822 research outputs found

    Show Me Your Hands: A Moderator Effect Analysis on Nonverbal Behavior at the Bargaining Table

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    Does the position of the hands interfere with the outcome of a negotiation? In this research, statistical analysis with N=110 business negotiations addressed to what extent nonverbal reinforcement (BL) moderates the relationship between opening value (OpenVal) and deal value (DealVal) of a face-to-face business negotiation requesting budgetary resources between two parties, with a 99 percent confidence interval. The null hypothesis has been rejected, and the results showed that showing hands (BL=1) was not more significant (B = -.015, p < .969) than hiding hands (BL=0), highly significant (B = 2,323, p <.000), implying that hiding hands produce more adverse results than showing hands at the bargaining table. Finally, the average difference between showing and hiding hands was 20.2 percent in the deal value, suggesting the adoption of nonverbal reinforcement in budgetary negotiations at the bargaining table

    The Phases of Dying in Organizations - A Case Study for New Business

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    This paper discusses a case study on the performance of organizations and their relationship to the stages of dying proposed by Kübler-Ross. Through this study it is possible to verify that the negative results of the organizations are justified by the stages of the die and that the executives generally protect the decision making to the maximum before the bankruptcy of the organizations for common reasons. The results serve as a reference for organizations and show that the solution is directly linked to new business Keywords: new business, strategy, business environmen

    Desenvolvimento de um titulador baseado na contagem de gotas

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    TitDrop II, a practice low-cost titrator based on drop counting is proposed. A microcomputer counts drops in an opto-switch and it receives pH values from a commercial pHmeter with RS-232 serial port. The volume of drops must kept constant and the amount of base in each drop is obtained by standardization in the titrator. A linear behavior between height of reservoir of titrant and drop frequency was observed, but there is no influence of low height on drop volume. Acetic acidity in samples of vinager was compared with volumetric titration, and deviation between -2.6 to 3.9% was observed

    Florística e síndromes de dispersão de um fragmento de cerrado ao sul do Estado do Tocantins

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    The plants have adaptations according to the dispersion agent and are directly related to the morphological characteristics of the species and the region of occurrence. Considering the lack of information on the vegetation of Tocantins, the objective was to identify the floristic composition and the dispersion syndromes in a fragment of Cerrado stricto sensu in the municipality of Cariri, Tocantins, Brazil, in order to identify the main type of dispersion in this forest fragment And evaluate if the size of the trees is related to the form of dispersion. Sampled to total area of 2.75 ha, divided into 55 sampling units (10 x 50 m) from which were species classified According to dispersion syndrome and peculiar and catches. In this study were recorded in 2654 Individuals and identified 81 species, in which 51.5% of subjects in zoochorous dispersion syndrome, 39.6% anemocorous and 6.4% in autochorous. It is concluded that the zoocoric species are dominant in this fragment of Cerrado, being important for the maintenance of the flora because there is interdependence between plants and animals and presents, generally, high representativity independently of sized trees emphasizing that the syndromes of dispersion have no relation with the sized trees, but with physiognomy.As plantas possuem adaptações conforme o agente de dispersão e está diretamente relacionado com as características morfológicas da espécie e da região de ocorrência. Considerando a carência de informações sobre a vegetação do Tocantins, objetivou-se identificar a composição florística e as síndromes de dispersão num fragmento de cerrado stricto sensu no município de Cariri (TO), a fim de identificar o principal tipo de dispersão neste fragmento florestal e avaliar se o porte das árvores tem relação com a forma de dispersão. A área amostrada foi de 2,75 ha, subdividida em 55 unidades (10 x 50 m) em que as espécies foram classificadas quanto à síndrome de dispersão e a ocorrência em espécies peculiares e acessórias. Foram registrados 2654 indivíduos e identificados 81 espécies, sendo 51,5% dos indivíduos enquadrados na síndrome de dispersão zoocórica, 39,6% anemocórica, 8,64% autocórica. Conclui-se que as espécies zoocóricas são dominantes neste fragmento de cerrado, sendo importantes para a manutenção da flora pois há interdependência entre plantas e animais e apresenta, geralmente, alta representatividade independentemente do porte ressaltando que as síndromes de dispersão não têm relação com o porte das plantas e sim com a fisionomia

    Lipids Fraction from Caralluma europaea (Guss.): MicroTOF and HPLC Analyses and Exploration of Its Antioxidant, Cytotoxic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Wound Healing Effects

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    Caralluma europaea is a medicinal plant used in Morocco to cure a variety of illnesses. This study was conducted to determine the chemical composition, the antioxidant, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing activities of C. europaea lipids. The chemical composition of C. europaea was analyzed using time-of-flight mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography. The antioxidant potential was determined using the 2,2-di-phenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) tests. The antiproliferative effect was evaluated by MTT assay against HL60, K562, Huh-7 cancer cells, and normal Vero cells. The anti-inflammatory potential was conducted against carrageenan-induced paw edema. The wound healing effect was evaluated against skin burns for 21 days. The identified phytochemical compounds were docked for their effect on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase, caspase-3, lipoxygenase, glycogen synthase kinase-3-β, and protein casein kinase-1. The results showed the presence of some lipids, such as linoleic acid and vitamin D3. The DPPH (IC50 = 0.018 mg/mL) and FRAP (EC50 = 0.084 mg/mL) of C. europaea lipids showed an important antioxidant effect. For the anti-inflammatory test, an inhibition of 83.50% was recorded after 6 h of treatment. Our extract showed the greatest wound retraction on the 21st day (98.20%). C. europaea lipids showed a remarkable antitumoral effect against the K562 cell line (IC50 = 37.30 µg/mL), with no effect on Vero cells (IC50 > 100 µg/mL). Lignoceric acid was the most active molecule against caspase-3 (−6.453 kcal/mol). The findings indicate the growing evidence of C. europaea as a potential treatment for several diseases

    Aplicação do balanced scorecard em uma empresa de festas infantis: Application of the balanced scorecard in a children's party company

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    Atualmente com as constantes mudanças no panorama mercadológico, as empresas sentem a necessidade de reavaliarem seu posicionamento no mercado. O Balanced Scorecard é uma ferramenta de gestão baseada numa abordagem estratégica de longo prazo, cuja implementação numa organização permite a visão partilhada dos objetivos e da estratégia organizacional. O objetivo do trabalho é mensurar as perspectivas de melhorias de uma microempresa de festas infantis, com a implementação de um sistema de gerenciamento de festas. Dentro da mensuração as perspectivas financeiras e de clientes se mostraram as mais críticas, com a implementação do aplicativo houve uma melhoria significativa de 40% na receita e 50% no aumento da clientela fidelizada e de novos clientes, os resultados obtidos forma positivos. A pesquisa aplicada ao cliente após aplicativo implementado, demonstrou que houve um aumento de 60,9% de satisfação em relação a 42%. Os resultados foram alcançados agregando agregar valores econômicos e sociais a empresa de estudo com a implementação de um aplicativo que gerenciamento de festas, trazendo ao cliente a facilidade de em apenas um click buscar todos os serviços que podem compor sua festa com comodidade, segurança e fidelização

    Estudo numérico de trocador de calor solo-ar considerando variação anual realística de temperatura do ar e da superfície do solo em região da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande-FURG

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    In order to improve the thermal condition inside built environments and consequently to reduce the consumption of electricity, the Earth-Air Heat Exchanger (EAHE) is a device that uses renewable energy from the solar radiation that reaches the soil surface and is deposited in the form of thermal energy. Its operating principle consists of forcing the ambient air to flow inside one or more ducts buried in the ground, which due to its thermal inertia allows the heat exchange with the flowing air. In this way, the soil removes heat from the air in seasons of higher temperatures, and provides heat to the air in seasons of the year when temperatures are lower. Thus, this work has the objective of analyzing numerically the thermal behavior of an EAHE installation, considering the soil of a region of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), as well as the realistic annual temperature variation of air and surface for this region. Through a validated and verified computational model, numerical simulations were performed in Fluent software (based on the Finite Volume Method). The results indicated that the ideal installation depth for the EAHE is 2.00 m, with thermal potential for improving the thermal condition of environments built in both summer and winter.Com o propósito de melhorar a condição térmica no interior de ambientes construídos e, consequentemente, reduzir o consumo de energia elétrica, o Trocador de Calor Solo-Ar (TCSA) é um dispositivo que utiliza a energia renovável proveniente da radiação solar que atinge a superfície do solo e é armazenada como energia térmica. Seu princípio de funcionamento consiste em forçar o ar ambiente a escoar no interior de um ou mais dutos enterrados no solo, que devido a sua inércia térmica permite a troca de calor com o ar em escoamento. Dessa forma, o solo retira calor do ar em estações do ano de temperaturas mais elevadas, e cede calor ao ar em estações do ano em que as temperaturas são mais baixas. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar numericamente o comportamento térmico de uma instalação de TCSA, considerando o solo de uma região da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), bem como a variação anual realística de temperatura do ar e da superfície do solo dessa mesma região. Através de um modelo computacional, validado e verificado, foram realizadas simulações numéricas no software Fluent (baseado no Método dos Volumes Finitos). Os resultados apontaram que a profundidade de instalação ideal para o TCSA é de 2,00 m, existindo potencial térmico para melhoria da condição térmica de ambientes construídos tanto no verão quanto no inverno

    Power Line Communication: Análise de Desempenho de uma Rede Doméstica com Adaptadores padrão homeplug AV / Power Line Communication: Performance Analysis of a Home Network with homeplug AV Adapters

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    With the increase in the number of Internet users, due to digital inclusion, it is necessary to find the best possible way to provide this service. Among all forms of data transmission, PLC (Power Line Communication) is the one that has stood out the most in recent years, mainly due to its infrastructure, which allows users in semi-urban or even rural regions, and by the fact of ensuring high speed rates (up to 200 Mbps), through the broadband PLC, the BPL (Broadband Power Line), which uses the HomePlug AV standard. However, because the infrastructure used is the power lines, PLC is subject to numerous problems, such as interference, noise and attenuation. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the performance of this broadband technology with regard to its use in domestic environments, analyzing its effectiveness amidst electrical interference. This paper presents an analysis of the performance of a PLC network that uses the HomePlug AV standard, with the objective of evaluating its viability in a domestic environment, since it presents several challenges for this technologyEsde 

    Intragenic antimicrobial peptides (IAPs) from human proteins with potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity

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    Following the treads of our previous works on the unveiling of bioactive peptides encrypted in plant proteins from diverse species, the present manuscript reports the occurrence of four proof-of-concept intragenic antimicrobial peptides in human proteins, named Hs IAPs. These IAPs were prospected using the software Kamal, synthesized by solid phase chemistry, and had their interactions with model phospholipid vesicles investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism. Their antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi was determined, along with their cytotoxicity towards erythrocytes. Our data demonstrates that Hs IAPs are capable to bind model membranes while attaining α-helical structure, and to inhibit the growth of microorganisms at concentrations as low as 1μM. Hs02, a novel sixteen residue long internal peptide (KWAVRIIRKFIKGFISNH2) derived from the unconventional myosin 1h protein, was further investigated in its capacity to inhibit lipopolysaccharide-induced release of TNF-α in murine macrophages. Hs02 presented potent anti-inflammatory activity, inhibiting the release of TNF-α in LPSprimed cells at the lowest assayed concentration, 0.1 μM. A three-dimensional solution structure of Hs02 bound to DPC micelles was determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Our work exemplifies how the human genome can be mined for molecules with biotechnological potential in human health and demonstrates that IAPs are actual alternatives to antimicrobial peptides as pharmaceutical agents or in their many other putative applications