12 research outputs found

    Consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of angiogenesis assays

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    The formation of new blood vessels, or angiogenesis, is a complex process that plays important roles in growth and development, tissue and organ regeneration, as well as numerous pathological conditions. Angiogenesis undergoes multiple discrete steps that can be individually evaluated and quantified by a large number of bioassays. These independent assessments hold advantages but also have limitations. This article describes in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro bioassays that are available for the evaluation of angiogenesis and highlights critical aspects that are relevant for their execution and proper interpretation. As such, this collaborative work is the first edition of consensus guidelines on angiogenesis bioassays to serve for current and future reference

    Registered Ship Notes

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    Combatendo nazistas e mosquitos: militares norte-americanos no Nordeste brasileiro (1941-45) Fighting nazis and mosquitoes: US military men in Northeastern Brazil (1941-1945)

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    Este artigo analisa as relações entre malária e guerra, através das políticas de controle da doença executadas nas bases militares norte-americanas estabelecidas no Brasil durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O estudo de caso das três mais importantes bases, em Belém, Recife e Natal, mostra como a malária pode transformar-se numa questão de segurança político-militar. O caso de Natal permite-nos avaliar os preconceitos, desconfianças políticas e tensões nacionalistas entre brasileiros e norte-americanos.<br>Malaria-control policies enforced at US military bases set up in Brazil during World War II serve as an example in this analysis of the associations between disease and war. Case studies of the three main US bases (located in Belém, Recife, and Natal) show how malaria can be transformed into a matter of political-military security. An examination of the Natal case allows the reader to perceive the prejudices, political mistrust, and nationalistic tensions marking relations between the Brazilians and Americans

    Entre doutores e para os leigos: fragmentos do discurso médico na influenza de 1918 Among doctors and for the lay: fragments of the medical discourse during the 1918 flu epidemic

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    Notícias vindas da Europa sobre uma nova epidemia, a gripe espanhola ou influenza espanhola, apareceram nos jornais da cidade de São Paulo em junho de 1918. No dia 15 de outubro, o Serviço Sanitário do Estado confirmava os primeiros casos da doença na cidade. Em meio às discussões sobre a natureza da moléstia e às várias propostas terapêuticas que marcaram o período epidêmico, destaco duas indicações para o tratamento dos doentes: as prescrições aprovadas pela Academia Paulista de Medicina e a 'mercurialização'. Buscando ordenar saberes sobre a gripe espanhola e, indiretamente, instruir a população, as apresentações e os debates sobre os tratamentos explicitavam tanto a forma como o discurso médico-científico era elaborado quanto o seu crescente hermetismo para o entendimento popular.<br>News from Europe of a new epidemic, called the Spanish influenza or Spanish flu, began appearing in São Paulo city newspapers in June 1918. On 15 October, the State Sanitation Service confirmed the occurrence of the first cases in the city. From among the discussions on the nature of the disease and the various treatment proposals then brought forward, I highlight two suggested treatments: the recommendations approved by the São Paulo Academy of Medicine, and "mercurialization." In this effort to organize knowledge about the Spanish flu and, indirectly, to instruct the population at large, proposals and debates surrounding forms of treatment demonstrated both how medical-scientific discourse was developed and how it was growing ever more arcane to the general population

    Registered Ship Notes

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