1,995 research outputs found

    Importance of creativity and learning in preservice teachers

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    Introduction: Currently, the review of the scientific literature highlights the interrelation between creativity and learning; being learning a creative process that implies significant new personal fundamental changes in all educational stages, but above all in higher education, promoting the employability of university students. The objective of this research is to analyce the relationship between creativity and academic performance as a measure of learning. Method: The sample was conformed by 100 university students of the Degree of Primary Education of the University of Castilla la Mancha (UCLM) (40% boys and 60% girls) with ages between 19 and 24 years. All participants are administered the PICA test to assess creativity and self-report of the university entrance test to measure the grades academic performance. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression were used. Results: The results obtained show a significant positive correlation between the university access grade and general creativity, narrative, fantasy, fluency and flexibility. In addition, general and narrative creativity as well as fantasy, fluency and flexibility predict academic performance. Discussion or Conclusion: These findings have educational implications to enhance the learning of future teachers, aimed at teaching creative strategies and their employability.Introducción. Actualmente, la revisión de la literatura científica pone de manifiesto la interrelación entre la creatividad y el aprendizaje; siendo el aprendizaje, un proceso creativo que implica nuevos cambios significativamente personales fundamentales en todas las etapas educativas, pero sobretodo en la educación superior, promoviendo la empleabilidad del alumnado universitario. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación entre la creatividad y el rendimiento académico como medida del aprendizaje. Método. La muestra estuvo conformada por 100 estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (UCLM) (40% chicos y 60% chicas) con edades comprendidas entre 19 y 24 años. A todos los participantes se les administra la prueba PICA para evaluar creatividad y las calificaciones de la asignatura de matemáticas y de acceso a la universidad para el rendimiento académico. Se emplearon estadísticos descriptivos, correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian correlación significativa positiva entre la nota de acceso a la universidad y la creatividad general, creatividad narrativa, fantasía, fluidez y flexibilidad; y correlación significativa positiva entre la nota de matemáticas y la creatividad general, creatividad narrativa, elaboración, fluidez y flexibilidad. Además, la creatividad y algunos componentes predicen el rendimiento académico. Discusión y conclusiones. Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones educativas para potenciar el aprendizaje de los futuros maestros, dirigidas a la enseñanza de estrategias creativas y a su empleabilidad

    Integration of alternative and complementary therapies in the national health system

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaObjetivo: explorar la situación actual respecto al empleo e integración de las terapias alternativas y complementarias (TAC) en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) y otros sistemas sanitarios convencionales, así como reconocer el papel de la disciplina enfermera en este contexto. Metodología: se realizó una revisión narrativa mediante la consulta en las bases de datos: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scielo, CINALH y CUIDEN. Para ello, se utilizó vocabulario controlado y libre, y los operadores booleanos “AND” y “OR”. La búsqueda bibliográfica se limitó a los documentos publicados entre 2012 y 2018, escritos en castellano, inglés, francés y portugués, y con acceso al resumen. Los artículos se seleccionaron en base a unos criterios de inclusión y exclusión fijados. Resultados: Se seleccionaron un total de 28 artículos que se revisaron según las siguientes unidades de análisis: uso y prevalencia de las TAC; inclusión de la MTC en los sistemas sanitarios convencionales y el SNS; regulación relacionada con la situación actual de las TAC; opinión de la población, estudiantes y profesionales respecto a la MTC; formación e investigación en TAC y sus consideraciones de seguridad e implicaciones para la disciplina enfermera. Conclusión: La integración de la MTC en los sistemas de salud basados en el método convencional de atención sería muy enriquecedor y beneficioso para la población en general, el usuario y el profesional sanitario, y muy especialmente para la enfermería que, como disciplina, debe adquirir un papel protagonista en este cambio. Para ello, es indispensable desarrollar investigaciones de calidad que utilicen diseños metodológicos adecuados y permitan garantizar la efectividad y seguridad de las TAC.Objective: To explore the current situation about the employment and integration of complementary alternative and therapies (CAT) in the National Health System (NHS) and other conventional health systems, as well as to recognize the role of the nurse discipline in this context. Methodology: A narrative review made by consulting the databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scielo, CINALH and CUIDEN. For this, we use controlled and free vocabulary, as well as the boolean operators "AND" and "OR". The bibliographic search was limited to the documents published between 2012 and 2018, written in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese, and with access to the abstract. The articles were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria set. Results: A total of 28 articles were selected, which were reviewed according to the following units of analysis: use and prevalence of the TAC; inclusion of the traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) in modern healthcare systems and; regulation related to the current situation of CAT; opinion of the population, students and professionals regarding the TCM; training and research in CAT and its security considerations and implications for the nurse discipline. Conclusion: The integration of TCM in health systems based on the conventional method of care would be very enriching and beneficial for the general population, the user and 3 the healthcare professional, and especially for nursing which, as a discipline, should acquire a leading role in this change. To do this, it is essential to develop quality research that uses appropriate methodological designs and ensures the effectiveness and safety of CAT

    Lesson study as a tool for rebuilding teachers' practical thinking: a bridge between espoused theories and theories-in-use

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    This Lesson Study forms part of the research work carried out by the Spanish team, in order to analyse the potential of this professional teacher development methodology for the reconstruction of teachers' practical thinking. It is a qualitative research process which involves the monitoring of seven infant school teachers during two school cycles. The teachers developed a Lesson Study over this period, with a practical thinking case study being carried out both before and after. This paper focuses on the Lesson Study case study. The Lesson Study was developed independently by the group of teachers, who were advised throughout by the undersigned researchers. At the same time, the researchers carried out a case study focusing on the Lesson Study being developed by the teachers. Findings/Conclusions: - From the start of the Lesson Study, we can find evidence of changes in the practical thinking of the teachers involved, which led to immediate changes in their classroom practice. - The development of the Lesson Study brought about significant reflection with regards to the Infant Education curriculum, in some cases resulting in substantial modification to the way it is implemented in their different classrooms. - The teachers pointed out the value of cooperative work on several different occasions. - They also emphasised the high level of learning they achieved by observing how their colleagues developed the lesson designed by the group using different strategies and data collection instruments, such as documentation inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, when reflecting on their own practice. On the whole, we can state that the cooperative design work of this lesson showed the contrast between the espoused theories of the participants and their theories-in-use, conditioned fundamentally by their work contexts and previous experience. Lesson Study is a way to bring these two poles closer together, enriching teachers with strategies to help detect contradictions in their practice and to resolve them and feel more comfortable with what they do.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Basket-Handle Arch and Its Optimum Symmetry Generation as a Structural Element and Keeping the Aesthetic Point of View

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    The arches were a great advance in construction with respect to the rigid Greek linteled architecture. Its development came from the hand of the great Roman constructions, especially with the semicircular arch. In successive historical periods, different types of arches have been emerging, which in addition to their structural function was taking aesthetic characteristics that are used today to define the architectural style. When, in the construction of a bow, the rise is less than half the springing line, the semicircular arch is no longer used and the segmental arch is used, and then on to another more efficient and aesthetic arch, the basket-handle arch. This study examines the classic geometry of the basket-handle arch also called the three-centered arch. A solution is proposed from a constructive and aesthetic point of view, and this is approached both geometrically and analytically, where the relationship between the radius of the central arch and the radius of the lateral arch is minimized. The solution achieved allows the maximum springing line or clear span to be saved with the minimum rise that preserves the aesthetic point of view, since the horizontal thrust of a bow is greater than the relationship between the springing line of the arch and the rise. This solution has been programmed and the resulting software has made it possible to analyse existing arches in historic buildings or constructions to check if their solutions were close or not from both points of view. Thus, it has been possible to verify that in most of the existing arches analyzed, the proposed solution is reached

    Infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST: estrategias de reperfusión en el Hospital Clínico de Valladolid

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    La cardiopatía isquémica es la principal causa de mortalidad en los países desarrollados. El síndrome coronario agudo con elevación del segmento ST (SCACEST) es una de sus manifestaciones más graves. Existen diferentes estrategias de reperfusión en el SCACEST. En 2013 se aprobó el Código Infarto en la Comunidad de Castilla y León, cuyo objetivo principal es disminuir la morbimortalidad del SCACEST promoviendo estrategias de reperfusión eficaces y precoces. El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es analizar las diferentes estrategias de reperfusión utilizadas en el Hospital Clínico de Valladolid entre los años 2016 y 2018 y ver si se cumplen las directrices de las guías de práctica clínica y recomendaciones del código infarto.Grado en Medicin

    Women´s judo in Spain. Past and present

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    [EN] Women interested in sports have faced up some barriers and prohibitions, in order to participate and become competitors, especially in martial arts and combat sports. Despite this, Spanish female judo has achieved great international success and the female participation in judo is high at all levels. However, their presence in sports media is not equal, taking into consideration the main results and medals obtained by female judokas from Spain. This study aims to show the history of women in judo, particularly in Spain, as well as to highlight their achievements. In addition to offering a description of the female judo coverage in the media and analyzing if there is an unequal treatment depending on the gender in judo. We started with a deep review of the literature about history of female judo, then the incursion and evolution of female judokas were examined and the main results of Spanish judokas since the beginning of women’s competitions were highlighted. Also, we performed a descriptive and an exploratory study to analyze the online press related to sport in Spain

    Metacognitive learning strategies: their influences on vocabulary learning through a webquest

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    87 PáginasEsta investigación-acción examinó cómo el uso de estrategias metacognitivas, a través de la webquest llamada "El mundo en nuestras manos" en la cual los estudiantes desarrollaron tareas complementarias a la instrucción de clase, influenciaron el aprendizaje de vocabulario. Treinta estudiantes con nivel A1 según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) de octavo grado de dos colegios públicos colombianos quienes fueron entrenados en el uso de las estrategias metacognitivas y de vocabulario, participaron en este estudio. Seis intervenciones fueron diseñadas e implementadas siguiendo el modelo de Aprendizaje de Lenguaje Académico y de Contenido (CALLA) – y Aprendizaje de una Lengua Asistido por Computador (CALL). Los datos recolectados sugirieron que el uso de las estrategias metacognitivas en ambientes CALL influenció positivamente el aprendizaje de vocabulario, ya que promovieron la conciencia y autonomía de los participantes. Los hallazgos además indicaron que dichas estrategias ayudaron a obtener mejores resultados en su proceso de aprendizaje, ya que ellos adquirieron conciencia de cuáles prácticas seguir para aprender palabras nuevas efectivamente. Cuando los estudiantes planearon, monitorearon y evaluaron su progreso en el conocimiento de palabras, ellos alcanzaron la mayoría de sus objetivos y fortalecieron su competencia léxica

    Podcasts’ effects on the EFL classroom: a socially relevant intervention

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    ICT tools have gained particular importance in the English as a foreign language classroom in order to promote students’ interaction, exchange of opinions, negotiation of meaning, or digital competence. Technological development and the impact of multimedia and virtual spaces on students’ lives make educational institutions and teachers explore new tools and strategies to learn the target language. Podcasts present content available on the Internet and can become an influential teaching strategy that may improve the teaching–learning process of EFL. This study aims to investigate the effect of audio podcasts, which deal with social inequality issues, on secondary education students’ EFL linguistic competence. A sample of seventy-eight students was randomly distributed into a control and an experimental group during a term in a high school in Madrid (Spain). As instruments for data collection, the grades obtained in the different skills in the pre and post-tests and the different task performance scores were analysed in both groups. The methodological framework is defined as a quasi-experimental design that provides quantitative data. The results confirm the hypothesis that the creation and use of podcasts are beneficial for improving EFL linguistic competence, especially speaking and listening skills. Practical implications aimed at organising English classes to improve EFL proficiency are discussed. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Creativity and effectiveness in the Valencian Community: the figure of the planner in the creative process

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    Introducción: El presente trabajo analiza la situación del planificador estratégico en la Comunidad Valenciana. Este perfil nació como una figura imprescindible para aplicar la investigación sobre los públicos a la realización de campañas publicitarias, consiguiendo una comunicación más eficaz. Centrándonos en la relación entre el departamento de planificación estratégica con el de creatividad, buscamos conocer si es necesaria la introducción del planner en el proceso creativo, así como las funciones que deberá desarrollar para conseguir campañas creativas a la par de eficaces. Metodología: Por ello, realizamos una revisión bibliográfica para analizar las funciones básicas de este perfil, así como su relación con la creatividad. En segundo lugar, desarrollamos un trabajo de campo, donde, a través de un cuestionario a profesionales de la región y varias entrevistas a planificadores estratégicos de referencia, buscamos entender la situación del planner en la Comunidad Valenciana y el camino a seguir para la evolución de dicho perfil. Resultados y conclusiones: En este análisis observamos como el planner en la región valenciana se encuentra todavía en una etapa primigenia, por lo que aún queda camino por recorrer para hacer del planning una disciplina real. A su vez, hemos podido constatar la necesidad de incluir al planner en el proceso creativo, ya que tanto planificadores como creativos se muestran interesados en esta colaboración. Finalmente, proponemos una descripción de cuáles deben ser las tareas del planificador estratégico en este proceso para ayudar al departamento creativo.Introduction: This article analyses the strategic planner’s situation in the Valencian Community. The planner was born as an essential figure to apply audience’s research on advertising campaigns, to improve communication. Focusing on the relationship between the account planning and the creativity department, it is our intention to study what the planner’s contribution and role in the creative campaigns should be in order achieve more creative an effective campaigns. Methodology: Following a bibliographic review we will analyse the basic functions of the planner in relation to the creative process. Secondly, we will present the analysis of the answers to a questionnaire addressed to publicity professionals in the Valencia Autonomous Community, and the interviews made to leading strategic planners in order to discover the role of the planner in the Community and how it could be developed. Results and conclusions: the research shows that the role of a planner is at a very stage, and that time is needed to make of planning a real discipline. We have also concluded that there is a need to introduce the planner in the creative process, and that account planners and creative professionals are interested in this cooperation. To sum up, we propose a description of the planner’s main functions in the creative process