strategy are proposed. Our empirical results show that, for a given optimizer, better fields are obtained with Hector. The second version yields the best fields but requires more runtime

    Measurable Residual Disease by Next-Generation Flow Cytometry in Multiple Myeloma

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    PURPOSE: Assessing measurable residual disease (MRD) has become standard with many tumors, but the clinical meaning of MRD in multiple myeloma (MM) remains uncertain, particularly when assessed by next-generation flow (NGF) cytometry. Thus, we aimed to determine the applicability and sensitivity of the flow MRD-negative criterion defined by the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In the PETHEMA/GEM2012MENOS65 trial, 458 patients with newly diagnosed MM had longitudinal assessment of MRD after six induction cycles with bortezomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone (VRD), autologous transplantation, and two consolidation courses with VRD. MRD was assessed in 1, 100 bone marrow samples from 397 patients; the 61 patients without MRD data discontinued treatment during induction and were considered MRD positive for intent-to-treat analysis. The median limit of detection achieved by NGF was 2.9 × 10-6. Patients received maintenance (lenalidomide ± ixazomib) according to the companion PETHEMA/GEM2014MAIN trial. RESULTS: Overall, 205 (45%) of 458 patients had undetectable MRD after consolidation, and only 14 of them (7%) have experienced progression thus far; seven of these 14 displayed extraosseous plasmacytomas at diagnosis and/or relapse. Using time-dependent analysis, patients with undetectable MRD had an 82% reduction in the risk of progression or death (hazard ratio, 0.18; 95% CI, 0.11 to 0.30; P < .001) and an 88% reduction in the risk of death (hazard ratio, 0.12; 95% CI, 0.05 to 0.29; P < .001). Timing of undetectable MRD (after induction v intensification) had no impact on patient survival. Attaining undetectable MRD overcame poor prognostic features at diagnosis, including high-risk cytogenetics. By contrast, patients with Revised International Staging System III status and positive MRD had dismal progression-free and overall survivals (median, 14 and 17 months, respectively). Maintenance increased the rate of undetectable MRD by 17%. CONCLUSION: The IMWG flow MRD-negative response criterion is highly applicable and sensitive to evaluate treatment efficacy in MM

    Geographic population structure analysis of worldwide human populations infers their biogeographical origins

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    The search for a method that utilizes biological information to predict humans’ place of origin has occupied scientists for millennia. Over the past four decades, scientists have employed genetic data in an effort to achieve this goal but with limited success. While biogeographical algorithms using next-generation sequencing data have achieved an accuracy of 700 km in Europe, they were inaccurate elsewhere. Here we describe the Geographic Population Structure (GPS) algorithm and demonstrate its accuracy with three data sets using 40,000–130,000 SNPs. GPS placed 83% of worldwide individuals in their country of origin. Applied to over 200 Sardinians villagers, GPS placed a quarter of them in their villages and most of the rest within 50 km of their villages. GPS’s accuracy and power to infer the biogeography of worldwide individuals down to their country or, in some cases, village, of origin, underscores the promise of admixture-based methods for biogeography and has ramifications for genetic ancestry testing