749 research outputs found

    Wavefield extraction using multi-channel chirplet decomposition

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    International audienceIn acoustical and seismic fields, wavefield extraction has alwaysbeen a crucial issue to solve inverse problem. Depending on the experimentalconfiguration, conventional methods of wavefield decomposition might nolonger likely to hold. In this paper, an original approach is proposed based ona multichannel decomposition of the signal into a weighted sum of elementaryfunctions known as chirplets. Each chirplet is described by physical parametersand the collection of chirplets makes up a large adaptable dictionary,so that a chirplet corresponds unambiguously to one wave componen

    On a Cahn--Hilliard--Darcy system for tumour growth with solution dependent source terms

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    We study the existence of weak solutions to a mixture model for tumour growth that consists of a Cahn--Hilliard--Darcy system coupled with an elliptic reaction-diffusion equation. The Darcy law gives rise to an elliptic equation for the pressure that is coupled to the convective Cahn--Hilliard equation through convective and source terms. Both Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions are considered for the pressure variable, which allows for the source terms to be dependent on the solution variables.Comment: 18 pages, changed proof from fixed point argument to Galerkin approximatio

    Arquitectura funeraria. Estudio 3D con finalidad divulgativa para una selección de sepulturas bizantinas

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    [EN] The former polis of Tall-as-Sin (in the current province of Deir ez-Zor, Syria) grew considerably during Justinian's reign in the 6th century AD. Its cemetery, outside the walls, presents an extraordinary Byzantine necropolis, where 163 hypogea graves were documented, thanks to recent archaeological campaigns financed by the Ministry of Culture (PAMES-Sirio Euphrates Middle Archaeological Project). This paper presents the research for obtaining three-dimensional (3D) models of graves, selected in the cemetery, by combining information (obtained from planimetric and photographic surveys of the site) with taxonomic features (types of arcosolia, vaults, accesses, stairways...). The 3D modelling process is carried out using data collected during the survey of the graves. These data are then used to restore the surfaces which cover the burial chambers dug out in the ground. The modelling technique was based on generating surfaces, incorporating the different sections and profiles obtained during the data collection phase. The surfaces generated enclose the volume of the dug-out space so that the definitive grave models were obtained using a simple Boolean operation, removing these volumes from a prism-shaped piece representing a portion of the land, thus emptying the interior. The result has provided a reliable and rigorous graphic basis for the design and printing of 3D mockups, contributing to the dissemination of the exhibition called "A retrospective on five years of archaeological activities in Syria".Highlights:Contributing to Byzantine architecture classification in the Middle East, including specific case-studies, interesting both from archaeological and architectural research fields.Experimenting and investigating tools for the study, representation and conservation of archaeological finds, combining 3D digital and 3D printing mockups.Incorporating resources for promoting and disseminating archaeological and architectural heritage, raising awareness among local Syrian population and authorities, allowing them to rediscover their own heritage, often neglected.[ES] La antigua polis de Tall-as-Sin (en la actual provincia de Deir ez-Zor, Siria) cuenta con un importante desarrollo durante el reinado de Justiniano, durante el siglo VI d.C. Su cementerio, en la zona extramoenia, alberga un extraordinario conjunto funerario bizantino, con 163 hipogeos documentados hasta la fecha, gracias a recientes misiones arqueológicas, financiadas por el Ministerio de Cultura (“PAMES-Proyecto Arqueológico Medio Éufrates Sirio”). En este trabajo se presenta la labor realizada para modelar en 3D una selección de las tumbas más significativa del conjunto. Esto ha sido posible combinando información obtenida mediante el levantamiento planialtimétrico y fotográfico del lugar y realizando ábacos y taxonomías de los distintos recursos constructivos empleados (tipos de trazados de arcosolios, bóvedas, accesos, escalinatas…). El procedimiento de modelado tridimensional (3D) se inicia a partir de los datos recabados durante el proceso de levantamiento de las tumbas, con los que se logra restituir las superficies que constituyen la envolvente de cada una de las cámaras funerarias excavadas en el terreno. La técnica de modelado empleada se basó fundamentalmente en la generación de superficies mediante la interpolación entre las distintas secciones y perfiles obtenidos durante la fase de toma de datos. Las superficies así generadas encierran el volumen del espacio excavado, por lo que el modelo definitivo de las tumbas se consiguió mediante una sencilla operación booleana; esta consistió en sustraer estos volúmenes a una pieza prismática que representa una porción de terreno, obteniendo, de este modo, el vaciado del espacio interior. El resultado ha permitido tener una base gráfica fiable y rigurosa para idear e imprimir maquetas 3D, contribuyendo así a la labor de divulgación de la exposición denominada “Una retrospectiva sobre cinco años de actividades arqueológicas en Siria”.Directors of archaeological campaigns 2005/2010: Prof. Dr. Juan Luis Montero Fenollós, Universidad de la Coruña, España. Prof. Dr. Sylvie Blétry-Forestier, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, Francia. Directors of survey and preliminary studies of archaeological campaigns 2005/2010: Prof. Dr. Camilla Mileto (architecture), Prof. Dr. Fernando Vegas (architecture), Prof. Dr. José Luis García Lerma (topography). Drawing authors: 2005 campaign: Patricia Cruzans, J. Antonio García Esparza, Neus Vilalta; 2006 campaign: Valentina Cristini, Soledad García Saéz, José Miguel Zapata Peral; 2007 campaign: Valentina Cristini, María Martínez Martínez, Roberto Panato, Elisa Zacaria; 2008 campaign: María Diodato, Guillermo Guimaraens Igual, María Mestre Antoni, Elisa Zacaria; 2009 campaign: Lisa Barberini, Manuel Cason, Giovanni Dellai, Lourdes García Cerezuela, Lidia García Soriano; 2010 campaign: Lourdes García Cerezuela, Salvador Tomás Márquez. Production of 3D models: Pedro M. Cabezos Bernal, Valentina Cristini, Alicia Hueto, F. Javier Gómez Patrocinio. Topography consultants: Miguel Gaspar Soriano, Miriam Cabrelles López.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F.; Cristini, V.; Cabezos Bernal, PM. (2021). Burial architecture. 3D dissemination study for a selection of Byzantine graves. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(24):90-98. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.13187OJS90981224Banfi, F., Brumana, R., & Stanga, C. (2019). Extended reality and informative models for the architectural heritage: from scan-to-BIM process to virtual and augmented reality. Virtual Archaeology Review, 10(21), 14-30. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2019.11923Bessac, J. C. (2005). Techniques de marquage e de gravure sur Pierre. Actes du Colloque International de Glypthographie, (pp. 57-73). Brain Le Château: Sifée.Bessac, J. C. (1999). L'arquéologie de la pierre de taille. La construction: la pierre, (4), 9-52.Blétry-Forestier, S. (2015). Zénobia-Halabiya, habitat urbain et nécropoles: cinq années de recherches de la mission syro-française (2006-2010) (pp. 572-). Sociedad Luso-Gallega de Estudios Mesopotamicos.Boochs, F., Trémeau, A., Murphy, O., Gerke, M., Lerma, J. L., Karmacharya, A., & Karaszewski, M. (2014). Towards a knowledge model bridging technologies and applications in cultural heritage documentation. Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II(5), 81-88. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsannals-II-5-81-2014Calvo Hernando, M. (2001). Divulgación y periodismo científico, entre la claridad y la exactitud. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónomica de México.Dentzer, J. M., & Orthmann, W. (1989). Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie. Saarbüken: Erps.Fenollós J. L., & Al-Shbib, S. (2008). La necrópolis bizantina de Tall-es-Sin (Deir ez-Zor, Siria). Memorias del Proyecto Arqueológico Medio Éufrates Sirio-I, Madrid: CSIC.Henson, D. (2004). Archaeology and education, an exercise in constructing the past. Treballs d'Arqueologia, 10, 5-12.Hupperetz, W., Carlani, R., Pletinckx, D., & Pietroni, E. (2012). Etruscanning 3D project. The 3D reconstruction of the Regolini Galassi Tomb as a research tool and a new approach in storytelling. Virtual Archaeology Review, 3(7) ,92-96. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4395Iturbe, A., Cachero, R., Cañal, D., & Martos, A. (2018). Virtual digitization of caves with parietal Paleolithic art from Bizkaia. Scientific analysis and dissemination through new visualization techniques. Virtual Archaeology Review, 9(18), 57-65. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2018.7579Knoll, W., & Hechinger, M. (2001). Maquetas de arquitectura, técnica y construcción. Ciudad de México: Gustavo Gili.Krautheimer, R. (1989). Early Christian and byzantine architecture, London: Pinguin.Kuzminsky, S. C., & Gardiner, M. S. (2012). Three-dimensional laser scanning:potential uses for museum conservation and scientific research. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(8), 2744-2751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2012.04.020Lauffray, J. (1983). 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Arquitectura funeraria en el conjunto arqueológico Tell Keila: levantamiento, caracterización, y estado de conservación, Final Master Thesis, Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, unpublished. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/126334Manzano, S., Vegas, F., Cristini, V., & Hueto, A. (2020). A burial grave at Tell Keila, Palestine. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-1-2020-999-2020Mileto, C., Vegas, F., Guimaraens, G., & Diodato, M. (2008). The preliminary study of the western Basilica of Zenobia-Halabieh city. Arché, 3, 249-256. https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/31840Mileto, C., Vegas, F., Cristini, V. & García Sáez, S. (2018). Al hilo entre la arquitectura y la arqueología: estudio y caracterización de construcciones bizantinas en Siria. Restauro Archeologico, 27(1), 44-65. http://doi.org/10.13128/RA-23460Montero, J. L., & Al-Shbib, S. (Eds.) (2008). 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    3D hydrodynamic simulations of carbon burning in massive stars

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    We present the first detailed 3D hydrodynamic implicit large eddy simulations of turbulent convection of carbon burning in massive stars. Simulations begin with radial profiles mapped from a carbon-burning shell within a 15 M⊙ 1D stellar evolution model. We consider models with 1283, 2563, 5123, and 10243 zones. The turbulent flow properties of these carbon-burning simulations are very similar to the oxygen-burning case. We performed a mean field analysis of the kinetic energy budgets within the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes framework. For the upper convective boundary region, we find that the numerical dissipation is insensitive to resolution for linear mesh resolutions above 512 grid points. For the stiffer, more stratified lower boundary, our highest resolution model still shows signs of decreasing sub-grid dissipation suggesting it is not yet numerically converged. We find that the widths of the upper and lower boundaries are roughly 30 per cent and 10 per cent of the local pressure scaleheights, respectively. The shape of the boundaries is significantly different from those used in stellar evolution models. As in past oxygen-shell-burning simulations, we observe entrainment at both boundaries in our carbon-shell-burning simulations. In the large Péclet number regime found in the advanced phases, the entrainment rate is roughly inversely proportional to the bulk Richardson number, RiB (∝RiB−α, 0.5 ≲ α ≲ 1.0). We thus suggest the use of RiB as a means to take into account the results of 3D hydrodynamics simulations in new 1D prescriptions of convective boundary mixing


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    In this paper, the network transmission properties of a feedforward Spiking Neural Network (SNN) affected by synchronous stimuli are investigated with respect to the connection probability and the synaptic strengths. By means of an event-driven method, all simulations are conducted using the Leaky Integrateand-Fire with Latency (LIFL) model. Typical cases are taken into consideration, in which a network section (module) is able to process the input information, introducing a particular behavior, that we have called path multimodality. Simulation results are discussed. Through this phenomenon, the output layer of the network can generate a number of temporally spaced groups of synchronous spikes. The multimodality effect could be applied for various purposes, for instance in coding or else transmission issue

    Miscarriage following dengue virus 3 infection in the first six weeks of pregnancy of a dengue virus-naive traveller returning from Bali to Italy, April 2016

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    We report miscarriage following dengue virus (DENV)-3 infection in a pregnant woman returning from Bali to Italy in April 2016. On her arrival, the woman had fever, rash, asthenia and headache. DENV RNA was detected in plasma and urine samples collected the following day. Six days after symptom onset, she had a miscarriage. DENV RNA was detected in fetal material, but in utero fetal infection cannot be demonstrated due to possible contamination by maternal blood

    On a diffuse interface model for tumour growth with non-local interactions and degenerate mobilities

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    We study a non-local variant of a diffuse interface model proposed by Hawkins--Darrud et al. (2012) for tumour growth in the presence of a chemical species acting as nutrient. The system consists of a Cahn--Hilliard equation coupled to a reaction-diffusion equation. For non-degenerate mobilities and smooth potentials, we derive well-posedness results, which are the non-local analogue of those obtained in Frigeri et al. (European J. Appl. Math. 2015). Furthermore, we establish existence of weak solutions for the case of degenerate mobilities and singular potentials, which serves to confine the order parameter to its physically relevant interval. Due to the non-local nature of the equations, under additional assumptions continuous dependence on initial data can also be shown.Comment: 28 page