36 research outputs found

    Upwind Finite Element-PML Approximation of a Novel Linear Potential Model for Free Surface Flows Produced by a Floating Rigid Body

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    [Abstract] A novel linear potential model is presented to compute free surface flows of incompressible fluids produced by the motion of a floating rigid body in the presence of an underlying non-uniform flow. In particular, the proposed model enables the accurate numerical simulation of the Kelvin wake pattern in a computational domain of reduced size. The governing equations are obtained by using an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation which involves the underlying velocity of the fluid around the floating body assuming flat free surface, and a non-dimensional analysis to derive the novel linear system of equations for free surface flows. The discretization of the proposed model is made by a standard Galerkin finite element method, where a SUPG-inspired upwinding strategy has been used in combination with a Perfectly Matched Layer technique which allows truncating the original unbounded fluid domain without introducing spurious reflections in the Kelvin wake pattern. The numerical simulations computed with the proposed approach are compared with the results obtained by the classical linear potential model with uniform underlying flow and also with those from the full incompressible Navier–Stokes equations equipped with the k−ω SST turbulent model. This numerical comparison is discussed in terms of a classical hydrodynamic floating body benchmark involving the Wigley hull.The first two authors have been partially supported by FSE Galicia 2014-2020 and Xunta de Galicia under grant ED481A-2018/212; by Xunta de Galicia & ERDF under grant ED431C 2021/15 and by MICINN/Agencia Estatal de Investigacin & ERDF under the research project MTM2017-86459-R. The third author has been supported by MICINN & ERDF projects MTM2017-82724-R, PID2019-108584RB-I00, and also by ED431C 2018/33 - M2NICA (Xunta de Galicia & ERDF) and ED431G 2019/01 - CITIC (Xunta de Galicia & ERDF)Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2018/212Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/15Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/33Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Mislabelling in megrims: implications for conservation

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    Mislabelling of fish catch and commercial seafood products is relatively frequent worldwide and can affect fisheries management exploitation when stock estimates are based on landings. In this study we have analyzed genetically 239 commercial lots of two morphologically similar species of megrims (genus Lepidorhombus) that are caught together in mixed fisheries. A high proportion of mislabelling was detected, suggesting enormous underreported exploitation of one of the species, which can be endangered if the problem persists. These results highlight the urgency of applying currently available species-specific molecular tools in fisheries sciences for preventing biodiversity losses in exploited species

    Upwind finite element-PML approximation of a novel linear potential model for free surface flows produced by a floating rigid body

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    The first two authors have been partially supported by FSE Galicia 2014-2020 and Xunta de Galicia under grant ED481A-2018/212; by Xunta de Galicia & ERDF under grant ED431C 2021/15 and by MICINN/Agencia Estatal de Investigacin & ERDF under the research project MTM2017-86459-R. The third author has been supported by MICINN & ERDF projects MTM2017-82724-R, PID2019-108584RB-I00, and also by ED431C 2018/33 - M2NICA (Xunta de Galicia & ERDF) and ED431G 2019/01 - CITIC (Xunta de Galicia & ERDF)S

    Cultura urbana en televisión. Programa cultural realizado por profesores y alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información

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    Con un enfoque para la docencia que plantea una universidad basada en el entusiasmo y en la participación a través de un modelo de aprendizaje que motive y sepa entusiasmar a los estudiantes, planteamos como proyecto de innovación para mejora de la calidad docente la creación de un programa de televisión sobre la cultura urbana vinculado a las asignaturas de: - "Producción y realización publicitaria" (Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas) - "Realización publicitaria" (Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual) - "Dirección cinematográfica" (Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual) - "Realización televisiva" (Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual) Y a los TFG relacionados con las áreas de conocimiento de realización y producción.Se crearían tres categorías en las que los alumnos podrían participar con sus trabajos: rodajes,reportajes audiovisuales y reportajes fotográficos y spots publicitarios. Los alumnos, tras haber pasado por alguna de las asignaturas o TFG propuestos, con sus respectivas prácticas, ya tienen un training que les capacita para sacar adelante un trabajo colaborativo, un proyecto y además les forma en las competencias profesionales necesarias para el trabajo en equipo. Además, el proyecto incluye la creación de una web y un laboratorio audiovisual (que ya está en marcha) para la difusión de los trabajos presentados y como herramienta para ampliar la proyección profesional y académica de los alumnos. El reto es poner Internet al servicio de la capacidad creativa y técnica de los estudiantes como fórmula para descubrir el nuevo talento, para poder experimentar con un nuevo medio al alcance de todos, y para conseguir una muy amplia difusión. Internet, lo interactivo, lo virtual y lo on-line serían las grandes herramientas para la realización de este proyecto. Es una experiencia de trabajo en el que varias asignaturas se unen y en el que la planificación y la nota final de cada una de las asignaturas se consolidan un proyecto real para dar a conocer el funcionamiento del mundo laboral. Es un proyecto de integración de varias asignaturas que suman un conjunto de experiencias en los que la innovación es la primera premisa

    Interspecific Hybridization Increased in Congeneric Flatfishes after the Prestige Oil Spill

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    Marine species with relatively low migratory capacity are threatened by habitat alterations derived from human activities. In November 2002 the tanker Prestige sank off the Spanish northwest coast releasing 70,000 tons of fuel and damaging biota in the area. Despite efforts to clean the damaged areas, fuel remnants have affected marine species over the last nine years. This study is focused on two flatfish, Lepidorhombus boscii (four-spotted megrim) and L. whiffiagonis (megrim), whose spawning areas are located at the edge of the continental platform. We have analyzed megrim samples from North Spanish and French waters obtained before and after the oil spill. Genotypes at the nuclear marker 5S rDNA indicate a significant increase in interspecific hybridization after the Prestige accident, likely due to forced spawning overlap. The mitochondrial D-Loop region was employed for determining the direction of hybrid crosses, which were most frequently L. boscii female x L. whiffiagonis male. Reduced ability of L. boscii females to select conspecific mates would explain such asymmetric hybridization. To our knowledge this is the first time that increased hybridization between fish species can be associated to an oil spill. These results illustrate the potential long-term effect of petrol wastes on wild fish species

    EducaFarma 11.0

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    Memoria ID2022-036. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2022-2023

    Educafarma 10.0

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    Memoria ID-030. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2021-2022