206 research outputs found

    Psychometric Properties of the 'Alcohol Consumption Consequences Evaluation' (ACCE) Scale for Young Spanish University Students

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    Instruments that evaluate alcohol use consequences among young people do not consider the intensive alcohol consumption pattern that is so characteristic during these ages. Some of these instruments are even ineffective in the Spanish population. Hence the interest in developing an instrument more adapted to the reality of our young people. A total of 601 university students (35.9% male and 64.1% female) from 18 to 20 years old were recruited. All of them answered a total of 77 items obtained from the review of both the scientific literature and the different scales used to measure consequences derived from alcohol consumption. In addition, they completed the AUDIT and the Timeline Followback for self-reported consumption. The data were analyzed using factor analysis and a two-parameter logistic model. ROC curve analysis was used to establish cut-off points for different risk levels of alcohol consumption distinguishing between genders. The final 43-item scale Alcohol Consumption Consequences Evaluation (ACCE) (Evaluación de Consecuencias derivadas del Consumo de Alcohol [ECCA]) shows adequate psychometric properties: α = 0.94; unidimensionality through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) (26.25% of explained variance) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (RMSEA = 0.39; TLI and CFI > 0.90). In addition, ROC analyses, both at a global scale and distinguishing between genders, were able to characterize consumers with different levels of risk, obtaining areas under the curve between 0.82 and 0.88. A scale has been obtained that enables the establishment of cut-off points to distinguish between the consequences of low, moderate and high risk alcohol consumption. The clinical utility of the ACCE is highlighted by using one single instrument to perform the screening of a possible alcohol risk consumption as well as identifying the consequences that need to be worked on in the evaluated person's or group's intervention

    Análisis de variables comunicativas en escenarios clínicos simulados con pacientes críticos

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción y Objetivos: El gran avance en el mundo virtual ha proporcionado nuevas metodologías como la simulación clínica que hacen posible el entrenamiento y evaluación tanto de habilidades técnicas como de actitudes, éstas últimas incluidas en los nuevos modelos educativos para formar unos buenos profesionales. Enfermería pasa gran parte de su tiempo con el paciente y deben ser capaces de proporcionar una comunicación terapéutica eficaz. Hemos elegido analizar las habilidades comunicativas de los alumnos de enfermería en escenarios clínicos simulados con pacientes críticos, donde el nivel de estrés es mayor y la comunicación más difícil, siendo a su vez ésta más demandada por parte de pacientes y familiares. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en el que analizamos las variables comunicativas de los alumnos de Grado de Enfermería en escenarios simulados del curso 2014/2015 de la UCAM. Resultados: Los 52 alumnos de nuestro estudio (28,8% hombres y 71,2% mujeres) con una media de edad de 25,87 años (DT=5,865) demostraron tener una mayor percepción de sus habilidades comunicativas a través de la escala EHC-PS que las demostradas en simulación y evaluadas por un observador externo con la escala CICAA. Los alumnos de enfermería en las estancias clínicas se encuentran expuestos a numerosos estresores, aunque en nuestro estudio el nivel de ansiedad no ha presentado una relación significativa (p>0,05) con las habilidades de comunicación. Conclusiones: En el cuidado de los pacientes críticos, la parte psicológica y emocional cobra una mayor importancia, y tal como sugieren nuestros resultados y coincidiendo con numerosos autores, creemos necesario la implementación de programas de entrenamiento de habilidades comunicativas desde el ámbito universitario

    Social Responsibility and competitive success of firms in the Lisbon Metropolitan Region

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    Social Responsibility is considered a crucial issue to enhance a long-term competiveness in firms because it has been demonstrated the causal relationship with several strategic business variables. This paper develops a conceptual model and applies Structural Equations Modeling technique to a sample of 91 firms from the Lisbon Metropolitan Region in order to understand the link between Social Responsibility and competitive success. The model provides a simple guidance for upgrading competitive success in firms operating in Portugal. We consider this work as a starting point to develop a more accurate model for Portuguese economic reality in the near future

    Inhalable spray-dried chondroitin sulphate microparticles: effect of different solvents on particle properties and drug activity

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    Spray-drying stands as one of the most used techniques to produce inhalable microparticles, but several parameters from both the process and the used materials affect the properties of the resulting microparticles. In this work, we describe the production of drug-loaded chondroitin sulphate microparticles by spray-drying, testing the effect of using different solvents during the process. Full characterisation of the polymer and of the aerodynamic properties of the obtained microparticles are provided envisaging an application in inhalable tuberculosis therapy. The spray-dried microparticles successfully associated two first-line antitubercular drugs (isoniazid and rifabutin) with satisfactory production yield (up to 85%) and drug association efficiency (60%-95%). Ethanol and HCl were tested as co-solvents to aid the solubilisation of rifabutin and microparticles produced with the former generally revealed the best features, presenting a better ability to sustainably release rifabutin. Moreover, these presented aerodynamic properties compatible with deep lung deposition, with an aerodynamic diameter around 4 μm and fine particle fraction of approximately 44%. Finally, it was further demonstrated that the antitubercular activity of the drugs remained unchanged after encapsulation independently of the used solvent.UID/Multi/04326/2019; SFRH/BD/52426/2013; ED481B 2018/071info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utilidad del Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) en el análisis del binge drinking en estudiantes universitarios

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    Background: The increasingly precise conceptualization of Binge Drinking (BD), along with the rising incidence of this pattern of intake amongst young people, make it necessary to review the usefulness of instruments used to detect it. Little evidence exists regarding effectiveness of the AUDIT, AUDIT-C and AUDIT-3 in the detection of BD. This study evaluates their utility in a sample of university students, revealing the most appropriate cut-off points for each sex. Methods: All students self-administered the AUDIT and completed a self-report of their alcohol consumption. A Two-step cluster analysis differentiated 5 groups of BD in terms of: the quantity consumed, the frequency of BD over the past six months and gender. A ROC curve adjusted cut-off points for each case. Results: 862 university students (18-19 years-old/59.5% female), 424 (49.2%) from Valencia and 438 (50.8%) from Madrid, had cut-off points of 4 in AUDIT and 3 in AUDIT-C as a better fi t. In all cases, the best classifi er was AUDIT-C. Neither version properly classifi es students with varying degrees of BD. Conclusions: All versions differentiate BD from non-BD, but none are able to differentiate between types of BDAntecedentes: la operacionalización cada vez más precisa del Binge Drinking (BD), unido a su elevada prevalencia entre los jóvenes, hace necesario revisar la utilidad de los instrumentos utilizados para detectarlo. Existe poca evidencia de la efi cacia del AU-DIT y AUDIT-C en la detección del BD. Este artículo evalúa su utilidad en una muestra de universitarios, identifi cando los puntos de corte más adecuados, en función del sexo. Método: se cumplimentó el AUDIT y un autoregistro de consumo de alcohol. Un análisis de conglomerados en dos fases diferenció 5 grupos de BD en función de: cantidad consumida, frecuencia de realización en los últimos seis meses y género. Con curvas ROC se ajustaron los puntos de corte para cada caso. Resultados: 862 universitarios (18-19 años/59,5% mujeres), 424 (49,2%) de Valencia y 438 (50,8%) de Madrid obtuvieron puntos de corte de 4 en AUDIT y 3 en AUDIT-C como mejor ajuste. En todos los casos el mejor clasifi cador de BD fue el AUDIT-C. Ninguna versión clasifi ca adecuadamente a estudiantes con diferente intensidad de BD. Conclusiones: ambas versiones diferencian BD de noBD, pero ninguna de ellas permite distinguir entre tipos de BDThis work was supported by the Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social (Ministry for Health and Social Policy) [PND2008- 056] and [SPI/3462/2010]S

    Consumo de sustancias adictivas, tabaco, alcohol y marihuana, en los estudiantes del Norte de Portugal

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    Introduction: The consumption of addictive substances is a public health problem likely to precipitate other risk behaviours in youngsters, including physical aggression. Aim: To evaluate the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana in a student population of a city in the north of Portugal. Methods: A quantitative study, descriptive and cross-sectional. The study involved 1.066 young students, from a city in the north of Portugal, enrolled in nine high school and higher education institutions, with an average age of seventeen years. A self-administered questionnaire was applied in paper and digital format. Results: Results showed that the consumption of addictive substances began in early adolescence, that the current consumption of alcoholic beverages is high and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana is often interrelated. Conclusions: The consumption of addictive substances is influenced by individual and contextual factors affecting these research results. Thus, it is crucial to plan an intervention strategy encompassing social, educational and health policies appealing for young students’ adherence.Introdução: O consumo de substâncias aditivas é um problema de saúde pública e potencia outros comportamentos de risco, entre os quais o envolvimento em agressões físicas, nos jovens. Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo de substâncias aditivas (tabaco, álcool y marijuana) numa população estudantil de uma cidade do Norte de Portugal. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. O estudo envolveu 1.066 jovens, de uma cidade da região Norte de Portugal, que estudavam em nove instituições de ensino secundário e uma de ensino superior e idade média de 17 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário, de auto preenchimento e fornecido em suporte papel e digital. Resultados: Verificou-se que o consumo de substâncias aditivas se iniciou em idades precoces da adolescência, que o consumo atual de bebidas alcoólicas é elevado e o consumo de tabaco, álcool e marijuana se potenciam entre si. Conclusões: O consumo de substâncias aditivas tem como base fatores individuais e contextuais que influenciam os resultados desta investigação, considerando-se importante que a intervenção com jovens deve incluir uma estratégia de aproximação concertada de políticas sociais, educativas e de saúde apelativas da adesão pelos jovens estudantes.Introducción: El consumo de sustancias causantes de dependencia es un problema de salud pública y potencia otros comportamientos de riesgo, entre los cuales, la agresión física, en los jóvenes. Objetivo: Evaluar el consumo de sustancias adictivas (tabaco, alcohol y marihuana) en una población estudiantil de una ciudad del Norte de Portugal. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.066 adolescentes, de una región del norte de Portugal, que estudiaban en nueve centros de enseñanza secundaria y universitaria de esa región y con una edad media de 17 años. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario tipo test en soporte papel y digital. Resultados: Se deduce que el consumo de sustancias que causan dependencia tiene lugar a edades precoces de la adolescencia, que el consumo actual de bebidas alcohólicas se ha elevado y que el consumo de tabaco, alcohol y marihuana se potencian entre sí. Conclusiones: Como el consumo de estas sustancias tiene como base factores individuales y de contexto, y afecta a los resultados de esta investigación, se considera que la intervención con los jóvenes debe incluir una estrategia concertada de políticas sociales, educativas y de salud y que simultáneamente apelen a la adhesión de los jóvenes estudiantes

    Phenological and seismological impacts on airborne pollen types: A case study of Olea pollen in the Region of Murcia, Mediterranean Spanish climate

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    The rationale of this paper was to investigate whether earthquakes impact airborne pollen concentrations, considering some meteorological parameters. Atmospheric pollen concentrations in the Region ofMurcia Aerobiological Network (Spain)were studied in relation to the occurrence of earthquakes ofmoment magnitude (up toMw=5.1) and intensity (intensity up to grade VII on the European Macroseismic Scale). In this study, a decade (2010–2019) was considered across the cities of the network. Earthquakes were detected in 12 out of 1535 days in the Olea Main Pollen Season in Cartagena, 49 out of 1481 days in the Olea Main Pollen Season in Lorca, and 39 out of 1441 days in the Olea Main Pollen Season in Murcia. The Olea pollen grains in this network were attributed to the species Olea europaea, i.e., the olive tree, a taxon that appears widely in the Mediterranean basin, in both cultivated and wild subspecies. Differences between the Olea concentration on days with and without earthquakes were only found in Lorca (Kruskal-Wallis: p-value=0.026). The low frequency and intensity of the earthquakes explained these results. The most catastrophic earthquake felt in Lorca on May 11th, 2011 (IVII, Mw=5.1, 9 casualties) did not result in clear variations in pollen concentrations, while meteorology (e.g., African Dust Outbreak) might have conditioned these pollen concentrations. The research should be broadened to other active seismological areas to reinforce the hypothesis of seismological impact on airborne pollen concentrations.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government, grant number SICAAP-CPI RTI2018-096392-BC21; the Interministerial Committee of Science and Technology, grant numbers BOS2000-0563-C02-02, BOS2003-06329-C02-02, and BOS 2006-15103; and the Seneca Foundation of the Region of Murcia, grant number 08849/PI/08. The anonymous reviewers are thanked for their comments to improve the quality of the manuscript. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Belén Elvira-Rendueles for her advice and commitment with REAREMUR and, Ms. Paula García López, technician at REAREMUR, funded by the Spanish State Research Agency, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (code: PTA2017-13571-I). Authors thank NOAA for providing the synoptic charts, AEMET for the meteorological data and IGN for the seismological information. Gratitude is also shown to Laura Wettersten for the language edition

    Effects of Prehabilitation on Functional Capacity in Aged Patients Undergoing Cardiothoracic Surgeries: A Systematic Review

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    Background: an increasing number of advanced age patients are considered for cardiothoracic surgeries. Prehabilitation optimizes the patients’ functional capacity and physiological reserve. However, the effectiveness of prehabilitation on physical functioning and postoperative recovery in the scope of cardiothoracic surgery is still uncertain. Objective: to assess the effectiveness of prehabilitation on pre- and/or postoperative functional capacity and physiological reserve in aged patients that are considered for cardiothoracic surgeries. Methods: this systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021247117). The searches were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane CENTRAL until 18 April 2021. Randomized clinical trials that compared different prehabilitation strategies with usual care on the pre- and-postoperative results in aged patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgeries were included. Methodological quality was assessed by means of the Jadad scale, and the effectiveness of the interventions according to the Consensus on Therapeutic Exercise Training. Results: nine studies with 876 participants aged from 64 to 71.5 years old were included. Risk of bias was moderate due to the absence of double-blinding. The content of the interventions (multimodal prehabilitation n = 3; based on physical exercises n = 6) and the result measures presented wide variation, which hindered comparison across the studies. In general, the trials with better therapeutic quality (n = 6) reported more significant improvements in physical functioning, cardiorespiratory capacity, and in the postoperative results in the participants under-going prehabilitation. Conclusions: prehabilitation seems to improve functional capacity and postoperative recovery in aged patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgeries. However, due to the significant heterogeneity and questionable quality of the trials, both the effectiveness of prehabilitation and the optimum content are still to be determine

    Residents’ Perceptions Regarding the Implementation of a Tourist Tax at a UNESCO World Heritage Site: A Cluster Analysis of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

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    [Abstract] Even though the residents’ perceptions on the tourist activity have been thoroughly investigated in the last three decades, there are still few similar studies on destinations that are listed as UNESCOWorld Heritage Sites. The research presented in this article assesses the perception of the residents of the municipality of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) regarding the implementation of a tourist tax. The study is based on 588 residents’ responses to a survey conducted through a questionnaire prepared by the authors. Owing to the exponential increase in the number of visitor arrivals to the city, the implementation of a tourist tax could be one of the strategies deployed to improve the tourist experience. It may also allow for a less negative interaction between residents and tourists. The analysis revealed the existence of three clusters: tax-skeptics, tax-enthusiasts, and tax-reactionaries. The results are consistent with the nature of a mature destination, with most respondents supporting the implementation of a tourist tax that could contribute to improving, amongst other things, the quality of the tourist destination for both visitors and residents