130 research outputs found

    Aplicación web para el diseño de drones modulares

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    [ES] El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una aplicación web para el diseño y visualización de drones a partir de modelos tridimensionales de componentes modulares. Adicionalmente, se plantea la creación de una plataforma social en la que los usuarios compartan sus diseños y piezas personalizadas con el resto de la comunidad con el objetivo de ampliar las posibilidades de la aplicación. Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de Beewo, una iniciativa de emprendimiento que tiene por objetivo acercar a los usuarios más jóvenes al mundo de la programación por medio de paquetes educacionales para construir un dron personalizado a partir de piezas impresas en 3D. Por este mismo motivo, se ha implementado un visor de realidad aumentada para que los usuarios puedan observar sus propias creaciones y las de otros miembros de la comunidad de la forma más atractiva y sencilla posible.[CA] L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és el desenvolupament d’una aplicació web per al disseny i visualització de drones a partir de models tridimensionals de components modulars. Addicionalment, es planteja la creació d’una plataforma social en la qual els usuaris comparteixen els seus dissenys i peces personalitzades amb la resta de la comunitat amb l’objectiu d’ampliar les possibilitats de l’aplicació. Aquest projecte s’emmarca dins de Beewo, una iniciativa d’emprenedoria que té per objectiu acostar als usuaris més jóvens al món de la programació per mitjà de paquets educacionals per a construir un dron personalitzat a partir de peces impreses en 3D. Per este mateix motiu, s’ha implementat un visor de realitat augmentada perquè els usuaris puguen observar les seues pròpies creacions i les d’altres membres de la comunitat de la manera més atractiva i senzilla possible.[EN] This project aims to develop a web application for designing and visualizing of drones, which are built with three-dimensional models of modular components. Additionally, the creation of a social platform is proposed thus users are able to share their designs and custom pieces with the rest of the community so that the possibilities of the application increase significantly. This project is part of Beewo, an entrepreneurship initiative with the ambition to bring programming closer to the youngest users through educational packages to build a custom drone from 3D printed pieces. Likewise, an augmented reality viewer has been implemented so that users can observe their own creations, and those of other members of the community, in the most attractive and simple way possible.Casado Coscollá, Á. (2018). Aplicación web para el diseño de drones modulares. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/106725TFG

    Genomic investigation of a legionellosis outbreak in a persistently colonized hotel

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    Objectives: A long-lasting legionellosis outbreak was reported between November 2011 and July 2012 in a hotel in Calpe (Spain) affecting 44 patients including six deaths. Intensive epidemiological and microbiological investigations were performed in order to detect the reservoirs. Methods: Clinical and environmental samples were tested for the presence and genetic characterization of Legionella pneumophila. Six of the isolates were subjected to whole-genome sequencing. Results: Sequencing of 14 clinical and 260 environmental samples revealed sequence type (ST) 23 as the main responsible strain for the infections. This ST was found in the spa pool, from where it spread to other hotel public spaces, explaining the ST23 clinical cases, including guests who had not visited the spa. Uncultured clinical specimens showed profiles compatible with ST23, ST578, and mixed patterns. Profiles compatible with ST578 were obtained by direct sequencing from biofilm samples collected from the domestic water system, which provided evidence for the source of infection for non ST23 patients. Whole genome data from five ST23 strains and the identification of different STs and Legionella species showed that different hotel premises were likely colonized since the hotel opening thus explaining how different patients had been infected by distinct STs. Conclusions: Both epidemiological and molecular data are essential in the investigation of legionellosis outbreaks. Whole-genome sequencing data revealed significant intra-ST variability and allowed to make further inference on the short-term evolution of a local colonization of L. pneumophila

    Entrevista a Julián Bonequi, artista multimedia

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    [ES] Julián Bonequi es un artista mexicano que imparte docencia en escuelas artísticas de Barcelona y Valencia. Su obra es muy variada, realizando ilustraciones, pinturas, videos y composición musical. Ha colaborado en numerosos proyectos, como es el caso del diseño de personajes, modelado, blend shapes, y animación de mandalas.Poveda Coscollá, MDC. (2011). Entrevista a Julián Bonequi, artista multimedia. Con A de Animación. (1):31-34. doi:10.4995/caa.2011.843SWORD3134

    In Silico Exploration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Metabolic Networks Shows Host-Associated Convergent Fluxomic Phenotypes

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is composed of several lineages characterized by a genome identity higher than 99%. Although the majority of the lineages are associated with humans, at least four lineages are adapted to other mammals, including different M. tuberculosis ecotypes. Host specificity is associated with higher virulence in its preferred host in ecotypes such as M. bovis. Deciphering what determines the preference of the host can reveal host-specific virulence patterns. However, it is not clear which genomic determinants might be influencing host specificity. In this study, we apply a combination of unsupervised and supervised classification methods on genomic data of ~27,000 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates to decipher host-specific genomic determinants. Host-specific genomic signatures are scarce beyond known lineage-specific mutations. Therefore, we integrated lineage-specific mutations into the iEK1011 2.0 genome-scale metabolic model to obtain lineage-specific versions of it. Flux distributions sampled from the solution spaces of these models can be accurately separated according to host association. This separation correlated with differences in cell wall processes, lipid, amino acid and carbon metabolic subsystems. These differences were observable when more than 95% of the samples had a specific growth rate significantly lower than the maximum achievable by the models. This suggests that these differences might manifest at low growth rate settings, such as the restrictive conditions M. tuberculosis suffers during macrophage infection

    Estado psicológico de los adolescentes con enfermedades reumáticas

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    This paper examines, in a first exploration, the psychological condition of adolescents with rheumatic diseases, and investigates the differences between boys and girls. Forty adolescents (31 girls and 9 boys), patients of the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit at Children’s Hospital La Fe in Valencia, ranging from 13 to 19 years old, were assessed using different methods as to their psychological condition and emotional problems. The results point at several problems in the psychosocial functioning of adoles-cents with rheumatic diseases. The results from the psychological tests indicate that this is especially so where girls are concerned. The sample presents more problems related to absence of the capacity to experience joy, fun and happiness than problems related to depression. Boys, although to a lesser extent, also have problems with psychosocial functioning. In their case hostility stands out.El presente trabajo examina, en una primera exploración, el estado psicológico de los adolescentes con enfermedades reumáticas e investiga las diferencias entre chicos y chicas. Cuarenta adolescen-tes (31 chicas y 9 chicos) pacientes de la Unidad de Reumatología Pediátrica del Hospital Infantil La Fe de Valencia, con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 19 años, fueron evaluados empleando diversas medidas acerca de su estado psicológico y problemas emocionales. Los resultados indican la existencia de algunos problemas en el funcionamiento psicosocial de los adolescentes con enfer-medades reumáticas. Los resultados de las pruebas psicológicas indican que esto es así especial-mente en el caso de las chicas. La muestra presenta más problemas relacionados con la ausencia de capacidad para experimentar alegría, diversión, y felicidad que problemas relacionados con la depre-sión. Los chicos, aunque en menor medida que las chicas, presentan también problemas de ajuste psicosocial. En su caso destaca la dimensión hostilidad

    Effect of sex pheromone emission on the attraction of Lobesia botrana

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    Since the discovery of Lobesia botrana Denis & Schiffermüller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) sex pheromone, it has played an important role in the control and detection of this pest, for example, through the use of pheromone-baited traps and mating disruption techniques. Rubber septa are the most common pheromone dispensers used in monitoring traps, but often dispenser performance is not optimized. The key to improve methods based on pheromones as attractants (monitoring, mass trapping, or ‘attract and kill’) is to know the optimum emission interval, because release rates can strongly affect the attraction. In this work, five levels of pheromone load with different release rates were compared in traps using mesoporous pheromone dispensers to investigate the optimum release rate maximizing L. botrana catches. Residual pheromone loads of the dispensers were extracted and quantified by gas chromatography, to study release profiles and to estimate the various emission levels. The efficacy of pheromone emission was measured in field trials as number of moths caught. A quadratic model was fitted to relate the numbers caught vs. the daily emission rates. The resulting quadratic term was statistically significant, confirming the existence of a relative maximum for L. botrana catches. Taking into account that the trial was carried out only in one location, an optimum emission value of ca. 400 μg per day could be considered to enhance the attraction of L. botrana under West-Mediterranean weather conditions.© 2011 The Authors. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata © 2011 The Netherlands Entomological Society.Vacas González, S.; Alfaro Cañamás, C.; Zarzo Castelló, M.; Navarro-Llopis, V.; Primo Millo, J. (2011). Effect of sex pheromone emission on the attraction of Lobesia botrana. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 139(3):250-257. doi:10.1111/j.1570-7458.2011.01124.xS2502571393Anshelevich, L., Kehat, M., Dunkelblum, E., & Greenberg, S. (1994). Sex Pheromone Traps for Monitoring the European Vine Moth,Lobesia botrana: Effect of Dispenser Type, Pheromone Dose, Field Aging of Dispenser, and Type of Trap on Male Captures. Phytoparasitica, 22(4), 281-290. doi:10.1007/bf02980529Arn, H., Rauscher, S., Guerin, P., & Buser, H.-R. (1988). Sex pheromone blends of three tortricid pests in European vineyards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 21(1-2), 111-117. doi:10.1016/0167-8809(88)90143-0Bradley, S. J., Suckling, D. M., McNaughton, K. G., Wearing, C. H., & Karg, G. (1995). A temperature-dependent model for predicting release rates of pheromone from a polyethylene tubing dispenser. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 21(6), 745-760. doi:10.1007/bf02033458Branco, M., Jactel, H., Silva, E. B., Binazzi, A., & Mendel, Z. (2004). Effect of trap design, trap size and pheromone dose on male capture of two pine bast scales species (Hemiptera: Matsucoccidae): implications for monitoring and mass-trapping. 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