525 research outputs found

    A Comment on "The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization" - the Case for Interstellar Space Probes

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    Following on from ideas presented in a recent paper by Schneider et al. (2010) on "The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization", I argue that they have exaggerated the technical obstacles to performing such 'direct characterization' by means of fast (order 0.1c) interstellar space probes. A brief summary of rapid interstellar spaceflight concepts that may be found in the literature is presented. I argue that the presence of interstellar dust grains, while certainly something which will need to be allowed for in interstellar vehicle design, is unlikely to be the kind of 'show stopper' suggested by Schneider et al. Astrobiology as a discipline would be a major beneficiary of developing an interstellar spaceflight capability, albeit in the longer term, and I argue that astrobiologists should keep an open mind to the possibilities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrobiolog

    Psyllidae of Molokai

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    Retrospective Reports of Childhood Trauma in Adults with ADHD

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    Although studies have documented higher prevalence of abuse in children with ADHD, no studies have investigated childhood reports of abuse in individuals identified withADHDin adulthood. Method: FortyADHDwomen, 17ADHD males, 17 female controls, and 40 male controls complete the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and other measures of psychosocial functioning. Results: Emotional abuse and neglect are more common among men and women with ADHD as compared to controls. Sexual abuse and physical neglect are more commonly reported by females with ADHD. Although childhood abuse is significantly correlated with depression and anxiety in adulthood, having ADHD is a better predictor of poorer psychosocial functioning in adulthood. Conclusion: Clinicians are alerted that patients with ADHD symptoms have a high probability of childhood abuse

    Actinomycetes, promising tools to control plant diseases and to promote plant growth

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    Les actinomycètes représentent une grande proportion de la biomasse microbienne du sol et ont la capacité de produire une large variété d’antibiotiques et d’enzymes extracellulaires. Plusieurs souches d’actinomycètes s’avèrent capables de protéger les plantes contre des maladies. Cette revue se penche sur le potentiel des actinomycètes comme (a) source de composés agronomiques, (b) agents stimulant la croissance des plantes et (c) agents de lutte biologique. La revue donne aussi des exemples de lutte biologique contre les agents phytopathogènes bactériens et fongiques par l’utilisation d’espèces d’actinomycetes déjà disponibles sur le marché ou qui le seront probablement au cours des prochaines années.Actinomycetes represent a high proportion of the soil microbial biomass and have the capacity to produce a wide variety of antibiotics and of extracellular enzymes. Several strains of actinomycetes have been found to protect plants against plant diseases. This review focuses on the potential of actinomycetes as (a) source of agroactive compounds, (b) plant growth promoting organisms, and (c) biocontrol tools of plant diseases. This review also addresses examples of biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens by actinomycetes species which have already reached the market or are likely to be exploited commercially within the next few years

    Search for the hero: an investigation into the sports heroes of British sports fans

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    This is an initial study into British sports fans’ heroes. A questionnaire was sent to 95 students (average age ¼ 19.75) to identify their sporting hero, the hero’s sport and nationality and the reasons for this choice. Football was the most common source of sports heroes, identified by 49% of participants with a sporting hero. The majority (60%, N ¼ 48) of heroes chosen by participants were British, with David Beckham the most popular choice. Differences were observed between the gender of participants, gender of hero chosen and the reasons for choosing the hero. The most common reason for selecting a hero was a personal trait rather than skill, while in the questionnaire a category of Local Affiliation was added to those suggested by previous work. It was concluded that to become a hero athletes should combine skill with devotion to family, charity work and a place in popular culture

    Translating solid state organic synthesis from a mixer mill to a continuous twin screw extruder

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    YesA study on the translation of a solid-state synthetic reaction from a mechanochemical mixer-mill to a continuous twin-screw extruder is discussed herein. The study highlights some considerations to be made and parameters to be tested in the context of a model fluorination reaction, which is the first organic fluorination to be attempted using extrusion. Upon optimization, which features the first use of grinding auxiliary solids to enable effective synthetic extrusion, the difluorination reaction was successfully translated to the extruder, leading to a 100-fold improvement in Space Time Yield (STY); 29 kg m−3 day−1 in a mixer mill to 3395 kg m−3 day−1 in a twin screw extruder.D. L. B is grateful to the EPSRC for a First Grant (D. L. B. EP/P002951/1), CRD for a studentship award to J. L. H., Queen’s University Belfast for a Visiting Research Fellowship and the School of Chemistry at Cardiff University for generous support. S. L. J. is grateful to EPSRC for support (EP/L019655/1)

    Genetic Homogeneity of the Invasive Lionfish Across the Northwestern Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico Based On Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

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    Despite the devastating impact of the lionfish (Pterois volitans) invasion on NW Atlantic ecosystems, little genetic information about the invasion process is available. We applied Genotyping by Sequencing techniques to identify 1,220 single nucleotide polymorphic sites (SNPs) from 162 lionfish samples collected between 2013 and 2015 from two areas chronologically identified as the first and last invaded areas in US waters: the east coast of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. We used population genomic analyses, including phylogenetic reconstruction, Bayesian clustering, genetic distances, Discriminant Analyses of Principal Components, and coalescence simulations for detection of outlier SNPs, to understand genetic trends relevant to the lionfish’s long-term persistence. We found no significant differences in genetic structure or diversity between the two areas (FST p-values \u3e 0.01, and t-test p-values \u3e 0.05). In fact, our genomic analyses showed genetic homogeneity, with enough gene flow between the east coast of Florida and Gulf of Mexico to erase previous signals of genetic divergence detected between these areas, secondary spreading, and bottlenecks in the Gulf of Mexico. These findings suggest rapid genetic changes over space and time during the invasion, resulting in one panmictic population with no signs of divergence between areas due to local adaptation

    Women, anger, and aggression an interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    This study reports a qualitative phenomenological investigation of anger and anger-related aggression in the context of the lives of individual women. Semistructured interviews with five women are analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. This inductive approach aims to capture the richness and complexity of the lived experience of emotional life. In particular, it draws attention to the context-dependent and relational dimension of angry feelings and aggressive behavior. Three analytic themes are presented here: the subjective experience of anger, which includes the perceptual confusion and bodily change felt by the women when angry, crying, and the presence of multiple emotions; the forms and contexts of aggression, paying particular attention to the range of aggressive strategies used; and anger as moral judgment, in particular perceptions of injustice and unfairness. The authors conclude by examining the analytic observations in light of phenomenological thinking

    Thermodynamics and Universality for Mean Field Quantum Spin Glasses

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    We study aspects of the thermodynamics of quantum versions of spin glasses. By means of the Lie-Trotter formula for exponential sums of operators, we adapt methods used to analyze classical spin glass models to answer analogous questions about quantum models.Comment: 17 page