158 research outputs found

    A Relação entre as Competências de Liderança e as Dimensões do Interpersonal Circumplex

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    O interesse pelo fenómeno da liderança tem vindo a crescer ao longo dos anos em vários sectores sociais e organizacionais. No que concede à Guarda Nacional Republicana, uma força de segurança de natureza militar, constituída por militares é de todo importante e pertinente falarmos na liderança que conciliada com a psicologia da personalidade, torna-se bastante enriquecedor. Realçando a carência de estudos sobre as funções de comando de forças policiais, esta investigação desafia estas duas dimensões: a liderança e os traços de personalidade. A presente investigação tem como objetivo identificar a relação entre as competências de liderança com as dimensões do Interpersonal Circumplex, tendo por base os comandantes de Posto Territorial da Guarda Nacional Republicana. Numa primeira fase, a investigação circunstanciou-se numa revisão de literatura sobre as duas temáticas principais: a liderança e o modelo do Interpersonal Circumplex. A segunda parte que se materializa pela parte prática do trabalho, foi seguida a metodologia quantitativa, aplicando para isso o questionário de competências de liderança de Rouco (2012) e o IQP de Trapnell e Broughton (2006), em que visou uma auto e heteroavaliação dos comandantes de Posto Territorial em que, da totalidade de 385 dados recolhidos, 15 exercem funções de comandante de Posto Territorial. Através da correlação de Spearman verifica-se que apenas duas dimensões do Interpersonal Circumplex, a dimensão “Atencioso” e “Tímido”, não se relacionavam significativamente com nenhuma competência de liderança, o que comprovou que existe uma relação entre estes dois modelos e que existem competências de liderança capazes de prever algumas dimensões do Interpersonal Circumplex sendo as mais comuns a “consideração”, “relações interpessoais” e a “transparência”. Como vulnerabilidade, verifica-se que a diferença quanto à perceção que os militares têm diferem quanto ao tipo de avaliação e quanto ao Postos Territoriais

    Cognitive Reflection Test e teorias dualistas no raciocínio e nas atitudes

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Cognição Social Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012As teorias dualistas têm vindo a postular dois tipos de processamento qualitativamente diferentes no julgamento e decisão em condições de incerteza, opondo uma componente automática e intuitiva a outra componente controlada e deliberada. Assim, o primeiro objectivo do presente estudo foi o de demonstrar que o papel do Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT; Frederick, 2005) na previsão da resolução de problemas da literatura de julgamento e decisão depende de uma maior mobilização da componente controlada, como medida através do Procedimento de Dissociação de Processos de Jacoby (1991). O segundo objectivo teve por base estudos que revelam a existência de um Bias Blind Spot (Pronin, Lin & Ross, 2002): uma propensão para aceitar a influência de enviesamentos nos outros mas negando a sua influência em si próprio. Entendeu-se que este efeito poderia envolver uma capacidade de ver os outros de forma mais realista e que esta capacidade de detecção de enviesamentos nos outros poderia trazer benefícios no desempenho cognitivo dos sujeitos que previssem o comportamento dos outros antes de tomarem a sua escolha. Os resultados foram satisfatórios para ambas as hipóteses. Como follow-up, foi sugerida uma investigação sobre o papel do CRT na área de formação e mudança de atitudes, onde as teorias dualistas têm sido também bem-sucedidas.Dual process models hold the existence of two qualitatively different types of processing in judgment and decision-making under uncertainty, opposing an automatic and intuitive component against a controlled and deliberate component. As such, the objective of the current study was to demonstrate that the role of the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT; Frederick, 2005) in the prediction of the solving of judgment and decision-making problems depends on higher use of the controlled component, as measured by Jacoby’s (1991) Process Dissociation Procedure. The second objective was based on studies that show the existence of a Bias Blind Spot (Pronin, Lin & Ross, 2002): a tendency to accept that others are biased, while maintaining a negation of bias in oneself. It was considered that this effect could be due to a capacity to see others in a more realistic way and that this capacity of bias detection in others could bring benefits to the cognitive performance of the subjects that predicted the behavior of others before making their own choice. The results were satisfactory to both hypotheses. An investigation of CRT's role in the subject of attitude formation and change, where dual process models have also been successful, was proposed as a follow-up

    Wound healing properties and mucilage content of Pereskia aculeata from different substrates

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    Physiologic growth parameters Wound healing Pereskia aculeata Mill., Cactaceae, is a cactus with high mucilage production, well-known for its nutritional properties. Folk use consists on skin injuries, and mucilage is probably involved in the wound healing activity. This work studied some aspects of its cultivation, specifically regarding soil (substrate), to correlate the effects of nutritional content to mucilage production and to the wound-healing property. Plants were grown under five different soil treatment (sand, crude soil, sand and soil, sand and cattle manure, soil and cattle manure), and after eight months extracts were prepared by turbo-extraction to obtain a crude hydroethanolic extract. We evaluated the effects of these extracts on swelling index, cytotoxicity, and in vitro wound healing property. The results show that the substrate used in cultivation may interfere with mucilage production, but not with cytotoxicity and wound healing, this shows the safety of its use, despite the soil treatment received along the various biomes where P. aculeata is cultivated. Furthermore, morphological studies demonstrated the beneficial effect of the mucilage-containing extract on the fibroblast cell culture, corroborating its folk use for wound healing.Universidade do Vale do Paraíba Instituto de Pesquisa e DesenvolvimentoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Laboratório de Insumos Naturais e SintéticosUNIFESP, Laboratório de Insumos Naturais e SintéticosSciEL

    Porous stainless steel for biomedical applications

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    Porous 316L austenitic stainless steel was synthesized by powder metallurgy with relative density of 0.50 and 0.30 using 15 and 30 wt. (%) respectively of ammonium carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate as foaming agents. The powders were mixed in a planetary ball mill at 60 rpm for 10 minutes. The samples were uniaxially pressed at 287 MPa and subsequently vacuum heat treated in two stages, the first one at 200 ºC for 5 hours to decompose the carbonate and the second one at 1150 ºC for 2 hours to sinter the steel. The sintered samples had a close porous structure and a multimodal pore size distribution that varied with the foaming agent and its concentration. The samples obtained by addition of 30 wt. (%) of foaming agents had a more homogeneous porous structure than that obtained with 15 wt. (%). The MTT cytotoxicity test (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) was used to evaluate the mitochondrial activity of L929 cells with samples for periods of 24, 48, and 72 hours. The cytotoxicity test showed that the steel foams were not toxic to fibroblast culture. The sample with the best cellular growth, therefore the most suitable for biomedical applications among those studied in this work, was produced with 30 wt. (%) ammonium carbonate. In this sample, cell development was observed after 48 hours of incubation, and there was adhesion and spreading on the material after 72 hours. Electrochemical experiments using a chloride-containing medium were performed on steel foams and compared to massive steel. The massive steel had a better corrosion performance than the foams as the porosity contributes to increase the surface area exposed to the corrosive medium.Universidade do Vale do Paraíba Instituto de Pesquisa e DesenvolvimentoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Instituto de Ciência e TecnologiaUNIFESP, Instituto de Ciência e TecnologiaSciEL

    Can PDT Alter the Glycosylation of the Tumor Cell Membrane?

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    Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a cancer treatment that used the interaction of a photosensitizing drug and a light source. PDT can lead to changes in the expression of various cellular elements, compromising cell adhesion, and cytoskeleton integrity in cells undergoing treatment. However, the pathways of cellular alterations caused by this treatment are little known. Alterations in expression in surface glycoproteins and glycolipids are significant features in malignant tumor transformation and are strongly associated with tumor cell adhesion, invasion, and metastasis. This study evaluated photodynamic therapy effects on indirect distribution surface glycoproteins in human laryngeal carcinoma HEp-2 cell line surface, using Click-iT™ Metabolic Glycoprotein Labeling Reagent. Aluminum Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate (AlPcS4) was administrated at 5 μM/mL, followed by one hour of the incubation period for its accumulation in the tumor cells. After this time, cultures were irradiated with LED (light-emitting diode) dispositive (BioPdi/IRRAD-LED) λ = 660 nm. Evaluation of glycoproteins was performed by flow cytometry. Knowledge of the cellular alterations caused by the treatment will allow obtaining tools for the potentiation or optimization and personalization of the anticancer treatment. This therapy has a low cost and better efficacy, when applied early, about radiotherapy chemotherapy

    The obstetrical and newborn profile of postpartum women in maternities in São Paulo

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    Objective: To describe the sociodemographic and obstetric profile of postpartum women in São Paulo, to check the perinatal data and to identify the type of delivery. Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study involving 424 postpartum women. Data was collected through structured interviews and medical records. We used descriptive statistics for analysis. Results: There was a predominance of women between 21 and 30 years (60,6%), mulatto (55,2%), high school education (65,8%), without payment (57,3%), with a partner ( 85,4%), primiparous (34,9%) and without previous abortion (78.8%). The vaginal delivery was performed in 58,3% of women. Most newborns were male (52,2%), with appropriate weight and height (89,5% and 80,7%), and na Apgar score between eight and ten in the first minutes of life (> 90,0%). Conclusion: There was a predominance of women with little education and unfavorable financial conditions, factors that hinder access to health services, contributing to increased maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality

    Cell Death after Photodynamic Therapy Treatment in Unicellular Protozoan Parasite <em>Tritrichomonas foetus</em>

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    Programmed cell death in T. foetus does not seem to make sense at first sight; however, different mechanisms of cellular death in this unicellular organism have been observed. This review summarizes the available data related to programmed cell death already published for the cattle parasite T. foetus and attempts to clarify some crucial points to understand this mechanism found in non-mitochondriates parasites, as well as assist in future research. Important results with different treatments showed that the T. foetus can choose among different pathways how to initiate cell death. Thus, a major challenge for cellular death research remains the identification of the molecular cell death machinery of this protist, such as caspases pathway, nuclear abnormalities, morphology cell changes, cellular death in this parasite and the prospects in the future research. Although, the possibility of the existence of different pathways to cell death in trichomonads is discussed and a model for possible executioners pathways during T. foetus cell death is proposed

    Production and Evaluation of Immunoglobulin Y Anti-Brucella abortus (Vaccinal Strain B19)

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    Background: The immunoglobulin Y is a principal antibody current in the blood of hens, which are transferred from the maternal blood serum to the egg yolk. The extraction of IgY from the egg yolk apply animal welfare when compared to the extraction of IgG, reducing the number of animals and prevent a bleeding of hens through the extraction of the IgY from eggs, besides that IgY presenting high specificity for antigenic binding. The objective of this study was to produce specific polyclonal IgY antibodies anti-Brucella abortus by immunizing hens with B19 vaccine and evaluate their reactivity through Buffered Acidified Plate Antigen (BAPA), 2-Mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and indirect ELISA diagnostic tests.Materials, Methods & Results: Four 25-week-old White Leghorn hens were immunized, two of them comprising the control group (Group 1) with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with adjuvant, and the others two immunized with B19 vaccine (Brucella abortus vaccine strain B19), representing the Group 2. The immunizations occurred six times with a 15-day interval between each. Blood samples were taken biweekly (seven times); and daily, the eggs were collected for 13 weeks, the first collection of blood and eggs, performed one week before the first immunization of each group. The IgY was purified from egg yolk, using the method of dilution in acid water and precipitation with ammonium sulfate for delipidation. BAPA, 2-ME and ELISA tests performed to verify the specificity of IgY confirmed the reactivity of polyclonal antibodies specific to the antigen used both in blood serum samples and in the purified egg yolks. The hens from the control group did not present reactivity in the diagnostic tests used, which was already expected, since no antigen was used in any of their immunizations. Hens immunized with the Brucella abortus B19 vaccine produced detectable reactive antibodies in the three tests used on blood serum and IgY samples extracted from the egg yolk. In Group 2 (vaccine B19), blood serum samples started to react one week after the first inoculation, and the IgY samples extracted from the egg yolk were reagent two weeks after serum IgY appear reactivity, showing the transfer of specific antibodies to the egg yolk, was late.Discussion: Although the transfer of serum Igy to egg yolk was late when compared to others authors which found that the transovarian passage of immunoglobulin Y occurred in approximately three to six days after IgY being detected in blood serum, the results of this study showed the occurrence of the transfer of blood serum IgY anti-Brucella abortus to egg yolk of hens immunized with B19 vaccine, the same found by others researches found the same results with others antigens. Thus, it can be concluded that immunoglobulins Y produced in this study can be used as specific antibodies in diagnostic tests for the detection of the Brucella abortus antigen, in addition, this process guarantees the welfare of the animal, since it avoids bleeding and it is possible to obtain high concentrations of antibodies directly from the hen egg, which is a great advantage, because IgY can be easily isolated from the egg yolk by the precipitation technique discarding the need of invasive and painful procedures that involve bloody interventions to obtain the serum antibodies like occur in mammals for extraction of IgG

    Estimation of the DNA damage in Girardia tigrina (Girard, 1850) after exposure to radiation under extreme conditions / Estimativa dos danos do DNA em Girardia tigrina (Girard, 1850) após exposição à radiação em condições extremas

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    The use of planarians as experimental models has been increased worldwide especially due to their high capacity of tissue regeneration and ease of laboratory maintenance. The current study aims to assess the genetic damage of Girardia tigrina after exposure of stressors in conditions such as: critical temperature, critical pH, hypergravity (4.4G) and low power laser (685nm). 18 specimens of G. tigrina were used, the extreme conditions mentioned were experimental group with 3 specimens each, and 3 for the control group, all specimens were submitted to the Comet Assay after exposure of stressors, and control group with no extreme condition exposure. The extreme stimuli of critical temperature and pH, hypergravity and low power laser irradiation, caused genetic damages to the G. tigrina, for hypergravity and low-power laser stressors the damage was higher in the pharyngeal and post-pharyngeal regions of the animal with a greatest area of comet tail dragging for the post-pharyngeal region. The extreme stimuli of critical temperature and pH, hypergravity and low power laser irradiation caused genetic damages in planarians Brazilian Journal of Development ISSN: 2525-8761 12160 Brazilian Journal of Development, Curitiba, v.8, n.2, p.12159-12177 feb. 2022. G. tigrina, especially in samples from the pharyngeal and post-pharyngeal regions of the flatworms body assessed by the Comet Assay