283 research outputs found

    Calibrating and estimating exponential-affine models in R

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    Organização política na Amazônia Peruana: análise da Central Asháninka del Río Ene (CARE)

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    The purpose of this article is to contribute to the academic and political debate around the territorial rights of the indigenous people of the Americas. This field of study was approached through the study of the indigenous politic organization in the Peruvian Central Amazon (Selva Central) based on the case of the Ashaninka people in the Ene river. Based on this approach, we intend to relate the organizational process of the Ashaninka interethnic politics with the subsequent events that implicated on territorial lost, and that led to negotiations of the Ashaninka with other sectors of the Peruvian nation. This work was dedicated to exploring, from the history and actions of the Central Asháninka del Río Ene ”“ CARE, the organizing sophistications that emerge in a context of the change of the interethnic situation from 1980, mainly the efforts of this organization to build its legitimacy with the communities that CARE represent. In this process, we highlight the performance of Ruth Buendía Metsoquiari, president of CARE since 2005, feminine leadership that has a key role in the establishment of the legitimacy of CARE, and in maintaining a cohesive position in the Ene River to stop the entrance of extractive companies and the installation of a hydroelectrical project.  Finally, the intention of this work is to draw out some factors that permit us to enlighten or address the discussion about the extremely changing and volatile interethnic scenario, that continuously calls the indigenous organizations for new challenges. On the other hand, these organizations are not passive in this process, because their initiatives (are they alliances with external agents or not) also determine new paths ”“ at least desired ”“ to this system of relations.Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o debate acadêmico e político em torno dos direitos territoriais dos povos indígenas nas Américas. Buscaremos abordar este campo por meio do estudo da organização política indígena na Amazônia central peruana (Selva Central), com base no caso do povo Asháninka do Rio Ene. Com esta abordagem, pretendemos relacionar o processo organizativo da política interétnica Asháninka aos subsequentes eventos que implicaram em perdas territoriais, e demandaram negociações deste povo com outros setores da nação peruana, com vistas a assegurar sua autonomia relativa sobre determinadas porções de seus territórios. No presente artigo pretendemos explorar, a partir da história e das ações da Central Asháninka del Río Ene - CARE, as sofisticações organizativas que emergem em um contexto de mudança dos quadros de interação étnica a partir da década de 1980, principalmente no que tange aos esforços desta organização por construir sua legitimidade perante as comunidades Asháninka que representa. Neste processo, tem destaque a atuação de Ruth Buendía Metsoquiari, presidenta da CARE desde 2005, liderança feminina que tem importante papel na legitimidade da sua organização perante as comunidades do Rio Ene, e também na manutenção de um posicionamento coeso na região no sentido de frear a entrada de empresas extrativas e a instalação de uma represa hidrelétrica projetada sobre esse território. Por fim, objetivamos sacar elementos que nos permitam iluminar ou direcionar a discussão acerca do cenário interétnico extremamente cambiante e volátil que lança continuamente novos desafios a essas organizações. Por outro lado, estas não são passivas nesse processo, pois suas iniciativas (seja ou não em alianças com agentes externos) também determinam novos rumos ”“ pelo menos desejados ”“ a esse sistema de relações

    Territórios indígenas e desenvolvimento na Amazônia Central peruana : um olhar sobre a organização política dos Ashaninka do Rio Ene

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, 2012.Esta dissertação de mestrado pretende contribuir para o debate acadêmico e político em torno dos direitos territoriais dos povos indígenas. Buscou-se abordar este campo por meio do estudo das políticas territoriais e da organização política indígena na Amazônia central peruana (Selva Central), com base no caso do povo Ashaninka do Rio Ene. Ao aprofundar reflexões sobre o processo estatal de reconhecimento de territórios para povos indígenas na Amazônia peruana, percebe-se a fragilidade na autonomia territorial das comunidades indígenas e suas organizações. O que guarda relação com o poder estatal de conceder a terceiros direitos de explorar recursos naturais nos territórios indígenas, e da sobreposição de categorias territoriais estatais com interesses conflitivos em um mesmo território. Com base no caso Ashaninka, na região enfocada nesta dissertação, abordou-se algumas estratégias desenvolvidas pelas organizações buscando frear a entrada de empresas extrativas, assim como algumas estratégias dessas empresas para minar esse processo organizativo de modo a promover sua entrada no território indígena. Este trabalho se dedicou a explorar, a partir da história e das ações da Central Ashaninka del Río Ene - CARE, as sofisticações organizativas que emergem em um contexto de mudança dos quadros de interação étnica a partir da década de 1980. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe purpose of this master thesis is to contribute with the academic debate around the territorial rights of the indigenous people. This field of study was approached through the study of the territorial politics and indigenous politic organization in the peruvian Central Amazon (Selva Central) based on the case of the Ashaninka people in the Ene river. When we make a deep reflection about the state process of territory recognition for indigenous people in the peruvian Amazon, we can perceive a fragility in the territorial autonomy of the indigenous communities and its organizations. That appears to have a relation with the state power to grant to other parties the right to explore the natural resources in the indigenous territories, and the superposition of state territorial categories with conflictive interests in the same territory. Based on the Ashaninka case, in the region focused on this master thesis, this study approached some strategies developed by the indigenous organizations seeking to curb the entrance of the extractive companies, and some strategies of this companies to subvert this organizing process to promote its entrance in the indigenous territory. This work has dedicated to explore, from the history and actions of the Central Asháninka del Río Ene – CARE, the organizing sophistications that emerge in a context of change of the interethnic situation from 1980

    Sobrecarga del cuidador y apoyo social percibido en cuidadores de adultos mayores

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    Objetivo: Establecer si hay asociación entre la sobrecarga del cuidador y el apoyo social percibido en cuidadores de adultos mayores. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio correlacional, transversal, en una muestra de 138 cuidadores de adultos mayores a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Zarit y la Escala Multidimensional Apoyo Social Percibido. Resultados: La mayoría de los cuidadores (84.8%) soportan sobrecarga; el Apoyo social predomina en un nivel bajo (69.9%). Conclusiones: Existe correlación inversa media (- 0.240) entre la sobrecarga del cuidador y el apoyo social percibido en los cuidadores de adultos mayores; se ha determinado que la mayoría de los cuidadores (84.8%) soportan una sobrecarga; en todas las dimensiones de Apoyo Social predomina el nivel Bajo, por lo que la mayoría de los cuidadores perciben un bajo nivel de Apoyo Social; existe correlación inversa entre la variable Sobrecarga y la dimensión Apoyo Familiar; no existe correlación entre la Sobrecarga y Apoyo de Amigos; y existe correlación inversa entre la Sobrecarga y Apoyo de Otros significativo

    Factores de riesgo asociados al embarazo de adolescentes del Centro Preventivo de Menores del Niño y del Adolescente N° 01 Salamanca-Ate. Enero - junio 2017

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    Determina los factores de riesgo asociados al embarazo en adolescentes. Realiza un estudio mixto y cuanti-cualitativo. Cuantitativo: descriptivo de corte transversal y de diseño no experimental y cualitativo de diseño narrativo. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos uno de corte cuantitativo aplicado a una muestra constituida por setenta y cuatro adolescentes gestantes, a quienes se les realizó una entrevista mediante un cuestionario validado por juicio de expertos, previo consentimiento informado; y otro de corte cualitativo aplicado a catorce adolescentes a través de entrevistas en profundidad en ambos grupos de investigación. Las adolescentes pertenecían al Centro Preventivo de Menores del Niño y del Adolescente N.º 1 Salamanca - Ate y al Centro de Acogida Residencial - Car Domi. Ate. Resultados obtenidos en base al estudio de cuatro dimensiones y sus respectivas sub dimensiones de los factores de riesgo educativos con sus sub - dimensiones: Bajo grado de instrucción y deserción escolar; los factores de riesgo familiar con su sub dimensión: Tipo de relación de residencia con sus padres; los factores de riesgo de la vida personal con sus sub - dimensiones: Miembro de la familia con quien reside y apoyo de la pareja y los factores de riesgo hábitos sexuales con sub - dimensiones: Edad de inicio de relaciones sexuales, uso de métodos anticonceptivos, diálogo con los padres sobre sexualidad. Concluye que los factores de riesgo asociados al embarazo en adolescentes en su dimensión educativa, fueron el bajo grado de instrucción y la deserción escolar, en su dimensión familiar el poco o casi nulo vínculo y convivencia familiar, en cuento a la vida personal el que vive sola y sin apoyo económico de su pareja, sobre los hábitos sexuales, el inicio temprano de relaciones sexuales, el escaso uso de métodos anticonceptivos y el escaso o casi nulo diálogo con sus padres sobre sexualidad. Sumado a ello, las catorce entrevistas en profundidad, confirman la presencia de los factores de riesgo estudiados y cómo éstos trastocan su proyecto de vida y la de su hijo o hija

    Una propuesta para la enseñanza del concepto de función, conjunto dominio e imagen en contextos virtuales

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    Informe final de la asignatura Metodología y Práctica de la Enseñanza. Profesorado en MatemáticaEl presente informe describe las prácticas docentes que realizamos en un colegio secundario de la Ciudad de Córdoba, en el marco de la asignatura Metodología y Prácticas de la Enseñanza. Las mismas fueron realizadas de manera virtual dado el contexto de aislamiento social y preventivo vivido en el año 2020, en un tercer año. El tema de prácticas desarrollado fue Funciones. Aquí detallamos el proceso de diseño de la propuesta y de gestión durante las prácticas. Presentamos el contexto en donde las prácticas virtuales se desarrollaron, cómo la institución escolar se adaptó a esas circunstancias, el detalle de la propuesta de y la evaluación de los aprendizajes en dicho contexto.This report describes the teaching practices we carry out in a secondary school in the City of Córdoba, within the framework of the subject Methodology and Teaching Practices. They were carried out online given the context of social and preventive isolation experienced in 2020, in a 3rd course. The topic of practices was Functions. Here, we fully detail the process of design of the teaching proposal and its implementation. We also present the context in which the online practices were carried out, how the school institution adapted itself to those circumstances, the details of the proposal and the evaluation of learning in that context.Fil: Cruz, Lia Magdalena. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Fil: Negrete, Julieta Belén. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina

    Availability of Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Medicines in Primary Health Care

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    Objective: To describe and analyze the availability and factors related to the presence of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the Brazilian public primary healthcare system. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that evaluated 17,903 health units that participated in the National Program for Primary Care Access and Quality Improvement (2013-2014). The dependent variable was defined as the presence of metamizole, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen in a sufficient amount. The independent variables included the type of primary health care unit, the presence of a medication disposal area, the number of physicians, nurses, and dental practitioners; and the number of primary care units with family and oral health teams. For statistical analysis, unadjusted and adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) (95% CI) were presented. Results: The three medicines were available in 62.4% of the units. Regarding Health Clinics, the Basic Health Units (OR= 1.31, CI95% 1.18-1.44), Polyclinic (OR= 2.00, 95% CI, 1.15 -3.48), and others (OR= 1.37; 95% CI 1.14-1.63) had higher chances of availability of all three drugs. The presence of a disposal area (OR = 1.64, 95% CI 1.51-1.77) and the number of physicians (OR= 1.04, 95% CI 1.00-1.08), nurses (OR= 1.08, 95% CI 1.03- 1.13), and dental practitioners (OR= 1.09, 95% CI 1.04-1.14) increased the availability odds of the analyzed drugs in the service. Conclusion: The structure of the healthcare units and the higher number of professionals were positively associated with the availability of these drugs

    Coating of submicrometric keratin fibres on titanium substrates: a successful strategy for stimulating adhesion and alignment of fibroblasts and reducing bacterial contamination.

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    Coatings are a versatile tool for modulation of the biological response of biomaterials; in particular, the use of biopolymers as coating material may improve cell interactions and tissue adhesion. Among others, keratin is a natural protein able to stimulate fibroblast cells effectively and has the ability to bind metal ions. Coatings of keratin fibers onto titanium substrates can improve soft tissue adhesion, eventually coupling topographical (contact guidance) and chemical stimulus through the alignment of the fibers along sub-micrometric grooves of the substrate. Sub-micrometric keratin fibers were obtained by electrospinning both in random and oriented arrangements (though a rotating collector); in addition, antibacterial properties were added by enrichment of the coating with silver ions. This type of coating can be of interest in transmucosal dental implants, where perimplantitis is often due to infection (biofilm formation) and disease worsening is due to inflammation of the surrounding soft tissue, which is guided by fibroblasts. Keratin fibres coatings were prepared and characterized by means of Field Emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), cell (gingival fibroblasts) and bacteria (S. aureus) culture tests. FESEM observations demonstrated the possibility to deposit keratin fibres onto titanium substrates in random or oriented arrangements effectively. Keratin fibres were able to increase fibroblast adhesion and proliferation. On randomly deposited keratin fibres, fibroblast cells were significantly biologically stimulated and showed high adhesion and proliferation, but not orientation ability; on the other hand, aligned keratin fibres on a grooved substrate were able to stimulate cells both from the topographical (orientation) and biological standpoint. Finally, Ag-doped keratin fibres coatings were able to reduce S. aureus adhesion significantly, maintaining high biocompatibility. Considering these results, keratin sub-micrometric fibres coatings are a promising strategy for stimulating fibroblasts and reducing bacterial contamination

    Monitoramento do processo de fermentação da sardinha, Sardinella brasiliensis, para obtenção de anchovas

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    As sardinhas brasileiras podem ser utilizadas para o preparo de pescado fermentado, à semelhança do que é feito com as anchovas na Europa, desde que o processamento permita a obtenção de um produto com qualidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi monitorar o processamento de fermentação de sardinhas, Sardinella brasiliensis, utilizando 4 tratamentos, a saber: peixes inteiros e eviscerados, ambos com ou sem condimentos, e 20% de sal. As sardinhas foram analisadas in natura e nos períodos de 1; 15; 30; 45 e 60 dias de fermentação. O pescado mantido com vísceras apresentou maior facilidade para fermentação e revelou maiores teores de bases voláteis, nitrogênio não protéico e acidez em ácido lático (19,82 mg 100 g-1). A contagem total de mesófilos se manteve na faixa de 10³ UFC g-1. Coliformes totais e Staphilococcus aureus apresentaram baixas contagens. Escherichia coli e Salmonella não foram detectadas. O processamento do pescado com vísceras, não interferiu na segurança microbiológica e propiciou os melhores resultados para cor, aroma, sabor e textura do produto final.Anchovies are traditional fish preserves, prepared from fermented fish of the engraulidae family, mainly in European countries. In Brazil, sardines (Sardinella brasiliensis) are an alternative fish for preparing these types of preserves, provided that the preservation process results in a high quality product. In this research, sardines were prepared for preservation and physicochemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were carried out during the preservation process. Whole or eviscerated sardines, with or without condiments/preservatives and with 20% of salt (w/w) were used. Sardines were analyzed fresh, and at 1, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days along the preservation process. The use of whole sardines, with or without condiments/preservatives, presented best results, with increased non-proteic nitrogen in the dry matter, higher levels of total volatile bases and higher contents of lactic acid and sodium chloride. The higher acidity observed in the whole sardine treatments resulted in better control of halophylic mesophilic microorganisms, which were kept under 1.4 x 10³ CFU g-1 in both treatments. Total coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus reached 21 and 3.0 x 10² CFU g-1, respectively. Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp were not present in the fresh sardines or in any of the four treatments, indicating that the concentration of salt used was appropriate to maintain the product under adequate microbiological control. Both whole or eviscerated sardines under the conditions of this experiment were appropriate in terms of the microbiological safety of the preserves. Treatments using whole fish, either with or without condiments/preservatives, also presented better sensorial properties such as color, flavor, taste and texture, as compared to the eviscerated fish treatments. Whole sardines produced good quality, anchovy-type preserves, which can be used for consumption and marketing purposes

    Topographical and Biomechanical Guidance of Electrospun Fibers for Biomedical Applications

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    Electrospinning is gaining increasing interest in the biomedical field as an eco-friendly and economic technique for production of random and oriented polymeric fibers. The aim of this review was to give an overview of electrospinning potentialities in the production of fibers for biomedical applications with a focus on the possibility to combine biomechanical and topographical stimuli. In fact, selection of the polymer and the eventual surface modification of the fibers allow selection of the proper chemical/biological signal to be administered to the cells. Moreover, a proper design of fiber orientation, dimension, and topography can give the opportunity to drive cell growth also from a spatial standpoint. At this purpose, the review contains a first introduction on potentialities of electrospinning for the obtainment of random and oriented fibers both with synthetic and natural polymers. The biological phenomena which can be guided and promoted by fibers composition and topography are in depth investigated and discussed in the second section of the paper. Finally, the recent strategies developed in the scientific community for the realization of electrospun fibers and for their surface modification for biomedical application are presented and discussed in the last section