10 research outputs found

    Évolution morphologique et associative des trilobites sous contrainte environnementale, au DĂ©vonien moyen et supĂ©rieur, en Ardenne occidentale (bord sud du Synclinorium de Dinant)

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    L Ă©tude des trilobites du DĂ©vonien moyen et supĂ©rieur du Massif de l Ardenne et du Boulonnais contribue de multiples façons Ă  l amĂ©lioration de notre comprĂ©hension de l histoire de la Vie et de la Terre Ă  cette Ă©poque. Leur biodiversitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©e Ă  partir d analyses statistiques multivariĂ©es, mettant en Ă©vidence une complexification de la structure de leurs communautĂ©s au cours du temps. En effet, dans un mĂȘme contexte de plate-forme barrĂ©e, une seule association est prĂ©sente dans l ensemble des environnements du GivĂ©tien tandis que deux associations ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es au Frasnien, l une restreinte aux constructions rĂ©cifales et l autre aux milieux pĂ©rirĂ©cifaux. Une analyse des mĂ©gaguildes du GivĂ©tien souligne le caractĂšre particulier des milieux rĂ©cifaux par rapport Ă  l ensemble des environnements de la plateforme. La description du dĂ©veloppement de trois espĂšces appartenant au genre Dechenella, via une analyse de morphomĂ©trie gĂ©omĂ©trique, a permis ensuite d identifier une combinaison de plusieurs changements Ă©volutifs de l ontogenĂšse sur leur cĂ©phalon et pygidium. Ce travail souligne la complexitĂ© et le rĂŽle important des modifications de l ontogenĂšse dans la production de nouvelles morphologies. Enfin, l Ă©tude phylogĂ©nĂ©tique des Asteropyginae nous permet de proposer une nouvelle vision de leur histoire Ă©volutive : 1) traditionnellement divisĂ©e en deux clades, une Ă©volution plus graduelle en un seul clade est ici privilĂ©giĂ©e et 2) une nouvelle origine est suggĂ©rĂ©e Ă  travers le genre Destombesina. A partir des rĂ©sultats de cette analyse, les modĂšles de pygidiums et de cĂ©phalons, Ă  la base de la systĂ©matique de ce groupe, ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© redĂ©finis.The study of trilobites of Middle and Upper Devonian from Ardenne Massif and Boulonnais contributes in multiple ways to the improvement of our understanding of the Life and Earth s history of this period. Their biodiversity has been explored from multivariate statistical analyses. A gradually organisation of the structure of their communities has been evidenced. Indeed, in the same reefal platform context, only one association is presented in whole Givetian environments, whereas two associations have been identified at the Frasnian, the one confined to reefal build-ups and the other to perireefal facies. An analysis of Givetian megaguilds underlines the particularity of reefal environments compared to the other ones of the platform. Developmental description of three Dechenella species, through a geometric morphometry analysis, allows us to identify several evolutionary changes of ontogeny on cephala and pygidia. This work illustrates the complexity and the importance of ontogenetic changes in new morphology production. Phylogenetic study of Asteropyginae allow us to propose a new vision of their evolutive history. Traditionally splitted in two separate clades, the cladistic analysis of this subfamily shows a more progressive evolution in one clade. Moreover, a new origin has been suggested through the genus Destombesina. From these results, pygidial and cephalic patterns, at the base of the systematic of this group, have been redefined.LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analyse de contour dentaire des ursidés pléistocÚnes et actuels (caractérisation et étude des causes de la variabilité morphologique des dents jugales)

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    Les ursidés (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae) représentent une part importante du registre fossile au PléistocÚne moyen et supérieur. Pour l ours des cavernes (Ursus deningeri Ursus spelaeus), de nombreux débats s articulent autour de son régime alimentaire. Des caractÚres dentaires, tels que les dimensions et le relief occlusal, suggÚrent une alimentation végétarienne exclusive, mais de récents travaux argumentent en faveur d un spectre alimentaire plus omnivore. Les dents d ours des cavernes et brun (Ursus arctos) montrent aussi une importante variabilité morphologique difficile à quantifier et à interpréter par la morphométrie traditionnelle. Une analyse des contours via la transformée de Fourier elliptique a été appliquée sur les dents jugales d ursidés fossiles et actuels afin d étudier la variabilité de forme, en complément d une analyse traditionnelle. Un test préliminaire a d abord été effectué sur une population d U. spelaeus (grottes de Montaigle, Belgique). Puis, les séquences de Sous-Scladina et Scladina (Sclayn, Belgique) ont été analysées afin d observer les variabilités de taille et de forme au cours du temps. Certains ursidés actuels, tels le panda géant Ailuropoda melanoleuca et l ours blanc Ursus maritimus, sont spécialisés, tandis que d autres sont plus généralistes (i. e. l ours brun). AprÚs avoir appliqué la méthode sur les ursidés actuels, une approche actualiste a été testée en intégrant des ursidés fossiles provenant de plusieurs localités. Certains caractÚres indiqueraient une alimentation plus végétarienne pour l ours brun archaïque et plus variée pour l ours des cavernes.Ursid (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae) remains are often found in abundance in the fossil records of Middle and Upper Pleistocene. For the extinct cave bear (Ursus deningeri Ursus spelaeus), many debates currently focus on its diet. Dental features such as the dimensions and the occlusal relief suggest an exclusively vegetarian diet, but recent studies indicate a more omnivorous range food. Cave and brown bear (Ursus arctos) teeth also show a strong morphological variability, difficult to quantify and to interpret using traditional morphometrics. To complete these traditional analyses, an outline analysis via the elliptic Fourier transform has been performed on fossil and extant bear cheek teeth to assess the shape variability. Firstly, a population of U. spelaeus (Montaigle Caves, Belgium) has been tested. Then, the sequences of Sous-Scladina and Scladina Caves (Sclayn, Belgium) have been considered to assess size and shape modifications through time. Some extant bears, such as the giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca or the polar bear Ursus maritimus show a high diet specialization, whereas some extant ursids are generalist (i. e. the brown bear). After applying the method on the main extant taxa to establish an actual framework, an actualist approach has been finally tested by adding fossil bears from several localities. Few dental features suggest a more vegetarian archaic brown bear, whereas the cave bear diet would be more diversified than presumed.LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Coraux tabulés givétiens d'Ardenne méridionale (paléobiodiversité et implications paléoécologiques)

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    Les coraux tabulés connaissent leur apogée au Dévonien moyen. A cette époque et plus particuliÚrement au Givétien, la présence de plates-formes carbonatées peu profondes et un climat chaud favorisent leur installation et leur développement sur le bord sud du synclinorium de Dinant. L objectif de ce travail est d étudier l influence du milieu sur les faunes de coraux tabulés et notamment sur la biodiversité, la morphologie des organismes et sur les interactions avec des endobiontes. Pour se faire, cette étude a nécessité l analyse de 1670 spécimens de tabulés (répartis en 57 espÚces) récoltés dans trois coupes : le Cul d Houille, le Mont d Haurs et les Monts de Baileux. Les analyses de biodiversité montrent que l abondance et la richesse spécifique sont largement contrÎlées par l environnement. Les coraux tabulés bien que présents dans tous les environnements de la plate-forme récifale sont fortement représentés dans le récif stricto sensu. L étude a mis en évidence des adaptations des faunes aux contraintes du milieu telles que le développement de l appareil septal et/ou un épaississement de la paroi en zone trÚs agitée. Il est également à noter la mise en place de morphologies différentes en fonction de l intensité de la houle. Des endobiontes (Helicosalpinx, Phragmosalpinx, Torquaysalpinx et Trypanopora) ont été repérés dans 86 colonies d Alveolitidae. L étude montre que l endobionte choisit préférentiellement son hÎte et induit des modifications du squelette. Leur présence est corrélée à l abondance et à la biodiversité des coraux dans le milieu. Enfin, les faunes ardennaises présentent une affinité forte avec le Bergischen Land et les Monts Sainte-Croix.Tabulate corals know their apogee during the Middle Devonian. At this time and especially during the Givetian, the presence on the southern part of Dinant synclinorium of shallow carbonated platforms and the tropical climate support their installation and their development. This study focuses on the influence of the environment on tabulate faunas and particularly on the biodiversity, morphology of these corals and on the interactions with endobionts. The analysis were performed on 1670 specimens of tabulates (57 species) collected in three outcrops: the Cul d Houille, the Mont d Haurs and the Monts de Baileux sections. The analyses of biodiversity show that abundance and specific richness are strongly controlled by the environment. Tabulate corals are present in all environments of reefal platform but they are strongly represented in the reef strict sensu. The study highlights adaptations of faunas to the constraints of the environment like great development of septal apparatus and/or a thickening of the wall in strongly agitated zone. The study shows also the variation of external morphology according to the intensity of the swell. Endobionts (Helicosalpinx, Phragmosalpinx, Torquaysalpinx and Trypanopora) were located in 86 colonies of Alveolitidae. The study shows that the endobionts preferentially choose its host and induced modifications of the skeleton. Their presence is correlated with the abundance and the biodiversity of tabulate corals in environment. Finally, tabulate corals of Ardenne have a strong affinity with faunas of Bergischen Land (Germany) and Holy Cross Mountains (Poland).LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    TriloMorph: a dynamic and collaborative database for morphogeometric information of trilobites

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    Modern morphometric-based approaches provide valuable metrics to quantify and understand macroevolutionary and macroecological patterns and processes. However, very few large scale morphological datasets are currently available for Life and Earth Sciences, including Palaeontology. Here we describe TriloMorph, an openly accessible database for morpho-geometric information of trilobites, the main Palaeozoic group of marine arthropods, together with a landmark acquisition protocol. In addition to morphological traits, the database contains contextual data on chronostratigraphic age, geographic location, taxonomic information and lithology of landmarked specimens. In this first version, the dataset has broad taxonomic and temporal coverage and comprises more than 55% of all trilobite genera and 85% of families recorded in the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) through Devonian geological stages. We provide a release of geometric morphometric data of 277 specimens (generic level) linked to published references. This is the first attempt of such an online morphometric repository. By bringing this information into a single open database we enhance the possibility of performing global paleobiological research, providing a major complement to the PBDB. Los enfoques modernos basados en morfometría proporcionan métricas valiosas para cuantificar y comprender patrones y procesos macroevolutivos y macroecológicos. Sin embargo, actualmente hay muy pocos conjuntos de datos morfológicos a gran escala disponibles para las ciencias de la vida y de la tierra, incluida la paleontología. Aquí describimos TriloMorph, una base de datos de acceso abierto para información morfo-geométrica de trilobites, el principal grupo de artrópodos marinos del Paleozoico, junto con un protocolo de adquisición de landmarks. Ademås de los datos morfológicos, la base de datos contiene datos sobre la edad cronoestratigråfica, la ubicación geogråfica, la información taxonómica y la litología de los especímenes landmarkeados. En esta primera versión, el conjunto de datos tiene una amplia cobertura taxonómica y temporal y comprende mås del 55 % de todos los géneros de trilobites y el 85 % de las familias registradas en Paleobiology Database (PBDB) del Devónico. En esta primera versión proporcionamos datos morfo-geométrica de 277 especímenes (a nivel genérico) vinculados a publicaciones específicas. Esta es la primera aproximación de un repositorio morfométrico de este tipo, que al reunir esta información en una sola base de datos abierta, posibilita la realización de investigaciones paleobiológicas globales, proporcionando un importante complemento a la PBDB.Fil: Serra, Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Balseiro, Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Monnet, Claude. University Of Lille.; FranciaFil: Randolfe, Enrique Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Bignon, Arnaud Marcel Jacques. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Rustån, Juan José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Bault, Valentin. University Of Lille.; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz, Diego Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario; ArgentinaFil: Vaccari, Norberto Emilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Martinetto, Malena. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Cronier, Catherine. University Of Lille.; FranciaFil: Waisfeld, Beatriz Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; Argentin

    Persistent headaches one year after bacterial meningitis: prevalence, determinants and impact on quality of life

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    International audienceBackground: Little is known on headaches long-term persistence after bacterial meningitis and on their impact on patients' quality of life.Methods: In an ancillary study of the French national prospective cohort of community-acquired bacterial meningitis in adults (COMBAT) conducted between February 2013 and July 2015, we collected self-reported headaches before, at onset, and 12 months (M12) after meningitis. Determinants of persistent headache (PH) at M12, their association with M12 quality of life (SF 12), depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) and neuro-functional disability were analysed.Results: Among the 277 alive patients at M12 87/274 (31.8%), 213/271 (78.6%) and 86/277 (31.0%) reported headaches before, at the onset, and at M12, respectively. In multivariate analysis, female sex (OR: 2.75 [1.54-4.90]; p < 0.001), pre-existing headaches before meningitis (OR: 2.38 [1.32-4.30]; p < 0.01), higher neutrophilic polynuclei percentage in the CSF of the initial lumbar puncture (OR: 1.02 [1.00-1.04]; p < 0.05), and brain abscess during the initial hospitalisation (OR: 8.32 [1.97-35.16]; p < 0.01) were associated with M12 persistent headaches. Neither the responsible microorganism, nor the corticoids use were associated with M12 persistent headaches. M12 neuro-functional disability (altered Glasgow Outcome Scale; p < 0.01), M12 physical handicap (altered modified Rankin score; p < 0.001), M12 depressive symptoms (p < 0.0001), and M12 altered physical (p < 0.05) and mental (p < 0.0001) qualities of life were associated with M12 headaches.Conclusion: Persistent headaches are frequent one year after meningitis and are associated with quality of life alteration

    Relationship between serotypes, disease characteristics and 30-day mortality in adults with invasive pneumococcal disease

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    One-Year Sequelae and Quality of Life in Adults with Meningococcal Meningitis: Lessons from the COMBAT Multicentre Prospective Study

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    Trial registration: ClinicalTrial.Gov identification number NCT01730690.International audienceIntroduction: COMBAT is a prospective, multicentre cohort study that enrolled consecutive adults with community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM) in 69 participating centres in France between February 2013 and July 2015 and followed them for 1 year.Methods: Patients aged at least 18 years old, hospitalised with CABM were followed during their hospitalisation and then contacted by phone 12 months after enrolment. Here we present the prevalence of sequelae at 12 months in a subgroup of patients with meningococcal meningitis.Results: Five of the 111 patients with meningococcal meningitis died during initial hospitalisation and two died between discharge and 12 months, leaving 104 patients alive 1 year after enrolment, 71 of whom provided 12-month follow-up data. The median age was 30.0 years and 54.1% of the patients had no identified risk factor for meningitis. More than 30% reported persistent headache, more than 40% were not satisfied with their sleep and 10% had concentration difficulties. Hearing loss was present in about 15% of the patients and more than 30% had depressive symptoms. About 13% of the patients with a previous professional activity had not resumed work. On the SF-12 Health Survey, almost 50% and 30% had physical component or mental component scores lower than the 25th percentile of the score distribution in the French general population. There was a non-significant improvement in the patients' disability scores from hospital discharge to 12 months (p = 0.16), but about 10% of the patients had residual disability.Conclusions: Although most patients in our cohort survive meningococcal meningitis, the long-term burden is substantial and therefore it is important to ensure a prolonged follow-up of survivors and to promote preventive strategies, including vaccination

    Combined Bacterial Meningitis and Infective Endocarditis: When Should We Search for the Other When Either One is Diagnosed?

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    Auteurs groupes collaboratifs AEPEI study group & the COMBAT study groupInternational audienc