312 research outputs found


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    As informações se restringem cada vez mais em poder de menos pessoas ocasionando uma disparidade na utilização das praticas administrativas. O setor agrícola constantemente tem sofrido com esta situação, pois os micros e pequenos empresários dificilmente conseguem acompanhar tais mudanças e o nível de competitividade destes diminui ocasionando baixa produtividade e perdas na qualidade dos produtos, prejudicando os processos de aprendizagem, cooperação e inovação e consequentemente o desenvolvimento deste APL. Buscando identificar como ocorrem esses processos e conhecer sua importância para os atores de um arranjo foi realizado um levantamento de suas interações nos diversos segmentos do arranjo produtivo local do agronegócio leite no município de Jaru em Rondônia. The information is restricted increasingly in the hands of fewer people causing a gap in the use of administrative practices. The agricultural sector has constantly suffered from this situation, because the micro and small entrepreneurs can hardly follow such changes and the level of competitiveness of these decreases causing losses in low productivity and quality of products, damaging the processes of learning, cooperation and innovation, and consequently the development of APL. Seeking identify how these processes occur and know its importance to the actors an arrangement was conducted a survey of its interactions in the various segments of local productive arrangement of agribusiness in the municipality of Jaru milk in Rondônia.Agronegócio, Leite, Inovação, cooperação, aprendizado, Agribusiness, Leite, Innovation, cooperation, learning, Farm Management,

    The perception of the companion of the humanized care in a pediatric intensive care unit

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    Objective: To understand the perception of the companion of the hospitalized child about humanized care in the context of pediatric intensive care unit. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach, developed in the pediatric intensive care unit of a pediatric hospital in Salvador to interview the caregivers of hospitalized children. The interviews were analyzed using content analysis technique. Results: Perceptions of family associate the meaning of humanized care to a greater affection and attention; values the guidance provided by the health team and emphasizes the importance of their presence throughout assistance. Concerns about the “lack of care” are from the suffering inherent in the child’s situation. Conclusion: The perception of companions on the concept of humanization involves attention, care, concern and sometimes even an emotional involvement with the patient and to understand their perception means to bei alert to the real needs of the patient

    Osteology of an exceptionally well-preserved tapejarid skeleton from Brazil: Revealing the anatomy of a curious pterodactyloid clade

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    Funding Information: FLP is supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq process numbers 407969/ 2016-0, 305758/2017-9) and Fundac?o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS process number 16/2551-0000271-1). OM is supported by grants from GeoBioTec-GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering NOVA [GeoBioCi?ncias, GeoTecnologias e GeoEngenharias], grant UIDB/ 04035/2020 by the Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e Tecnologia. FRC is supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) for support (grant No. 421772/2018-2).A remarkably well-preserved, almost complete and articulated new specimen (GP/2E 9266) of Tupandactylus navigans is here described for the Early Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil. The new specimen comprises an almost complete skeleton, preserving both the skull and post-cranium, associated with remarkable preservation of soft tissues, which makes it the most complete tapejarid known thus far. CT-Scanning was performed to allow the assessment of bones still covered by sediment. The specimen can be assigned to Tupa. navigans due to its vertical supra-premaxillary bony process and short and rounded parietal crest. It also bears the largest dentary crest among tapejarine pterosaurs and a notarium, which is absent in other representatives of the clade. The new specimen is here regarded as an adult individual. This is the first time that postcranial remains of Tupa. navigans are described, being also an unprecedented record of an articulated tapejarid skeleton from the Araripe Basin.publishersversionpublishe

    Acoustic analysis of vocalization and the behavioral response associated to sound production of the nine banded armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus (Mammalia, Cingulata, Dasypodidae) in an agonistic context

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    Although communication capabilities are displayed by many vertebrate groups, some repertoires are poorly known, such as the case of xenarthrans, particularly armadillos, for which vocalization as a source of communicating to others remains poorly understood and relies on punctual reports of sounds. Here we provide the first description of a behavioral response associated with sound emission of two subjects of Dasypus novemcinctus. Both audio and visual registration was performed to subsequent analyses of expressed behaviors and emitted calls, which accounted for 76 vocalizations from a total of eight video recordings randomly collected from 2017 to 2019. Sound is acoustically characterized by both inhale and exhale phases composed of two vocal units, and no harmonic structure was observed. Once the subjects have always produced these vocalizations while cornered and exhibiting defensive behavior against another subject/human disturbance, these vocalizations were termed as distress. Subjects produced a hiss-purr-like sound while trying to avoid contact with another by bowing or lowering their bodies, humping, or even moving elsewhere when sound production ceased. This shows that the sound repertoire of armadillos is still to be unveiled and seems to be much more complex than previously thought

    Current status of research regarding Blastocystis sp., an enigmatic protist, in Brazil

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of Blastocystis sp. in Brazilian studies over a period of years (2000-2020), as well as point out relevant aspects of this enigmatic organism. We performed a literature search using six sources of international databases. The data were divided into diagnostic by parasitological and molecular techniques, and relevant aspects. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 52 studies were included in the final analysis. The occurrence of Blastocystis sp. in Brazil ranged from 0.5% to 86.6%, as determined using parasitological techniques. The highest occurrence was in the North (27.3%) and the lowest, in the Midwest region (13.4%). In Brazil, most studies have employed molecular techniques and are concentrated in the Southeast region. The Blastocystis sp. subtype ST3 had the highest average positivity, followed by ST1 and ST2. These findings represent a panorama that reflects the reality of Brazil; thus, we believe that the effectiveness of parasitological diagnosis should be considered with regard to making an appropriate choice of technique for detecting Blastocystis sp. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of further studies in the context of molecular epidemiology with regard to this genus. Blastocystis sp. is not well understood yet, and very little information regarding this genus is available; hence, further research regarding this genus is urgently needed

    Músculo piramidal: estudo de 341 casos

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    Introdução: o estudo do piramidal, a despeito do tamanho reduzido e da função rudimentar desse músculo, tem revelado interesse renovado devido à sua utilidade em diversas condições clínicas. Objetivo: identificação do músculo piramidal em um grupo de cadáveres de mestiços provenientes das duas principais regiões metropolitanas do estado da Bahia (Salvador e Feira de Santana). Metodologia: estudo retrospectivo de necropsias nas quais os piramidais foram expostos para visualização e contagem direta. Resultados: músculo piramidal bilateral: 73,3%; unilateral: 5%; ausente: 21,7%. Conclusões: os achados sugerem que a presença do músculo foi correlacionada fracamente com características demográficas regionais em uma população miscigenada

    Staphylinidae e Silphidae (Coleoptera) como Potenciais Famílias Bioindicadoras de Qualidade Ambiental

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo levantar a biodiversidade de coleópteros do IZMA (Eng. Paulo de Frontin - RJ), compreender suas relações com as composições florísticas e buscar identificar potenciais bioindicadores. Foram realizadas quatro coletas, em oito pontos distintos, de abril de 2008 a março de 2009, com utilização de armadilhas pitfall. Os insetos foram triados, identificados, e armazenados no Laboratório de Monitoramento Ambiental – USS; os dados foram analisados por meio da Diversidade e Dominância de Simpson e Similaridade de Cluster. Capturaram-se 1990 coleópteros (15 famílias), com maior ocorrência de Staphylinidae no interior da mata. Os pontos V e VI foram os mais similares e Silphidae, em áreas intermediárias; os pontos VII e VIII, mais similares. A 1ª coleta apresentou maior dominância; a 4ª coleta, maior diversidade. O ponto IV obteve maior abundância; o V, maior dominância; os pontos I e III, maior diversidade; os pontos III e VII, maior similaridade. Os pontos III, IV, VI, e VII mostraram-se os mais conservados, Staphylinidae e Silphidae foram apontados como potenciais bioindicadores, por apresentar sensibilidade às modificações do ambiente


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    Objective: To relate knowledge, practice and barriers of diabetic foot self-care amongpeople with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, according to gender and education.Method: Analytical cross-sectional study with 102 users of 4 basic units in the inland of the state of Piauí, Brazil. Socioeconomic and clinical data were collected between December 2018 and July 2019. Descriptive analysis was performed with the use of the Chi-square test.Results: Women showed greater knowledge and practice of moisturizing (p5cm (p=0.001) and <5cm (p<0.001).Conclusion: It is hoped that this study will allow a new type of approach aimed to the improvement of diabetic foot self-care

    Pais, professores e bibliotecários: mediadores da leitura no processo da formação do leitor / Parents, teachers, and librarians: reading mediators in the process of reader education

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    Uma reflexão acerca da formação do leitor no âmbito da família, escola e biblioteca. Discute a princípio a contribuição da família nesse processo e posteriormente o papel da escola e das bibliotecas. Objetiva explanar sobre os principais fatores que contribuem na determinação do gosto pela leitura nessas três agências responsáveis pela formação do leitor. Reflete sobre a importância da leitura nesses espaços. Esta pesquisa é de caráter exploratório e bibliográfico, como pressuposto para revisão de literatura a luz de autores como Vigotskii (1988), Martins (1982), Freire (2006) Magnani (2001), Ortega y Gaset (2006), entre outros. Conclui que a família, escola e biblioteca são ambientes principais onde a mediação deve estar presente, cada um, portanto tem sua contribuição nesse processo de formação de leitores. Logo a metodologia e estratégia usada para se alcançar esse resultado deve estar focada em despertar o pensamento crítico e reflexivo