62 research outputs found

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    Profissionalização em Gerontologia: formação profissional em Gerontologia

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    Resumo: Com o intuito de contribuir para uma reflexão a respeito do tema Profissionalização em Gerontologia, é lançado um conjunto de idéias abertas que procuram estimular um pensamento divergente sobre os significados, os modos e as estratégias de formação de profissionais na área da Gerontologia. É apresentada uma abordagem sobre a formação profissional, deslocando-a, de uma perspectiva excessivamente centrada nas dimensões acadêmicas, para uma perspectiva centrada na concepção de Gerontologia, ciência interdisciplinar do estudo da velhice, e no terreno da ação prática do profissional dessa área. Argumenta-se a necessidade de pensar a formação profissional a partir de uma reflexão fundamental sobre a profissão de gerontólogo. Palavras-chave: Profissionalização. Formação. Formação Profissional. Profissional em Gerontologia. Abstract: With the purpose of contributing to a reflection on the theme Profissionalization in Gerontology, a set of open ideas that aim at stimulating a divergent thought about the meanings, the modes and the strategies of formation of professionals in the area of Gerontology is introduced. An approach about the professional formation is presented, shifting it from a perspective excessively centered in the academic dimensions to a perspective centered in the conception of gerontology – the interdisciplinary science of the study of old age – and in the field of the practical action of the professional of this area. It is argued that it is necessary to think about professional formation starting from a fundamental reflection about the profession of gerontologist. Keywords: Professionalization. Formation. Professional Formation. Professional in Gerontology

    Lanthanide doped alkaline-earth fluoride nanoparticles as biomedical probes

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    This thesis work presents the synthesis and characterization of lanthanide doped Calcium fluoride or Strontium fluoride nanoparticles, architected to achieve long luminescence lifetimes, upconversion properties or thermometric properties. The presentes nano-systems proved to be potentially useful as probes for optical imaging and as nanothermometers to monitor a photothermal cancer treatment

    A judicialização dos direitos sociais e os limites ao ativismo judicial no âmbito da jurisdição constitucional

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    O ativismo judicial se fortaleceu e tornou-se uma linha de atuação defendida por muitos membros do Poder Judiciário. É notório que o advento da Constituição Federal de 1988 bem como a constitucionalização das relações sociais e do Direito influenciaram este fortalecimento. Além disso, a omissão da Administração Pública em efetivar direitos protegidos constitucionalmente impulsiona a disseminação dessa linha ativista de atuação judicial, que encontra na jurisdição constitucional seu espaço ideal de crescimento. É função do Poder Judiciário, em geral, proteger a Constituição Federal bem como resguardar os princípios fundamentais do Estado Democrático de Direito. Apesar de possuir respaldo legal e legitimidade democrática para atuar nessa linha ativista, o Judiciário e seus membros possuem suas decisões limitadas pelo ordenamento jurídico vigente visando impedir a caracterização de uma hegemonia judicial. Este artigo, desta forma, visa discorrer sobre a atuação do Poder Judiciário face à omissão dos poderes Legislativo e Executivo, muitas vezes verificada na sociedade brasileira moderna. Tal atuação defendida por alguns autores e criticada por outros passou a ser mais frequente após a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, dando maior ênfase à presença do Ativismo Judicial no Brasil. Tal fenômeno que, de certa forma, é uma vertente da Judicialização da Política, consiste em uma maior atividade do Poder Judiciário em questões políticas sociais a fim de garantir, principalmente o acesso aos direitos fundamentais a uma parcela mais carente da população

    Wellbeing: exploring differences in a group of university students

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    El estudio aborda en población estudiantil universitaria la problemática del bienestar, tanto en su variante hedónica como eudaimónica, como indicador de carácter positivo en torno a la concepción de salud mental.The study addresses the problems of well-being in the university student population, both in its hedonic and eudaimonic variants, as a positive indicator of the conception of mental health.Facultad de Psicologí

    Bienestar en la pandemia: su relación con las actitudes y creencias hacia las medidas de prevención

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    A finales del 2019 la humanidad se vio sorprendida por el surgimiento y expansión de la enfermedad del coronavirus (COVID-19). Su rápida propagación y el impacto sobre la salud de las personas llevaron a la Organización Mundial de la Salud a declararla pandemia global a principios del 2020. En este contexto, los gobiernos nacionales dispusieron diferentes medidas preventivas con la finalidad de controlar la enfermedad. Entre ellas se destaca el aislamiento social preventivo obligatorio (ASPO). Estas implementaciones alteraron la vida cotidiana de la población. En este marco se propuso indagar el devenir del bienestar durante la pandemia en cuatro tiempos, asociándolo con las actitudes y creencias hacia las medidas preventivas en función del género y posicionamiento ideológico. Se propuso describir mediante un estudio no experimental, longitudinal de tendencia y de diferencia de grupo el comportamiento de una muestra urbana, de población general de Buenos Aires, durante cuatro tiempos comprendidos entre abril de 2020 y junio de 2021, mediante un cuestionario virtual autoadministrado. La muestra, intencional, quedó compuesta por 1.142 participantes (63,40% mujeres; 36,60% hombres) con una edad promedio de = 39,77 años (DT= 14,63). Los resultados muestran, en línea con estudios previos, que todas las puntuaciones de bienestar resultaron menores en tiempos de aislamiento social y comienzan a incrementarse a partir del T3 y T4 cuando se dispone el distanciamiento social obligatorio y se inicia el proceso de vacunación en el país. El bienestar hedónico obtuvo los valores más altos, mientras que el bienestar social resultó el más afectado. No se detectaron diferencias por género. Por su parte, las actitudes hacia las medidas preventivas fueron bien recibidas durante T1, pero decayeron con el surgimiento de las vacunas. Las mujeres se mostraron más favorables al pago de impuestos en beneficio del sistema de salud mientras que los hombres manifestaron mayor afinidad por la inmigración y los planes sociales. En cuanto al posicionamiento ideológico, quienes se posicionan hacia la izquierda mostraron mayor inclinación por las políticas sociales y migratorias. Finalmente, se observó que frente al temor a lo desconocido se incrementan las creencias totalitarias.At the end of 2019 humanity was surprised by the emergence and expansion of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Its rapid spread and the impact on people's health led the World Health Organization to declare it a global pandemic in early 2020. In this context, national governments ordered different preventive measures in order to control the disease. Among them, mandatory preventive social isolation (ASPO) stands out. These implementations altered the daily life of the population. In this framework it was proposed to investigate the evolution of well-being during the pandemic in four times, associating it with attitudes and beliefs towards preventive measures based on gender and ideological position. The objective was to describe, through a non-experimental, longitudinal trend and group difference study, the behavior of an urban sample, from the general population of Buenos Aires, during four times between April 2020 and June 2021, through a self-administered virtual questionnaire. The convenience sample was composed by 1,142 participants (63.40% women; 36.60% men) with a mean age of = 39.77 years (SD=14.63). As expected, and in line with previous studies, all well-being scores were lower in times of social isolation and begin to increase from T3 and T4 when mandatory social distancing began, and the vaccination process started in the country. Hedonic well-being obtained the highest values, while social well-being was the most affected. When grouping participants by gender, no differences showed up. On the other hand, positive attitudes towards preventive measures were observed during T1, but dispositions declined when passing time and the advent of vaccines. Women were more favorable to paying taxes for the benefit of the health system, while men showed greater affinity for immigration and social plans. Regarding the ideological position, those who positioned themselves on the left showed a greater inclination for social and migratory policies. Finally, it was observed that fear to the unknown increase totalitarian beliefs.Fil: Baghino, Diego Sebastian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Cortelletti, Lorena. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Muratori, Marcela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Zubieta, Elena Mercedes. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    A Multifunctional Nanocomposite Hydrogel for Endoscopic Tracking and Manipulation

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    Herein, the fabrication of multi‐responsive and hierarchically organized nanomaterial using core‐shell SrF2 upconverting nanoparticles, doped with Yb3+, Tm3+, Nd3+ incorporated into gelatin methacryloyl matrix, is reported. Upon 800 nm excitation, deep monitoring of 3D‐printed constructs is demonstrated. Addition of magnetic self‐assembly of iron oxide nanoparticles within the hydrogel provides anisotropic structuration from the nano‐ to the macro‐scale and magnetic responsiveness permitting remote manipulation. The present study provides a new strategy for the fabrication of a novel highly organized multi‐responsive material using additive manufacturing, which can have important implications in biomedicine

    L’aggiornamento dell’anagrafe dell’handicap della Provincia autonoma di Trento

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    [Update of the handicap registry of the Autonomous Province of Trento]There are some good reasons that support our effort to annually update the handicap registry of the Autonomous Province of Trento.The first reason is due to the fact that in our country there is an incomprehensible dispersion of information that feed the numerous existing databases on disability. This dispersion does not allow to have precise information on the actual number of people with disabilities and their characteristics.A second reason is that each functional articulation of the National Healthcare Systems is accountable to the community of what is enacted for the protection of the fundamental right to health, as proclaimed in Article 32 of the Constitution.A third reason is to make statistical data accessible to policy makers and to all the government since they have a responsibility in making strategic decisions and planning the supply of social and health services dedicated to people with disabilities.The fourth and final reason is the uniqueness of the protection given by our country to people with disabilities. But there is a fourth and final reason that supports our obstinacy: we indicate the typicality of the protection given by our country to people with disabilities. Protection that, in absolute contrast with the general logic of our welfare system, is aimed to the right of citizenship of these people (and their families) when they are not yet hospitalized in long-term structures. With the result that this database, beyond the general macro-statistical indicators, provides a clear idea of the needs that disabled people have when they actually live in the home, witnessing the strong commitment exercised by the network of relatives and the difficulties faced by families in the care burden.Between 1992 and 2012 the database managed by the Operative Unit of Legal Medicine, APSS (Azienda provinciale per i Servizi sanitari di Trento), recorded 18,380 people with disabilities who have submitted 23,920 applications designed to obtain the benefits and facilities provided by the Law of 25 February 1992, no. 104.The article presents the macro-statistical indicators database (sex and age) and some other indicators that represent the complexity of the phenomenon, such as trends of applications, types of disabilities, impairments causing disability, benefits and facilities recognized