110 research outputs found

    Jupiter's polar ionospheric flows: measured intensity and velocity variations poleward of the main auroral oval

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    Recent analysis of high-resolution spectra of Doppler-shifted H3+ emission from the auroral/polar regions of Jupiter revealed a complex wind system, with a persistent auroral electrojet and strong anti-sunward flows in a region of lesser intensity centred around the magnetic pole [ Stallard et al., 2001 ]. This region, which we have called the Dark Polar Region (DPR), is re-investigated, transforming the observed line-of-sight velocities into a frame of reference fixed with respect to the magnetic pole. The DPR is shown to include a region essentially stagnant in this frame of reference (the f-DPR). We identify it as a region coupled to open magnetotail field lines. There is also a transition region in which the ion velocity returns to corotation (the r-DPR)

    Saturn’s northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We discuss the features of Saturn’s northern FUV auroras as observed during a program of Hubble Space Telescope observations which executed over 2011-2013 and culminated, along with Cassini observations, in a comprehensive multi-spectral observing campaign. Our 2011-2013 observations of the northern aurora are also compared with those from our 2007-2008 observation of the southern aurora. We show that the variety of morphologies of the northern auroras is broadly consistent with the southern, and determine the statistical equatorward and poleward boundary locations. We find that our boundaries are overall consistent with previous observations, although a modest poleward displacement of the poleward boundaries is due to the increased prevalence of poleward auroral patches in the noon and afternoon sectors during this program, likely due to the solar wind interaction. We also show that the northern auroral oval oscillates with the northern planetary period oscillation (PPO) phase in an elongated ellipse with semi-major axis ∼1.6°1.6° oriented along the post-dawn/post-dusk direction. We further show that the northern auroras exhibit dawn-side brightenings at zero northern magnetic PPO phase, although there is mixed evidence of auroral emissions fixed in the rotating frame of the northern PPO current system, such that overall the dependence of the auroras on northern magnetic phase is somewhat weak

    On the character and distribution of lower-frequency radio emissions at Saturn and their relationship to substorm-like events

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    With the arrival of the Cassini spacecraft at Saturn in July 2004, there have been quasi-continuous observations of Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR) emissions. Exploration of the nightside magnetosphere has revealed evidence of plasmoid-like magnetic structures and other phenomena indicative of the Kronian equivalent of terrestrial substorms. In general, there is a good correlation between the timing of reconnection events and enhancements in the auroral SKR emission. Eight of nine reconnection events studied occur at SKR phases where the SKR power would be expected to be rising with time. Thus, while the recurrence rate of substorm-like events at Saturn is likely much longer than the planetary rotation timescale, the events are favored to occur at a particular phase of the rotation. We show three examples in each of which the SKR spectrum extends to lower frequencies than usual. This can be interpreted as an expansion of the auroral particle acceleration region to higher altitudes along magnetic field lines as a direct consequence of an increase in the magnetosphere-ionosphere current density driven by substorm-like events. We then conduct a survey of such low-frequency extensions during the equatorial orbits of 2005-2006 and place some constraints on visibility of these radio emissions

    Cassini nightside observations of the oscillatory motion of Saturn's northern auroral oval

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    In recent years we have benefitted greatly from the first in-orbit multi-wavelength images of Saturn's polar atmosphere from the Cassini spacecraft. Specifically, images obtained from the Cassini UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) provide an excellent view of the planet's auroral emissions, which in turn give an account of the large-scale magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling and dynamics within the system. However, obtaining near-simultaneous views of the auroral regions with in situ measurements of magnetic field and plasma populations at high latitudes is more difficult to routinely achieve. Here we present an unusual case, during Revolution 99 in January 2009, where UVIS observes the entire northern UV auroral oval during a 2 h interval while Cassini traverses the magnetic flux tubes connecting to the auroral regions near 21 LT, sampling the related magnetic field, particle, and radio and plasma wave signatures. The motion of the auroral oval evident from the UVIS images requires a careful interpretation of the associated latitudinally “oscillating” magnetic field and auroral field-aligned current signatures, whereas previous interpretations have assumed a static current system. Concurrent observations of the auroral hiss (typically generated in regions of downward directed field-aligned current) support this revised interpretation of an oscillating current system. The nature of the motion of the auroral oval evident in the UVIS image sequence, and the simultaneous measured motion of the field-aligned currents (and related plasma boundary) in this interval, is shown to be related to the northern hemisphere magnetosphere oscillation phase. This is in agreement with previous observations of the auroral oval oscillatory motion

    Universal trapping scaling on the unstable manifold for a collisionless electrostatic mode

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    An amplitude equation for an unstable mode in a collisionless plasma is derived from the dynamics on the two-dimensional unstable manifold of the equilibrium. The mode amplitude ρ(t)\rho(t) decouples from the phase due to the spatial homogeneity of the equilibrium, and the resulting one-dimensional dynamics is analyzed using an expansion in ρ\rho. As the linear growth rate γ\gamma vanishes, the expansion coefficients diverge; a rescaling ρ(t)γ2r(γt)\rho(t)\equiv\gamma^2\,r(\gamma t) of the mode amplitude absorbs these singularities and reveals that the mode electric field exhibits trapping scaling E1γ2|E_1|\sim\gamma^2 as γ0\gamma\rightarrow0. The dynamics for r(τ)r(\tau) depends only on the phase eiξe^{i\xi} where dϵk/dz=ϵkeiξ/2d\epsilon_{{k}} /dz=|{\epsilon_{{k}}}|e^{-i\xi/2} is the derivative of the dielectric as γ0\gamma\rightarrow0.Comment: 11 pages (Latex/RevTex), 2 figures available in hard copy from the Author ([email protected]); paper accepted by Physical Review Letter

    The morphology of Saturn's aurorae observed during the Cassini Grand Finale

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    Cassini's mission exploring the Saturn system ended with the Grand Finale, a series of orbits bringing the spacecraft closer to the planet than ever before and providing unique opportunities for observations of the ultraviolet aurorae. This study presents a selection of high‐resolution imagery showing the aurorae's small‐scale structure in unprecedented detail. We find the main arc to vary between a smooth and a rippled structure, likely indicating quiet and disturbed magnetospheric conditions, respectively. It is usually accompanied by a diffuse and dim outer emission on its equatorward side which appears to be driven by wave‐scattering of hot electrons from the inner ring current into the loss cone. The dusk side is characterized by highly dynamic structures which may be signatures of radial plasma injections. This image set will be the only high‐resolution data for the foreseeable future and hence forms an important basis for future auroral research on Saturn

    Cassini multi-instrument assessment of Saturn's polar cap boundary

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    We present the first systematic investigation of the polar cap boundary in Saturn's high-latitude magnetosphere through a multi-instrument assessment of various Cassini in situ data sets gathered between 2006 and 2009. We identify 48 polar cap crossings where the polar cap boundary can be clearly observed in the step in upper cutoff of auroral hiss emissions from the plasma wave data, a sudden increase in electron density, an anisotropy of energetic electrons along the magnetic field, and an increase in incidence of higher-energy electrons from the low-energy electron spectrometer measurements as we move equatorward from the pole. We determine the average level of coincidence of the polar cap boundary identified in the various in situ data sets to be 0.34° ± 0.05° colatitude. The average location of the boundary in the southern (northern) hemisphere is found to be at 15.6° (13.3°) colatitude. In both hemispheres we identify a consistent equatorward offset between the poleward edge of the auroral upward directed field-aligned current region of ~1.5–1.8° colatitude to the corresponding polar cap boundary. We identify atypical observations in the boundary region, including observations of approximately hourly periodicities in the auroral hiss emissions close to the pole. We suggest that the position of the southern polar cap boundary is somewhat ordered by the southern planetary period oscillation phase but that it cannot account for the boundary's full latitudinal variability. We find no clear evidence of any ordering of the northern polar cap boundary location with the northern planetary period magnetic field oscillation phase

    Modeling magnetospheric fields in the Jupiter system

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    The various processes which generate magnetic fields within the Jupiter system are exemplary for a large class of similar processes occurring at other planets in the solar system, but also around extrasolar planets. Jupiter's large internal dynamo magnetic field generates a gigantic magnetosphere, which is strongly rotational driven and possesses large plasma sources located deeply within the magnetosphere. The combination of the latter two effects is the primary reason for Jupiter's main auroral ovals. Jupiter's moon Ganymede is the only known moon with an intrinsic dynamo magnetic field, which generates a mini-magnetosphere located within Jupiter's larger magnetosphere including two auroral ovals. Ganymede's magnetosphere is qualitatively different compared to the one from Jupiter. It possesses no bow shock but develops Alfv\'en wings similar to most of the extrasolar planets which orbit their host stars within 0.1 AU. New numerical models of Jupiter's and Ganymede's magnetospheres presented here provide quantitative insight into the processes that maintain these magnetospheres. Jupiter's magnetospheric field is approximately time-periodic at the locations of Jupiter's moons and induces secondary magnetic fields in electrically conductive layers such as subsurface oceans. In the case of Ganymede, these secondary magnetic fields influence the oscillation of the location of its auroral ovals. Based on dedicated Hubble Space Telescope observations, an analysis of the amplitudes of the auroral oscillations provides evidence that Ganymede harbors a subsurface ocean. Callisto in contrast does not possess a mini-magnetosphere, but still shows a perturbed magnetic field environment. Callisto's ionosphere and atmospheric UV emission is different compared to the other Galilean satellites as it is primarily been generated by solar photons compared to magnetospheric electrons.Comment: Chapter for Book: Planetary Magnetis

    Jovian Magnetospheric Injections Observed by the Hubble Space Telescope and Juno

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    peer reviewedWe compare Hubble Space Telescope observations of Jupiter's FUV auroras with contemporaneous conjugate Juno in situ observations in the equatorial middle magnetosphere of Jupiter. We show that bright patches on and equatorward of the main emission are associated with hot plasma injections driven by ongoing active magnetospheric convection. During the interval that Juno crossed the magnetic field lines threading the complex of auroral patches, a series of energetic particle injection signatures were observed, and immediately prior, the plasma data exhibited flux tube interchange events indicating ongoing convection. This presents the first direct evidence that auroral morphology previously termed “strong injections” is indeed a manifestation of magnetospheric injections, and that this morphology indicates that Jupiter's magnetosphere is undergoing an interval of active iogenic plasma outflow

    The Scientific Foundations of Forecasting Magnetospheric Space Weather

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    The magnetosphere is the lens through which solar space weather phenomena are focused and directed towards the Earth. In particular, the non-linear interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field leads to the formation of highly inhomogenous electrical currents in the ionosphere which can ultimately result in damage to and problems with the operation of power distribution networks. Since electric power is the fundamental cornerstone of modern life, the interruption of power is the primary pathway by which space weather has impact on human activity and technology. Consequently, in the context of space weather, it is the ability to predict geomagnetic activity that is of key importance. This is usually stated in terms of geomagnetic storms, but we argue that in fact it is the substorm phenomenon which contains the crucial physics, and therefore prediction of substorm occurrence, severity and duration, either within the context of a longer-lasting geomagnetic storm, but potentially also as an isolated event, is of critical importance. Here we review the physics of the magnetosphere in the frame of space weather forecasting, focusing on recent results, current understanding, and an assessment of probable future developments.Peer reviewe