41 research outputs found

    Wireless networks and EMF-paving the way for low-EMF networks of the future: the LEXNET project

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    While, according to the World Health Organization, no adverse health effects of radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been established to date, EMF exposure from wireless communication networks is nonetheless often cited as a major cause of public concern and is frequently given considerable media coverage. This article presents the results of a new survey on RF-EMF exposure risk perception together with a comprehensive overview of the EMF footprint of existing and emerging networks. On the basis of these findings, we then put forward the rationale for EMF-aware networking. Subsequently, we highlight the gaps in existing systems, which impede EMF-aware networking, and outline the key concepts of the recently launched European Union (EU) Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Integrated Project Low-EMF Exposure Future Networks (LEXNET): a new, all-encompassing, population-based metric of exposure and ways it can be used for low-EMF, quality of service (QoS)-aware network optimization.This paper reports work undertaken in the context of the project LEXNET. LEXNET is a project supported by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme (GA n°318273). For further information, please visit www.lexnet-project.e

    Implicações maternas e fetais da hipovitaminose D no período gestacional: uma revisão de literatura

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    A vitamina D (VD) é uma vitamina lipossolúvel com fundamental desempenho em diversas funções fisiológicas. Suas fontes são alimentação, suplementação ou síntese na pele em resposta à exposição à luz solar. As complicações da hipovitaminose D na gestação podem afetar a mãe e o lactente , sendo que em casos mais graves levam a osteomalácia materna e raquitismo infantil. As mulheres podem apresentar alterações no período gestacional, periparto e pós-parto. Já em crianças, as complicações tendem a ser mais graves e afetar suas vidas por tempo mais prolongado. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar evidências atuais da associação da hipovitaminose D gestacional e os desfechos adversos maternos e fetais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases Science Direct, PubMed e Google Scholar para publicações de janeiro de 2013 a outubro de 2017 utilizando-se combinações de palavras-chave: “vitamin D deficiency”, “pregnancy” e “prenatal care”. Em mulheres gestantes a deficiência de VD tem sido associada a pré-eclâmpsia, diabetes mellitus gestacional, vaginose bacteriana, trabalho de parto prematuro e sintomas depressivos pós-parto. Na prole, pode levar a baixo peso ao nascer e recém-nascidos para a idade gestacional, hipocalcemia neonatal, raquitismo, diabetes tipo I, cárie dentária, comprometimento de linguagem, esclerose múltipla, distúrbios neurológicos, infecções de vias aéreas superiores e asma. Portanto, a suplementação de VD é útil para evitar resultados adversos na gravidez, mas pode não ser sempre necessária, especialmente quando as recomendações de estilo de vida são boas o suficiente para preveni-las. A fim de tomar a decisão adequada sobre a suplementação com VD, cada situação clínica individual deve ser analisada e colocada no equilíbrio correto de risco e benefício antes de prescrever a suplementação de VD.   Palavras-chave: Vitamina D, Deficiência de Vitamina D, Gravidez. ABSTRACT Vitamin D (VD) is a fat soluble vitamin with fundamental performance in various physiological functions. Its sources are diet, supplementation or synthesis in the skin in response to exposure to sunlight. Complications of hypovitaminosis D during pregnancy can affect the mother and infant, and in more severe cases lead to maternal osteomalacia and childhood rickets. Women may present changes during the gestational, peripartum and postpartum period. In children, complications tend to be more severe and affect their lives for a longer time. The objective of this review is to present current evidence of the association of gestational hypovitaminosis D and adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. A search was made at the bases Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar for publications from January 2013 to October 2017 using combinations of keywords: "vitamin D deficiency", "pregnancy" and "prenatal care". In pregnant women, VD deficiency has been associated with pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, bacterial vaginosis, preterm labor, and postpartum depressive symptoms. In offspring, it can lead to low birth weight and small babies for gestational age, neonatal hypocalcemia, rickets, type I diabetes, dental caries, language impairment, multiple sclerosis, neurological disorders, upper respiratory infections and asthma. Therefore, VD supplementation is useful to avoid adverse pregnancy outcomes, but may not always be necessary, especially when lifestyle recommendations are good enough to prevent them. In order to make the proper decision on VD supplementation, each individual clinical situation must be analyzed and placed in the correct balance of risk and benefit before prescribing VD supplementation. Keywords: Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency, Pregnancy

    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Exílio(s) 61-74 / Exil(s) 61-74

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    Exílio(s) 61-74 / Exil(s) 61-74 in Frontières, Nouvelles Scènes Linguae, Coord. Antonella Capra, Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2020, p. 31-83.Ce texte s'apparente à un palimpseste tissé de témoignages d'exilés portugais ayant fui le régime autoritaire salazariste et la guerre coloniale dans les années 1961-1974.Este texto assemelha-se a um palimpsesto feito de testemunhos de exilados portugueses que fugiram do regime autoritário salazarista e da guerra colonial nos anos 1961-1974


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    El propósito de esta investigación es estudiar el fenómeno de los condicionantes de la relación de la innovación y el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor. Uno de los pilares básicos del desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor es la educación, fuente innovadora inagotable de mejora e innovación. La economía del siglo XXI está orientada al aprendizaje. La promoción del emprendedorismo envuelve un cambio cultural basado en la premisa de que las personas pueden mejorar su calidad de vida y de otros, tomando para sí mismos la tarea de dirigir y definir su propio destino y construyendo los suyos propios. No se trata simplemente de producir más con menos costes, lo que se pretende, principalmente, es fomentar el proceso innovador de la manera más inteligente posible. En este contexto, las universidades adquieren una importancia vital. Ante esto, el espacio ibero-americano debe ser el escenario de colaboraciones para acciones conjuntas de la capacidad de generación de conocimiento ya existente, constituye la dimensión crucial de cualquier esfuerzo de desarrollo en países como Brasil. Hoy en día la participación de la microempresa es clave para el desarrollo de cualquier economía. Así como la actitud emprendedora se contempla como la puerta de entrada para la creación de empresas

    Gas-phase interactions of organotin compounds with glycine

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    International audienceGas-phase interactions of organotins with glycine have been studied by combining mass spectrometry experiments and quantum calculations. Positive-ion electrospray spectra show that the interaction of di- and tri-organotins with glycine results in the formation of [(R)2Sn(Gly)-H]+and [(R)3Sn(Gly)]+ ions, respectively. Di-organotin complexes appear much more reactive than those involving tri-organotins. (MS/MS) spectra of the [(R)3Sn(Gly)]+ ions are indeed simple and only show elimination of intact glycine, generating the [(R)3Sn]+ carbocation. On the other hand, MS/MS spectra of [(R)2Sn(Gly)-H]+complexes are characterized by numerous fragmentation processes. Six of them, associated with elimination of H2O, CO, H2O + CO and formation of [(R)2SnOH]+ (−57 u),[(R)2SnNH2]+( −58 u) and [(R)2SnH]+ (−73 u), are systematically observed. Use of labeled glycines notably concludes that the hydrogen atoms eliminated in water and H2O + CO are labile hydrogens. A similar conclusion can be made for hydrogens of [(R2)SnOH]+and [(R2)SnNH2]+ions. Interestingly, formation [(R)2SnH]+ ions is characterized by a migration of one the α hydrogen of glycine onto the metallic center. Finally, several dissociation routes are observed and are characteristic of a given organic substituent. Calculations indicated that the interaction between organotins and glycine is mostly electrostatic. For [(R)2Sn(Gly)-H]+complexes, a preferable bidentate interaction of the type η2-O,NH2 is observed, similar to that encountered for other metal ions. [(R)3Sn]+ ions strongly stabilize the zwitterionic form of glycine, which is practically degenerate with respect to neutral glycine. In addition, the interconversion between both forms is almost barrierless. Suitable mechanisms are proposed in order to account for the most relevant fragmentation processes