1,477 research outputs found
Classical Tradition in Spain: Some Perspectives from Classical Philology
Se definen conceptos previos relacionados con el estudio de la fortuna de lo clásico y se destacan algunas obras críticas fundamentales para esta disciplina. Se pone de relieve en especial la importancia de la producción de María Rosa Lida de Malkiel como modelo para el estudio de la presencia de lo clásico en la literatura española. Y se analizan, en general y en pasajes concretos, dos obras de la literatura española en relación con su recepción de lo clásico: el Libro de buen amor del Arcipreste de Hita (siglo XIV), ejemplo de recepción medieval, y la Fábula de Faetón del Conde de Villamediana (siglo XVII), ejemplo de recepción barroca. El ingrediente clásico en la obra del Arcipreste proviene mayoritariamente de fuentes intermedias (Pamphilus, Compendium moralium de Geremia da Montagnone, etc.) y es sobre todo de carácter material (elementos doctrinales, morales, tópicos). La fábula mitológica de Villamediana no solo es deudora de lo clásico en su argumento mitológico-ovidiano, sino en su estilo oscuro, que se fundamenta en el latinismo constante y en el recurso a la perífrasis culta y frecuentemente mitológica; estas características de la obra requieren una especial pericia para su correcta edición y glosa.This paper defines previous concepts related to the study of the fortune of the classical and highlights some key critical works to this topic. The importance of María Rosa Lida de Malkiel’s production is brought to light as a model for the study of the presence of the classical in Spanish Literature. Two works of Spanish literature are also analyzed, in general and in specific extracts, according to the relation with their reception of the classical: the Libro del buen amor by Archpriest of Hita (14th century), example of medieval reception, and the Fabula de Faetón by the Count of Villamediana (17th century), example of reception in the Baroque period. The classical element in the Archpriest’s work comes chiefly from intermediate sources (Pamphilus, Compendium Moralium by Geremia da Montagnone, etc.) and is mainly of a material nature (doctrinal, moral, commonplace elements). Villamediana's mythological fable is not only influenced by the classic in its mythological-Ovidean plot, but also in its obscure style, based on the constant Latinisms and on the frequent use of learned and mythological periphrasis; these characteristics of this work demand a special expertise for its correct edition and comment
Self-Adaptive Model-Based Control for VAV Systems
In North America one of the main users of primary energy are buildings, where HVAC equipment operation is the largest consumer of total energy by end use. This has triggered the need to develop better active strategies and building technologies for the enhancement of HVAC equipment performance. Great examples of solutions that large commercial and institutional buildings adopted, were the widespread use of Building Automation Systems (BAS), and approaches like Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems for ventilation, which allow for better part load regulation, reduction of energy consumption and building operation costs, without compromising occupant comfort or safety. But despite all these improvements, most BAS still rely on conventional control methods like rule based on-off control paired with Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) loops, which are single input single output (SISO) models that are not suitable for the complexities of the multivariable requirements of building systems. These outdated strategies have been estimated to annually waste up to 30% of building’s energy. To mitigate these issues the research community has strongly endorsed the use of more advanced and proven effective control methods such as Model-Based Control (MBC), in which abundant work has been done for the supervisory level control like optimal start/stop, setpoint reset scheduling, etc. However, little attention has been given to local level control where PID control remains the chief workhorse of HVAC systems. Mainly because of the difficulties of creating models, as well as the lack of research regarding the implementation of mechanisms required for continuous calibration (also known as adaptability) of model parameters as they start to drift away from their initial values due to system changes or deterioration, which challenges the reliability of any MBC approach. For such reasons the present body of work was conceived to design a practical methodology for a self-adaptive MBC and field data driven approach to improve VAV systems energy efficiency, based on the Total Air Volume (TAV) control method by modifying the shortcomings of its modeling, adaptability and control strategy procedures. Using a regular VAV system inside a high-rise institutional building as an experimental testbed for the proof of concept of this methodology. The results of the test demonstrated that the self adaptive field calibrated TAV method can match and exceed the capabilities of PID control, by improving response time, offset, and above all energy efficiency, were an average 56% of energy consumption was achieved in contrast to the conventional duct static pressure PID control
Inhomogeneities and caustics in the sedimentation of noninertial particles in incompressible flows
In an incompressible flow, fluid density remains invariant along fluid
element trajectories. This implies that the spatial distribution of
non-interacting noninertial particles in such flows cannot develop density
inhomogeneities beyond those that are already introduced in the initial
condition. However, in certain practical situations, density is measured or
accumulated on (hyper-) surfaces of dimensionality lower than the full
dimensionality of the flow in which the particles move. An example is the
observation of particle distributions sedimented on the floor of the ocean. In
such cases, even if the initial distribution of noninertial particles is
uniform within a finite support in an incompressible flow, advection in the
flow will give rise to inhomogeneities in the observed density. In this paper
we analytically derive, in the framework of an initially homogeneous particle
sheet sedimenting towards a bottom surface, the relationship between the
geometry of the flow and the emerging distribution. From a physical point of
view, we identify the two processes that generate inhomogeneities to be the
stretching within the sheet, and the projection of the deformed sheet onto the
target surface. We point out that an extreme form of inhomogeneity, caustics,
can develop for sheets. We exemplify our geometrical results with simulations
of particle advection in a simple kinematic flow, study the dependence on
various parameters involved, and illustrate that the basic mechanisms work
similarly if the initial (homogeneous) distribution occupies a more general
region of finite extension rather than a sheet.Comment: 56 pages, 17 figure
Ciclo de mejora aplicado a la docencia universitaria de la fonética y la fonología españolas
Este artículo describe la puesta en práctica de un ciclo de mejora aplicado
en la asignatura Lengua española II, que se imparte de manera
conjunta en el Grado en Filología Hispánica y el Doble Grado en Filología
Clásica y Filología Hispánica de la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad
de Sevilla. En concreto, el ciclo de mejora que se describe en
estas páginas se centra en la docencia correspondiente a la fonética
articulatoria del español, que forma parte de la materia que se desarrolla
en el bloque de enseñanza de la fonética y fonología españolas
como parte de los contenidos de esta asignatura de carácter instrumental
de primer curso
Hydrodynamic provinces and oceanic connectivity from a transport network help designing marine reserves
Oceanic dispersal and connectivity have been identified as crucial factors
for structuring marine populations and designing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
Focusing on larval dispersal by ocean currents, we propose an approach coupling
Lagrangian transport and new tools from Network Theory to characterize marine
connectivity in the Mediterranean basin. Larvae of different pelagic durations
and seasons are modeled as passive tracers advected in a simulated oceanic
surface flow from which a network of connected areas is constructed.
Hydrodynamical provinces extracted from this network are delimited by frontiers
which match multi-scale oceanographic features. By examining the repeated
occurrence of such boundaries, we identify the spatial scales and geographic
structures that would control larval dispersal across the entire seascape.
Based on these hydrodynamical units, we study novel connectivity metrics for
existing reserves. Our results are discussed in the context of ocean
biogeography and MPAs design, having ecological and managerial implications
Análisis argumentativo de textos periodísticos en judeoespañol de la revista Aki Yerushalayim
Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la argumentación de textos periodísticos en judeoespañol. Para este propósito, el presente estudio analiza los principales mecanismos argumentativos de la lengua, desde una perspectiva pragmática, con el fin de explicar el empleo de ciertos elementos sintácticos que aportan un valor argumentativo (conectores y operadores) y también los elementos léxicos de los textos. Asimismo, el análisis describe la estructura informativa de los textos y señala otros posibles mecanismos argumentativos, como el dialogismo y la polifonía. Todos los textos provienen de la revista Aki Yerushalayim, publicada en Israel desde 1979, y constituyen un claro ejemplo del judeoespañol del siglo XXIThis paper is focused on analysing argumentation in journalistic Judeo-Spanish texts. To do that, the study analyses the main argumentative mechanics of the language, within a pragmatic perspective, in order to explain the use of certain syntactic elements carrying an argumentative value (connectors and operators) and also to explain the lexical elements from the texts. Additionally, the analysis studies the informative structure of the texts and other possible argumentative mechanics, such as dialogism and polyphony. All the texts are taken from the review Aki Yerushalayim, published in Israel since 1979, and they are an example of current Judeo-Spanish in the 21st century.Ce travail a pour objectif d'analyser l'argumentation des textes journalistiques en judéo-espagnol. Pour ce propos, cette étude analyse les principaux mécanismes argumentatifs de la langue, avec une perspective pragmatique, afin d'expliquer l'emploi de certaines éléments syntactiques qui portent une valeur argumentative (connecteurs et opérateurs) et aussi des éléments lexicaux des textes. De même, l'analyse étude la structure informative des textes et autres possibles mécanismes argumentatifs, comme le dialogisme et la polyphonie. Toutes les textes proviennent du magazine Aki Yerushalayim¸qui est publié en Israel depuis 1979, et ce sont un exemple du judéo-espagnol du XXIe siècl
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