81 research outputs found

    Mineralogy of sulfides

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    Metal sulphides are the most important group of ore minerals. As shown in this brief introduction, much is known about their compositions, crystal structures, phase relations and paragenesis. Much less is known about their surface chemistry and, in particular, about their biogeochemistry, and about the formation and behaviour of ‘nanoparticle’ sulphides, whether formed abiotically or biogenically. These are large and complex topics which can only be touched upon in this article which also serves to direct readers to more comprehensive accounts

    Short communication : the dissolution of UK simulant vitrified high-level-waste in groundwater solutions

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    Dissolution of a simulant UK nuclear waste glass containing Mg, Ca and Zn was investigated over 35 d at 50 °C in water and simulant groundwater solutions. The dissolution rates were influenced subtly by the groundwater composition, following the trend, from least to most durable: clay > water > granite ≈ saline. Solutions were rapidly silica saturated but boron dissolution rates continued to increase. This is hypothesised to be due to the formation of secondary Mg-silicate precipitates, preventing the formation of a passivating silica gel layer and allowing glass dissolution to proceed at close to the maximum rate

    Role of microstructure and surface defects on the dissolution kinetics of CeO2, a UO2 fuel analogue.

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    The release of radionuclides from spent fuel in a geological disposal facility is controlled by the surface mediated dissolution of UO2 in groundwater. In this study we investigate the influence of reactive surface sites on the dissolution of a synthesised CeO2 analogue for UO2 fuel. Dissolution was performed on: CeO2 annealed at high temperature, which eliminated intrinsic surface defects (point defects and dislocations); CeO2-x annealed in inert and reducing atmospheres to induce oxygen vacancy defects; and on crushed CeO2 particles of different size fractions. BET surface area measurements were used as an indicator of reactive surface site concentration. Cerium stoichiometry, determined using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and supported by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis, was used to determine oxygen vacancy concentration. Upon dissolution in nitric acid medium at 90°C, a quantifiable relationship was established between the concentration of high energy surface sites and CeO2 dissolution rate; the greater the proportion of intrinsic defects and oxygen vacancies, the higher the dissolution rate. Dissolution of oxygen vacancy-containing CeO2-x gave rise to rates that were an order of magnitude greater than for CeO2 with fewer oxygen vacancies. While enhanced solubility of Ce3+ influenced the dissolution, it was shown that replacement of vacancy sites by oxygen significantly affected the dissolution mechanism due to changes in the lattice volume and strain upon dissolution and concurrent grain boundary decohesion. These results highlight the significant influence of defect sites and grain boundaries on the dissolution kinetics of UO2 fuel analogues and reduce uncertainty in the long-term performance of spent fuel in geological disposal

    Effect of Zn- and Ca-oxides on the structure and chemical durability of simulant alkali borosilicate glasses for immobilisation of UK high level wastes

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    Compositional modification of United Kingdom high level nuclear waste (HLW) glasses was investigated with the aim of understanding the impact of adopting a ZnO/CaO modified base glass on the vitrified product phase assemblage, glass structure, processing characteristics and dissolution kinetics. Crystalline spinel phases were identified in the vitrified products derived from the Na2O/Li2O and the ZnO/CaO modified base glass compositions; the volume fraction of the spinel crystallites increased with increasing waste loading from 15 to 20 wt%. The spinel composition was influenced by the base glass components; in the vitrified product obtained with the ZnO/CaO modified base glass, the spinel phase contained a greater proportion of Zn, with a nominal composition of (Zn0.60Ni0.20Mg0.20)(Cr1.37Fe0.63)O4. The addition of ZnO and CaO to the base glass was also found to significantly alter the glass structure, with changes identified in both borate and silicate glass networks using Raman spectroscopy. In particular, these glasses were characterised by a significantly higher Q3 species, which we attribute to Si–O–Zn linkages; addition of ZnO and CaO to the glass composition therefore enhanced glass network polymerisation. The increase in network polymerisation, and the presence of spinel crystallites, were found to increase the glass viscosity of the ZnO/CaO modified base glass; however, the viscosities were within the accepted range for nuclear waste glass processing. The ZnO/CaO modified glass compositions were observed to be significantly more durable than the Na2O/Li2O base glass up to 28 days, due to a combination of the enhanced network polymerisation and the formation of Ca/Si containing alteration layers

    Synthesis and characterisation of Ca1-xCexZrTi2-2xCr2xO7: Analogue zirconolite wasteform for the immobilisation of stockpiled UK plutonium

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    A series of Ca1-xCexZrTi2-2xCr2xO7 zirconolite ceramics (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.35) were reactively sintered in air at 1350 °C for 20 h. Single phase zirconolite-2M was formed for x ≤ 0.15, with Cr2O3 and an undesirable Ce-bearing perovskite phase present above x = 0.20. Electron diffraction analysis confirmed that the zirconolite-2M polytype was maintained over the solid solution. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) data determined that between 10–20% Ce was speciated as Ce3+, and Cr was present uniformly as Cr3+ with near edge features consistent with occupation of octahedral sites within the zirconolite-2M structure. A sample corresponding to x = 0.20 was processed by reactive spark plasma sintering (RSPS), with a rapid processing time of less than 1 h. XANES data confirmed complete reduction to Ce3+ during RSPS, promoting the formation of a Ce-bearing perovskite, comprising 19.3 ± 0.4 wt. % of the phase assemblage

    The TRANSCEND University Consortium : integrated waste management

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    TRANSCEND (Transformative Science and Engineering for Nuclear Decommissioning) is a collaborative research consortium comprising 11 universities and 8 industry partners. The £9.4 million research program, funded primarily by the Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPSRC) Research Council of the UK, incorporates >40 projects in total, which will address some of the key challenges within the areas of nuclear decommissioning and waste management; including mobilization, processing, packaging, storage, transport and final disposal. This paper will outline a summary of the current progress and impact of Theme 1 - Integrated Waste Management. This theme focuses on underpinning science and engineering in areas of relevance to hazard reduction and decommissioning, where the three key work package objectives are: (1) New materials and methods for effluent decontamination; (2) Modelling and experiments for understanding pond and silo sludge/slurry behavior; (3) Innovative wasteform materials. In total, this theme has 15 different projects, delivered through both postdoctoral and PhD researchers, all with specific industry supervision from our partners, led by the NNL. The following provides a review of the project summaries to date, and their critical impact

    Characterisation and disposability assessment of multi-waste stream in-container vitrified products for higher activity radioactive waste

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    Materials from GeoMelt® In-Container Vitrification (ICV)™ of simulant UK nuclear wastes were characterised to understand the partitioning of elements, including inactive surrogates for radionuclide species of interest, within the heterogeneous products. Aqueous durability analysis was performed to assess the potential disposability of the resulting wasteforms. The vitrification trial aimed to immobilise a variety of simulant legacy waste streams representative of decommissioning operations in the UK, including plutonium contaminated material, Magnox sludges and ion-exchange materials, which were vitrified upon the addition of glass forming additives. Two trials with different wastes were characterised, with the resultant vitreous wasteforms comprising olivine and pyroxene crystalline minerals within glassy matrices. Plutonium surrogate elements were immobilised within the glassy fraction rather than partitioning into crystalline phases. All vitrified products exhibited comparable or improved durability to existing UK high level waste vitrified nuclear wasteforms over a 28 day period

    Response to the discussion by Hongyan Ma and Ying Li of the paper “Characterization of magnesium potassium phosphate cement blended with fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag”

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    We recently reported the first comprehensive investigation of magnesium potassium phosphate cements (MKPCs) blended with supplementary cementitious materials (pulverized fuel ash and granulated blast furnace slag) for the encapsulation of radioactive wastes [Gardner et al., Cem. Concr. Res. 74 (2015) 78-87]. Using a combination of characterization techniques, we demonstrated the important role of the reaction of the supplementary cementitious materials in contributing to the development of the microstructure and strength of MKPC composites. Here, we clarify aspects of our experimental design, and elaborate on the interpretation of our data, following discussion by Ma and Li

    Contribution of Energetically Reactive Surface Features to the Dissolution of CeO2 and ThO2 Analogues for Spent Nuclear Fuel Microstructures

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    In the safety case for the geological disposal of nuclear waste, the release of radioactivity from the repository is controlled by the dissolution of the spent fuel in groundwater. There remain several uncertainties associated with understanding spent fuel dissolution, including the contribution of energetically reactive surface sites to the dissolution rate. In this study, we investigate how surface features influence the dissolution rate of synthetic CeO2 and ThO2, spent nuclear fuel analogues that approximate as closely as possible the microstructure characteristics of fuel-grade UO2 but are not sensitive to changes in oxidation state of the cation. The morphology of grain boundaries (natural features) and surface facets (specimen preparation-induced features) was investigated during dissolution. The effects of surface polishing on dissolution rate were also investigated. We show that preferential dissolution occurs at grain boundaries, resulting in grain boundary decohesion and enhanced dissolution rates. A strong crystallographic control was exerted, with high misorientation angle grain boundaries retreating more rapidly than those with low misorientation angles, which may be due to the accommodation of defects in the grain boundary structure. The data from these simplified analogue systems support the hypothesis that grain boundaries play a role in the so-called “instant release fraction” of spent fuel, and should be carefully considered, in conjunction with other chemical effects, in safety performance assessements for the geological disposal of spent fuel. Surface facets formed during the sample annealing process also exhibited a strong crystallographic control and were found to dissolve rapidly on initial contact with dissolution medium. Defects and strain induced during sample polishing caused an overestimation of the dissolution rate, by up to 3 orders of magnitude

    The mineralogical and biogeochemical transformations associated with As-bearing sulphide minerals in acid mine drainage system

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    Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and enargite (CU3ASS4) are the most common As-bearing sulphide minerals in acid mine drainage environments. Orpiment (AS2S3) and realgar (AsS) are also found. In the environment, these minerals are unstable under oxidising conditions, and significant concentrations of As can be released into groundwater upon weathering. Acidophilic bacteria such as Leptospirillum ferrooxidans have been shown to enhance the dissolution of sulphide minerals in these environments, and could therefore accelerate the release of arsenic.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo