1,168 research outputs found

    Una fiesta y varias fronteras: los Quintos de Barrancos (Portugal) y Noblejas (España)

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    En este artículo intentamos ensayar una perspectiva comparativa sobre la fiesta de los quintos en dos municipios distintos, uno en España y otro en Portugal. Para ello analizamos en primer lugar las formas en que se desarrolla la fiesta en ambos casos, señalando las coincidencias y diferencias que existen en la propia celebración. A partir de aquí se desarrolla el análisis comparativo, para el que se introduce una doble perspectiva: el pueblo y la villa como escenarios de la convivencia, y la fiesta como frontera en un sentido espacial y también temporal. Por último, se exponen algunas conclusiones sobre lo que se revela en la comparación

    Extracorporeal cytokine hemadsorption for the treatment of refractory septic shock. Report of two cases

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    Indexación: Scopus.If Septic shock (SS) evolves to refractory SS, mortality could reach 90%, despite giving an optimal treatment. Nowadays, extracorporeal devices which adsorb inflammatory cytokines are available, reducing the systemic inflammatory response syndrome. These devices can be used with continuous renal replacement therapy or conventional hemodialysis. We report two diabetic females aged 50 and 58 years, who underwent a total colectomy and amputation of diabetic foot and who developed a SS with high requirements of vasoactive drugs (norepinephrine and adrenaline) to maintain a mean arterial pressure about 60 mmHg. Both were subjected to hemodialysis, connected to a cytokine hemadsorption device. The most important finding was the progressive reduction of vasopressor doses, effect that was observed nine hours after the beginning of the hemadsorption and lasted until its removal at 26 hours. Both patients survived. © 2018, Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-98872018000600796&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Optimización de tratamientos a baja temperatura para incrementar fenoles hidrofílicos en la fracción líquida de Alperujo

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    Hydrophilic phenols are the main bioactive compounds in alperujo. Among them, 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG), Hydroxytyrosol (HT) and Tyrosol (Ty), are the most relevant and deeply studied. These compounds exhibit high antioxidant capacity and a wide range of health benefits as well as technologically promising properties. Given that, their recovery represents an attractive opportunity to valorize this by-product. In this work low thermal treatments were applied to alperujo in order to obtain phenol-enriched liquid fractions. Optimization assays combining different levels of temperature (30 to 90 ºC), time (60 to 180 min) and water content (70 to 90%), followed by response surface methodologies were performed. The results indicated that by applying optimal conditions, is possible to obtain theoretical yields of Total phenols, DHPG, HT and Ty of 2.4, 957.8, 3.4 and 6.4 times greater, respectively, than raw dry alperujo. Interestingly, all the evaluated conditions can be reproduced with low investment in a standard olive oil industry.Los fenoles hidrofílicos representan los principales compuestos bioactivos del alperujo. Los más relevantes son 3,4-Dihidroxifenilglicol (DHFG), Hidroxitirosol (HT) y Tirosol (Ti). Estos compuestos presentan alta capacidad antioxidante, beneficios para la salud e importantes propiedades tecnológicas, por ello su recuperación representa una alternativa para la valorización de este subproducto. En este trabajo, se aplicaron al alperujo tratamientos térmicos para obtener fracciones líquidas enriquecidas con compuestos fenólicos. Se realizaron ensayos combinando niveles de temperatura (30 ºC a 90 ºC), tiempo (60 min a 180 min) y humedad del alperujo (70 % a 90 %), seguidos de metodologías de superficie de respuesta. Los resultados indicaron que, mediante la aplicación de las condiciones óptimas, es posible obtener rendimientos teóricos de fenoles totales, DHFG, HT y Ti, 2.4, 957.8, 3.4 y 6.4 veces superiores a los obtenidos a partir del alperujo inicial. Es destacable que las condiciones establecidas, se pueden reproducir con bajo costo en una industria olivícola estándar

    Manual para processamento de pimentas (Capsicum spp) desidratada.

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    Introdução. Secagem de pimenta - Processo utilizado pelos produtores. Desidratação de pimenta - Secagem artificial em secador de cabine. Higiene e sanificação. Recomendações gerais para as etapas de processamento. Vantagens deste processo. Referências bibliográficas.bitstream/item/79988/1/doc63-2005.pd

    Supersymmetric free-damped oscillators: Adaptive observer estimation of the Riccati parameter

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    A supersymmetric class of free damped oscillators with three parameters has been obtained in 1998 by Rosu and Reyes through the factorization of the Newton equation. The supplementary parameter is the integration constant of the general Riccati solution. The estimation of the latter parameter is performed here by employing the recent adaptive observer scheme of Besancon et al., but applied in a nonstandard form in which a time-varying quantity containing the unknown Riccati parameter is estimated first. Results of computer simulations are presented to illustrate the good feasibility of this approach for a case in which the estimation is not easily accomplished by other meansComment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Manual para a produção em pequena escala de conserva de tomate desidratado.

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    Higiene e sanitização. Fluxograma básico de processamento de tomate. Etapas de processamento de tomate seco. Elaboração de conserva de tomate. Etapas de processamento de conserva. Como estimar o lucro e os custos envolvidos no processamento.bitstream/item/65526/1/2003-DOC-0052.pd

    A numerical framework for modelling tire mechanics accounting for composite materials, large strains and frictional contact

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    We present a general framework for the analysis and modelling of frictional contact involving composite materials. The study has focused on composite materials formed by a matrix of rubber and synthetic or metallic fibres, which is the case of standard tires. We detail the numerical treatment of incompressibility at large deformations that rubber can experience, as well as the stiffening effect that properly oriented fibres will induce within the rubber. To solve the frictional contact between solids, a Dual Augmented Lagrangian Multiplier Method is used together with the Mortar method. This ensures a variationally consistent estimation of the contact forces. A modified Serial-Parallel Rule of Mixtures is employed to model the behaviour of composite materials. This is a simple and novel methodology that allows the blending of constitutive behaviours as diverse as rubber (very low stiffness and incompressible behaviour) and steel (high stiffness and compressible behaviour) taking into account the orientation of the fibres within the material. The locking due to the incompressibility constraint in the rubber material has been overcome by using Total Lagrangian mixed displacement-pressure elements. A collection of numerical examples is provided to show the accuracy and consistency of the methodology presented when solving frictional contact, incompressibility and composite materials under finite strains

    Secagem como método de conservação de frutas.

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    Secagem como método de conservação: secagem natural x desidratação; tipos de secadores utilizados para frutas. Secadores de frutas desenvolvidos pela Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos: secador de frutas elétrico; secador de frutas solar; higiene no processamento de frutas. Processamento de frutas desidratadas: Banana; Uva; Ameixa; Pêssego; Figo; Abacaxi; Manga.bitstream/item/65529/1/2003-DOC-0054.pd

    Impact of Local Congruences in Attribute Reduction

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    Local congruences are equivalence relations whose equivalence classes are convex sublattices of the original lattice. In this paper, we present a study that relates local congruences to attribute reduction in FCA. Specifically, we will analyze the impact in the context of the use of local congruences, when they are used for complementing an attribute reduction