23,387 research outputs found

    A Single Circumbinary Disk in the HD 98800 Quadruple System

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    We present sub-arcsecond thermal infrared imaging of HD 98800, a young quadruple system composed of a pair of low-mass spectroscopic binaries separated by 0.8'' (38 AU), each with a K-dwarf primary. Images at wavelengths ranging from 5 to 24.5 microns show unequivocally that the optically fainter binary, HD 98800B, is the sole source of a comparatively large infrared excess upon which a silicate emission feature is superposed. The excess is detected only at wavelengths of 7.9 microns and longer, peaks at 25 microns, and has a best-fit black-body temperature of 150 K, indicating that most of the dust lies at distances greater than the orbital separation of the spectroscopic binary. We estimate the radial extent of the dust with a disk model that approximates radiation from the spectroscopic binary as a single source of equivalent luminosity. Given the data, the most-likely values of disk properties in the ranges considered are R_in = 5.0 +/- 2.5 AU, DeltaR = 13+/-8 AU, lambda_0 = 2(+4/-1.5) microns, gamma = 0+/-2.5, and sigma_total = 16+/-3 AU^2, where R_in is the inner radius, DeltaR is the radial extent of the disk, lambda_0 is the effective grain size, gamma is the radial power-law exponent of the optical depth, tau, and sigma_total is the total cross-section of the grains. The range of implied disk masses is 0.001--0.1 times that of the moon. These results show that, for a wide range of possible disk properties, a circumbinary disk is far more likely than a narrow ring.Comment: 11 page Latex manuscript with 3 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Postscript version of complete paper also available at http://www.hep.upenn.edu/PORG/web/papers/koerner00a.p

    Generation of two-photon states with arbitrary degree of entanglement via nonlinear crystal superlattices

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    We demonstrate a general method of engineering the joint quantum state of photon pairs produced in spontaneous parametric downconversion (PDC). The method makes use of a superlattice structure of nonlinear and linear materials, in conjunction with a broadband pump, to manipulate the group delays of the signal and idler photons relative to the pump pulse, and realizes a joint spectral amplitude with arbitrary degree of entanglement for the generated pairs. This method of group delay engineering has the potential of synthesizing a broad range of states including factorizable states crucial for quantum networking and states optimized for Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry. Experimental results for the latter case are presented, illustrating the principles of this approach.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted Phys. Rev. Let

    Implementation of digital health in rural populations with chronic musculoskeletal conditions: A scoping review protocol

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    Musculoskeletal conditions are a major source of disability worldwide, and its burden have been rising in the last decades. Rural areas, in particular, are associated with higher prevalence of these conditions as well as higher levels of disability, which is likely related to other determinants that affect these communities. Although digital health has been identified as a potential solution to mitigate the impact of these determinants, it is also known that these populations may face barriers that limit the implementation of these interventions. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review is to comprehensively map the evidence regarding the implementation of digital health interventions in rural populations with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. We will include studies published from the year 2000; that report the use of digital interventions that promote prevention, treatment or monitoring of any chronic musculoskeletal condition or chronic pain from musculoskeletal origin, in patients that live in rural areas. This protocol follows the methodological framework for scoping reviews proposed by Arksey and O'Malley, as well as the Joana Briggs Institute (JBI) approach. We will conduct the search on Medline (PubMed), EMBASE, Web of Science and Scopus, as well as grey literature databases. Two independent reviewers will screen titles and abstracts followed by a full-text review to assess the eligibility of the articles. Data extracted will include the identification of the digital interventions used, barriers and enablers identified by the patients or healthcare providers, the patient-level outcomes measured, and the implementation strategies and outcomes reported. By mapping the evidence on the implementation of digital health interventions in rural communities with musculoskeletal conditions, this scoping review will enhance our understanding of their applicability in real-world settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Many studies are conducted about the dynamics of fluids in porous media, which generates a number of factors and problems are solved. In particular the phenomenon of pressure drop in flows on fixed bed, although fairly well in the form Ergun’s equation, still has certain inconsistencies with regard to the types of materials to be used in the packaging of the beds. The objective of this work is to study this phenomenon using some experiments reported in the literature to determine the pressure drop in fixed bed consisting of porous particles of açaí seed. Experimental studies were conducted to predict, and take into account the losses resulting from friction and inertia that showed strong dependence on velocity. The method of using the particular friction factor prediction as a way to replace the usual calculation and measurement of pressure drop. The analysis in the wind tunnel was made from different sizes of bed, with a decrease in arithmetic progressions corresponding to half the value of the diameter of the tube used in the test. Several bands of Reynolds number were also employed in order to be able to visualize how the phenomenon behaves on various tracks. For such a survey was necessary some parameters such as açaí seeds diameters, seed weight and volume occupied by the bed; these parameters are of vital importance in Ergun equation, because an important aspect of the phenomenon is the porosity which enters as a foundation in the theory of flow fixed bed. At the end of the study was found the divergence in big bands of the Reynolds number of the correlation between experimental data and the Ergun equation

    Novel efficient genome-wide SNP panels for the conservation of the highly endangered Iberian lynx

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    Background: The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) has been acknowledged as the most endangered felid species in the world. An intense contraction and fragmentation during the twentieth century left less than 100 individuals split in two isolated and genetically eroded populations by 2002. Genetic monitoring and management so far have been based on 36 STRs, but their limited variability and the more complex situation of current populations demand more efficient molecular markers. The recent characterization of the Iberian lynx genome identified more than 1.6 million SNPs, of which 1536 were selected and genotyped in an extended Iberian lynx sample. Methods: We validated 1492 SNPs and analysed their heterozygosity, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and linkage disequilibrium. We then selected a panel of 343 minimally linked autosomal SNPs from which we extracted subsets optimized for four different typical tasks in conservation applications: individual identification, parentage assignment, relatedness estimation, and admixture classification, and compared their power to currently used STR panels. Results: We ascribed 21 SNPs to chromosome X based on their segregation patterns, and identified one additional marker that showed significant differentiation between sexes. For all applications considered, panels of autosomal SNPs showed higher power than the currently used STR set with only a very modest increase in the number of markers. Conclusions: These novel panels of highly informative genome-wide SNPs provide more powerful, efficient, and flexible tools for the genetic management and non-invasive monitoring of Iberian lynx populations. This example highlights an important outcome of whole-genome studies in genetically threatened species

    Automated identification of neurons and their locations

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    Individual locations of many neuronal cell bodies (>10^4) are needed to enable statistically significant measurements of spatial organization within the brain such as nearest-neighbor and microcolumnarity measurements. In this paper, we introduce an Automated Neuron Recognition Algorithm (ANRA) which obtains the (x,y) location of individual neurons within digitized images of Nissl-stained, 30 micron thick, frozen sections of the cerebral cortex of the Rhesus monkey. Identification of neurons within such Nissl-stained sections is inherently difficult due to the variability in neuron staining, the overlap of neurons, the presence of partial or damaged neurons at tissue surfaces, and the presence of non-neuron objects, such as glial cells, blood vessels, and random artifacts. To overcome these challenges and identify neurons, ANRA applies a combination of image segmentation and machine learning. The steps involve active contour segmentation to find outlines of potential neuron cell bodies followed by artificial neural network training using the segmentation properties (size, optical density, gyration, etc.) to distinguish between neuron and non-neuron segmentations. ANRA positively identifies 86[5]% neurons with 15[8]% error (mean[st.dev.]) on a wide range of Nissl-stained images, whereas semi-automatic methods obtain 80[7]%/17[12]%. A further advantage of ANRA is that it affords an unlimited increase in speed from semi-automatic methods, and is computationally efficient, with the ability to recognize ~100 neurons per minute using a standard personal computer. ANRA is amenable to analysis of huge photo-montages of Nissl-stained tissue, thereby opening the door to fast, efficient and quantitative analysis of vast stores of archival material that exist in laboratories and research collections around the world.Comment: 38 pages. Formatted for two-sided printing. Supplemental material and software available at http://physics.bu.edu/~ainglis/ANRA

    Increased Perfusion and Angiogenesis in a Hindlimb Ischemia Model with Plasmid FGF-2 Delivered by Noninvasive Electroporation

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    Gene therapy approaches delivering fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) have shown promise as a potential treatment for increasing blood flow to ischemic limbs. Currently, effective noninvasive techniques to deliver plasmids encoding genes of therapeutic interest, such as FGF-2, are limited. We sought to determine if intradermal injection of plasmid DNA encoding FGF-2 (pFGF) followed by noninvasive cutaneous electroporation (pFGFE+) could increase blood flow and angiogenesis in a rat model of hindlimb ischemia. pFGFE+ or control treatments were administered on postoperative day 0. Compared to injection of pFGF alone (pFGFE-), delivery of pFGFE+ significantly increased FGF-2 expression for 10 days. Further, the increase in FGF-2 expression with pFGFE+ was sufficient to significantly increase ischemic limb blood flow, measured by laser Doppler perfusion imaging, beginning on postoperative day 3. Ischemic limb blood flow in the pFGFE+ treatment group remained significantly higher than all control groups through the end point of the study, postoperative day 14. Immunohistochemical staining of gastrocnemius cross sections determined there was a twofold increase in capillary density in the pFGFE+ treatment group. Our results suggest that pFGFE+ is a potential noninvasive, nonviral therapeutic approach to increase perfusion and angiogenesis for the treatment of limb ischemia

    Intermittent reconnection and plasmoids in UV bursts in the low solar atmosphere

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    Magnetic reconnection is thought to drive a wide variety of dynamic phenomena in the solar atmosphere. Yet the detailed physical mechanisms driving reconnection are difficult to discern in the remote sensing observations that are used to study the solar atmosphere. In this paper we exploit the high-resolution instruments Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the new CHROMIS Fabry-Perot instrument at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) to identify the intermittency of magnetic reconnection and its association with the formation of plasmoids in so-called UV bursts in the low solar atmosphere. The Si IV 1403A UV burst spectra from the transition region show evidence of highly broadened line profiles with often non-Gaussian and triangular shapes, in addition to signatures of bidirectional flows. Such profiles had previously been linked, in idealized numerical simulations, to magnetic reconnection driven by the plasmoid instability. Simultaneous CHROMIS images in the chromospheric Ca II K 3934A line now provide compelling evidence for the presence of plasmoids, by revealing highly dynamic and rapidly moving brightenings that are smaller than 0.2 arcsec and that evolve on timescales of order seconds. Our interpretation of the observations is supported by detailed comparisons with synthetic observables from advanced numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection and associated plasmoids in the chromosphere. Our results highlight how subarcsecond imaging spectroscopy sensitive to a wide range of temperatures combined with advanced numerical simulations that are realistic enough to compare with observations can directly reveal the small-scale physical processes that drive the wide range of phenomena in the solar atmosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Movies are available at http://folk.uio.no/rouppe/plasmoids_chromis

    A review of recent perspectives on biomechanical risk factors associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury

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    There is considerable evidence to support a number of biomechanical risk factors associated with non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. This paper aimed to review these biomechanical risk factors and highlight future directions relating to them. Current perspectives investigating trunk position and relationships between strength, muscle activity and biomechanics during landing/cutting highlight the importance of increasing hamstring muscle force during dynamic movements through altering strength, muscle activity, muscle length and contraction velocity. In particular, increased trunk flexion during landing/cutting and greater hamstring strength are likely to increase hamstring muscle force during landing and cutting which have been associated with reduced ACL injury risk. Decision making has also been shown to influence landing biomechanics and should be considered when designing tasks to assess landing/cutting biomechanics. Coaches should therefore promote hamstring strength training and active trunk flexion during landing and cutting in an attempt to reduce ACL injury risk.Peer reviewe

    Impact of the continuum Coulomb interaction in quantum-orbit-based treatments of high-order above-threshold ionization

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    We perform a systematic comparison between photoelectron momentum distributions computed with the rescattered-quantum orbit strong-field approximation (RQSFA) and the Coulomb-quantum orbit strong-field approximation (CQSFA). We exclude direct, hybrid, and multiple scattered CQSFA trajectories, and focus on the contributions of trajectories that undergo a single act of rescattering. For this orbit subset, one may establish a one-to-one correspondence between the RQSFA and CQSFA contributions for backscattered and forward-scattered trajectory pairs. We assess the influence of the Coulomb potential on the ionization and rescattering times of specific trajectory pairs, kinematic constraints determined by rescattering, and quantum interference between specific pairs of trajectories. We analyze how the Coulomb potential alters their ionization and return times, and their interference in photoelectron momentum distributions. We show that Coulomb effects are not significant for high or medium photoelectron energies and shorter orbits, while, for lower momentum ranges or longer electron excursion times in the continuum, the residual Coulomb potential is more important. We also assess the agreement of both theories for different field parameters, and show that it improves with the increase of the wavelength.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review
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