317 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de técnicas bioinformáticas para el análisis de datos de secuenciación masiva en sistemática y genómica evolutiva: Aplicación en el análisis del sistema quimiosensorial en artrópodos

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    [spa] Las tecnologías de secuenciación de próxima generación (NGS) proporcionan datos potentes para investigar cuestiones biológicas y evolutivas fundamentales, como estudios relacionados con la genómica evolutiva de la adaptación y la filogenética. Actualmente, es posible llevar a cabo proyectos genómicos complejos analizando genomas completos y / o transcriptomas, incluso de organismos no modelo. En esta tesis, hemos realizado dos estudios complementarios utilizando datos NGS. En primer lugar, hemos analizado el transcriptoma (RNAseq) de los principales órganos quimiosensoriales del quelicerado Macrothele calpeiana, Walckenaer, 1805, la única araña protegida en Europa, para investigar el origen y la evolución del sistema quimiosensorial (SQ) en los artrópodos. El SQ es un proceso fisiológico esencial para la supervivencia de los organismos, y está involucrado en procesos biológicos vitales, como la detección de alimentos, parejas o depredadores y sitios de ovoposición. Este sistema, está relativamente bien caracterizado en hexápodos, pero existen pocos estudios en otros linajes de artrópodos. El análisis de nuestro transcriptoma permitió detectar algunos genes expresados en los supuestos órganos quimiosensoriales de los quelicerados, como cinco NPC2 y dos IR. Además, también detectamos 29 tránscritos adicionales después de incluir en los perfiles de HMM nuevos miembros del SQ de genomas de artrópodos recientemente disponibles, como algunos genes de las familias de los SNMP, ENaC, TRP, GR y una OBP-like. Desafortunadamente, muchos de ellos eran fragmentos parciales. En segundo lugar, también hemos desarrollado algunas herramientas bioinformáticas para analizar datos de RNAseq y desarrollar marcadores moleculares. Los investigadores interesados en la aplicación biológica de datos NGS pueden carecer de la experiencia bioinformática requerida para el tratamiento de la gran cantidad de datos generados. En este contexto, principalmente, es necesario el desarrollo de herramientas fáciles de usar para realizar todos los procesos relacionados con el procesamiento básico de datos NGS y la integración de utilidades para realizar análisis posteriores. En esta tesis, hemos desarrollado dos herramientas bioinformáticas con interfaz gráfica, que permite realizar todos los procesos comunes del procesamiento de datos NGS y algunos de los principales análisis posteriores: i) TRUFA (TRanscriptome User-Friendly Analysis), que permite analizar datos RNAseq de organismos que no modelos, incluyendo la anotación funcional y el análisis de expresión génica diferencial; y ii) DOMINO (Development Of Molecular markers In Non-model Organisms), que permite identificar y seleccionar marcadores moleculares apropiados para análisis de biología evolutiva. Estas herramientas han sido validadas utilizando simulaciones por ordenador y datos experimentales, principalmente de arañas.[eng] The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies are providing powerful data to investigate fundamental biological and evolutionary questions including phylogenetic and adaptive genomic topics. Currently, it is possible to carry out complex genomic projects analyzing the complete genomes and/or transcriptomes even in non-model organisms. In this thesis, we have performed two complementary studies using NGS data. Firstly, we have analyzed the transcriptome (RNAseq) of the main chemosensory organs of the chelicerate Macrothele calpeiana, Walckenaer, 1805, the only spider protected in Europe, to investigate the origin and evolution of the Chemosensory System (CS) in arthropods. The CS is an essential physiological process for the survival of organisms, and it is involved in vital biological processes, such as the detection of food, partners or predators and oviposition sites. This system, which has it relatively well characterized in hexapods, is completely unknown in other arthropod lineages. Our transcriptome analysis allowed to detect some genes expressed in the putative chemosensory organs of chelicerates, such as five NPC2s and two IRs. Furthermore, we detected 29 additional transcripts after including new CS members from recently available genomes in the HMM profiles, such as the SNMPs, ENaCs, TRPs, GRs and one OBP-like. Unfortunately, many of them were partial fragments. Secondly, we have also developed some bioinformatics tools to analyze RNAseq data, and to develop molecular markers. Researchers interested in the biological application of NGS data may lack the bioinformatic expertise required for the treatment of the large amount of data generated. In this context, the development of user-friendly tools for common data processing and the integration of utilities to perform downstream analysis is mostly needed. In this thesis, we have developed two bioinformatics tools with an easy to use graphical interface to perform all the basics processes of the NGS data processing: i) TRUFA (TRanscriptome User-Friendly Analysis), that allows analyzing RNAseq data from non-model organisms, including the functional annotation and differential gene expression analysis; and ii) DOMINO (Development of Molecular markers in Non-model Organisms), which allows identifying and selecting molecular markers appropriated for evolutionary biology analysis. These tools have been validated using computer simulations and experimental data, mainly from spiders

    Anxiety and Depression in Cyberbullied College Students: A Retrospective Study

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    Cyberbullying is a worldwide phenomenon and its effects can be severe. To better understand the personal and situational factors in cyberbullying, we approach it from the perspective of the general aggression model. More specifically, we analyze the medium and long-term impact of past experiences of cyberbullying on university students. We also compare their psychological adjustment with peers who have not been cyberbullied by examining the recall of cyberbullying while attending secondary school of 1,593 university students. Participants from a Spanish University (N = 680) and a Bolivian University (N = 913) were invited to participate by filling in an online survey. It included the School Violence Questionnaire-Revised, CUVE-R, to assess school and classroom climate in relation to bullying and cyberbullying, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results show that among the participants, 5.1% reported having suffered cyberbullying and 19.3% reported having been a bystander of cyberbullying, with similar percentages between universities. Canonical correlation suggests that variables related to school climate best explain the variability among participants who have and have not been cyberbullied. Those who have been cyberbullied scored significantly higher on anxiety and depression symptoms as well. Being a bystander of cyberbullying was not associated to significant differences on psychological adjustment (i.e., anxiety and depression). Results indicated that experiencing cyberbullying in secondary school is associated to lower psychological adjustment years later as university students. School climate variables contribute more strongly to identifying victims of cyberbullying. These results support the need for psychosocial interventions from a broader perspective, addressing the different dimensions of this phenomenon and its impact on victim

    A General Asymmetric Formal Synthesis of Aza-Baylis–Hillman Type Products under Bifunctional Catalysis

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Chemistry A European Journal 24.13 (2018): 3117-3121, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201705218. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsWeinheim A new organocatalytic strategy for the synthesis of enantioenriched aza-Baylis–Hillman type products via a frustrated vinylogous reaction is presented. This process proceeds under mild conditions with good yields, completed Z/E selectivity and excellent enantioselectivities. Moreover, easy derivatizations of the final products led to important building blocks of organic synthesis such as 1,3-aminoalcohols and Lewis base catalystsFinancial support from the Spanish Government (CTQ2015-64561-R), the European Research Council (ERC-CG, contract number: 647550), is also gratefully acknowledge

    Assessment on proximate composition, dietary fiber, phytic acid and protein hydrolysis of germinated Ecuatorian brown rice

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    Germinated brown rice (GBR) is considered healthier than brown rice (BR) but its nutritive value has been hardly studied. Since nutritive quality of GBR depends on genetic diversity and germination conditions, six Ecuadorian BR varieties were germinated at 28 and 34 ºC for 48 and 96 h in darkness and proximate composition, dietary fiber fractions, phytic acid content as well as degree of protein hydrolysis and peptide content were studied. Protein, lipids, ash and available carbohydrate ranged 7.3-10.4%, 2.0-4.0%, 0.8-1.5% and 71.6 to 84.0%, respectively, in GBR seedlings. Total dietary fiber increased during germination (6.1-13.6%), with a large proportion of insoluble fraction, and phytic acid was reduced noticeably. In general, protein hydrolysis occurred during germination was more accused at 28 ºC for 48 h. These results suggest that GBR can be consumed directly as nutritive staple food for a large population worldwide contributing to their nutritional requirements.This work was partly funded by AGL2010-16310 Project from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Maximising the phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of Ecuadorian brown rice sprouts through optimal germination conditions

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    Germinated brown rice (GBR) is considered a healthy alternative to white rice in the fight against chronic diseases. As the functional quality of GBR depends on genotype and germination conditions, the objectives were to identify suitable Ecuadorian brown rice cultivars and optimal germination time and temperature to maximise γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), total phenolics compounds (TPC) and antioxidant activity of GBR. Regression models for the prediction of phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity in GBR were also obtained. Germination improved GABA, TPC and antioxidant activity in all cultivars. Maximum GABA and antioxidant activity were attained at 34 C for 96 h, while the highest TPC was found at 28 C for 96 h in all cultivars. GBR cv. GO displayed the highest antioxidant activity and cv. 15 was the most effective at accumulating GABA and TPC in the optimal germination conditions. Therefore, Ecuadorian GBR could be used for the preparation of functional foods serving as preventative strategies in combating chronic diseases. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was financially supported by AGL2010-16310 Project from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Impacto de la intervención farmacéutica sobre el tratamiento para Hipertensión Arterial en pacientes adultos mayores de la comunidad de San Rafael Bajo del cantón Patate-Tungurahua

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    Se realizó la Intervención Farmacéutica mediante un Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico de pacientes adultos mayores en el Dispensario del Seguro Social Campesino de la Comunidad de San Rafael Bajo en el cantón Patate provincia de Tungurahua, para mejorar el estilo y la calidad de vida de los pacientes hipertensos. Se contó con la colaboración voluntaria de 30 pacientes ambulatorios con hipertensión arterial siendo hombres y mujeres con edades entre 61 y 87 años, realizando el Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico (SFT) mediante el método DADER, se identificó 102 Resultados Negativos Asociados a la Medicación (RNM) originados por Problemas Relacionados con los Medicamentos (PRM), los mismos que en su gran mayoría se dan por Inefectividad Cuantitativa 58.8% y 16.7% por Inseguridad no Cuantitativa. En el estudio se pudo determinar el 74.4 % de RNM pueden ser evitados o corregidos por parte del médico ya que el 82.9% de intervenciones del Bioquímico Farmacéutico fueron aceptadas por el médico y el paciente, de los cuales el 8.8% se debe a problema de salud insuficientemente tratado, 2.9% el paciente no responde al tratamiento por suceptilbilidad individual, 10.8% incumplimiento parcial de la pauta, 25.5% interacción farmacocinética o farmacodinámica con medicamentos y plantas por antagonismo o sinergismo, 23.5% conservación inadecuada de medicamentos y el 2.9% a dificultad al tomarlo; mientras que un 17.15% de intervenciones no fueron aceptadas por el médico debido a que algunos pacientes deben mantener la farmacoterapia establecida antes de modificarla ; no obstante solo el 25.5% de RNM no pueden ser evitados como incumplimiento total del tratamiento 2.9%, el paciente ha iniciado un tratamiento sin receta 5.9 %y efecto esperado no deseado 16.7%. Mediante un análisis estadístico se mostró una diferencia positiva entre el antes el después de los resultados conseguidos, logrando la integración de la población por medio de la elaboración del Diagnóstico Situacional Participativo, obteniendo una mejoría en la calidad de vida de los pacientes hipertensos. Se recomienda la implementación del sistema de atención al paciente en el Dispensario de San Rafael Bajo y en otros Centros de salud brindando la oportuna y correcta educación sanitaria.Pharmaceutical Intervention was performed us ing a Pharmacotherapy follow elderly patients at the Clinic of Rural Social Security Community of San Rafael Low in the Canton Patate province of Tungurahua, to improve the style and quality of life of hypertensive patients. It featured the voluntary coope ration of 30 outpatients with hypertension being men and women aged between 61 and 87 years, performing Pharmacotherapy follow (SFT) by DADER method 102 Negative Results Associates was identified Medication (RNM) originated for Drug - Related (PRM) problems, the same as mostly taken for Quantitative ineffectiveness 58.8% and 16.7% for non - Quantitative insecurity. In the study it was determined 74.4% of RNM can be avoided or corrected by the doctor as 82.9% of interventions Biochemical Pharmaceutical were acce pted by the physician and the patient, of which 8.8% is due to problem health insufficiently treated, 2.9% patient does not respond to treatment for single suceptilbilidad, 10.8% partial failure of the pattern, 25.5% pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic drug interaction and plants antagonism or synergism, 23.5% poor conservation of medicinal and 2.9% to difficulty taking; while a 17.15% of interventions were not accepted by the doctor because some patients must maintain established before modifying pharmacoth erapy; however, only 25.5% of RNM cannot be avoided as a total failure of treatment 2.9%, the patient started treatment without prescription expected 5.9% and 16.7% undesired effect. By statistical analysis a positive difference between before the after re sults showed achieved, making the integration of the population through the development of Participatory Situational Diagnosis, obtaining an improvement in the quality of life of hypertensive patients. The implementation of patient care system recommended in San Rafael U nder Dispensary and other health centers providing timely and proper health education

    Systematic review of empirical studies on cyberbullying in adults: What we know and what we should investigate

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    [EN]Cyberbullying is a worldwide phenomenon and most of our knowledge comes from studies with adolescent and younger populations. Adult populations have received scarce attention. The present study is a systematic review of empirical academic papers on cyberbullying in the adult population. An online databases search (CINHAL, PsycInfo, ERIC, Medline, Pubmed, and Web of Science) identified 3,986 references that, in successive steps, were reduced to 90 studies published between 2004-2016 that met the inclusion criteria. Each study was analyzed regarding topic, methods, ages, and other general characteristics. In addition, the measures used to assess cyberbullying, the impact of cyberbullying, and the different roles of those involved in the studies with adult population were explored. Results showed that there is a need for studies conducted in locations other than university settings and that the variety of measures, as well as the different criteria utilized to identify the cyberbullied, cyberbullies, and bystanders makes it difficult to compare findings. There is a need for longitudinal studies and for evidence-based practices to deal with these violent and aggressive behaviors

    Comorbilidad entre trastornos de conducta y depresión mayor en la adolescencia: prevalencia, teorías explicativas y estatus nosológico

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    This theoretical study examines the main findings and researches regarding the comorbidity between conduct disorder and major depression in adolescence. On the one hand, it is argued that high prevalence of comorbidity imply common risk factors (biological, cognitive- emotional and socio-cultural) and a causal relationship between these mental illness, usually conduct disorder preceding major depression. On the other hand, independent nosological status of this comorbidity» is advocated on the basis of several external criteria (e.g. response to treatment, course into adulthood and psychopathological profile), which distinguish this mixed clinical entity from conduct disorder and major depression, especially the latter category. These findings are discussed concerning the classification of «depressive conduct disorder» within current diagnosis reference manuals

    Lisa through the canvas

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    [Resumen] Lisa a través del lienzo es una appserie de animación infantil dirigida a niños y niñas de 8 y 9 años. El objetivo del proyecto es acercar a los niños al mundo de la historia del arte de una forma amena, a través de los episodios de la serie, de 6 minutos de duración. Además, el proyecto cuenta con una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que actúa como soporte principal y ofrece contenidos adicionales educativos para que los niños aprendan más sobre el mundo del arte.[Resumo] Lisa a través do lenzo é unha appserie de animación infantil dirixida a nenos e nenas de 8 e 9 anos. O obxectivo do proxecto é acercar aos nenos ao mundo da historia do arte dunha forma amena, a través dos episodios da serie, de 6 minutos de duración. Ademáis, o proxecto conta cunha aplicación para dispositivos móbiles que actúa como soporte principal e ofrece contidos adicionais educativos para que os nenos aprendan máis sobre o mundo do arte.[Abstract] Lisa through the canvas is an animation appseries meant for 8 and 9 years old children. The objective of this project is bring the kids to the History of Art world in a enjoyable way, through the episodes of the series, which are 6 minutes long. Moreover, the project counts with an app for mobile devices that features aditional educative content so the kids can learn more about art.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.COM). Comunicación audiovisual. Curso 2018/201

    White cabbage fermentation improves ascorbigen content, antioxidant and nitric oxide production inhibitory activity in LPS-induced macrophages

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    Consumption of foods rich in dietary antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds is becoming a key strategy to lower oxidative stress and inflammation. The objective of this work was to study the effect of fermentation and starter culture on ascorbigen (ABG) and vitamin C content, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata cv. Megaton). Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 748 (LP), Leuconostoc mesenteroides CECT 219 (LM) or a mixed culture of both strains at 1:1 ratio (LPM) were used as starter cultures in sauerkraut manufacture. Microbiological and sensorial quality of sauerkraut was also examined. White cabbage fermentation increased (P < 0.05) ABG content (up to 12-fold), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) values (up to 2-fold) and NO production inhibitory potency (up to 2.6-fold). Vitamin C content slightly decreased (P < 0.05) up to 1.4-fold during fermentation. LM sauerkraut showed the highest (P < 0.05) ABG concentration (204.8 μmol/100 g d.w.), ORAC values (164.0 μmol Trolox/g d.w.) and NO inhibitory potency (IC50 = 60.8 μg extract/mL). The microbiological quality of LM, LP and LPM sauerkrauts was satisfactory. Experimental sauerkrauts showed higher overall acceptability (P < 0.05) compared to commercial products. Consequently, selection of starter culture is of great importance in the manufacture of sauerkraut with improved content of bioactive compounds and health-promoting potential. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.This work was supported by the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), Project number AGL2007-62044. E. P. is indebted to a JAE-doc grant funded by CSIC.Peer Reviewe