159 research outputs found

    Holonomic control and behaviours for the CAMBADA robotic soccer team

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaCAMBADA é a equipa de futebol robótico da liga de tamanho médio do RoboCup criada por investigadores do grupo ATRI do IEETA da Universidade de Aveiro. Esta dissertação apresenta as contribuições desenvolvidas no controlo do movimento holonómico e comportamentos de alto-nível. Ao nível do controlo do movimento, várias restrições que afectam o movimento holonómico foram tratadas. Isto é de vital importância visto que dado o ambiente altamente dinâmico de um jogo de futebol é crucial mover e posicionar os robots eficazmente no campo. Ao nivel dos comportamentos, dada a importância da bola no jogo de futebol, e considerando o trabalho realizado no que diz respeito à estimativa da velocidade da bola, o comportamento de intercepção activa foi desenvolvido permitindo aos robots apanhar a bola prevendo o seu movimento em vez de se moverem directamente para a ela considerando-a estática. Dada a autonomia completa dos robots, a sua percepção do mundo deve ser o mais próxima possivel da realidade. De modo a fornecer, ao robot, informação adicional respeitante ao estado do jogo, um método para determinar se está preso foi desenvolvido. O trabalho implementado melhorou a performance da equipa e contribuiu para vitória de um campeonato nacional, Robótica’09, e a um notável terceiro lugar no RoboCup’09 em Graz, ´Austria. ABSTRACT: CAMBADA is the RoboCup Middle Size League robotic soccer team created by researchers of the ATRI group of IEETA of University of Aveiro. This thesis presents the developed contributions in holonomic motion control and high-level behaviours. At the motion control level, several restrictions affecting holonomic motion were addressed. This is of vital importance since that given the highly dynamic environment of a soccer game it is crucial to move and position the robots efficiently in the field. At the behaviours level, given the importance of the ball in the soccer game, and considering previous work regarding the estimation of the ball velocity, the active interception behaviour was implemented allowing the robots to engage the ball predicting its movement rather than moving directly to it considering it static. Given the full autonomy of the robots, their perception of the game should be as close to reality as possible. In order to supply additional information to the robot regarding the state of the game, a method to detect if it is stuck was developed. The implemented work improved the team performance and contributed to the victory of a National Championship (Robótica’09) and a remarkable third-place in the RoboCup 2009 in Graz, Austria

    Novo paradigma de navegação Web : separadores hierárquicos com integração de favoritos e histórico

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Forensic genetic analysis of South Portuguese population with the six dye Powerplex® Fusion 6C

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    Poster apresentado no 28th Congress of International Society For Forensic Genetics (ISFG 2019), Praga, República Checa, 9-13 de Setembro de 2019As an improvement in efficiency and in Human Discrimination Power, the new six dye multiplex kit PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System, by Promega, available for human identification can co-amplify 27 loci, in a single reaction, have been introduced in the last years with great success. This kit allows the amplification and detection of autosomal loci included in the expanded Combined DNA Index System CODIS, plus the loci Penta D, PENTA E and SE33 as well as Amelogenin for gender determination. Furthermore, this kit includes three Y –STRs (DYS391, DYS576 and DYS570), allowing allelic attribution in a total of 27 loci. This genetic markers extension satisfies not only CODIS but also European Standard Set recommendations. Thinking about continuous human migration movements, especially in a very cosmopolitan region like Lisbon and south of Portugal, and also, in keeping population studies and actualized STR databases we decided to update our previous studies. Our sample is composed of 600 unrelated individuals, from paternity testing with laboratory identity anonymised. DNA was extracted by Prep-n-go BufferTM(Thermo-Fisher Scientific). PCR amplification was performed with PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System, according to manufacturer’s guidelines. Fragment analysis was carried out in an Applied Biosystems® 3500 Genetic Analyser. Electrophoresis results were analysed with GeneMapper® ID-X v1.4. Allele frequencies and population statistics, including Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p-values from exact test probabilities and forensic parameters were calculated with adequate software. In conclusion, our population information was updated in order to apply most recent data in our casework weight of evidence.N/

    Comparação entre modos de gestão nas diferentes estruturas organizacionais da construção civil

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    As pesquisas apontam a existência de três modos genéricos de lidar com as incertezas:controle, flexibilidade e folgas. São estes modos que garantem a robustez organizacional epermitem a gestão proativa e reativa frente aos eventos que ocorrem durante o projeto.Tradicionalmente, a gestão de obras tem sido fortemente baseada no exercício do controlecombinado ao uso de folgas. Contudo, o crescente reconhecimento da complexidade dosprojetos tem quebrado paradigmas e gerado mudanças estruturais fundamentadas emestratégias de flexibilidade. Uma destas estratégias baseia-se na formação de estruturasorganizacionais achatadas caracterizadas pela autonomação e descentralização, cuja facemais visível é a implantação de equipes multifuncionais trabalhando segundo o conceito decélula de produção. Neste artigo são analisadas as mudanças na estrutura organizacional ena tomada de decisão dos gestores decorrentes da implementação desta estratégia. Paraefeitos comparativos, o estudo foi realizado através de entrevistas em cinco empresasconstrutoras que adotam diferentes estruturas. Os resultados mostram que a implantaçãobem sucedida da estratégia de flexibilidade requer mudanças nos mecanismos de controle donível operacional e nas decisões sobre uso de folgas do nível tático.Palavras-chave: Estrutura organizacional, Robustez, Células de produçã

    DataGen: JSON/XML Dataset Generator

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    In this document, it is described the steps towards DataGen’s implementation. DataGen is a versatile and powerful tool that allows for quick prototyping and testing of software applications, since currently too few solutions offer both the complexity and scalability necessary to generate adequate datasets in order to feed a data API or a more complex APP, enabling their testing with appropriate data volume and complexity. DataGen’s core is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that was created to specify datasets. This language suffered several updates: repeating fields (with no limit), fuzzy fields (statistically generated), lists, high order functions over lists, custom made transformation functions. The final result is a diversified algebra that allows the generation of very complex datasets coping with very convoluted requirements. Throughout the paper, several examples of the possibilities will be given. After generating a dataset, DataGen gives the user the possibility to generate a RESTFul data API with it, creating a running prototype. This solution has already been used in real life cases, described with more detail throughout the paper, in which it was able to create the intended datasets successfully. These allowed the application’s performance to be tested and for the right adjustments to be made. The tool is currently being deployed for general use.(undefined

    Tensile strain hardening of a metakaolin based fibre reinforced composite

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    Portland cement concrete is the most used building material in the world. However, its manufacture is energy-intensive and it is susceptible to harsh environments. Alternative binder systems without ordinary Portland cement, such as geopolymers or alkali-activated materials, are recently new in the Civil Engineered world. These alternative binder systems seek, among other characteristics, improved durability and environmental efficiency. The attaining of strain hardening and multiple cracking typical of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC) using these alternative binder systems is very attractive from a conceptual point of view, since additional endurance to certain harsh or extreme environments, as well as enhanced durability, are usually expected as two of the main outcomes. In the present work, the behaviour of two different composites was studied: an existing Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) and a new composite based on an alternative binder prepared with metakaolin. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibres were used in both materials. A series of experiments, including compressive and direct tensile testing were carried out to characterize and compare the mechanical properties of both materials. The results showed that the alternative binder composite, when subjected to uniaxial tension, developed multiple cracks at steadily increasing tensile stress and strain, which is also typical of ECCs showing strain hardening behaviour. The development of fibre reinforced geopolymer or alkali-activated materials showing strain hardening ability in tension may still be considered as a novel research topic, with great potential for creating new and interesting developments for Civil Engineering and structural applications, particularly the ones subjected to harsh environments

    In-depth genome characterization of a Brazilian common bean core collection using DArTseq high-density SNP genotyping

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    Background: Common bean is a legume of social and nutritional importance as a food crop, cultivated worldwide especially in developing countries, accounting for an important source of income for small farmers. The availability of the complete sequences of the two common bean genomes has dramatically accelerated and has enabled new experimental strategies to be applied for genetic research. DArTseq has been widely used as a method of SNP genotyping allowing comprehensive genome coverage with genetic applications in common bean breeding programs. Results: Using this technology, 6286 SNPs (1 SNP/86.5 Kbp) were genotyped in genic (43.3%) and non-genic regions (56. 7%). Genetic subdivision associated to the common bean gene pools (K = 2) and related to grain types (K = 3 and K = 5) were reported. A total of 83% and 91% of all SNPs were polymorphic within the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools, respectively, and 26% were able to differentiate the gene pools. Genetic diversity analysis revealed an average HE of 0.442 for the whole collection, 0.102 for Andean and 0.168 for Mesoamerican gene pools (FST = 0.747 between gene pools), 0. 440 for the group of cultivars and lines, and 0.448 for the group of landrace accessions (FST = 0.002 between cultivar/line and landrace groups). The SNP effects were predicted with predominance of impact on non-coding regions (77.8%). SNPs under selection were identified within gene pools comparing landrace and cultivar/line germplasm groups (Andean: 18; Mesoamerican: 69) and between the gene pools (59 SNPs), predominantly on chromosomes 1 and 9. The LD extension estimate corrected for population structure and relatedness (r2 SV) was~88 kbp, while for the Andean gene pool was~395 kbp, and for the Mesoamerican was ~ 130 kbp. Conclusions: For common bean, DArTseq provides an efficient and cost-effective strategy of generating SNPs for large-scale genome-wide studies. The DArTseq resulted in an operational panel of 560 polymorphic SNPs in linkage equilibrium, providing high genome coverage. This SNP set could be used in genotyping platforms with many applications, such as population genetics, phylogeny relation between common bean varieties and support to molecular breeding approaches