2,905 research outputs found

    The scene representation in the new Brazilian historical nove – reading the novels a república dos bugres and conspiração barroca, of Ruy Reis Tapioca

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    A representação do cenário no Novo Romance Histórico brasileiro tem despertado pouco interesse na crítica literária. A morfologia urbana composta por casas, casarões, palácios, castelos, igrejas, pontes, logradouros, meios de transporte e cidades é caracterizada e descrita conforme o contexto de época. Muitos escritores analisam compêndios históricos, documentos de época, arquivos, museus, numa tentativa de representar ou (re)criar o pano de fundo dos enredos históricos formulados. Os romances A República dos Bugres (1999) e Conspiração Barroca (2008) do escritor baiano Ruy Reis Tapioca conjugam-se como obras literárias que remontam o passado histórico, recuperando os pressupostos vigentes nos séculos XVIII e XIX, nomeadamente a chegada da Família Real Portuguesa e a Inconfidência Mineira. O presente artigo averigua como o cenário histórico é representado nesses romances, identificando a forma e o conteúdo trabalhado, por meio do recorte das descrições narrativas. De modo a fundamentar a nossa reflexão recorremos aos contributos de: Lowenthal (1998), Bury (2006), Pons, (1996), White, (1992), entre outros. Por último, a contribuição deste artigo visa expandir o olhar estético para esse assunto tão instigante e ainda não devidamente explorado pelo meio acadêmico.The scene representation in the New Brazilian Historical Novel has aroused little interest of literary criticism. The urban morphology consisting of houses, mansions, palaces, castles, churches, bridges, public parks, transportation and cities is characterized and described as the time of context. Many writers analyze historical textbooks, documents of the period, archives, museums, in an attempt to represent or (re)create the background of historical scenes formulated. The novels A República dos Bugres (1999) and Conspiração Barroca (2008) of the bahian writer Ruy Reis Tapioca combine up as literary works dating back past history, recovering the prevailing assumptions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including the arrival of the Portuguese Royal Family and the Minas Conspiracy. This article scrutinizes how the historical setting is represented in these novels, identifying the form and content working through the outline of the narrative descriptions. In order to support our reflection we turn to the contributions of: Lowenthal (1998), Bury (2006), Pons, (1996), White (1992), among others. The contribution of this article aims to expand the aesthetic look into this matter as exciting and not yet fully explored by the academic world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O turista aprendiz and the câmera as a social approach strategy

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    Este artigo analisa a posição do intelectual Mário de Andrade ao se referir à obra O turista aprendiz, no que concerne à sua representação etnográfica e fotográfica, numa tentativa de compreender os problemas sociais, durante sua estada nos estados do Norte e do Nordeste brasileiro. A obra O turista aprendiz foi escrita entre os anos de 1928 e 1930, em forma de diários, de anotações e crônicas de viagens. Em um primeiro momento, o escritor paulista publicou originalmente esses escritos no jornal Diário Nacional, nas mesmas datas. No entanto, a publicação oficial do livro saiu após os textos serem publicados no jornal, em edição organizada por Telê Ancona Lopez, quase cinquenta anos depois, em 1976. O centro das visitas etnográficas embutido na obra consiste na atenção que o autor dedica ao público proletário, na busca pela formulação de uma cultura popular nacional. O escritor modernista assume uma postura de intelectual comprometido com a sociedade, pretendendo representá-la em seus escritos e crônicas de viagens. Como lastro teórico, baseamo-nos na interpretação de alguns teóricos que mais ajudaram a compreender o panorama dessa dualidade investigativa (Literatura e Fotografia), a saber: Ancona Lopez (1976); Sussekind (2008); Barthes (1981), entre outros, necessários para contemplação do tema proposto.This paper analyzes the position of the intellectual Mário de Andrade when referring to his book O turista aprendiz, with respect to its ethnographic and photographic representation in an attempt to understand the social problems during their stay in the Brazilian states of North and Northeast. The work O turista aprendiz was written between the years 1928 and 1930 in the form of diaries, notes and travel chronicles. At first, the São Paulo writer originally published these writings in the newspaper Diário Nacional, on the same dates. However, the official publication of the book came out after the texts were published in the paper edition organized by Tele Ancona Lopez, nearly fifty years later, in 1976. The bulge of ethnographic visits embedded in the work is the attention that the author dedicated to the public proletarian, in the search for the formulation of a national popular culture. The modernist writer assumes an intellectual posture committed to society, claiming to represent it in his writings and travel chronicles. As a theoretical ballast, we rely on the interpretation of some theorists who most helped understand the landscape of this investigative duality (Literature and Photography), namely: Lopez (1976); Sussekind (2008); Barthes (1981), among others, required for the contemplation of the proposed subject. We aim that the contributions of this paper can better illuminate the literature and photography duality in academic circles, stimulating new research and investigationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Interaction between business and financial cycles, in USA, Japan and UK

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    JEL Classification System: C19; E32A presente dissertação apresenta uma análise sobre as interações existentes entre os ciclos económico e financeiro de três países (Japão, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos América), caracterizando as suas tendências individuais e coletivas. Primeiramente é efetuada uma revisão à literatura económica e financeira existente nomeadamente quanto à formação, comportamento, duração e interação dos ciclos económicos e financeiros. Posteriormente é abordada, por via de metodologia econométrica, a interação entre os ciclos económico e financeiro, no período compreendido entre 1989 e 2013 (com periodicidade trimestral), correspondendo o ciclo económico de cada pais ao agregado dos seus principais indicadores económicos domésticos, sendo o ciclo financeiro construido com base na agregação ponderada do índice bolsista doméstico, do índice de preços das casas e pelas taxas de juro de longo prazo. Recorrendo à estimação de modelos DL e ADL, tem-se por objetivo testar a existência de interações entre estes ciclos, bem como quais os impactos e a duração dos mesmos. Conclui-se que nas 3 economias que constituem a amostra, o ciclo financeiro é explicado apenas pelo ciclo económico e respectiva desfazagem, não possuindo o passado da própria variável relevância para explicar variações actuais. No que diz respeito ao ciclo económico, tanto as suas desfazagens como o ciclo financeiro possuem significância estatistica para explicar parte das suas variações no presente. Relativamente à duração dos impactos, em ambos os casos a amplitude é de curto-prazo (com excepção do Japão).This thesis aims to develop an analysis on the interaction between the business and financial cycles of three main countries (Japan, United Kingdom and U.S.A), highlighting its individual and collective trends. First, a review is made to the existing economic and financial literature, emphasizing the creation, behavior, duration and interaction between the cycles referred above. Later, by means of an econometric methodology, it is studied the interaction between economic and financial cycles, on the time period comprehended between 1989 and 2013 (quarterly data), being the economic cycle of each country related to the aggregation of its main domestic economic indicators, and the financial cycle based on the weighted aggregation of the data related with the domestic stock market, house price index and the long term interest rates. Using a DL and ADL model, the main goal is to test for the existence of interactions between these two cycles, and what are the impacts and the duration. It is concluded that in the three economies, the financial cycle is only explained by the business cycle and its first lag, meaning that the past of the financial cycle do not have statistical significance to explain the variations in the present. In what concerns the business cycle, both the respective lags and the financial cycle have statistical significance to explain part of the present variations of the business cycle. Regarding the impact duration, in both cases, with the exception of the estimation for the Japanese financial cycle, they have short-term amplitude

    Intra-group Light in Hickson Compact Groups

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    We have analyzed the intra-group light component of 3 Hickson Compact Groups (HCG 79, HCG 88 and HCG 95) with detections in two of them: HCG 79, with 46±1146\pm11% of the total BB band luminosity and HCG 95 with 11±2611\pm26%. HCG 88 had no component detected. This component is presumably due to tidally stripped stellar material trapped in the group potential and represents an efficient tool to determine the stage of dynamical evolution and to map its gravitational potential. To detect this low surface brightness structure we have applied the wavelet technique OV\_WAV, which separates the different components of the image according to their spatial characteristic sizes.Comment: Small update on the associated institutions lis

    Social intra-organizational connection: effects in three relational domains

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the construct of social intra-organizational connection (SIC). This construct reflects the extent to which a focal actor believes his alters present behaviors of social inclusion in relation to himself. This assessment compares the ego’s expectations of being included and the behavior of inclusion performed by those alters with whom the actor has more frequent interactions. The effects of this construct are tested in the organizational domain regarding the intention to leave, in the domain of co-workers regarding cooperation and in the family domain regarding work–family conflict. Design/methodology/approach – The survey data were collected from 380 Brazilian workers. Findings – The results confirmed the effects of SIC in the relational domain of the organization through the variation in the focal actor’s intention to leave. In the sphere of coworkers, the effects of SIC were found in the variation of the degree of cooperation. In the family sphere, SIC had an influence upon the intensity of the work–family conflict. Originality/value – The research indicates that the behavior of making direct contacts and more frequent interactions by the focal actor extends to other relational spheres through the transitions of the organizational member between the domains of organization, coworkers and family. This paper draws attention to the need to consider the local networks, both within and beyond the organization, and their effects on each other

    Law incentives for juvenile recruiting by drug trafficking gangs: empirical evidence from Rio de Janeiro

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    We evaluate the deterrence effects of the age of criminal responsibility on total drug trafficking and homicide crimes per age, based on a quasi-experiment generated by differences in punishment severity for these crimes prescribed by the Statute of the Child and Adolescent and by the Penal Code in Brazil. To this end, information from arrests conducted by the civil and military police of the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and 2017 is used to estimate the local effects of treatment through a Regression Discontinuity Design. Instead of using recidivism data and/or grouping crimes with distinct punishment severity, we use as outcome variable the total number of arrests (crimes) per age for drug trafficking and homicides, which are the most common crimes related to organized crime in Rio de Janeiro. (...

    Serviço Social e desafios da ética em pesquisa : um estudo bibliográfico

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    A ética em pesquisa tem sido um tema de importância crescente no campo disciplinar do Serviço Social em virtude do aumento de pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos e da necessidade de proteger os direitos dos participantes. Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar um perfil das pessoas pesquisadas e os cuidados éticos adotados em pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos publicadas na Revista Katálysis de 1997 a 2011. O estudo foi baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica. Os resultados mostraram a existência de 53 artigos originados de pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. O levantamento revelou o seguinte perfil dos participantes de pesquisa, segundo faixa etária: 73% de adultos; 21% de crianças e adolescentes; e 6% de idosos. A partir de 2007, observou-se que 53% dos artigos publicados passaram a descrever os cuidados éticos adotados na pesquisa, como a preservação do anonimato e a devolução dos resultados aos participantes

    Crescimento das Cidades Brasileiras na Década de Noventa

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    This paper is an empirical study on the determinants of economic growth and population growth in Brazilian cities in the nineties. For this objective, it is used variables that represent the initial characteristics of these cities as Glaeser et alii (1995) and Glaeser e Shapiro (2003) papers. The chosen variables follow the theoretical contributions from the new growth theories and the new economic geography. The results reinforce that human capital is an important promoter of positive externalities, Knowledge Spillovers, which generate economic growth. The paper also shows that negative externalities, such as congestion and poverty, reduce the economic growth. Another contribution of the paper is to study the effects of transport costs in economic growth. The results show a non-linearity in the relationship in that cities near state capitals grew more than cities far from capitals and capitals. Population growth results show that the Brazilian cities population growth is affected positively by measures of income and life quality and show that the urbanization process continues. There was a movement to urban areas where the wages and quality of life are greater.Cidades, Crescimento Econômico, Nova Geografia Econôomica, Capital Humano, Externalidades