1,325 research outputs found

    Gevrey expansions of hypergeometric integrals II

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    We study integral representations of the Gevrey series solutions of irregular hypergeometric systems under certain assumptions. We prove that, for such systems, any Gevrey series solution, along a coordinate hyperplane of its singular support, is the asymptotic expansion of a holomorphic solution given by a carefully chosen integral representation.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    El recobriment dels embotits : una causa poc coneguda de pneumonitits per hipersensibilitat

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    La pneumonitis per hipersensibilitat (PH) comprèn un grup de malalties pulmonars produïdes per la inhalació de certes substàncies, principalment orgàniques, que, en individus susceptibles, poden desencadenar una reacció inflamatòria a nivell dels alvèols, els bronquíols i l'interstici pulmonar. Investigadors del Departament de Medicina de la UAB han tret a la llum els casos de PH causada per la inhalació continuada de pols del recobriment dels embotits per part dels xarcuters, en el seu lloc de treball. Durant la seva elaboració, els embotits són submergits en un bany que conté fongs per millorar-ne el gust. Al final del procés, el recobriment de fongs del producte és eliminat mitjantçant una raspallada que genera la pols en qüestió.La neumonitis por hipersensibilidad (PH) comprende un grupo deenfermedades pulmonares producidas por la inhalación de ciertas sustancias, principalmente orgánicas, que, en individuos susceptibles,pueden desencadenar una reacción inflamatoria a nivel de los alvéolos,los bronquiolos y el intersticio pulmonar. Investigadores delDepartamento de Medicina de la UAB han sacado a la luz los casos de PH causada por la inhalación continuada de polvo del recubrimiento delos embutidos por parte de los charcuteros, en su lugar de trabajo. Durante su elaboración, los embutidos son sumergidos en un baño que contiene hongos para mejorar su sabor. Al final del proceso, el recubrimiento de hongos del producto es eliminado mediante un cepillado que genera el polvo en cuestión.Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) comprises a group of lung diseasescaused by inhaling certain substances, mainly organic, which insusceptible individuals can trigger an inflammatory reaction of alveoli,bronchioles and pulmonary interstices. Researchers of the Departmentof Medicine at UAB have revealed cases of HP in butchers caused bycontinuous inhalation of the dust coating cured meats in the work place.During its preparation, the meat is submerged in a bath containing fungito improve its taste. At the end of the process, the fungal coating isremoved with a brush, which is what generates the dust

    Attitudes to Language and Culture in the EFL Classroom: British versus American English?

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    The main purpose of this article is to report on the results of an empirical study carried out among the students of English Philology at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University in order to elicit data about their attitudes toward the British and the American varieties of English. In view of the outcome, we try to suggest ways in which we can cope with students’ tendency to put too high a value on British English and to judge the other varieties as inferior. Specifically, we argue that when teaching English in the 21st century, it makes little sense to restrict the limits of the language and the culture to the British sphere. In fact, the evolution of English into an international language requires that all of its speakers, learners, and teachers recognise and reaffirm the diversity of cultures English represents throughout the world today.

    On irregular binomial D-modules

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    We prove that a holonomic binomial D–module MA(I, β) is regular if and only if certain associated primes of I determined by the parameter vector β ∈ Cd are homogeneous. We further describe the slopes of MA(I, β) along a coordinate subspace in terms of the known slopes of some related hypergeometric D–modules that also depend on β. When the parameter β is generic, we also compute the dimension of the generic stalk of the irregularity of MA(I, β) along a coordinate hyperplane and provide some remarks about the construction of its Gevrey solutions.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalJunta de AndalucíaUniversidad Complutense de Madri

    Gevrey solutions of irregular hypergeometric systems in two variables

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    We describe the Gevrey series solutions at singular points of the irregular hypergeometric system (GKZ system) associated with an affine plane monomial curve. We also describe the irregularity complex of such a system with respect to its singular support and in particular we prove, using elementary methods, that this irregularity complex is a perverse sheaf as assured by a theorem of Z. Mebkhout.Junta de Andalucí

    El prácticum de Educación Social en el EESS: la formación inicial de educadores sociales

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    El artículo que presentamos es producto de dos investigaciones: "La adaptación de la Titulación de Educación Social a los estudios de grado" y "El Prácticum en el entorno de la Convergencia Europea", ambas subvencionadas por la Junta de Castilla y León. Con las investigaciones se intenta conocer cada uno de los aspectos que más inciden en la adaptación de los estudios de grado en el nuevo modelo Universitario del Espacio Europeo, siendo no tanto la titulación de grado la que podría presentar más problemas adaptativos, sino el Prácticum. El estudio también aborda la implicación de los profesionales de la educación en la formación de los alumnos de Educación Social, pues, indudablemente, la formación de los futuros educadores sociales pasa por mostrar la realidad práctica del ejercicio de sus competencias. Ello conlleva una simbiosis entre tres organizaciones: la Universidad, El Colegio de Educadores Sociales y los centros de prácticasThe article we present is the result of two investigations: "The adaptation of the Degree of Social Education to the degree studies" and "The Prácticum in the surroundings of the European Convergence", both subsidized by the Junta of Castilla y Leon. With this research we tried to know each one of the aspects involved in the adaptation of the studies of degree in the new University model of the European Space, not being the degree the one that could present more problems, but being the Prácticum instead. The study also approaches the implication of the professionals of the education in the formation of the students of social education, then, doubtlessly, the formation of the social future educators happens to show the practical reality of the exercise of its competitions. It entails a symbiosis between three organizations: the university, the School of Social Educators and the centers of practices

    Impact of Spent Mushroom Substrates on the Fate of Pesticides in Soil, and Their Use for Preventing and/or Controlling Soil and Water Contamination: A Review

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    Intensive crop production involves a high consumption of pesticides. This is a cause of major environmental concern because the presence of pesticides in water is becoming increasingly common. Physicochemical methods based on soil modification with organic residues have been developed to enhance the immobilization and/or degradation of pesticides in agricultural soils, which may control both the diffuse and the point pollution of soils and waters. This review summarizes the influence of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) on the environmental fate of pesticides when both are simultaneously applied in agriculture. The processes of adsorption, leaching and dissipation of these compounds in SMS-amended soils were evaluated at laboratory and field scale. Relationships were established between the experimental parameters obtained and the properties of the soils, the SMS, and the pesticides in order to determine the effect that the application of SMS in agricultural soils has on the environmental impact of pesticides. Accordingly, this review highlights the use of SMS as a strategy for the prevention and/or control of soil and water contamination by pesticides to strike a balance between agricultural development and the use of these compounds.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Projects AGL2007-61674/AGR and AGL2010-15976/AGR), and Regional Junta de Castilla y León (Project CSI03A09). J.M.M.-B. thanks Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for his “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” postdoctoral contract (IJCI-2014-19538). We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)