6,544 research outputs found

    Family and parenting characteristics associated with marijuana use by Chilean adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: Family involvement and several characteristics of parenting have been suggested to be protective factors for adolescent substance use. Some parenting behaviors may have stronger relationships with adolescent behavior while others may have associations with undesirable behavior among youth. Although it is generally acknowledged that families play an important role in the lives of Chilean adolescents, scant research exists on how different family and parenting factors may be associated with marijuana use and related problems in this population which has one of the highest rates of drug use in Latin America. METHODS: Using logistic regression and negative binomial regression, we examined whether a large number of family and parenting variables were associated with the possibility of Chilean adolescents ever using marijuana, and with marijuana-related problems. Analyses controlled for a number of demographic and peer-related variables. RESULTS: Controlling for other parenting and family variables, adolescent reports of parental marijuana use showed a significant and positive association with adolescent marijuana use. The multivariate models also revealed that harsh parenting by fathers was the only family variable associated with the number of marijuana-related problems youth experienced. CONCLUSION: Of all the family and parenting variables studied, perceptions of parental use of marijuana and harsh parenting by fathers were predictors for marijuana use, and the experience of marijuana-related problems. Prevention interventions need to continue emphasizing the critical socializing role that parental behavior plays in their children's development and potential use of marijuana.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109755/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109755/Accepted manuscrip

    Examining the factor structure of anxiety and depression symptom items among adolescents in Santiago, Chile

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    The co-occurrence of emotional disorders among adolescents has received considerable empirical attention. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of co-occurring anxiety and depression by examining the factor structure of the Youth Self-Report used with a sample of low-income adolescents from Santiago, Chile. Data from two independent, randomly selected subsamples were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results indicate the best fit for the data is a two-factor model of anxiety and depression symptoms, which factors anxiety and depression into separate latent constructs. Because the findings show that anxiety and depression are not measured by the same factor in this international sample, the results imply that a valid and useful distinction exists between these constructs. That these constructs are found to be separate factors suggests that anxiety and depression may have separate etiologies and consequences, which might be best addressed by separate intervention components. These findings are consistent with the viewpoint that anxiety and depression constructs have similar emotional features and, despite sharing a common underlying internalizing disorder, distinct items capture aspects of each construct.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3140221/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3140221/Accepted manuscrip

    Personality and parenting processes associated with problem behaviors: a study of adolescents in Santiago, Chile

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    Considerable research in the U.S. has established that adolescent antisocial, aggressive, and attention problems have a negative influence on adolescents' ability to become productive members of society. However, although these behaviors appear in other cultures, little is known about the development of these problems among adolescents in countries other than the U.S.. This study contributes to our understanding of personality and parenting factors associated with adolescent problem behaviors using an international sample. Data are from a NIDA-funded study of 884 community-dwelling adolescents in Santiago, Chile (Mean age=14, SD=1.4, 48% females) of mid-to-low socioeconomic status. Results revealed that rule-breaking and aggressive behaviors were both associated with greater levels of adolescent drive but lower levels of parental monitoring and positive parenting by both parents. Adolescents who reported more attention problems were more likely to exhibit driven behavior, more behavioral inhibition, to report lower levels of parental monitoring, and positive parenting by mother and father. Results of interactions revealed that the influences of positive parenting and parental monitoring on adolescent aggressive behaviors varied as a function of the gender of the adolescent. Helping parents build on their parenting skills may result in important reductions in adolescent problem behaviors among U.S. and international adolescents.R01 HD033487 - NICHD NIH HHS; R01 DA021181 - NIDA NIH HHS; R01 DA021181-04 - NIDA NIH HH

    Cerberus is a feedback inhibitor of Nodal asymmetric signaling in the chick embryo

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    The TGF-beta-related molecule Nodal plays an essential and conserved role in left-right patterning of the vertebrate embryo. Previous reports have shown that the zebrafish and mouse Cerberus-related proteins Charon and Cerberus-like-2 (Cerl-2), respectively, act in the node region to prevent the Nodal signal from crossing to the right side, whereas chick Cerberus (cCer) has an unclear function in the left-side mesoderm. In this study, we investigate the transcriptional regulation and function of cCer in left-right development. By analyzing the enhancer activity of cCer 5' genomic sequences in electroporated chick embryos, we identified a cCer left-side enhancer that contains two FoxH1 and one SMAD binding site. We show that these Nodal-responsive elements are necessary and sufficient for the activation of transcription in the left-side mesoderm. In transgenic mouse embryos, cCer regulatory sequences behave as in chick embryos, suggesting that the cis-regulatory sequences of Cerberus-related genes have diverged during vertebrate evolution. Moreover, our findings from cCer overexpression and knockdown experiments indicate that cCer is a negative-feedback regulator of Nodal asymmetric signaling. We propose that cCer and mouse Cerl-2 have evolved distinct regulatory mechanisms but retained a conserved function in left-right development, which is to restrict Nodal activity to the left side of the embryo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The concept of representation has proved inadequate/insufficient to understand the new forms of representation and participation that emerge in the contemporary political scene. The diversification of actors and places, the interest in broader patterns of inclusion and the increasing involvement of civil society in decision-making arena are considered as some of the reasons that force the expansion of the concept. Therefore, we intend to present some of the alternative approaches to the concept of representation, focusing the combination between the representative and participative dimensions and emphasizing the need to transpose the analysis of participation field, as the effects of structural inequalities in political activism and inclusion, to the discussion of representation

    Bacterial Sepsis in Brazilian Children: A Trend Analysis from 1992 to 2006

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to determine the epidemiology of hospitalized pediatric sepsis in Brazil (1992–2006) and to compare mortality caused by sepsis to that caused by other major childhood diseases. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We performed a retrospective descriptive study of hospital admissions using a government database of all hospital affiliated with the Brazilian health system. We studied all hospitalizations in children from 28 days through 19 years with diagnosis of bacterial sepsis defined by the criteria of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), (Appendix S1). Based on the data studied from 1992 through 2006, the pediatric hospital mortality rate was 1.23% and there were 556,073 pediatric admissions with bacterial sepsis with a mean mortality rate of 19.9%. There was a case reduction of 67% over.1992–2006 (p<0.001); however, the mortality rate remained unchanged (from 1992–1996, 20.5%; and from 2002–2006, 19.7%). Sepsis-hospital mortality rate was substantially higher than pneumonia (0.5%), HIV (3.3%), diarrhea (0.3%), undernutrition (2.3%), malaria (0.2%) and measles (0.7%). The human development index (HDI) and mortality rates (MR) by region were: North region 0.76 and 21.7%; Northeast region 0.72 and 27.1%; Central-West 0.81 and 23.5%; South region 0.83 and 12.2% and Southeast region 0.82 and 14.8%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that sepsis remains an important health problem in children in Brazil. The institution of universal primary care programs has been associated with substantially reduced sepsis incidence and therefore deaths; however, hospital mortality rates in children with sepsis remain unchanged. Implementation of additional health initiatives to reduce sepsis mortality in hospitalized patients could have great impact on childhood mortality rates in Brazil

    Respostas de biomarcadores a disruptores endócrinos em P. microps

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    Mestrado em Biologia Aplicada - Toxicologia e EcotoxicologiaA presença de compostos químicos de origem antropogénica, nos mais variados ecossistemas aquáticos, já não é um assunto novo. No entanto, apesar da proibição da utilização de muitos destes compostos, a sua presença continua a ser detectada mesmo a concentrações baixas. As zonas costeiras, mais propriamente os estuários, são objecto de grande preocupação. Devido ao seu elevado valor ecológico e económico e, também, o facto de serem um destino final de uma grande quantidade de compostos maioritariamente de origem antropogénica, torna necessário a sua monitorização e o desenvolvimento de métodos com espécies autóctones que permitam uma melhor avaliação do impacto desses compostos. Assim, o objectivo principal deste trabalho consistiu na determinação e avaliação das respostas de biomarcadores a determinados contaminantes disruptores endócrinos (EDCs), utilizando o peixe estuarino Pomatoschistus microps como organismo-teste e na avaliação da viabilidade de utilizar a quantificação da vitelogenina (vtg) nesta espécie como biomarcador de exposição a esses compostos. Esta avaliação foi realizada após 21 dias de exposição, tanto em juvenis (em corpo inteiro) como em fêmeas (fígado e gónadas). Em conjunto com a vtg foram analisados os índices hepato e gonadossomáticos (HSI e GSI, respectivamente) para a disrupção endócrina e a avaliação da acetilcolinesterase (AChE) para exposição a neurotóxicos. Os EDCs testados, a nível sub-letal, foram o 17β-estradiol (E2), o pesticida p,p’-DDE e o PCB-77, todos considerados compostos disruptores endócrinos de acção estrogénica e/ou antiestrogénica. Os resultados mostraram, em juvenis, um aumento na vtg por acção do 17β-estradiol e uma diminuição nos seus valores por acção do PCB-77. Nas fêmeas, foram encontrados resultados significativos com o aumento da vtg no fígado depois da exposição ao PCB-77 e nenhuns resultados significativos nos outros parâmetros. A exposição ao p,p’-DDE não induziu alterações significativas nos parâmetros endócrinos analisados. Relativamente à AChE, o PCB-77 parece aumentar a sua actividade nos juvenis e observa-se o resultado oposto nas fêmeas. Por sua vez, o p,p’-DDE parece não afectar a actividade da AChE nas fêmeas. Em conclusão, os juvenis de P. microps parecem responder à contaminação por EDCs a concentrações ambientais relevantes de E2 e PCB-77 e a utilização da vtg neste estágio de vida parece apropriado para identificar a contaminação por EDCs em estudos de monitorização ambiental. As fêmeas deste peixe, no geral, parecem não ser suficientemente afectadas pelas concentrações dos EDCs testados.The presence of chemical compounds, in the most diverse aquatic ecosystems it was not a recent subject. However, in spite of the prohibition of the use of many of these compounds, their presence in the environment keeps being detected even at low concentrations. The coastal areas, namely the estuaries, are object of great concern. Due to their great ecologic and economic value and, also, the fact of being the final destination of a lot of compounds mainly from anthropogenic sources, become necessary its monitoring and the development of methods with autochthonous species that allow a better evaluation of the impact of those compounds. Thus, the main objective of this work consisted in the determination and evaluation of the biomarker responses to selected endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs) using the estuarine fish Pomatoschistus microps as organism test and in the assessment of the viability to use vitellogenin quantification (vtg) in this species as a biomarker of exposure to these compounds. This evaluation was realized after 21-days exposure, both in juveniles (whole body) and females (liver and gonads). In addition to vtg were analysed the hepato and gonadossomatic indexes (HSI and GSI, respectively) for endocrine disruption assessment and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) for exposure to neurotoxicants. The EDCs tested, at sub-lethal level, were the 17β-estradiol (E2) and the pesticides p,p’-DDE and PCB-77, all considered endocrine disruptors with estrogenic and/or antiestrogenic activity. The results showed, in juveniles, an increase in vtg-like proteins by action of 17β-estradiol and a decrease in its values by action of PCB-77. In females, it was found significant results with an increase in liver vtg-like proteins after exposure to PCB-77 and no significant results in the other endpoints. The p,p’-DDE exposure did not induce any significant alterations in the endocrine endpoints analyzed. Relatively to AChE, the compound PCB-77 seems to increase its activity in juveniles and the opposite result was observed in females. In turn, p,p’-DDE seems to not affect the AChE activity in females. In conclusion, the juveniles of P. microps seem to respond to EDC contamination at environmental relevant concentrations of E2 and PCB-77 and the use of vtg in this life stage seems appropriate to track EDC contamination in field biomonitoring studies. The female fish, in general, do not seem to be clearly affected by the exposure to these EDCs at the concentrations tested

    Assessing competition with the Panzar-Rosse model : an empirical analysis of European Union banking industry

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    Mestrado em Economia Monetária e FinanceiraThe purpose of the present article is to assess the degree of competition within the enlarged European Union (EU) commercial banking system during the period ranging from 2004 to 2011 using the non-structural test developed by Panzar and Rosse (1987). Their procedure measures the competitive environment in which financial intermediaries operate employing the sum of the elasticities of the reduced-form interest revenue with respect to factor prices. The main conclusion to retain from this study is that banking industry in the region does not seem to have operated either under perfect competition or under perfect monopoly, but rather consistently with long-run monopolistic competition. Further, we also find empirical evidence of efficiency hypothesis posted by Demestz (1973) and Peltzman (1977), as opposed to conventional view that concentration impairs price competitiveness. Finally, we underline the importance of trade off between the costs and benefits of competition to support financial stability objectives

    Travel of studies: cities of João Pessoa, Maceio, Natal and Recife: a look on the urban space and brazilian architectural production

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    Ponencia presentada a Session 8: Dimensiones psicosociales de la arquitectura y el urbanismo / Psycological dimensions of architecture and planningThis article aims to present the methodology and the final results of the elective course “Travel of Studies” which belongs to the new pedagogical project from the Architecture and Urbanism course at the University Federal of Pernambuco. It was offered for the first time in 2013.The discipline was organized to occur in four long weekends through visits of four capitals of the Northeast of Brazil: Recife, João Pessoa, Natal and Maceió. The purpose was to allow the students to apprehend the cities through four axis: intervention in historical center (axis 1), production of urban space (axis 2), production of coastline space (axis 3) and contemporary architecture (axis 4). After the four visits were complete, we prepared a poster with the comparison of the cities based on the identification of the similarities and differences of each axis we have studied