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    Este artigo apresenta propostas de mediação pedagógica a partir da tutoria presencial realizada na disciplina Informática na Educação da graduação em Pedagogia, visando à inclusão de pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) no contexto da Fundação Cecierj


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    O desenho didático e o exercício da tutoria sob a perspectiva da Educação Online (SILVA e SANTOS, 2006) assumem um papel conflitante diante das dicotomias em relação à educação à distância (EAD) tradicional presente no curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia da UERJ / Fundação CECIERJ. A estas dicotomias atribuímos às peculiaridades epistemológicas que perpassam as questões da metodologia, docência e do desenho didático realizado na disciplina Informática na Educação. Neste trabalho optamos por narrar às práticas[i] pedagógicas de professores pesquisadores tutores presenciais em espaçostempos[ii] onde se vive o fenômeno da cibercultura relativos aos Polos de Belford Roxo e Angra dos Reis, neste sentido encontramos na metodologia da pesquisa ação (BARBIER, 2007), (SANTOS, 2007), as orientações necessários para alavancar esta reflexão metodológica e didática deste curso de formação de professores, enquanto alteramos (CERTEAU, 2004) a nossa própria práxis (PESCE, 2010) . Para tal, investigamos a interface[iii] digital da plataforma CEDERJ, assim como outras, para que pudéssemos entender melhor as possibilidades da Educação Online na contemporaneidade dos usos de softwares sociais e da convergência das mídias digitais. Como resultado de nossa docência online colaboramos na tensão epistemológica existente entre o conceito tradicional de EAD e Educação Online. Este último conceito permeado pelos estudos da antropologia e sociologia que compreendem e refletem o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem humana em interatividade nas/com as hipermídias (SANTAELLA, 2004). [i]Para Alves (2007, p.6) em seu artigo sobre as razões das pesquisas no/dos/com os cotidianos afirma que: as práticas, para nós, são as ações dos praticantes nos seus viveres cotidianos, nas táticas com que enfrentam as estratégias do poder proprietário, como nos ensinou Certeau (1994). Com elas criam a vida: conhecimentos, saberes, valores, crenças, modos de usar diferentes dos que estão nas bulas e manuais, saídas para situações difíceis ou fáceis... [ii] Para Alves (2007, p. 2), juntar termos, pluralizá-los, algumas vezes invertê-los, outra duplicá-los foi à forma que conseguimos, até o presente momento para mostrar como as dicotomias necessárias na invenção da ciência moderna têm se mostrado limitante ao que precisamos criar para pesquisar nos/dos/com os cotidianos. [iii]Interface é um termo que, na informática e na cibercultura, ganha o sentido de dispositivo para encontro de duas ou mais faces em atitude comunicacional, dialógica ou polifônica (...). A interface está para a cibercultura como espaço online de encontro e de comunicação entre duas ou mais faces. É mais do que um mediador de interação ou tradutor de sensibilidades entre as faces. Isso sim seria ferramenta?, termo inadequado para exprimir o sentido de ambiente?, de espaço? no ciberespaço ou universo paralelo de zeros e uns? (JOHNSON, 2001, p. 19 apud SILVA, 2006)

    Eventos científicos online: el caso de las lives en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19

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    The purpose of this article is to present the importance of scientific education within the Brazilian reality and some relevant implications for public policies in relation to doing science in Brazil. For this, the choice was to explain the phenomenon of online scientific event, a phenomenon of scientific education as a resonance of cyberculture and an unfolding of online scientific dissemination. In an epistemological-methodological perspective of training-research in cyberculture, the topics under discussion were mapped in the educational networks that used the Facebook, Instagram and YouTube applications, between the first two quarantine months with social distance in Brazil. It is hoped with this to expand the social understanding of this sociotechnical phenomenon and, at the same time, to describe densely the updating of its nomenclature academic-scientific lives or may lives, preserving the limits of the phenomenal essence. And, still, expand the scientific repertoire on the public perception of science of Brazilian society, as well as collaborate with the reflections currently established in society through the impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la importancia de la educación científica dentro de la realidad brasileña y algunas implicaciones relevantes para las políticas públicas en relación a hacer ciencia en Brasil. Para ello, se optó por explicar el fenómeno del evento científico online, fenómeno de la educación científica como resonancia de la cibercultura y despliegue de la divulgación científica online. En una perspectiva epistemológico-metodológica de formación-investigación en cibercultura, los temas en discusión fueron mapeados en las redes educativas que utilizaron las aplicaciones de Facebook, Instagram y YouTube, entre los dos primeros meses de cuarentena con distancia social en Brasil. Se espera con esto ampliar la comprensión social de este fenómeno sociotécnico y, al mismo tiempo, describir densamente la actualización de su nomenclatura académico-científica vidas o vidas de mayo, preservando los límites de la esencia fenoménica. Y, aún así, ampliar el repertorio científico sobre la percepción pública de la ciencia de la sociedad brasileña, así como colaborar con las reflexiones actualmente establecidas en la sociedad a través del impacto provocado por la pandemia COVID-19.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a importância da educação científica dentro da realidade brasileira e algumas implicações pertinentes às políticas públicas em relação ao fazer ciência no Brasil. Para isso, a escolha foi explicitar o fenômeno evento científico online, um fenômeno da educação científica como ressonância da cibercultura e um desdobramento da difusão científica online. Numa perspectiva epistemológica-metodológica de formação-pesquisa na cibercultura, os temas em discussão foram mapeados nas redes educativas que utilizaram os aplicativos do Facebook, Instagram e YouTube, entre os dois primeiros meses de quarentena com distanciamento social no Brasil. Espera-se com isso ampliar a compreensão social deste fenômeno sociotécnico e, ao mesmo tempo, descrever densamente a atualização de sua nomenclatura lives acadêmico-científicas ou lives de maio, preservando os limites da essência fenomenal. E, ainda, ampliar o repertório científico sobre a percepção pública de ciência da sociedade brasileira, assim como colaborar com as reflexões instauradas atualmente na sociedade mediante o impacto causado pela pandemia da COVID-19

    Higher fibrinolytic and inflammatory markers are associated with central venous catheters use in chronic kidney disease patients under haemodialysis

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    Interruption of blood supply to the heart is a leading cause of death and disability. However, the molecular events that occur during heart ischemia, and how these changes prime consequent cell death upon reperfusion, are poorly understood. Protein SUMOylation is a post-translational modification that has been strongly implicated in the protection of cells against a variety of stressors, including ischemia-reperfusion. In particular, the SUMO2/3-specific protease SENP3 has emerged as an important determinant of cell survival after ischemic infarct. Here, we used the Langendorff perfusion model to examine changes in the levels and localisation of SUMOylated target proteins and SENP3 in whole heart. We observed a 50% loss of SENP3 from the cytosolic fraction of hearts after preconditioning, a 90% loss after ischemia and an 80% loss after ischemia-reperfusion. To examine these effects further, we performed ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion experiments in the cardiomyocyte H9C2 cell line. Similar to whole hearts, ischemia induced a decrease in cytosolic SENP3. Furthermore, shRNA-mediated knockdown of SENP3 led to an increase in the rate of cell death upon reperfusion. Together, our results indicate that cardiac ischemia dramatically alter levels of SENP3 and suggest that this may a mechanism to promote cell survival after ischemia-reperfusion in heart

    Effect of phage vB_EcoM_FJ1 on the reduction of ETEC O9:H9 infection in a neonatal pig cell line

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) colonizes the intestine of young pigs causing severe diarrhoea and consequently bringing high production costs. The rise of antibiotic selective pressure together with ongoing limitations on their use, demands new strategies to tackle this pathology. The pertinence of using bacteriophages as an alternative is being explored, and in this work, the efficacy of phage vB\_EcoM\_FJ1 (FJ1) in reducing the load of ETEC EC43-Ph (serotype O9:H9 expressing the enterotoxin STa and two adhesins F5 and F41) was assessed. Foreseeing the oral application on piglets, FJ1 was encapsulated on calcium carbonate and alginate microparticles, thus preventing phage release under adverse conditions of the simulated gastric fluid (pH 3.0) and allowing phage availability in simulated intestinal fluid (pH 6.5). A single dose of encapsulated FJ1, provided to IPEC-1 cultured cells (from intestinal epithelium of piglets) previously infected by EC43, provided bacterial reductions of about 99.9\\% after 6 h. Although bacteriophage-insensitive mutants (BIMs) have emerged from treatment, the consequent fitness costs associated with this new phenotype were demonstrated, comparatively to the originating strain. The higher competence of the pig complement system to decrease BIMs' viability, the lower level of colonization of IPEC-1 cells observed with these mutants, and the increased survival rates and health index recorded in infected Galleria mellonella larvae supported this observation. Most of all, FJ1 established a proof-of-concept of the efficiency of phages to fight against ETEC in piglet intestinal cells.This study was mainly supported by the project Susphage, POCI-01–0247FEDER-033679, funded by FEDER through COMPETE 2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI). The work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic fund of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte; by the project PTDC/CVT-CVT/29628/2017 [POCI-01–0145-FEDER-029628]; and by the project PhagoVet, H2020-EIC-FTI-2018–2020 funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820523. From Spain, this work was supported by the project PID2019-104439RB-C21/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spain), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund of the Euro‑ pean Union, a Way to Make Europe (ERDF). IG-M acknowledges the Xunta de Galicia for his post-doctoral grant ED481B-2021–006.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) Complex as a Signal for Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) Presence in the Herd

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    Background: Infections are caused by Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus and still continue to be a worldwide plague in cattle industry. It is responsible for sudden death syndromes in adult cattle with high mortality rates, abortions, acute gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. The BVDV infection occurs in early pregnancy (40-142 days), in immunosuppressed females or cows results in 100% of persistently infected (PI) calves that are seronegative and asymptomatic at birth. Evidences suggests that BVDV contributes to BRD complex potentiating secondary infections caused by Mannheimia haemolytica e Pasteurella multocida due to its immunosuppressive action. However, the farmers have often associated the respiratory syndrome with other infectious agents. This paper reports the attendance of dairy calves manifesting clinical signs of bronchopneumonia, which led to the screening of the persistently infected animals to control of the BVDV infection in the herd.Materials, Methods & Results: During the technical assistance, ten calves manifesting bronchopneumonia were selected to trans-tracheal lavage (TL) in order to identify possible infectious agents. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detected the presence of BVDV in two heifers. Pasteurella multocida was the unique bacterial agent isolated from TL (5/10, 50%). These data motivated the technical team and producers to investigate the PI screening by direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay from biopsies of the ear edge. The screening of PI’s detected 29 positive within of 2,342 animals tested (1.23%). The re-test of positive was performed only in 24 animals due to the cull of five bovine with severe bronchopneumonia and diarrhea, confirming 18 persistently infected calves (18/24; 75%). Finally, in all PI’s live dams were tested. It was observed four positive adult animals. One grand dam was live and tested, but it had negative result for direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent test. The rate of PI’s considering the whole herd was 0.81% (22/3,700 animals).Discussion: The involvement of BVDV in the etiology of bronchopneumonia was confirmed by detection of the virus in trans-tracheal lavages in two calves by RT-PCR. The susceptibility for Pasteurella multocida infection could be promoted by BVDV prime-infection, considering that immunossupressive nature of BVDV is a critical factor in the interaction with others viruses and bacteria. At this time, we are aware about any report about the detection of BVDV in trans-tracheal lavages. These findings culminated with the screening of PI animals in the herd, detecting rates of 0.81%. The intensive vaccination and colostrum management of this farm could protected the herd against BVDV, however others facts facilitated the introduction of the virus in the herd. This research was conduced in a high-production dairy farm with around 3,700 animals raised in an open herd, in which some of cows with high genetic potential were transferred for embryo collection in the state of Paraná, Brazil; resulting in the addition of the calves to the herd by others routes. Moreover, the farm used for many years vaccine containing only BVDV-1, which may have favored the entry and spread of BVDV-2 or BVDV-3 in the herd. This research showed the presence of BVDV in trans-tracheal lavage of heifers with bronchopneumonia by RT-PCR. This fact points to the need of BRD control programs that include detection of PI animals

    Cross-talk between inflammation, coagulation/fibrinolysis and vascular access in hemodialysis patients

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    This work aimed to study the association between fibrinolytic/endothelial cell function and inflammatory markers in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) therapies, and its relationship with the type of vascular access (VA) used for the HD procedure. As fibrinolytic/endothelial cell function markers we evaluated plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and D-dimers, and as inflammatory markers; C-reactive protein (CRP), soluble interleukin (IL)-2 receptor (s-IL2R), IL-6 and serum albumin levels. The study was performed in 50 CKD patients undergoing regular HD, 11 with a central venous dialysis catheter (CVC) and 39 with an arteriovenous fistula (AVF), and in 25 healthy controls. Compared to controls, CKD patients presented with significantly higher levels of CRP, s-IL2R, IL-6 and D-dimers, and significantly lower levels of PAI-1. The tPA/PAI-1 ratio was significantly higher in CKD patients. We also found statistical significant correlations in CKD patients between D-dimers levels and inflammatory markers: CRP, albumin, s-IL2R and IL-6. When comparing the two groups of CKD patients, we found that those with a CVC presented statistically significant lower levels of hemoglobin concentration and albumin, and higher levels of CRP, IL-6, D-dimers and tPA. Our results showed an association between fibrinolytic/endothelial cell function and increased inflammatory markers in CKD patients. The increased levels of Ddimer, tPA and inflammatory markers in CKD patients using a CVC, led us to propose a relationship between the type of VA chosen for HD, and the risk of thrombogenesis