19 research outputs found

    Processo de recrutamento e seleção na Eurofims Trabalho Temporário

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    As pessoas são, cada vez mais, consideradas como o recurso mais valioso das organizações. A gestão estratégica de pessoas revela ser o ponto de distinção entre as organizações. É imprescindível que as empresas formem boas práticas de recrutamento e seleção, no sentido de potenciar os seus ativos. A modalidade de trabalho temporário, tem vindo a crescer no mundo das organizações, na medida em que permite o foco nas práticas de recrutamento e seleção personalizado e adaptado às necessidades concretas, não só da empresa utilizadora, como também das pessoas que procuram ofertas do mercado de trabalho. No âmbito do Mestrado de Gestão de Recursos Humanos do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra, apresenta-se este relatório que, pretende dar a conhecer o estágio curricular desenvolvido na área temática de Recrutamento e Seleção de colaboradores. Revelou grande pertinência para a empresa acolhedora, na medida em que foram desenvolvidas diversas atividades na área incidente do estágio. Resultou deste projeto, a possibilidade de entrada no mercado de trabalho sob a forma de integração na Empresa Eurofirms – Trabalho Temporário, que foi de imediato aceite. Neste prisma, é de salientar o estágio curricular, como uma vertente importantíssima do Mestrado, já que gera oportunidades e desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional

    Network for integrating virtual mobility and european qualifications framework in higher education and continuing education institutions : the virtual project

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    The main objectives of VIRQUAL are to help educational and training institutions to (a) achieve Virtual Mobility, and (b) guarantee EQF implementation through eLearning. VIRQUAL promotes cooperation and joint work among partner organisations and links with related initiatives. Since summer 2010 the consortium has concentrated in three tasks including the preparation of webinars that will take place in during 2011.Task 1: eLearnig and EQF: a comprehensive analysis of the EQF implementation in Europe compiling 32 country reports on EQF/NQF implementation, at levels 5 to 8 has been collected. Additionally, the situation of e-learning in what concerns legislation and practice in each of the 32 countries was also reported. The analysis of the information pack will allow access to updated information on EQF, recognition of competences and e-learning legislation by country as a consulting instrument.Task 2: Three webinars, each one with one expert invited speaker on the general theme of e-learning and EQF followed by an online discussion with the participants and with the participation in other dissemination events.Task 3: How can we support teachers and curriculum developers defining, writing, or choosing high quality learning outcomes? How can we contribute to a global architecture of learning outcomes/competences? What is a useful classification system for learning 0utcomes/competences? The means to answer these questions is a web-based data base, the ILO repositorywww.learning-outcomes.net. One of the fundaments of its data structure is the classification of learning outcomes according to EQF which distinguishes knowledge, skills and competences

    The genetic susceptibility linking preterm birth and periodontal disease : a review

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A trilogia atribuições causais, concepções pessoais de inteligência e mensagens de feedback: um contributo para a compreensão do fracasso escolar

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    É nosso objetivo estudar a relação existente entre atribuições causais, concepções pessoais de inteligência e percepções dos alunos relativamente às mensagens de feedback veiculadas por pais e professores, em situações de fracasso escolar. A nossa amostra é constituída por 520 alunos, entre os 5º e 12º anos de escolaridade, provenientes de 6 distritos de Portugal. Verificamos que existe uma ligação entre sujeitos que fazem atribuições causais para o fracasso escolar à capacidade e competência e concepções pessoais de inteligência mais estáticas, assim como a percepção generalizada de menos feedback. Por outro lado, alunos que fazem atribuições causais do fracasso ao esforço, à ajuda ou interferência de outros ou a aspectos sociais/estruturais/familiares parecem receber mais feedback centrado nos processos e pouco feedback centrado nos traços. Aqueles que fazem atribuições causais do fracasso escolar a causas afetivas ou a aspectos relativos à pessoa parecem receber mais feedback, quer centrado nos traços, quer centrado nos processos, e possuir concepções pessoais de inteligência indiferenciadas. Finalmente, alunos que fazem atribuições causais à sorte ou à dificuldade da tarefa apresentam concepções pessoais de inteligência mais dinâmicas e percebem feedback mais centrado nos processos

    Influence of individual and contextual characteristics on the weight of newborn (from immigrant and Portuguese mothers) in Lisbon Metropolitan Area

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    RESUMO - Objetivo: Avaliar a influência dos fatores biológicos, socioeconómicos e comportamentais no peso dos recém-nascidos (RN), considerando RN de mães imigrantes (MI) e mães portuguesas (MP). Método: Wilcox e Russel e modelos de regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: Observaram-se pesos mais baixos em RN do sexo feminino, idades gestacionais inferiores, mães adolescentes, não casadas ou em união de facto, escolaridade ≤ 12 anos, trabalhadoras manuais, residentes em «barracas», consumidoras de tabaco (MP), consumidoras de álcool (MI), paridade = 1, partos por cesariana (MI) ou eutócicos (MP) e não diabéticas. Conclusão: A distribuição residual de prematuridade revela maior vulnerabilidade nos RN de MI.ABSTRACT - Aim: Assess the influence of biological, socioeconomic and behavioural factors on the weight of newborn (NB) infants born from immigrant and Portuguese mothers (IM and PM respectively). Methods: Wilcox and Russell and multiple linear regression models. Results: Lower birthweights in NBs that were female and of lower gestational age, and whose mothers were adolescent, unmarried or in de facto marriages, had ≤ 12 years schooling, manual workers, lived in shanties, consumed tobacco (PM), consumed alcohol (IM), parity = 1, had Caesarian (IM) or normal (PM) deliveries and were not diabetic. Conclusion: Residual distribution of prematurity shows higher vulnerability in babies born from IM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time to Switch to Second-line Antiretroviral Therapy in Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Europe and Thailand.

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    Background: Data on durability of first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) in children with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are limited. We assessed time to switch to second-line therapy in 16 European countries and Thailand. Methods: Children aged <18 years initiating combination ART (≥2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors [NRTIs] plus nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor [NNRTI] or boosted protease inhibitor [PI]) were included. Switch to second-line was defined as (i) change across drug class (PI to NNRTI or vice versa) or within PI class plus change of ≥1 NRTI; (ii) change from single to dual PI; or (iii) addition of a new drug class. Cumulative incidence of switch was calculated with death and loss to follow-up as competing risks. Results: Of 3668 children included, median age at ART initiation was 6.1 (interquartile range (IQR), 1.7-10.5) years. Initial regimens were 32% PI based, 34% nevirapine (NVP) based, and 33% efavirenz based. Median duration of follow-up was 5.4 (IQR, 2.9-8.3) years. Cumulative incidence of switch at 5 years was 21% (95% confidence interval, 20%-23%), with significant regional variations. Median time to switch was 30 (IQR, 16-58) months; two-thirds of switches were related to treatment failure. In multivariable analysis, older age, severe immunosuppression and higher viral load (VL) at ART start, and NVP-based initial regimens were associated with increased risk of switch. Conclusions: One in 5 children switched to a second-line regimen by 5 years of ART, with two-thirds failure related. Advanced HIV, older age, and NVP-based regimens were associated with increased risk of switch

    An investigation into the effectiveness of communication strategies and educational practices as a marketing tool to improve construction sector’s image among Generation Z

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    Within the degree of master, follows a consulting project, made for the multinational Teixeira Duarte, S.A, which has been struggling along with every company in the sector, with the lack of vocational manpower. Therefore, it is working together with other multinationals in the sector, under the project of PTPC of rebranding the construction sector. With the aim of bringing attractiveness into construction, in order to attract Generation Z and its advisors, the main goals are to collect target’s knowledge and perceptions towards construction, to identify the most valuable factors at work among the target, to determine which variables need to be enhanced to the target and to identify the most suitable communication strategy and educational practices among the target. For that purpose, a focus group and an online survey, whose results were analyzed by a factor analysis and a cluster analysis, were conducted, offering as main recommendations: the implementation of specialized courses with internships and well-known sponsorships; the communication of a sector where it is possible to build a career and to get a higher salary to the younger generations; the communication of some assurances to the older generation, concerned about stability; the use of communication techniques to improve constructions’ image

    Revista de psicología y educación

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    Título, resumen, palabras clave en español e inglesResumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presenta una revisión de la literatura con respecto a la evaluación de la lectura en niños de edad escolar. Se identifica como elementos a tener en cuenta en la evaluación de la lectura, además del reconocimiento de palabras o acceso al léxico (que incluye la velocidad y la precisión de la lectura) y de la comprensión o procesamiento semántico, otros procesos cognitivos implicados en la lectura, tales como la conciencia fonológica, la percepción del habla, el conocimiento alfabético, la velocidad de procesamiento, procesamiento morfológico, procesamiento sintáctico, procesamiento ortográfico y memoria de trabajo. Por último, se presentan y analizan críticamente (en su contenido y aspectos psicométricos) instrumentos de evaluación de la lectura que consideran múltiples procesos cognitivos asociados a la lectura, en niños en edad escolar, en Portugal, llegando a la conclusión de que hay una falta de instrumentos completos y válidos disponibles.ES

    E-Learning : Proposta dum método de avaliação de Learning Objects

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tecnologia Multimédia, na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Alfredo Soeir

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma with relapses in the lacrimal glands

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    Objective: To report an unusual case of systemic non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) with repeated relapse in the lacrimal glands, in spite of complete remission for several years after treatment.Methods: A 78-year-old male with small lymphocytic B cell NHL, stage IV disease (lung invasion), was submitted to surgery and chemotherapy in 2001, with complete remission of the disease. In 2003 he developed a nodular lesion in the right lacrimal fossa. Pathology results revealed a local relapse of NHL. Radiation and chemotherapy were initiated and complete remission was again achieved. In 2012 the patient developed a new nodular lesion located in the left lacrimal fossa, resulting in diplopia, ptosis and proptosis of the left eye. Orbital computerized tomography (CT), ocular ultrasound and incisional biopsy were performed.Results: Orbital CT revealed a lesion infiltrating the left lacrimal gland and encircling the globe. Biopsy results confirmed a local relapse of B cell NHL. The patient was submitted to local radiation therapy with progressive resolution of ptosis, proptosis and diplopia. Response to treatment was monitored with ocular ultrasound. Conclusions: Patients with NHL diagnosis should be immediately investigated if ophthalmic or orbital symptoms develop. NHL extension to the orbit and adnexa is infrequent (5% of NHL cases) but may occur at any stage of the disease, including as a relapse site. In such cases, radiation and chemotherapy achieve good results, inducing long periods of remission