20 research outputs found

    HilE regulates HilD by blocking DNA binding in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

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    ABSTRACT The Salmonella type three secretion system (T3SS), encoded in the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI1) locus, mediates the invasion of the host intestinal epithelium. SPI1 expression is dependent upon three AraC-like regulators: HilD, HilC, and RtsA. These regulators act in a complex feed-forward loop to activate each other and hilA , which encodes the activator of the T3SS structural genes. HilD has been shown to be the major integration point of most signals known to activate the expression of the SPI1 T3SS, acting as a switch to control induction of the system. HilE is a negative regulator that acts upon HilD. Here we provide genetic and biochemical data showing that HilE specifically binds to HilD but not to HilC or RtsA. This protein-protein interaction blocks the ability of HilD to bind DNA as shown by both an in vivo reporter system and an in vitro gel shift assay. HilE does not affect HilD dimerization, nor does it control the stability of the HilD protein. We also investigated the role of HilE during the infection of mice using competition assays. Although deletion of hilE does not confer a phenotype, the hilE mutation does suppress the invasion defect conferred by loss of FliZ, which acts as a positive signal controlling HilD protein activity. Together, these data suggest that HilE functions to restrict low-level HilD activity, preventing premature activation of SPI1 until positive inputs reach a threshold required to fully induce the system. IMPORTANCE Salmonella is a leading cause of gastrointestinal and systemic disease throughout the world. The SPI1 T3SS is required for Salmonella to induce inflammatory diarrhea and to gain access to underlying tissue. A complex regulatory network controls expression of SPI1 in response to numerous physiological inputs. Most of these signals impinge primarily on HilD translation or activity. The system is triggered when HilD activity crosses a threshold that allows efficient activation of its own promoter. This threshold is set by HilE, which binds to HilD to prevent the inevitable minor fluctuations in HilD activity from inappropriately activating the system. The circuit also serves as a paradigm for systems that must integrate numerous environmental parameters to control regulatory output. </jats:p

    Breast cancer risk, worry, and anxiety: Effect on patient perceptions of false-positive screening results

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    OBJECTIVE: The impact of mammography screening recall on quality-of-life (QOL) has been studied in women at average risk for breast cancer, but it is unknown whether these effects differ by breast cancer risk level. We used a vignette-based survey to evaluate how women across the spectrum of breast cancer risk perceive the experience of screening recall. METHODS: Women participating in mammography or breast MRI screening were recruited to complete a vignette-based survey. Using a numerical rating scale (0-100), women rated QOL for hypothetical scenarios of screening recall, both before and after benign results were known. Lifetime breast cancer risk was calculated using Gail and BRCAPRO risk models. Risk perception, trait anxiety, and breast cancer worry were assessed using validated instruments. RESULTS: The final study cohort included 162 women at low (n = 43, 26%), intermediate (n = 66, 41%), and high-risk (n = 53, 33%). Actual breast cancer risk was not a predictor of QOL for any of the presented scenarios. Across all risk levels, QOL ratings were significantly lower for the period during diagnostic uncertainty compared to after benign results were known (p \u3c 0.05). In multivariable regression analyses, breast cancer worry was a significant predictor of decreased QoL for all screening scenarios while awaiting results, including scenarios with non-invasive imaging alone or with biopsy. High trait anxiety and family history predicted lower QOL scores after receipt of benign test results (p \u3c 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Women with high trait anxiety and family history may particularly benefit from discussions about the risk of recall when choosing a screening regimen

    Simulation modeling for stratified breast cancer screening : a systematic review of cost and quality of life assumptions

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    BACKGROUND: The economic evaluation of stratified breast cancer screening gains momentum, but produces also very diverse results. Systematic reviews so far focused on modeling techniques and epidemiologic assumptions. However, cost and utility parameters received only little attention. This systematic review assesses simulation models for stratified breast cancer screening based on their cost and utility parameters in each phase of breast cancer screening and care. METHODS: A literature review was conducted to compare economic evaluations with simulation models of personalized breast cancer screening. Study quality was assessed using reporting guidelines. Cost and utility inputs were extracted, standardized and structured using a care delivery framework. Studies were then clustered according to their study aim and parameters were compared within the clusters. RESULTS: Eighteen studies were identified within three study clusters. Reporting quality was very diverse in all three clusters. Only two studies in cluster 1, four studies in cluster 2 and one study in cluster 3 scored high in the quality appraisal. In addition to the quality appraisal, this review assessed if the simulation models were consistent in integrating all relevant phases of care, if utility parameters were consistent and methodological sound and if cost were compatible and consistent in the actual parameters used for screening, diagnostic work up and treatment. Of 18 studies, only three studies did not show signs of potential bias. CONCLUSION: This systematic review shows that a closer look into the cost and utility parameter can help to identify potential bias. Future simulation models should focus on integrating all relevant phases of care, using methodologically sound utility parameters and avoiding inconsistent cost parameters

    Intestinal Long-Chain Fatty Acids Act as a Direct Signal To Modulate Expression of the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 Type III Secretion System

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium uses the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI1) type III secretion system (T3SS) to induce inflammatory diarrhea and bacterial uptake into intestinal epithelial cells. The expression of hilA, encoding the transcriptional activator of the T3SS structural genes, is directly controlled by three AraC-like regulators, HilD, HilC, and RtsA, each of which can activate hilD, hilC, rtsA, and hilA genes, forming a complex feed-forward regulatory loop. Expression of the SPI1 genes is tightly controlled by numerous regulatory inputs to ensure proper timing in production of the T3SS apparatus. Loss of FadD, an acyl coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) synthetase required for degradation of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), was known to decrease hilA expression. We show that free external LCFAs repress expression of hilA independently of FadD and the LCFA degradation pathway. Genetic and biochemical evidence suggests that LCFAs act directly to block primarily HilD activity. Further analyses show that in the absence of FadD, hilA expression is downregulated due to endogenous production of free LCFAs, which are excreted into the culture medium via TolC and then transported back into the bacterial cell via FadL. A fadL mutant is more virulent than the wild-type strain in mouse oral competition assays independently of LCFA degradation, showing that, in the host, dietary LCFAs serve as a signal for proper regulation of SPI1 expression, rather than an energy source

    FliZ Regulates Expression of the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 Invasion Locus by Controlling HilD Protein Activity in Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium ▿ †

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    A prerequisite for Salmonella enterica to cause both intestinal and systemic disease is the direct injection of effector proteins into host intestinal epithelial cells via a type three secretion system (T3SS); the T3SS genes are carried on Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI1). These effector proteins induce inflammatory diarrhea and bacterial invasion. Expression of the SPI1 T3SS is tightly regulated in response to environmental signals through a variety of global regulatory systems. We have previously shown that three AraC-like regulators, HilD, HilC, and RtsA, act in a complex feed-forward regulatory loop to control the expression of the hilA gene, which encodes the direct regulator of the SPI1 structural genes. In this work, we characterize a major positive regulator of this system, the flagellar protein FliZ. Through genetic and biochemical analyses, we show that FliZ posttranslationally controls HilD to positively regulate hilA expression. This mechanism is independent of other flagellar components and is not mediated through the negative regulator HilE or through FliZ-mediated RpoS regulation. We demonstrate that FliZ controls HilD protein activity and not stability. FliZ regulates HilD in the absence of Lon protease, previously shown to degrade HilD. Indeed, it appears that FliZ, rather than HilD, is the most relevant target of Lon as it relates to SPI1 expression. Mutants lacking FliZ are significantly attenuated in their ability to colonize the intestine but are unaffected during systemic infection. The intestinal attenuation is partially dependent on SPI1, but FliZ has additional pleiotropic effects