947 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento e otimização de formulações de geomateriais para reabilitação e restauro de adobes

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    The present work deals with the earth construction in Portugal, with a focus on the adobe construction, and with particular incidence in the development of new materials for the conservation and restoration of these types of construction. The adobe construction is predominant in the central coastal zone of the country. However, although there are numerous adobe buildings in this region, many of them (some with architectural heritage value) lack adequate conservation and restoration interventions. Knowledge of these ancient materials is a pre-requisite to any intervention and is essential for the conservation of the architectural heritage of these regions. The use of materials compatible with adobes increases the effectiveness and durability of conservation and restoration actions. Thus, the first part of this work consisted in the chemical, mineralogical and physical characterization of adobes from Aveiro and Figueira da Foz (where this type of construction is predominant). The knowledge of these materials was the necessary basis for the development of new materials that can be used in building interventions based on adobe construction. In addition to the principle of compatibility of materials, the development of new materials also presupposed the sustainability of materials. The sustainability of materials is a subject of significant importance due to growing concerns about the environment. The choice of products that are both effective for the purpose and environmentally friendly throughout their life cycle are key issues to consider when studying materials. Thus, in this work two types of materials were developed: alkaline activated adobes and geopolymers. These materials had as main raw materials Pateira de Fermentelos mud, silicic sand, Portuguese diatomite, Portuguese kaolins, industrial metakaolin and produced in the laboratory. 48 formulations of alkaline activated adobes and geopolymers were produced in the laboratory. 23 formulations were selected as likely to be used in conservation and restoration interventions in adobes. 8 formulations of alkaline activated adobes showed the formation of efflorescences that require a more focused study in order to mislead their possible contributions for future degradation of the material.O presente trabalho aborda a construção em terra em Portugal, com foco na construção em adobe, e com particular incidência no desenvolvimento de novos materiais para a conservação e restauro destes mesmos tipos de construção. A construção em adobe é predominante na zona litoral centro do país. No entanto, apesar de existirem inúmeros edifícios de adobe nesta região, muitos deles (alguns com valor patrimonial) carecem de intervenções adequadas de conservação e restauro. O conhecimento destes materiais antigos é uma necessidade prévia a qualquer intervenção e é essencial para a conservação do património arquitetónico destas regiões. O uso de materiais compatíveis com os adobes aumenta a eficácia e durabilidade das ações de conservação e restauro. Assim, a primeira parte deste trabalho consistiu na caracterização química, mineralógica e física de adobes de Aveiro e da Figueira da Foz (onde este tipo de construção é predominante). O conhecimento adquirido sobre estes materiais consistiu na base necessária para o desenvolvimento de novos materiais passíveis de serem usados em intervenções de edifícios que tenham por base a construção em adobe. Para além do princípio da compatibilidade dos materiais, no desenvolvimento de novos materiais teve-se ainda como pressuposto a sustentabilidade dos materiais. A sustentabilidade dos materiais é um assunto de importância relevante devido às crescentes preocupações com o meio ambiente. A escolha de produtos que sejam ao mesmo tempo, eficazes para o fim a que se destinam e “amigos do ambiente” durante todo o seu ciclo de vida são aspetos fundamentais a ter em conta quando se estudam os materiais. Assim sendo, neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois tipos de materiais: adobes ativados alcalinamente e geopolímeros. Estes materiais tiveram como matérias-primas principais lama da Pateira de Fermentelos, areia siliciosa, diatomito Português, caulinos Portugueses, metacaulino industrial e produzido em laboratório. 48 formulações de adobes activados alcalinamente e geopolímeros foram produzidas em laboratório. 23 formulações foram selecionadas como passíveis de serem usadas nas intervenções de conservação e restauro em adobes. 8 formulações de adobes ativados alcalinamente apresentaram a formação de eflorescências que requerem um estudo mais focado de forma a despistar os seus possíveis contributos para degradação futura do material. Os objetivos do trabalho foram concluídos com sucesso, ficando como trabalhos prioritários a desenvolver no futuro os ensaios de compatibilidade dos materiais a realizar em edifícios de adobe.Programa Doutoral em Geociência

    Drivers of service recovery performance: perceived organisational support, learning and psychological job outcomes

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    Service recovery is an under-researched area in theoretical and empirical terms (Smith, Bolton, and Wagner 1999). In particular, limited knowledge exists regarding the factors which have an impact on the service recovery performance of frontline employees (Boshoff and Allen 2000). This research draws on goal orientation theory, perceived organisational support theory and the literature on psychological job outcomes and service recovery, in order to investigate the drivers of service recovery performance. The major goals of this study are to determine the effect of learning goal orientation on service recovery performance and the impact of perceived organisational support on learning goal orientation. Additionally, the effect of both learning goal orientation and perceived organisational support on emotional exhaustion is investigated. These simultaneous relationships are empirically tested for the first time. Following a review of the key literature, an integrative conceptual framework comprising a set of hypotheses is proposed and empirically tested in the UK. A total of 740 frontline service employees from the catering industry (representing a response rate of about 32%) provide the data for the analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is employed to assess the fit of the seven measurement components of the model and structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to test the hypothesised path model. The findings provide academic insights that may open new fruitful avenues for further research. In particular, two unexpected results contradict the extant theory: job satisfaction has a negative impact on service recovery performance and emotional exhaustion has a positive impact on service recovery performance. The new empirical results reveal that learning goal orientation has a positive impact on service recovery performance. Additionally, perceived organisational support has a positive effect on learning goal orientation. Moreover, whereas perceived organisational support has a negative impact on emotional exhaustion, learning goal orientation is unrelated to emotional exhaustion. Finally, the findings provide several managerial implications for service marketing practitioners by offering them practical guidelines to develop and implement effective service recovery programmes. Suggestions are provided in terms of the best practices when recruiting and training frontline service employees

    The role of forensic dentistry for identification of a criminal sexual assault: a casework report

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited."The identification of an individual from dental traces collected at the crime scene is one of the objectives of the criminal investigation. When, at the crime scene, objects are found with tooth marks, the intervention of Forensic Dentistry may represent the only way to obtain positive identification of the author’s bite mark. The forensic analysis of a bite mark consists of detection, recognition, description and comparison of bite marks on either individuals or inanimate objects. In this medico-legal casework, a sexual assault, the victim of the crime presented to the forensic examination had a mark on her left arm consistent with a bite mark, probably from the aggressor during the crime perpetration. The protocol followed in this medico-legal casework study is a scientific analysis of the facts which when presented in the court will be defendable under ruthless cross-examination. The pattern association of dental features in this sexual abuse case demonstrated a degree of concordance present between the tooth marks in the victim’s body and the suspect´s dentition.

    Redes sociais como recurso didático – ensaios no ensino da Geografia da UP

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    A banalização do acesso às tecnologias de informação e comunicação exige mudanças nas estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem, sob pena de inviabilizar os designios da educação. Enquadrada na perspetiva do conetivismo de Siemens (2005), este exercício centra-se no espaço de formação do 1º ciclo em Geografia da Universidade do Porto e a metodologia passa pela análise comparativa da resposta dos estudantes à disponibilização de recursos e estratégias didáticas em sessões presenciais (face to face) e no Facebook. Concluiu-se que a utilização desta rede constituiu um reforço no sucesso dos estudantes

    Técnicas de obturação termoplástica

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaA obturação do sistema de canais radiculares, é uma das etapas mais importantes do tratamento endodôntico, tendo como objectivo o preenchimento tridimensional do sistema de canais radiculares, eliminando os espaços vazios ocupados anteriormente pelos tecidos pulpares. Para obter sucesso na obturação, é fundamental uma boa preparação químico-mecânica aliada a uma eficaz desinfecção. Esta tese tem como objectivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica com a descrição de algumas das técnicas usadas actualmente para a obturação do sistema de canais radiculares por meio de técnicas que utilizam a guta-percha aquecida denominadas de técnicas termoplásticas. Para a sua realizaçã foi efectuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica na Pubmed, Science Direct e GooleScholar. As palavras-chaves foram: Schilder”“Thermafil”, “System B” ,“McSpadden”, “Lateral Condensation”, “Endodontics”, “GuttaPercha”, “Obturation” A pesquisa foi realizada entre Novembro 2013 e Março 2014. Os artigos utilizados na presente pesquisa vão de 2008 a 2012. A partir da pesquisa efectuada, apenas foram utilizados 35 artigos científicos. The obturation of root canal system is one of the most important steps in endodontic treatment, aimed dimensional fill, eliminating the voids previously occupied by the pulp tissues. For successful obturation, good quimio-mechanical preparation is essential as well as an effective disinfection. The aim of this study is to conduct a literature review with the description of some of the techniques currently used for obturation of the root canal system through techniques that utilize heated gutta-percha called thermoplastic techniques. A literature search in PubMed, Science Direct and GooleScholar was made. The keywords were: Schilder "" Thermafil "," System B "," McSpadden "," Lateral Condensation "," Endodontics "," GuttaPercha "," Obturat. Research was conducted between November 2013 and March 2014. Articles used in this research are from 2008 to 2014. From the research conducted, only 35 articles were used

    FRESU, Gianni. Nas trincheiras do ocidente: lições sobre fascismo e antifascismo. Ponta Grossa: Ed. UEPG, 2017. 256 p.

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    Gianni Fresu é doutor em Pesquisa em Filosofi a pela Universidadede Urbino (Itália), tendo sido orientado por um dos mais importantes pensadores italianos, Domenico Losurdo. Fresu é professor efetivo de Filosofi a Política da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


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    O texto aborda a formação profissional em Serviço Social frente ao modelo de desenvolvimento estabelecido na América Latina na contemporaneidade. Apresenta as particularidades do modelo "neodesenvolvimentista" na região, revelando seus traços de continuidade do modelo neoliberal, e problematiza o impacto dessas transformações naformação profissional em Serviço Social.Palavras-chave: Modelo de desenvolvimento, Serviço Social, formação profissional.THE LATIN AMERICA DEVELOPMENT MODEL AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON PROFESSIONAL FORMATION IN SOCIAL WORKAbstract: The text approaches the professional formation in Social Work against development model established in Latin America in contemporaneity. Presents the particularities of "new developmentalist" model in the region, revealing its traces of continuity of the neoliberal model, and discusses the impact of these transformations in professional formation in Social Work.Keywords: Development model, Social Work, professional formation

    Age estimation of unaccompanied minors: A portuguese overview

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    Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License."In the past decade there has been a considerable increase in the number of unaccompanied asylum seeking children, many of whom appeared to be older than their given age. Dental age assessment has been included as part of the asylum seeking process in Portugal since the Law n. º 27/2008 dated 30 June (the “Asylum Law”). The legal framework of the forensic examination is based in biomedical ethics. The aim is to find the frequency of unaccompanied asylum seeking children with dental evidence of being older 18 years during the period between 2009 and 2013. In this period age estimations have been performed on 82 unaccompanied asylum seeking children whose given ages were queried by the Aliens and Bored Service – SEF, to the South Branch of National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences from Portugal. The dental development was studied on ortopantomograpic radiographs and the developing teeth staged from the tables according to Liversidge (2008), Mincer et al. (1993), Kullmanet al. (1992) and Haavikko (1970). If the dental development was complete, the dental age was estimated from Kvaal et al. (1995). The majority of the unaccompanied asylum seeking children clamed to came from Guinea Conakry, Nigeria, Guinea Bissau, Syria, Congo, Morocco and other African countries and non-African countries. There was no statistical significant difference between sexes. The majority gave the age as being 14 or 15 years (70%). Forty percent were found to be 18 years or older by the dental methods. Fifty percent were in need of dental treatment.