53 research outputs found

    Concepciones alternativas de futuros maestros sobre la naturaleza de las mareas

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    En este trabajo se analizan las ideas previas de futuros maestros sobre la comprensión y el origen de las mareas. El estudio se basa en los datos de una muestra de alumnos de los grados de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Maestro en Educación Primaria (n=59) obtenidos a través de un cuestionario abierto. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes reconocen que el fenómeno está relacionado con la atracción gravitatoria de la Luna sobre nuestro planeta, aunque la mayoría muestran dificultades a la hora de representar un modelo a escala planetaria explicando el origen del fenómeno

    Field trips and other teaching resources in natural and social sciences: educational implications from past experiences in Spanish primary schools

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    [EN] This paper describes the use of Natural and Social Sciences teaching resources in Spanish primary schools during the second half of the 20th century, based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of 250 recollections of retired teachers. Differences were identified between groups of teachers determined by gender, previous teaching context (urban vs rural) and higher education qualifications. Our results show that the academic background had a direct impact on the variety and type of teaching resources used and was a determinant factor to promote experiential learning. The study also highlights the comprehensive use of school field trips in the past as teaching resources to motivate students and develop different inquiry skills. Finally, the importance of mastering different educational resources in the teaching profession is discussed.This study is part of the Project Estudio y análisis de la cultura escolar a través de los testimonios de docentes (REF K117), funded by the University of Salamanca

    Implementing citizen science programmes in the context of university gardens to promote preservice teachers' scientific literacy: a study case on soil

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    This work presents an assessment of pre-service teachers' argumentative practice, after implementing a novel teaching-learning sequence on soil health including a citizen science programme, which was applied outdoors at the university garden. The sequence was implemented at five Spanish universities with 351 undergraduates studying Early Childhood and Primary Teacher Education. It posed a final assessment task consisting in a real-world situation that involved making decisions on science-related issues: students needed to argue whether it was possible to use a piece of land as a school garden, based on soil data provided in a variety of formats. To assess participants' level of achievement, a rubric was specifically designed by adapting the Evidence-Explanation Continuum approach, which was applied to a subsample of 123 answers (35%). Results evidenced that the process of knowledge-building discourse from initial data to final explanations involved a series of transformations of increasing difficulty, since the percentage of students who were able to correctly accomplish them decreased a long the continuum. Including the citizen science programme promoted the development of basic aspects of scientific literacy related to interpreting data and evidence scientifically but, for students to be generally capable of drawing evidence-based conclusions, argumentation practices should be regularly included in science classes

    Concepciones alternativas de futuros maestros sobre la naturaleza de las mareas

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    En este trabajo se analizan las ideas previas de futuros maestros sobre la comprensión y el origen de las mareas. El estudio se basa en los datos de una muestra de alumnos de los grados de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Maestro en Educación Primaria (n=59) obtenidos a través de un cuestionario abierto. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes reconocen que el fenómeno está relacionado con la atracción gravitatoria de la Luna sobre nuestro planeta, aunque la mayoría muestran dificultades a la hora de representar un modelo a escala planetaria explicando el origen del fenómeno

    Why do teaching students choose the teaching career?

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    [ES] Para lograr una mejora en la formación del alumnado en la enseñanza obligatoria es necesario contar con buenos maestros y maestras, implicados, comprometidos y motivados con su trabajo. En este artículo se presenta un análisis sobre los principales motivos que llevan al alumnado universitario a elegir la carrera docente para su futuro profesional, prestando especial atención a los factores que podrían estar influyendo en estas razones. Se analizó una muestra de 409 estudiantes de diferentes cursos de los grados en Maestro, procedentes de nueve universidades públicas españolas. Para la recogida de la información se empleó una versión adaptada y reducida de la escala FIT‑Choice (Factors Influencing Teaching Choice). Los resultados mostraron que los factores mejor valorados fueron los altruistas, vinculados con la función social que tiene la enseñanza, mientras que, en sentido contrario, aparecen factores vinculados con la motivación extrínseca, entre los que destacan las ventajas materiales de la profesión. Por último, se ha identificado una pérdida progresiva de la importancia de los factores vinculados con la estabilidad laboral y familiar a medida que el alumnado avanzaba en los grados en Maestro.[EN] In order to achieve an improvement in the training of students in compulsory education, it is necessary to have good teachers, who are involved, committed and motivated by their work. In this paper we present an analysis of the main reasons why university students choose a teaching career for their professional future, paying attention to the factors that could be influencing these reasons. We analyzed a sample of 409 students from different courses, from nine Spanish public universities. To collect the information, we used an adapted and reduced version of the FIT‑Choice scale (Factors Influencing Teaching Choice). The results show that the best valued factors were the altruistic ones, linked to the social function of teaching. In the opposite direction, there were factors linked to extrinsic motivation, among which the material advantages of the profession stand out. Finally, it has been identified a progressive loss in the importance of factors linked to job and family stability as students progressed through the teacher degrees

    Prevalência e determinantes sociais da ideação suicida entre estudantes brasileiros em escolas públicas do ensino médio

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    Background and Aim: Recent studies have shown an increase in suicidal ideation and behaviors among youths, highlighting solid associations between being poor, being female, being LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender), and suffering discrimination at school and on the internet. Although the social determinants of suicidal ideation are widely debated worldwide, there is a lack of data on these topics concerning young Brazilians. The present study aimed to contribute to filling this gap. Method: The cross-sectional study used a convenience sample of 475 senior high school students (16–17 y-old) from nine public schools in São Paulo, Brazil. Results: Of the total interviewed, 224 reported lifetime suicidal ideation, an unexpectedly high prevalence (47.2%). In the multiple analysis with an estimated adjusted prevalence ratio (PR), same-sex or bisexual attraction (PR = 1.87; 95%CI: 1.5–2.3), studying in night schools (PR = 1.36; 95%CI: 1.1–1.6) — indicative of lower economic status — and being discriminated against at school (PR = 1.22; 95%CI: 1.0–1.5) and on the internet (PR = 1.48; 95%CI: 1.2–1.8) were positively associated with lifetime suicidal ideation. The students' self-defined race/ethnicity and gender were not. Conclusions: The results indicate the need to consider the social determinants of mental health in the public debate and intervention programs aimed at youth in Brazil and elsewhere. Enhancing mental health promotion while considering the sociopolitical determinants of health should be a strategic and political priority. It is crucial to have a comprehensive intersectional perspective that reflects on the various forms of domination and how these connect with mental distress and its consequences.Contexto e Objetivo: Estudos recentes mostram um aumento de ideação e comportamentos suicidas entre jovens, havendo fortes associações com ser pobre, ser mulher, ser LGBT (lésbica, gay, bissexual ou transgénero) e sofrer discriminação na escola e/ou na internet. Embora os determinantes sociais da ideação suicida sejam amplamente debatidos em todo o mundo, há uma lacuna sobre esses temas em relação aos jovens brasileiros, o que o presente estudo pretende contribuir para preencher. Métodos: O estudo transversal utilizou uma amostra de conveniência de 475 alunos do ensino médio (16–17 anos) de nove escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Resultados: Do total de entrevistados, 224 deles relataram ideação suicida ao longo da vida, uma prevalência inesperadamente alta (47,2%). Na análise múltipla com estimativa da razão de prevalência (RP) ajustada, atração por pessoas do mesmo sexo ou bissexual (RP = 1,87; IC95%: 1,5–2,3), estudar em escolas noturnas (RP = 1,36; IC95%: 1,1–1,6) — indicativo de menor condição econômica — e ser discriminado em escola (RP = 1,22; IC95%: 1,0–1,5) e na internet (RP = 1,48; IC95%: 1,2–1,8) foram associados positivamente à ideação suicida ao longo da vida. Raça/etnia e gênero dos alunos não foram associados. Conclusões: Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de consideração dos determinantes sociais da saúde mental no debate público e nos programas de intervenção voltados à juventude no Brasil e em outros lugares. O aprimoramento da promoção da saúde mental, levando-se em conta os determinantes sociopolíticos da saúde, deve ser uma prioridade estratégica e política. É crucial uma perspectiva interseccional abrangente que reflita sobre as várias formas de dominação e como estas se conectam com o sofrimento mental e suas consequências