2,507 research outputs found

    Reckless driving in Portugal: the deterrent impact of increased penalties on traffic accidents

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    Comunicação apresentada na "5th Annual conference of the European Society of Criminology", Cracóvia, Polónia, 31Aug. - 3 Set. 2005

    Modelos multidimensionais de avaliação de desempenho para o sector público: o caso dos serviços policiais

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    A introdução das reformas da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP), nos últimos anos, surgem no sentido de introduzir maior eficiência e eficácia no desempenho das organizações públicas, através de uma nova filosofia de gestão, assente, entre outros aspectos, na avaliação do desempenho baseada em outputs e outros. O desenvolvimento de adequados sistemas de avaliação de desempenho para o sector público tem suscitado o interesse da comunidade académica. O foco é colocado na medida dos outputs (produtos e serviços) e dos outcomes (impactos) e não na medida dos inputs (dotações orçamentais), como acontece tradicionalmente. Este artigo constitui uma revisão da literatura sobre os tipos de modelos de avaliação de desempenho utilizados nas organizações públicas, a utilidade da medida de desempenho para a tomada de decisão e a análise de alguns casos de estudo, especialmente nas forças policiais, sobre a implementação de modelos multidimensionais como o Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

    Use of performance measurement in the public sector: the case of the police service

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    Many public organisations have been under great pressure in recent years to increase the efficiency and transparency of outputs, to rationalise the use of public resources, and to increase the quality of service delivery. In this context, public organisations were encouraged to introduce the New Public Management reforms with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance organisation through a new public management model. This new public management model is based on measurement by outputs and outcomes, a clear definition of responsibilities, the transparency and accountability of governmental activities, and on a greater value for citizens. What type of performance measurement systems are used in police services? Are they multidimensional models with an integration of financial and non financial measures? Based on the literature review, we see that multidimensional models, like the Balanced Scorecard, are important in many public organisations, like municipalities, universities, and hospitals. Police services are characterised by complex and diverse objectives and stakeholders. Therefore, performance measurement of these public services calls for a specific analysis. Based on a nationwide survey of all police chiefs of the Portuguese police force, we find that employee performance measurement is the main form of measurement. Also, we propose a strategic map for the Portuguese police service

    Performance measurement of the portuguese police force using the balanced scorecard

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    As a result of reforms brought about by the New Public Management (NPM) movement, public organizations have felt the need to develop adequate information systems to improve the policy process decision-making and to introduce resource allocation based on outputs and outcomes. The objective is to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and the quality of the public service with improved management costs. What is the role of the BSC in the performance measurement of the Portuguese Police System? And to extent are police agents willing to comply with BSC requirements? The first study of its kind in Portugal, this paper proposes to analyze the BSC´s place in the police management and police predisposition to apply the BSC as a performance measurement system in the Portuguese Police. Using a unique data set assembled by way of a nationwide survey sent to all the police chiefs of the four branches of the Portuguese police, we estimate an ordered logit regression model. We find that prior knowledge of the BSC, as well as the impact of the NPM issues, are important determinants of the predisposition to apply the BSC.Center for Research in Public Policy and Administration (NEAPP).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    The minimal inhibitory concentration for sulbactam was not associated with the outcome of infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter sp. treated with ampicillin/sulbactam

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the outcomes of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter infections treated with ampicillin/sulbactam were associated with the in vitro susceptibility profiles. METHODS: Twenty-two infections were treated with ampicillin/sulbactam. The median treatment duration was 14 days (range: 3-19 days), and the median daily dose was 9 g (range: 1.5-12 g). The median time between Acinetobacter isolation and treatment was 4 days (range: 0-11 days). RESULTS: The sulbactam minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) ranged from 2.0 to 32.0 mg/L, and the MIC was not associated with patient outcome, as 4 of 5 (80%) patients with a resistant infection (MIC≥16), 5 of 10 (50%) patients with intermediate isolates (MIC of 8) and only 1 of 7 (14%) patients with susceptible isolates (MIC ≤4) survived hospitalization. CONCLUSION: These findings highlight the need to improve the correlation between in vitro susceptibility tests and clinical outcome

    Phase Transition in Liquid Drop Fragmentation

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    A liquid droplet is fragmented by a sudden pressurized-gas blow, and the resulting droplets, adhered to the window of a flatbed scanner, are counted and sized by computerized means. The use of a scanner plus image recognition software enables us to automatically count and size up to tens of thousands of tiny droplets with a smallest detectable volume of approximately 0.02 nl. Upon varying the gas pressure, a critical value is found where the size-distribution becomes a pure power-law, a fact that is indicative of a phase transition. Away from this transition, the resulting size distributions are well described by Fisher's model at coexistence. It is found that the sign of the surface correction term changes sign, and the apparent power-law exponent tau has a steep minimum, at criticality, as previously reported in Nuclear Multifragmentation studies [1,2]. We argue that the observed transition is not percolative, and introduce the concept of dominance in order to characterize it. The dominance probability is found to go to zero sharply at the transition. Simple arguments suggest that the correlation length exponent is nu=1/2. The sizes of the largest and average fragments, on the other hand, do not go to zero but behave in a way that appears to be consistent with recent predictions of Ashurst and Holian [3,4].Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. LaTeX (revtex4) with psfig/epsfi

    Differential expression patterns of Arabinogalactan Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana reproductive tissues

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    36 p.-6 fig.Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are heavily glycosylated proteins existing in all members of the plant kingdom and are differentially distributed through distinctive developmental stages. Here, we showed the individual distributions of specific Arabidopsis AGPs: AGP1, AGP9, AGP12, AGP15, and AGP23, throughout reproductive tissues and indicated their possible roles in several reproductive processes. AGP genes specifically expressed in female tissues were identified using available microarray data. This selection was confirmed by promoter analysis using multiple green fluorescent protein fusions to a nuclear localization signal, β-glucuronidase fusions, and in situ hybridization as approaches to confirm the expression patterns of the AGPs. Promoter analysis allowed the detection of a specific and differential presence of these proteins along the pathway followed by the pollen tube during its journey to reach the egg and the central cell inside the embryo sac. AGP1 was expressed in the stigma, style, transmitting tract, and the chalazal and funiculus tissues of the ovules. AGP9 was present along the vasculature of the reproductive tissues and AGP12 was expressed in the stigmatic cells, chalazal and funiculus cells of the ovules, and in the septum. AGP15 was expressed in all pistil tissues, except in the transmitting tract, while AGP23 was specific to the pollen grain and pollen tube. The expression pattern of these AGPs provides new evidence for the detection of a subset of specific AGPs involved in plant reproductive processes, being of significance for this field of study. AGPs are prominent candidates for male–female communication during reproduction.This work was financed by FEDER through the COMPETE programme, and by Portuguese National funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Project PTDC/AGR-GPL/115358/2009) and from an FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/60995/2009 awarded to AMP. This project also benefited from financial support from the COST Action FA0903: ‘Harnessing Plant Reproduction for Crop Improvement’.Peer reviewe

    Nivel de sesgos cognitivos de representatividad y confirmación en estudiantes de Psicología de tres universidades del Bío-Bío

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    Cognitive biases are unreasonable ways of making decisions, often in a one-sided way. The objective of this research was to describe the level of representativeness and confirmation biases in Chilean psychology students, in order to know how this phenomenon occurs. The participants were 198 psychology students from three universities in southern Chile. The instrument was based on two cognitive tasks derived from Kanheman and Tversky. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and mean differences. The results indicate a high level of biases in the groups of students, in the two tasks evaluated; the representativeness bias presents differences among universities only in sub-task 1, as well as in task 2, related to confirmation bias. Likewise, there are differences in representation bias according to age and sex. The need to strengthen reasoning skills in the initial training of future psychologists, in order to improve skills related to decision making in the professional field is concluded.Los sesgos cognitivos son formas no razonadas de tomar decisiones, a menudo de manera parcializada. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el nivel de sesgos de representatividad y confirmación en estudiantes de psicología chilenos, para conocer cómo se presenta este fenómeno. Los participantes fueron 198 estudiantes de psicología, de tres universidades del sur de Chile. El instrumento se basó en dos tareas cognitivas derivadas de Kanheman y Tversky; se analizaron los datos con estadística descriptiva y diferencias de medias. Los resultados indican alto nivel de sesgos en los grupos de estudiantes, en las dos tareas evaluadas; el sesgo de representatividad presenta diferencias entre universidades, solo en la subtarea 1, así como en la tarea 2, relacionada con sesgo de confirmación; así mismo se observan diferencias en sesgo de representación según edad y sexo. Se concluye la necesidad de fortalecer habilidades de razonamiento en la formación inicial de los futuros psicólogos y psicólogas, con la finalidad de mejorar las habilidades relacionadas con la toma de decisiones en el campo profesional

    Nivel de sesgos cognitivos de representatividad y confirmación en estudiantes de Psicología de tres universidades del Bío-Bío

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    Cognitive biases are unreasonable ways of making decisions, often in a one-sided way. The objective of this research was to describe the level of representativeness and confirmation biases in Chilean psychology students, in order to know how this phenomenon occurs. The participants were 198 psychology students from three universities in southern Chile. The instrument was based on two cognitive tasks derived from Kanheman and Tversky. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and mean differences. The results indicate a high level of biases in the groups of students, in the two tasks evaluated; the representativeness bias presents differences among universities only in sub-task 1, as well as in task 2, related to confirmation bias. Likewise, there are differences in representation bias according to age and sex. The need to strengthen reasoning skills in the initial training of future psychologists, in order to improve skills related to decision making in the professional field is concluded.Los sesgos cognitivos son formas no razonadas de tomar decisiones, a menudo de manera parcializada. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el nivel de sesgos de representatividad y confirmación en estudiantes de psicología chilenos, para conocer cómo se presenta este fenómeno. Los participantes fueron 198 estudiantes de psicología, de tres universidades del sur de Chile. El instrumento se basó en dos tareas cognitivas derivadas de Kanheman y Tversky; se analizaron los datos con estadística descriptiva y diferencias de medias. Los resultados indican alto nivel de sesgos en los grupos de estudiantes, en las dos tareas evaluadas; el sesgo de representatividad presenta diferencias entre universidades, solo en la subtarea 1, así como en la tarea 2, relacionada con sesgo de confirmación; así mismo se observan diferencias en sesgo de representación según edad y sexo. Se concluye la necesidad de fortalecer habilidades de razonamiento en la formación inicial de los futuros psicólogos y psicólogas, con la finalidad de mejorar las habilidades relacionadas con la toma de decisiones en el campo profesional

    Comparison of disc diffusion, Etest and broth microdilution for testing susceptibility of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa to polymyxins

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud Considering the increasing use of polymyxins to treat infections due to multidrug resistant Gram-negative in many countries, it is important to evaluate different susceptibility testing methods to this class of antibiotic.\ud \ud \ud \ud Methods\ud \ud Susceptibility of 109 carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa to polymyxins was tested comparing broth microdilution (reference method), disc diffusion, and Etest using the new interpretative breakpoints of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud Twenty-nine percent of isolates belonged to endemic clone and thus, these strains were excluded of analysis. Among 78 strains evaluated, only one isolate was resistant to polymyxin B by the reference method (MIC: 8.0 μg/mL). Very major and major error rates of 1.2% and 11.5% were detected comparing polymyxin B disc diffusion with the broth microdilution (reference method). Agreement within 1 twofold dilution between Etest and the broth microdilution were 33% for polymyxin B and 79.5% for colistin. One major error and 48.7% minor errors were found comparing polymyxin B Etest with broth microdilution and only 6.4% minor errors with colistin. The concordance between Etest and the broth microdilution (reference method) was respectively 100% for colistin and 90% for polymyxin B.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud \ud Resistance to polymyxins seems to be rare among hospital carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates over a six-year period. Our results showed, using the new CLSI criteria, that the disc diffusion susceptibility does not report major errors (false-resistant results) for colistin. On the other hand, showed a high frequency of minor errors and 1 very major error for polymyxin B. Etest presented better results for colistin than polymyxin B. Until these results are reproduced with a large number of polymyxins-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates, susceptibility to polymyxins should be confirmed by a reference method.Financial support: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).Financial support: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)