27 research outputs found

    Pilot-model for oxidative post-competition recovery in swimmers

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    Physical exercise have several health benefits, but it can also be a source of cellular damage. The energetic demands of physical exercise and training promote an increase on metabolic rate, and its pathways may produce secondary harmful compounds that will cause cellular damage. Some of those compounds are the free radicals and Reactive Oxygen species, which are highly instable molecules that react quickly, oxidizing important functional molecules such as proteins, membrane lipids and DNA, in a condition known as oxidative stress. To dampen the action of these molecules, the cells express antioxidant defence proteins. One of the most ubiquitous and polymorphic of those is the family of Gluthatione STransferases (GSTs). The great physical load of competitive training creates serious oxidative stress on athletes so, it is expected that their expression of GSTs will vary throughout the season to overcome such aggression, quickly recovering from one training session and preparing the antioxidant defence for the next one. Our main objective was to verify if the expression of a GST (GSTT1) varies throughout the season, as expected theoretically, and how it fluctuates after a competition. We also check if the distribution of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 Null/Present genotypes had some influence in the preparation and performance of our sample, consisting in 20 national level swimmers. A control group of 52 random individuals was also used to compare genotype distribution. We collected blood samples in analytic filter paper, at 5 different moments throughout the winter season. DNA was isolated from a sample of each individual, amplified by PCR for our interest genes, and ran in agarose gel by electrophoresis to genotype our 20 swimmers. RNA was isolated from all the samples of a swimmer and converted in cDNA by reverse transcriptase. The relative expression of GSTT1 was done using β-actin (a housekeeping gene) as a control gene and the first collected sample of the swimmer as control condition, by the RT-PCR technic. Three swimmers were accessed for the whole 5 moments, while eight were only evaluated their expression at 48h and 72h after competition. The results showed little influence in the distribution of genotype from swimmers to controls. The expression results show influence of the GSTT1 expression profile throughout the season and after an intense exercise with sport performance and as a fitness check tool.O treino desportivo com o objetivo de performance competitiva coloca os atletas sob um forte risco de desequilíbrio oxidativo, conhecido por stress oxidativo. A produção de radicais livres e espécies electrofílicas, como as Espécies Reativas de Oxigénio (ROS), são uma constante no metabolismo normal do organismo, no entanto, a maior taxa metabólica exigida pela demanda energética do exercício físico intenso, provocam uma produção de tais espécies a um nível superior às defesas antioxidantes disponíveis. Nesta situação de stress oxidativo, os radicais livres e ROS provocam danos a fulcrais estruturas e macromoléculas celulares, reagindo forte e rapidamente com estas, ameaçando a homeostasia celular. Para controlar a ação nefasta dessas agressões oxidativas, os organismos possuem mecanismos de defesas antioxidantes, podendo estas ser de origem endógena ou exógena. Entre as defesas antioxidantes endógenas encontram-se proteínas expressas pelas células, e cuja expressão pode ser influenciada pelo ambiente oxidativo celular, como é o caso das Glutationa S-Transferases (GST). Desta forma, situações que criem stress oxidativo, como no treino desportivo, ativam a expressão das defesas antioxidantes. Assim sendo, o treino desportivo regular e bem planeado, de forma a evitar danos constantes ao organismo, deve ativar uma resposta deste de forma a protege-lo dessa agressão, preparando-o previamente para essa agressão. Essa preparação pode ser verificada através da expressão génica de fatores antioxidantes endógenos. Além disso, certos genótipos podem revelar-se vantajosos nesta proteção, nomeadamente os genótipos associados às várias isoformas das GSTs. Nestes, constam vários e frequentes genótipos Null (ausência do gene), o que permite uma grande variabilidade entre indivíduos para a disponibilidade de isoformas de GSTs. O objetivo deste trabalho foi precisamente verificar a distribuição de genótipos Null/Present para duas isoformas de GSTs, a GSTM1 e a GSTT1, numa amostra de 20 nadadores portugueses de nível nacional. Para comparação de genótipos, foi recolhida semelhante informação a partir de um grupo de controlo constituído por 52 indivíduos aleatórios. Além disso, observou-se a expressão relativa de GSTT1 ao longo de 5 momentos distintos ao longo da época de Inverno (preparação geral, preparação específica, fase taper e dois momentos pós-competição) em 3 desses atletas, e a expressão relativa, também de GSTT1, 48h e 72h após uma competição, para 8 desses atletas. Para conseguir alcançar isto, foi necessário montar uma técnica totalmente nova para recolher as amostras de forma rápida, fiável e praticável nas condições de treino, e otimizar todos os procedimentos laboratoriais para conseguir processar essas amostras de forma eficiente e rigorosa. As amostras foram recolhidas em papel de filtro de análises clínica, através de uma picada no dedo dos nadadores, antes do início do treino do dia definido previamente para recolha de amostras. As amostras foram ainda conservadas em invólucros individuais para cada recolha a cada momento e de cada atleta, numa câmara-fria 4°C, no Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS) da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde (FCS) da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). Para genotipagem dos nadadores em amostra, DNA foi extraído da amostra de sangue em papel utilizando o método do Chelex 100. Após extração, o DNA foi usado para amplificação enzimática da sequência específica dos genes da GSTM1 e GSTT1, pela técnica de PCR. Por fim, os resultados foram corridos por electroforese em gel de agarose, usando Green-safe como fator de marcação de DNA, e os resultados foram visualizados à luz ultravioleta num transiluminador. A presença de GSTM1 foi identificada pela presença de uma banda com cerca de 215bp, enquanto a presença de GSTT1 foi identificada pela presença de banda aos 473bp. Para análise da expressão génica, RNA foi isolado a partir das amostras de sangue em papel, pelo método do Trizol. O RNA era correspondente a cada um dos momentos de recolha. De seguida o RNA foi convertido a cDNA através da técnica de transcriptase reversa, utilizando a enzima M-MLV. Por fim, o cDNA foi amplificado pela técnica de RT-PCR, para o gene GSTT1, tendo ainda como controlo a amplificação da β-Actin, também para cada um dos momentos de recolha e fazendo duplicados por uma questão de rigor. A expressão foi calculada através das curvas de amplificação de RT-PCR e utilizando o método ΔΔCT. Não foram encontradas distribuições de genótipos GSTM1 e GSTT1 Null/Present estatisticamente significativas entre a nossa amostra de teste e o grupo de controlo. No contexto da expressão relativa de GSTT1, verificou-se que variações muito acentuadas ao longo da época desportiva ou após um exercício foram prejudiciais à performance física dos nadadores. Encontramos também algumas diferenças na recuperação das nadadoras, mantendo uma expressão mais alta e por um maior período de tempo após o exercício físico intenso que os homens. Além disso, verificou-se uma tendência para os indivíduos GSTM1 Null manterem os níveis de expressão relativa de GSTT1, ao longo da época e após um exercício intenso, mais estáveis, o que parece favorecer o seu rendimento. Conclui-se ainda que a análise da evolução da expressão relativa de GSTT1 em vários treinos, após uma competição ou outro exercício de elevada intensidade, pode ajudar a perceber qual a forma atual de um nadador

    Measurement of materials emissivity supported by image software

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    Infrared Thermography (IRT) is a temperature measurement technique based on radiation detection in the IR spectrum. Thus, it is used as a non-destructive diagnostic technique, with non-contact, to evaluate the surface temperature of objects based on the emitted radiation. The surface temperature field is carried out using an image that reproduces colour patterns. Since it is a non-destructive technique, versatile, and with non-contact, constitutes a very useful tool in various fields. However, accurate measurement of temperature is strongly dependent on the emissivity value of the material. Active or passive heating procedures may be used. This paper presents a methodology for measuring the emissivity of materials supported by image software. The method proved to be very adequate and the results show an effective contribution in this respect, especially for application in active thermography

    Inheritable testicular metabolic memory of high-fat diet causes transgenerational sperm defects in mice

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: L. Crisóstomo (SFRH/ BD/128584/2017), M.G. Alves (IFCT2015 and PTDC/MEC-AND/28691/2017), P.F. Oliveira (IFCT2015), UMIB (UIDB/00215/2020 and UIDP/00215/2020) and QOPNA (UID/QUI/00062/2019) co-funded by FEDER funds (POCI/COMPETE 2020); by the Portuguese Society of Diabetology: L. Crisóstomo and M.G. Alves (“Nuno Castel-Branco” research grant and Group of Fundamental and Translational Research); and by the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes: L. Crisóstomo (Albert Renold Travel Grant). NMR data was collected at the UC-NMR facility which is supported in part by FEDER—European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (Operational Programme for Competitiveness) and by National Funds through FCT— Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) through grants REEQ/481/QUI/2006, RECI/QEQ-QFI/0168/2012, CENTRO-07-CT62-FEDER-002012, and Rede Nacional de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RNRMN). We thank Prof. Pedro N. Oliveira (University of Porto, Portugal) and Matthieu Bourgery (University of Turku, Finland) for their advice in Statistical Analysis. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s). Copyright: Copyright 2021 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.The consumption of energy-dense diets has contributed to an increase in the prevalence of obesity and its comorbidities worldwide. The adoption of unhealthy feeding habits often occurs at early age, prompting the early onset of metabolic disease with unknown consequences for reproductive function later in life. Recently, evidence has emerged regarding the intergenerational and transgenerational effects of high-fat diets (HFD) on sperm parameters and testicular metabolism. Hereby, we study the impact of high-fat feeding male mice (F0) on the testicular metabolome and function of their sons (F1) and grandsons (F2). Testicular content of metabolites related to insulin resistance, cell membrane remodeling, nutritional support and antioxidative stress (leucine, acetate, glycine, glutamine, inosine) were altered in sons and grandsons of mice fed with HFD, comparing to descendants of chow-fed mice. Sperm counts were lower in the grandsons of mice fed with HFD, even if transient. Sperm quality was correlated to testicular metabolite content in all generations. Principal Component Analysis of sperm parameters and testicular metabolites revealed an HFD-related phenotype, especially in the diet-challenged generation and their grandsons. Ancestral HFD, even if transient, causes transgenerational “inherited metabolic memory” in the testicular tissue, characterized by changes in testicular metabolome and function.publishersversionpublishe

    Cortisol, testosterone and mood state variation during an official female football competition

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    Aim: Endogenous hormones are essential on the control of physiological reactions and adaptations during sport performance. This study aims to compare the mood state and the salivary levels of cortisol and testosterone during an official female association football tournament. Methods: Twenty female football players (22.85 ± 4.2 yrs) from the Portuguese women’s national team were included in the study. Mood, salivary cortisol and testosterone levels were examined in five moments over the championship (M1, neutral measures; M2-M5, on every match day). Saliva samples were collected before breakfast and immediately after each match. Mood was measured by the profile of mood states questionnaire (POMS); hormone levels were measure by immunoassay methods. Results: Iceberg Profiles of POMS were observed during all the moments of evaluation (M2-M5), showing a decrease in vigor and an increase in tension and depression in both team defeats (M2 and M5). There is no relationship between the hormones levels and the outcome of the competition, once cortisol and testosterone decrease from pre-match to post-match in both wins (M2 and M5) and defeats (M3 and M4). For testosterone the observed decrease is significantly different (p<0.05) before and after all matches. Conclusion: Our results show a pattern in mood states behavior. Cortisol and testosterone decrease after match and throughout the tournament, independently of the match outcome. The absence of hormone flutuations related to competiton performance points out that top-level professional football players training systematically and regularly seem to be very well adapted to competition stress effect.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bilateral Metastases to the Extraocular Muscles From Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

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    Bilateral orbital metastases restricted to the extraocular muscles (EOMs) are exceedingly rare. We report a case of bilateral extraocular muscle metastases from a small cell lung carcinoma and provide a review of the relevant literature. A 56-year-old smoker presented with proptosis, motility changes, and a relative afferent pupillary defect of the left eye, with a previous history of a small cell lung carcinoma. An orbital computerized tomography scan revealed a mass restricted to the left medial rectus. An incisional biopsy confirmed metastasis. Visual acuity of the left eye decreased rapidly, and right globe proptosis became evident. Orbital magnetic resonance imaging at two months follow-up showed marked left orbital mass enlargement and a new right lateral rectus mass. The patient was maintained on palliative care and died from metastatic disease-related complications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lifestyle, metabolic disorders and male hypogonadism - a one-way ticket?

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    Hypogonadism is more frequent among men with common metabolic diseases, notably obesity and type 2 diabetes. Indeed, endocrine disruption caused by metabolic diseases can trigger the onset of hypogonadism, although the underlying molecular mechanisms are not entirely understood. Metabolic diseases are closely related to unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as dietary habits and sedentarism. Therefore, hypogonadism is part of a pathological triad gathering unhealthy lifestyle, metabolic disease and genetic background. Additionally, hypogonadism harbors the potential to aggravate underlying metabolic disorders, further sustaining the mechanisms leading to disease. To what extent does lifestyle intervention in men suffering from these metabolic disorders can prevent, improve or reverse hypogonadism, is still controversial. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that the metabolic status of the father is related to the risk of inter and transgenerational inheritance of hypogonadism. In this review, we will address the proposed mechanisms of disease, as well as currently available interventions for hypogonadism.publishe

    Indicadores técnicos e econômicos do maracujazeiro amarelo irrigado com fonte de água subterrânea

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    The research aimed to quantify technical and economic indicators of yellow passion fruit tree irrigated with fractions of irrigation with underground source of water, to generate information that helps farmers in decision making on the implementation of investment in irrigated fruit growing (yellow passion fruit). For this purpose, we used the passion fruit crop irrigated with Microjet type irrigation system, with conducting system in simple espaliers. The treatments consisted of five hours of application of the depth of water required by the crop with irrigation frequency of two days. The results showed that the highest yield (16660kg ha-1) was obtained with the fractionation of irrigation twice a day (50% to 7h and 50% to 21h30), which provided an increase in productivity of 54%, demonstrating the financial viability and being highly profitable to the interest rate of 2% per year, with low sensitivity of financial risk to real interest rates above the prevailing market.O trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar indicadores técnicos e econômicos do maracujazeiro-amarelo irrigado com fracionamento da irrigação com fonte de água subterrânea, de forma a gerar informações que auxiliem os agricultores na tomada de decisão sobre a aplicação de seus investimentos na fruticultura irrigada (maracujá-amarelo). Para tanto, utilizou-se da cultura do maracujá, irrigado com sistema de irrigação tipo microjet, sob a forma de condução em espaldeiras simples. Os tratamentos constaram da combinação de horários de aplicação da lâmina de água requerida pela cultura, com frequência de irrigação de dois dias. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a maior produtividade (16.660 kg ha-1) foi obtida com o fracionamento da irrigação em duas vezes ao dia (50% às 7h e 50% às 21h30), a qual proporcionou um incremento de produtividade de 54%, demonstrando viabilidade do ponto de vista financeiro e altamente lucrativo à taxa de juros de 2% ao ano, com baixa sensibilidade de risco financeiro a taxas reais de juros acima das praticadas no mercado.94095

    Testicular "Inherited Metabolic Memory" of Ancestral High-Fat Diet Is Associated with Sperm sncRNA Content

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    Excessive adiposity caused by high-fat diets (HFDs) is associated with testicular metabolic and functional abnormalities up to grand-offspring, but the mechanisms of this epigenetic inheritance are unclear. Here we describe an association of sperm small non-coding RNA (sncRNA) with testicular "inherited metabolic memory" of ancestral HFD, using a transgenerational rodent model. Male founders were fed a standard chow for 200 days (CTRL), HFD for 200 days (HFD), or standard chow for 60 days followed by HFD for 140 days (HFDt). The male offspring and grand-offspring were fed standard chow for 200 days. The sncRNA sequencing from epidydimal spermatozoa revealed signatures associated with testicular metabolic plasticity in HFD-exposed mice and in the unexposed progeny. Sperm tRNA-derived RNA (tsRNA) and repeat-derived small RNA (repRNA) content were specially affected by HFDt and in the offspring of HFD and HFDt mice. The grand-offspring of HFD and HFDt mice showed lower sperm counts than CTRL descendants, whereas the sperm miRNA content was affected. Although the causality between sperm sncRNAs content and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of HFD-related traits remains elusive, our results suggest that sperm sncRNA content is influenced by ancestral exposure to HFD, contributing to the sperm epigenome up to the grand-offspring

    Produtividade e análise de indicadores técnicos do maracujazeiro-amarelo irrigado em diferentes horários.

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    Diante da necessidade de pesquisas sobre o manejo da irrigação em horários alternativos e com menor custo com eletricidade na produção do maracujá-amarelo irrigado objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, avaliar os efeitos do fracionamento da irrigação em diferentes horários de aplicação sobre a produtividade e qualidade do fruto do maracujazeiro-amarelo tal como, também, a quantificação de indicadores técnicos; para tanto se conduziu um experimento no município de Pentecoste, CE, no período de setembro de 2009 a agosto de 2010, no delineamento em blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam aos horários de aplicação da lâmina de água requerida (LR) pela cultura (T1: 100% da LR às 07 h; T2: 50% da LR às 07 h e 50% da LR às 15 h; T3: 25% da LR às 07 h; 50% da LR às 15 h e 25% da LR às 21 h 30 min; T4: 100% da LR às 21 h 30 min: T5: 50% da LR às 07 h e 50% da LR às 21 h 30 min). De acordo com os resultados a aplicação fracionada da lâmina de água requerida pela cultura com 50% às 07 h e 50% às 21 h 30 min, foi a alternativa que proporcionou a maior produtividade do maracujazeiro; os atributos de qualidade dos frutos de maracujazeiro sólidos solúveis totais e pH se mantiveram indiferentes quanto aos tratamentos

    Choroidal Binarization Analysis: Clinical Application

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    Introduction: Image processing of optical coherence tomography scans through binarization techniques represent a non-invasive way to separately asses and measure choroidal components, in vivo. In this review, we systematically search the scientific literature regarding binarization studies published so far. Methods: A systematic research was conducted at PubMed database, including English literature articles for all of the following terms in various combinations: binarization, choroid/al, enhanced depth spectral domain/swept source optic coherence tomography, and latest publications up to November 2018 were reviewed. Results: Thirty-seven articles were included and analyzed regarding studied disease, binarization method, studied variables, and outcomes. Most of the studies have focused on the more common retinal pathologies, such as age-related macular degeneration, central serous chorioretinopathy and diabetic retinopathy but binarization techniques have also been applied to the study of choroidal characteristics in ocular inflammatory diseases, corneal dystrophies and in postsurgical follow-up. Advantages and disadvantages of binarization techniques are also discussed. Conclusion: Binarization of choroidal images seems to represent a promising approach to study choroid subcomponents in an increasingly detailed manner.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio